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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9493672 No.9493672 [Reply] [Original]

In what countries is loli illegal?

I believe it's illegal in UK, Germany and I assume some states in USA, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9493676 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9493686

It's legal in the states. You're still looked on as a pedophile though.

>> No.9493687


It's illegal in the US, but under a few conditions:
Note that the law specifically mentions cartoons and drawings, and even says
>It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

>> No.9493697

Are you fucking kidding me?

Why would drawings be illegal?

>> No.9493701

I think it's illegal in Portugal. I'm not sure, though. I won't be asking anyone because I don't want them to think I'm a pedophile or somehow bring light upon a subject that has gone way under the radar in my country. And the politicians are always on the look-out for some non-issue to distract people away from their fuck-ups.

I know it's legal in Brazil, though.

>> No.9493708

I think it's only illegal to distribute in Germany, not illegal to own.

Because stop jacking off to things I don't like.

>> No.9493710

It's illegal in Brazil. The law clearly says that no kind whatsoever of Child Pornography is allowed. But literally no one cares about it here, unless you distribute.

>> No.9493713


a.k.a. we have more important stuff to do

>> No.9493724

Loli has only been persecuted in combonation with other crimes. They just pad the charges, they have never convicted someone on loli alone.

>> No.9493729

Definetely illegal here in Sweden. I own a few loli doujins which I bought from my last trip to Japan.

>> No.9493730

illegal in Australia too. Its also illegal in the US unless you are rich enough to fight it properly.

>> No.9493731

Really? I always heard stories of lolicon manga being sold in kiosks in Brazil.

>> No.9493732

Drawings are not Child Pornography.

>> No.9493739

Legal in Denmark.

>> No.9493742

You can find stores selling them here, but you need to heavily distribute to actually end up jailed. Only one guy managed to be that dumb.

I don't remember exactly right now, but I think that the law specifically says that any and all types of pornography depicting children is enough to get you behind bars. I agree with you completely, but that's how it is here.

>> No.9493746

Does it matter whether it is legal or illegal if you're going to get persecuted for opening your mouth about it anywhere regardless.

>> No.9493748

It's pretty much illegal in every country that doesn't have bigger problems to deal with.

>> No.9493761

Do we really need this thread three times a day?

>> No.9493762

Legal in NL. A court verdict recently said a guy who was arrested for loli was not guilty because the pictures "clearly depicted a child that was not real" (but he was still fined for some reason).

>> No.9493764

Pornography doesn't have to be a photograph. It's not like porn didn't exist before cameras.

>> No.9493766

what could be a bigger problem than people masturbating to cartoons?

>> No.9493769

People masturbating to cartoons you don't like.

>> No.9493772

So why do you think the west hates kids?

Acting or doing things that are "childish" is looked down upon.
Things like anime that are cute and evocative of children or youth are despised.
Anyone who wants to associate willingly with kids who are not their parents or teacher must be a pedo.
Parents are portrayed as wanting to escape their kids.
Teachers are portrayed as pedo.

What do you think is up with that?

>> No.9493775

>people abusing innocent children

Fixed that for you, pedophile scum.

>> No.9493779

Video games where you can kill people.

>> No.9493781


Countries in poverty, big debts, in war, and some other stuff.
Basically not a lot of countries.

>> No.9493786 [DELETED] 

trolls trolling trolls

all those abused 2d girls. they have feeling too guys. they are real.

>> No.9493794

Do you happen to have a source?

>> No.9493797

I think it's fairly recent. Look at YouTube--there's no shortage of clips of game hosts and old movies where a bit of fun or innuendo is now seen as shocking and deplorable. There was even a time when child nudity was fine, because not all child nudity is child pornography.

It's probably just because there was a growing awareness of child molestation, so parents got all paranoid. What they need to realize is that very few child molesters snatch kids off the streets or whatever, they're more likely to be relatives than anything.

Moral panics are dumb.

>> No.9493801

Good thing in the US loli is legal and not pedo.

>> No.9493803

That article is fucking rage. Supreme court found an anti-child porn law to be unconstitutional in regards to simulated pornography, so some dumb fucks passed another law to do the same thing, with the exception that it must be "obscene" or lack "value" to be illegal. Vague ass motherfucking shit.

>> No.9493805

Youth worship culture only leads to misery. We're all going to get old, wrinkly and ugly at some point.

