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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9498122 No.9498122 [Reply] [Original]

New thread, old one stopped bumping.

If hosting, post your IP and location (e.g. East Coast US) here. Please give an actual country or continent and not some vague place like "southeast region" because we don't know if it's Southeast US, Southeast Asia, or frigging Mars.

If hosting with GapCaster instead of the built-in netplay, please explicitly mention it.

> About the game <
Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

> Everything you need to start playing: <

> Wiki <

> IRC channel <
#hisouten @ irc.rizon.net

> Beta netplay caster <

> #hisouten blog where upcoming tournaments are announced <

Optionally there is also a shitty voice mod found here:

The superior voice mod:

Before playing online, please turn off any high-bandwidth programs you have; the netplay is not the best and it's rather sensitive to induced lag.

Also vote on this if you want.

>> No.9498584

Dead game general.

>> No.9498635
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yes it is

>> No.9500289
US West Coast
Bored Tier

>> No.9500501
Southeast US
You'll only lose if you're new

>> No.9500548

This game has me wondering. Has Reimu always been able to teleport?

>> No.9500576

she can

>> No.9500783

No idea what was up with that lag.
Still hosting.

>> No.9500950

Yukari taught her in SA.

>> No.9501452

You mean the end of PCB.

>> No.9503155

nah it was at the end of TD

>> No.9503192

at the end of MS get it right

>> No.9503231

>west coast
Ooooh... maybe I should reinstall... it has been a while. Any idea if the 12.3 in the torrent is ready to play out of the rar?

>> No.9503409


>> No.9504149
NA West
Shit tier

>> No.9508702
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Would any JP be willing to play at around five PST? I need to practice. in the meantime.

>> No.9508986

I'll play, Just say when you are hosting.

>> No.9509083
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Dat 702.


Game's up, anon. On your queue.

>> No.9509163

Your skill level is way higher compared to mine, at least i make a good punching bag.

>> No.9509168
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>Couldn't connect to the server, please verify the address and port and try again

its not working

>> No.9509260

Welp, i won 1 round, GGs Kinzer, i got anally devastated by you.

>> No.9509276
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Only by having been the punching bag first did I improve, Anon.

I'm still working on it myself, actually.


Bro/ma'am, you need to block more. I got so many unintentional staggers that after a while I was just on complete autopilot and still won those rounds with no effort into completing my combos or landing the proper hits. Just a thought.

Also I'm a liar. I should've had Tenshi pics, but Reisen too good.

Anyway, I'm still hosting @ >>9508702 if anyone else wants to practice.

>> No.9509303


A quick question for you, do you use a controller or a keyboard?

>> No.9509307
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Gah! I wanna fight you but you're already playing...Looks like I'll have to wait.

>> No.9509315

I get that message every time I try to play too.

It's for the best though, I get my ass kicked in melee range.

>> No.9509326

have a nice day

>> No.9509366
File: 130 KB, 700x990, Iku 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Southern Ontario
Input Fumbler Tier

>> No.9509400

Does anyone know how to get the C- keys from an n64 controller to work in hisoutensoku? Since they are recognized as axis keys, I can't assign them any actions besides movement.

>> No.9509408

Scratch that. They don't even work as movement keys.

>> No.9509502
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Aah, that's enough for now. GG! Your Iku is annoying as HELL to go up against but, that's good. I think you should put some tengu fans in your deck to increase your speed.

>> No.9509503
File: 829 KB, 1000x1511, Iku 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was obvious you learned all of my tricks and you could actually switch characters so I couldn't do the same. I really need to do something about my terrible predictability.

GG though.

rehosting, punching bag tier.

>> No.9509517

Actually my shogun 2 coop buddy came online, looks like I won't be hosting for a few hours. Sorry to the guy who connected.

>> No.9509521


>> No.9509543
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I am a keyboard warrior.

Anyway, we've played for an hour. I think that'll do for now. I need to finish eating and shower anyway. GGs.

>> No.9509551

You could try Xpadder.

GGs. I honestly have no idea why I have any skill with Yuyuko at all, I hadn't used her much before.

>> No.9510902


>> No.9511075 [DELETED]
U.S. West
Want to get better tier.

If you are having problems connecting, What ports do i need to open other than Port 80?

>> No.9511084

You could try port 10800 to start with.
Also put a colon before the port number when you post your IP.

>> No.9511129

Hosting for another 45 minutes because my sleeping schedule is irreparably broken.

>> No.9511321


>> No.9511323

GGs. Your Iku is more terrifying than I thought.

>> No.9514252
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Good afternoon, /JP/.

Hosting once again. Same address, >>9508702


>> No.9514647

Meh, wasn't able to put up much of a fight. I have no experience against Marisa as Iku (man it seems like everything Marisa has is safe on block and whiff against Iku, but everything Iku has is unsafe on wrongblock and whiff from the other side of the map). I've spent too long not playing Okuu to do well as her too, though I think I was clearly doing better after the switch.