Anime could win some points back in the West by not making every show revolve around 6-14 year olds again.

Yet Japan sinks deeper every year into pedo pandering.

>> No.9493831

it's semi-legal

anyway, it's illegal in every other English speaking country
except Gibraltar and, I think, Scotland

>> No.9493833

I remember a nigger on 4chan got arrested a few time ago

>> No.9493837

Thad, but that was actual CP not loli

>> No.9493842

You can scratch what I said, while looking through sources, I found that thanks to a bitch from the PVV, the law was recently changed to include all forms of "virtual CP". Source: http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/bestanden/documenten-en-publicaties/kamerstukken/2011/06/10/5699374-toez

The bullshit text they use in that document is infuriating. But we don't have a constitution, so politicians can just pass shit as much as they like.

>> No.9493841


Because he was a dumbass and said he wanted to fuck real children on facebook. And that screwing real children is a-okay. That got him arrested. Not 2D children.

>> No.9493846

Yeah, the whole Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition thing was dumb. "This law is overly broad, let's make a worse one."

>> No.9493855

So, /jp/. Let's say I live in a country where lolicon is illegal. If I won't tell anyone, is there anyway for gov to know?

>> No.9493863


Your ISP knows and they can report suspicious activity if they care. Most of the time they don't.
Or so I've heard, anyway. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.9493862
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First report: http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
FBI's request for arrest/search warrant: http://www.mediafire.com/?5b3cnad1ibrvcy2
Thad pays bond: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012120301054
Various court docs: http://ia700806.us.archive.org/4/items/gov.uscourts.mied.267304/gov.uscourts.mied.267304.docket.html

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

>> No.9493867
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where did it all go wrong

>> No.9493866

Where do you live?

>> No.9493869

>Youth worship culture only leads to misery. We're all going to get old, wrinkly and ugly at some point.
Yeah but if we had a culture that worshiped youth, we could make development towards spending most of our life looking younger instead of spending >60% of it being wrinkly and old. Instead we want to be fully grown and decaying by age 12 or some shit.

>> No.9493870

Holy URLs batman

More to the point; thanks a lot for the link. That blows, I always thought NL was more of the less strict countries. So much for vrijheid.

>> No.9493873

...Two days ago?

>> No.9493883

I'm always afraid that a fat dude of the ISP could be whatching what I'm doing

hey fat dude if you're reading fuck you

>> No.9493880


Did he really go to jail? all he did was post a statement on facebook.

>> No.9493888

Nah, he had CP on his comp.
>things/don't look/not CP/CP
Or something like that.

>> No.9493886

It's not illegal in Germany.
Creating and spreading it is, but possession is not.
And even then the law is sort of ambiguous, it's only counts as child pornography (and is therefor illegal) if there it looks like a real child in a significant fashion. As you might be able to tell, that's not clear at all and nobody has been punished for drawn loli.

>> No.9493887

Yeah, and they raided him and found a complete boat load of CP.

>> No.9493900

No. It's the same as with real CP. Besides a few honeypots, they're not going after the one or two users, they're going after the big distributors. All the people who get arrested do something dumb, like set up a website or write about it on Facebook or send it through the mail. Your ISP doesn't screen your traffic because it would be a waste of resources, same with the FBI.

Obviously you should exercise caution though, because there are automated systems like ECHELON and Carnivore that fetch and monitor suspicious traffic.

>> No.9493901


Oh, real CP? then he deserves it. Collecting the 3DPD kind is too much of a sin.

>> No.9493897

I'm afraid of this, but considering how many people connect to the internet all the time, the amount of data to sift through must be overwhelming. So long as you don't go to an exclusively pedo site, it should be fine. You can also encrypt data transfers or something so they can't tell what you're downloading.

>> No.9493908

Someone reported him to FBI.
FBI raided his house.
He then admitted to having CP.
He pays bond.
Now he has to go to rehab twice a week.

Read the docs, all a good read.

>> No.9493916

I always thought that was a clever campaign. Shame 4chan got its hands on it.

On a side note, AoG returned recently.

>> No.9493914

All the talk of what he was fapping to on FB was 3D stuff.

>> No.9493915

>not using truecrypt

>> No.9493926

It was only confirmed he had 1 real cp (the one he told the police about because he's stupid) the rest more than likely are not, but the police reports to not make the distinction, but it's doubtful he had 300+ real cp.