>> No.9514652
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I am, indeed, a wizard. (Actually, I stole this image from another /JP/er not too long ago. I'm unoriginal... but at least ordinary)

Anyway, it's been about an hour, anon. So I'll probably play a game of LoL or two, and then I'll host again. I'll post in this thread when I do.


>> No.9514678
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Oh, before I go, you ought to know that your blockstrings and combos could use some work.

The reason everything you do is unsafe is because everything you do is predictable. You made next to no attempts to either change up your blockstrings or stagger in order to get me to bait me into running into something. Remember all those drills? Besides that, you're doing day 1 Iku combos. She has a lot more in her arsenal, and I'd be afraid to play an Iku who knows how to get the most of her pressure and combos. Why not be that guy?

As for me, well... Marisa is just a matter of knowing how to rightblock and when to graze. You never blocked low and all my 3As were safe because of it. Why not do something about that?

One last thing, Okuu is silly. In seven/eight delay, I can't really do anything as to not running into her melee attacks; let alone, rightblocking her. I don't even play Marisa to her fullest; you would really notice how hopeless she is against someone who knows what they're doing if I played Reisen. Do yourself a favor and stick to Iku if you truly main her.


>> No.9514802


Yeah I know my predictability needs work, I also used to be able to land more combos but I stopped playing for too long and now I fumble even the most basic combos half the time.

The reason I originally switched to Iku from Okuu was because of her shortcomings. My comment about much less experience was that I've only played much against Marisa as Okuu, so I kept being retarded and getting caught by the same bullets since Okuu has density. I was pretty frustrated at myself for that.

I'll admit I haven't been doing enough to get myself back into shape though, I've mostly been coming here and either winning all the matches against people much newer or losing all of them to people who know what they're doing. I should spend a few days in practice mode.

>> No.9515027

Hosting again. Someone please beat me up.

>> No.9515238
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That's enough for now, I'm all tuckered out. Will take me a couple to recharge. GGs. I think you should learn a couple combos, you seem to be pretty experienced so it'll help a lot.

>> No.9515256

Maybe one day I'll stop being stubborn and actually use practice mode or look up combos. GGs.

>> No.9517554


>> No.9517564

All you have to do is learn two or three combos and you're set for a given character. Being able to get 2500 damage instead of 1200 damage off a random 5A will really improve your game.

>> No.9517629

Okay, I made a better version of this post before, but something about it had BANNED TEXT so whatever, you're getting the short version.

I looked at the controls in the wiki, but it seemed to only mention stuff about maneuverability. Are the controls like Smash Bros and DMC, where they're super simple and linking them together for combos is something you do yourself? Or are they like most fighting games and Bayonetta, where there are bunches of preset combos and lengthy movelists that require a ton of memorization?

>> No.9517643 [DELETED] 

Combos are listed on character pages, since (obviously) each character has different combos. There are many listed but if you're just starting out, knowing one midscreen combo and one corner combo is enough. You'll get used to more over time.

For Utsuho I can only remember 5AA 6A 2C (alt 236 Hell Geyser if you have it,) 5AA 6A 5C (optional j5A) j8A near the corner, 2A 3A 2C, 3A Giga Flare, 66C Creeping Sun, and some silly Rocket Divve shit. That's enough to make me not feel like a retard in terms of doing damage (although I have the easiest damage-doing hero in the game,) it's other shit like failing when pushed into corners that does me in.

>> No.9517665

Combos are listed on character pages, since (obviously) each character has different combos. There are many listed but if you're just starting out, knowing one midscreen combo and one corner combo is enough. In this game combos are mostly about knowing what confirms and cancels into what. For example, I can follow up with an Utsuho 2C after a 3A, but not after a 4A, and if I put in 5AAA I'm not allowed to follow up with a 5C.

For Utsuho I can only remember 5AA 6A 2C (alt 236 Hell Geyser if you have it,) 5AA 6A 5C (optional j5A) j8A near the corner, 2A 3A 2C, 3A Giga Flare, 66C Creeping Sun, and some silly Rocket Dive shit. That's enough to make me not feel like a retard in terms of doing damage (although I have the easiest damage-doing hero in the game,) it's other shit like failing when pushed into corners that does me in.

>> No.9517936


>> No.9517951

I got Immaterial and Missing Power just to start with the first game. I then hit 'Story Mode' and just tried to see what would happen.

Oh God. I was pressing the buttons but I couldn't tell what they were doing or how to do anything and oh God oh God

I started spamming this button that shot out homing amulets and this solved all my problems until Marisa started ramming me with a broom. I couldn't begin to figure out how I was supposed to respond. Also sometimes Reimu would block things for me and I didn't know how or why.

>> No.9517967

Storymode is really bad in general. Either way, IaMP plays completely differently from Soku, getting good at it won't help you get good at Soku at all.

>> No.9518505
File: 26 KB, 325x295, 869eef02a9631304549564367605999b-325x295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, um, this is my first post here. I was just going to mention the 12.3 netplay tourney that I am hosting tonight (August 5th). Pretty much, it is Double Elimination, and at 6PM (BST/GMT+1) If you want to join, go to #sokutourney on irc.rizon.net, and a range of tiers will be playing.