>> No.9493919

>Now he has to go to rehab twice a week.
Seriously? What a joke.

>> No.9493921

>Having CP in the first place.

You deserve whatever comes to you.

>> No.9493927

I wasn't aware pedophile rehab was a thing.

>> No.9493929

After he did his time?

>> No.9493930


>Now he has to go to rehab twice a week.

I was certain that he would get thrown into jail for 20+ years. Has the US become more lenient?

>> No.9493932

Enjoy your government backdoors!
Should have used LUKS.

>> No.9493942

I don't think he's going to rehab because of pedophilia.
He tried to commit suicide after his sentence, so maybe that's it.

>> No.9493934

i wonder what it's like
do they have group sessions

>> No.9493936


Now I know where this comes from.

>> No.9493937

Loli is a subset of CP, morons.

Both are fine, but don't try to pretend different rules apply to you. It's pornography of children, just as >>>/d/4214091 is pornography of feet.

>> No.9493949

Poor guy. And all for some stupid pictures.

Why does America want to ruin people's lives?

>> No.9493944

First time offender, young adult, and most of it wasn't real. He's still screwed for life, sexual offender record and banned from Internet.

>> No.9493946

Different rules used to apply, but then they changed the law. In America, at least.

>> No.9493950
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Since this is a drawing and can be construed as child pornography, can I take "Against Abuse Inc." to court for it?

>> No.9493957
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It's what it does for a living.

>> No.9493953

It was his fault, he could have handled the raid a lot better and at least put up a defense case. Also no encryption.

>> No.9493961

Why do people care about Thad, anyway?

Before he was arrested everyone--quite rightly--saw him as this annoying blogger/vlogger guy who resorted to stupid weeaboo gimmicks to get attention.

Then he was arrested and /a/ and /g/ suddenly decide he's a martyr? What?

>> No.9493960

Except laws against CP exist because protect the children. Drawn CP or loli doesn't harm any child

>> No.9493965

No, because it's not a civil matter.

>> No.9493968

He would've been fine if he wasn't so stupid. Bragging about leaving CP in the library? Talking about wanting to adopt a kid and making it your fuckslave on facebook? things/dont click/cp?

>> No.9493975


It makes me kinda wonder why sexual offender records exists, how can they expect criminals like Thad to be able to recover if they have this giant ass mark on their record preventing them from ever coming back to society? Same with banning them from the internet forever, is there no chance of that ban being revoked?

>> No.9493977

People don't get punished for being stupid. Otherwise you could put almost all of America in jail.

>> No.9493971

Do you know how many children are abused to make a typical Rustle picture?

>> No.9493972

Nobody seriously cares about thad, he's just a joke

>> No.9493973

Because we need to stick together against oppression, tyranny and the Empire.

>> No.9493985

Here we fucking go again.

>> No.9493986
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What does that matter? An organization is distributing an image of someone groping a nude child. If it was an equivalent panel from a Japanese comic, people would go nuts.

>> No.9493978

I'm laughing at the thought of a SWAT team breaking into his room, and thad spinning 180 degrees in his chair with his penis out and CP on the screen

>> No.9493980

Obviously not, but unless there is prove that Rustle's drawing does harm children I still see no reason to ban it.

Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.9493982



>> No.9493983

Laws based on prejudic are wrong, he is just a well known victim.

>> No.9493987

You're missing the point. Loli is virtual CP by all accounts. It's like a subgenre. I agree that it doesn't harm any kids, but tell that to our friends Moral Panic and Sensationalist Media.

>Why do people care about Thad, anyway?
Because /a/. He deserved everything that came to him. He's an attentionwhore and an idiot.

>> No.9493989

They don't, recovery is just an excuse to get people out of jail

>> No.9493991


What makes something a civil matter? Cna´t I just say my loli collection is for a anti CP campaign?

>> No.9494001


>> No.9493997

He could of had all the evidence thrown out if he played the raid right and shut up instead of confessing.

>> No.9493998

>You're missing the point. Loli is virtual CP by all accounts. It's like a subgenre. I agree that it doesn't harm any kids, but tell that to our friends Moral Panic and Sensationalist Media.
So you're saying it's included because "why not"?
Because that's how I see it.

>> No.9493999

What's the deal with Thad's lazy eye?

>> No.9494004

No, YOU can't take them to court because it isn't a civil matter. It is a criminal case, thus the State is the plaintiff.

>> No.9494002
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>> No.9494007

The warrant was issued soley because of his Facebook comments. He had a chance of getting everything thrown out if he could get the warrant ruled illegal because all he did was free speech. Instead he confessed at the scene, so they didn't even need evidence anymore.

>> No.9494015
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>> No.9494012


>> No.9494013
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Ah, I see.

I could argue they're making me view and cache an illegal image? Maybe get remuneration from the organisation itself.

>> No.9494014
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>so some dumb fucks passed another law to do the same thing, with the exception that it must be "obscene" or lack "value" to be illegal.
Porn itself is illegal if it lacks value or obscene so it doesn't sound unfair. Same with sending obscene material through US mail.

What's unfair is shit like growing to 100 times the size of a house and smashing and eating everyone around, or growing into a centaur with 20 tits and 10 penises and fucking women who are made of semisolid material and have been inflated into balloons isn't obscene, but a loli not doing anything weird could be.

>> No.9494023

In that one report he apparently tried to pass it all off as a joke. If they had a warrant to search his computer storage, then there was little he could have done at that point.

>> No.9494017

Not him but what makes something a civil matter? And what is/are the other matter/matters?

>> No.9494019


That´s so wrong. There should be a possibility to prove that you are mentally healthy.

>> No.9494021

The United States lives off of incomprehensibility. They should only apply sexual offender records to those who have committed violent crime. It's like felony records for non-violent drug offenses; it only impedes on the individual's reintegration into society. Of course, murrika doesn't care about that, they just like putting people in jail and getting paid for it.

No, I'm not. CP is pornography involving underaged children. Loli is pornography involving prepubescent underaged children. The only difference is that the kids are virtual. Think of "CP" as a large umbrella and "loli" sitting under it. By our laws, 17 year old self-shot nudes fall under CP as well. It's a very general descriptor.

>> No.9494024

Well, the laws and the system can be as stupid as they want to be but being this careless should be punished.
>cheese pizza

And a /b/etard nothing less.

>> No.9494029

Again, he talked to the police. He should have said nothing.

>> No.9494035
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> The postings were disclosed in the affidavit, including one that read: “all cp isn’t rape, Sometimes the kids want it. Most of the time they NEED it.” In another Facebook post, records show, the user wrote: “What if I adopt a little girl? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind becoming my sex slave if I take her away from the orphanage.”

>McMichael told the FBI the posts were just a joke, records show.
Never stops being funny.

>> No.9494036

I see what you mean. しょうがない

>> No.9494044

What bothers me about his connection to /b/ and /a/ is that the FBI report specifically mentioned he found CP on 4chan. It makes me worried about the site. Both that bomb threat and Sarah Palin thing got the site shut down for a few days, so I'm worried that one day the FBI will issue some "u've gon 2 far lol" notice that'll keep the site down longer.

>> No.9494039

So if you just say "Hi" when you open the door, they get carte blanche to do whatever they want?

>> No.9494050

Ah I see. Thanks

>> No.9494045

Civil means me suing you for not paying me back or hitting my car. I can not sue you for murder and force you to go to jail, only the state/federal lawsuits can do that. I can only demand money damages.

>> No.9494048

wait that actually is 2 weeks ago, I thought he can't use the computer?

>> No.9494052

should have used hardware based encryption

>> No.9494054

i really dont get the logic behind making cartoon porn illegal, but allowing stuff like games/movies where you can see people murdered

>> No.9494055


>> No.9494062

It was the FBI. They had a federal warrant. It's entirely possible they kicked down his door. At that point he's lost his right to say, "Nuh-uh! I don't have to tell you anything!"
In fact, if he didn't respond to the interview, it probably would have made things a lot worse. Bullshitting about it was the best thing he could have done.

>> No.9494068

A civil matter involves torts, not crimes, and cannot result in incarceration or punishment beyond asset forfeiture. In addition, civil cases lack the assumption of innocence and the burden of proof is much lower. Anytime one person sues another, or an organization except the government sues another, it is civil. Only the State can try someone in a criminal case (but can also sue in a civil case as well).

>> No.9494069

no one can possibly be this dumb

>> No.9494070

He only ever mentions /b/.
moot cooperates with the FBI, it is beneficial for them to keep it running. Plus moderation complies with the law, a site is only responsible for user content if it refuses to solve the problem when notified.