The Community website (Dracula Cradle Page)

The signup page

On the signups: please post the name of the nick you will be using tonight. Thanks everyone!

>> No.9520362
US West Coast
Bored Tier

>> No.9520679

GGs. I got close in a few of those.

>> No.9521410

Please host

>> No.9521418


>> No.9522880

Im outta work and im ready to get my ass kicked! Whos hosting?

>> No.9523079 (US PDT)
US West
forever arone lunatic tear

>> No.9523125

So since I'm somewhat of a fighting game addict (I could literally sit around in training mode for 4-5 hours straight and not get bored) I got to thinking about this game out of boredom and got a question for you /jp/.

What system changes would you make in the next fighter, which characters would you add and what would they play like?

>> No.9523250

>What system changes would you make in the next fighter
None, because I'm fine with it as it is and I'd have to relearn things.

>which characters would you add
The ones that almost got added. Futo, Kogasa and Ichirin would probably be fun as well.

>> No.9523629

I made a list a few years ago while playing. Turned out to be a lot.

-1f gap (see iamp)
-no more "mid" attacks, high/low only (remi 2a marisa 66a low, 5a high etc)
-make the "fast" 66as + on wrongblock again
-make ground melee do 3x the hitstun to aerial -opponents (no more 5aaWHIFF free airtech)
-more blockstun/hitstun on j5a
-double spirit damage on airblocked melee
-change weathers (though I have no idea yet how to make it not retarded besides taking out half of em)
-give everyone a high and low crush
-increased charged melee damage x3 and increase prorate on 5a (imo the highest damage combos shouldnt stem from pokes)
-make the first hit in a combo not do any limit
-make airteching punishable by a few frames (so the speed doesn't change)
-make groundteching cost 500 health or completely stop spirit regen when knocked down
-decrease BE height
-flight cancels into moves ie D2j5a
-spellcards do less damage but prorate much less
-insert juggle meter
-less limit on command normals 40 -> 20
-make every counterhit reel or some kind of guard crush state in the air
-make every char able to combo from 2A (Suika, Yukari and Youmu got a new 3A for that in soku+)
-crossups in the corner possible
-switching cards while doing other inputs
-start with 3 cards of your choice and you can use skillcards before the match starts and between rounds
-force stand if you are hit under ~1 char height attacks
-I'd also like to see more spellcards with different properties that are not used for combos/crushes only
-more active frames on everything

>> No.9524217

Well while were on the subject about changes. Who would you like to play as? I was very dissapointed to not see mokou in the roster even though she was considered "too powerful" but a hell crow that can fire giant suns has made the roster. I think byakuren would be cool, but i doubt they would put her in since shes a budhist (or some thing.) yuugi would be cool too. What do you guys think?

>> No.9524224
File: 650 KB, 1198x1300, 1fd807206ef3d036330a761c9c95b20f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic extremely related. I would probably get the motivation to put effort into getting better.

>> No.9524230


I think Nitori could be made into a cool character

plus shes my favorite

>> No.9524231

Yuuka Kazami.

Question for JP soku, do you guys actually like the weather system?

>> No.9524252

It could be better. Typhoon, river mist, and snow are awful.

>> No.9524273

Well i heard that wriggle, nitori, mokou and kaguya were considered but wernt put in due to time constraints. It would have been alot funner if they were in it though. I would like to see byakuren. She seems like a powerful magician and shit, seems like shed have some prettu flashy and powerful spell cards too.

>> No.9524277

Totally fucking agree.

>> No.9525559
File: 25 KB, 480x389, 124041388893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just get rid of randomized weather system effects. I don't care so much about the system itself; balances are a given, just that when weathers end it doesn't move on to the next one in order. Something I'd think would be interesting is bringing back red life: you can get a figure of it back by using spellcards. Or perhaps even using it to empower attacks. For characters: probably not more SDM. I don't hate any of the SDM crew (outside of Sakuya), but the other games don't have as much representation.


In Anon's defense, though, perhaps the time-constraints were due to the balancing issues that would've taken too long to release the game by then if they went with the original idea. Besides, this pattern seems nice: From IaMP to SWR was five, and SWR to Soku was another five. If you talk about Meiling, then all goes out the window and there shouldn't be any excuse as to what happens with the next fighting game as far as character roster is concerned... Except Reisen. IDGAF if anyone tells me it's rabid fanboys like me that make it possible, I'm not dedicated to or good enough with anyone else to bother putting effort/pouring my heart into Not-Reisen. Shut up, I know Reisen is one of the better characters as far as competitive Soku goes, I just got lucky this time around. I'd play her even if she wasn't as good. I'm trying to learn Tenshi/Marisa/Reimu/Suika in that order to prove this.

Just gonna sage because I'm not hosting or even talking about the actual gameplay. I'll bump this later when I wake up in the (late) afternoon and host a game. I promise I won't let this thread fall out of /JP/. At least not before Wednesday, anyway. I need to practice for a local tourney, and you guys help. Really, you are! No sarcasm, I just have to learn how to combo/hit-confirm with actual opponents, even if the connection isn't always the best for it. Character limit sucks BTW.