>> No.9494071

>I can not sue you for murder
You can place someone under citizen's arrest and then they will have to take him to court if he commit a crime.

>> No.9494073

This guy. The epitome of stupidity.

>> No.9494084

No, but that idiot admitted that he had CP on his computer. If he had just shut up until he was granted a lawyer, he could have fought the case. However, I really don't think he could've avoided this end. They had a warrant and they found actual CP.

Cops can get a warrant at any time. They need "reasonable suspicion" to search WITHOUT a warrant, but if they have one, they hold all the cards. His comments only brought attention to himself to the point that they thought they would find something and they did.

>> No.9494085

How can loli be considered the same as real CP when the 2D counterparts don´t look anything like the real deal? Has there been any evidence that people who posess loli material go out and rape children?

Isn´t this the exact same case as with the whole GTA and the simulated murder? How did Rockstar win that one?

>> No.9494079

so its the feds?

>> No.9494081

I think all lawyers should be forced to read Les Miserables in law school.

>> No.9494082

He talks about /a/ and uses a lot of /a/ memes on his blog, which they will have undoubtedly looked at.

>> No.9494096

The definition of ``loli'' doesn't mention ``2D'' anywhere.

>> No.9494097

> Loli is virtual CP by all accounts.
I disagree, therefore you're wrong.

>> No.9494099

How can you do worse than conviction? He had 0 defense. If he kept his mouth shut he would of at least had a shot. Probably would have been a landmark case actually, supreme court level shit.
But niggers gonna nig.

>> No.9494104

The association of 4chan to CP isn't new. A couple of years ago (I think), some guy in the navy downloaded a bunch of CP from 4chan onto his iphone and got arrested when he loaned it to someone who wasn't so inclined.

>> No.9494105


>> No.9494106

Ireland. A few people went to prison on CP charges recently over it. Even though its not firmly written in any law books, its just so easily exploitable by courts etc.

>> No.9494108

>Has there been any evidence that people who posess loli material go out and rape children?

No, though that doesn't stop people from using it as an argument. However, some people who were arrested for lolicon or photographic child pornography did *start* with lolicon, but I don't think that's enough evidence that it's the slippery slope people make it out to be. But maybe 3DPD-loving normals are different to us, who knows.

>Isn´t this the exact same case as with the whole GTA and the simulated murder? How did Rockstar win that one?

Well the argument here is that you aren't simulating anything. Murdering people in a video game isn't wrong in itself, but somehow fapping to still images is. You're not "simulating" child abuse, you're apparently doing it every time you look at those pictures.

>> No.9494109

No, he had at least a single real CP image, so he would be busted anyway. Now if he had only 2D he would've stood a chance.

>> No.9494116

Because they not only make money and are American, but Jack Thomson was going the `public nuisance' route and, apparently, the courts find it irratating when the plaintiff sends gay porn to the court.[1]

[1] - http://www.joystiq.com/2007/09/26/jack-thompson-submits-gay-porn-to-court-judge-not-amused/

>> No.9494113

>some guy in the navy downloaded a bunch of CP from 4chan onto his iphone and got arrested when he loaned it to someone
how stupid do you have to be to do something like that

>> No.9494114

What are you even talking about?

>> No.9494120

You are saying that killing people in games is a subset of murder. This is what you are doing.

>> No.9494129

No, he admitted to downloading and sharing the wheelchair kid CP, it was never stated as to if he still had possesion of it.

>> No.9494122

Nobody said it needed to make sense. Moral Panic is not bound by the chains of logic!

>Probably would have been a landmark case actually, supreme court level shit.
I remember reading about a Supreme Court judge who was sympathetic to CP cases. He fought to lower mandatory sentences because he felt it was unfair to destroy a man's life for a non-violent crime. Thad could have actually been a martyr, but he's /a/ trash; I'm not surprised it turned out the way it did.

>> No.9494132
File: 246 KB, 600x600, 22102783_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I know that character! She's Emi from Cardfight Vanguard.

Also, it's illegal here in Canada.

>> No.9494133

Is fiction or basically admitting you've read a lolicon doujinshi illegal?



>> No.9494141

Illegal in Canada as well

>> No.9494151

Your analogy might work if I said lolicon or CP were child molestation, but nobody thinks that.

Lolicon is a type of child pornography. Pornography does not have to be photographic. Photography is a relatively recent invention, but pornography goes back millennia.

>> No.9494147

So even in-explicit lolicon material is illegal in Canada as demonstrated here: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/06/27/u-s-citizen-arrested-in-canada-for-manga-on-laptop-faces-mi
But what about in-explicit junior idol photos. Some of that stuff can get pretty lewd, and its certainly much more pedo than 2D.

>> No.9494155



>A Swedish translator of Japanese-style manga comics has been cleared of child pornography charges in a case that has sparked debate about whether cartoon characters can be considered people.

>It was also the verdict sought by Bjorn Sellstroem, of the child pornography unit of the Swedish police.

>He had written to the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper to warn that investigating such cases was a dangerous waste of resources.

>He said: "There's a risk that the focus will shift from combating pictures and films of real child abuse to a discussion of whether we will judge drawings of fantasy figures as child pornography or art.

>"Let us not forget that it is children we must protect and not put imaginary figures on an equal footing with them."

Sweden is spiralling into some horrifying parallel dimension where mystifyingly, people often seem not to be acting like complete flaming retards.

>> No.9494160

>Now if he had only 2D he would've stood a chance.

He lives in the US. A photograph of a child showing its vulva is no different to a drawing of a child showing its vulva under the US Code.
Is it fair? No.
Is it stupid? Very.

>> No.9494162

Game violence is different from pornography. You kill a person and that's murder. Do it in a game and no one gets hurt. Technically, it is virtual murder, but they're fundamentally two distinct concepts. Loli and CP are both understood as pornography, both are used to the same ends.

You would be more right in saying that CP/loli is like picture of murder/video-game murder. I'm not saying it makes sense, it doesn't. At it's core it's completely illogical, but this is the law, and CP includes loli. Think in terms of categories. Pornography > CP > Loli.

>> No.9494166

>debate about whether cartoon characters can be considered people
really now, that's something to debate?

>> No.9494168

Which is baffling because it's also known as a feminist paradise.

>> No.9494170

>>Has there been any evidence that people who posess loli material go out and rape children?

>> No.9494174

What's funny is when this is removed from the "PROTECT THE CHILDREN" context, they can't begin to understand why people love 2D characters.

>> No.9494177

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.9494178

The US court has already ruled they don't need to exist. It says right in their CP law (designed to protect real-life children) that the children don't have to be real.

Logic flies out the window whenever it comes to cP.

>> No.9494181
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>voluntarily pedophilia

>> No.9494182

Show me this ruling right this minuteness.

>> No.9494185



>> No.9494191

But that post isn't appealing to authority. Not only that, but yours *is*.

>> No.9494206


> (c) Nonrequired Element of Offense. - It is not a required
> element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted
> actually exist.

>> No.9494222

That's not a ruling made by a federal court, that's just US code.

>> No.9494227 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 1200x1800, imouto.tv - maria_mizushima imouto_tv photo idol school_swimsuit classroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy brings up a good point that I don't think has been addressed by any legal system ever as far as I know. What is the status of (borderline) lewd photos of junior idols?

>> No.9494236

This was supposed to be @

>> No.9494238

i dont know about any laws but they are banned on 4chen

>> No.9494248

I bet several people only have this thread open incase that crazy guy posts CP again

>> No.9494257

Guys, lets say that the police found out that I have 2D loli on my computer and they really really wants to put me in jail for the rest of my life. How can I defend myself? Can I defend myself? Can´t I just say its not real and they have no real reason to imprison me? Maybe make some analogies that rape and murder features in videogames/books/movies but no one is arrested there?


>> No.9494261

>fapping to 3dsmallpiggus

>> No.9494262

It's porn if the focus of the image is their dirty parts.

>> No.9494266

It's an appeal to authority if the authority in question isn't an authority on the subject they're talking about. rms is a software developer and software freedom activist. His opinion isn't any more qualified than an economist's or a physicist's, and adds nothing to this argument other than hurr durr he's famous.

>> No.9494285

If it's illegal where you live, it's illegal. I don't think they'd be willing to have an ethical/philosophical debate about it. Though I guess that's how reforms happen.

Just encrypt it while you can. If you ever get caught, say it's art. It's an overused defence to the point where it risks losing its meaning, but it could work, even if it's quite explicit stuff.

>> No.9494278

The word of Our Holy Saint IGNUcius is truth, justice, and law.

>> No.9494283

If it's only 2D loli you can probably fight the case all the way to the supreme court. In fact, I think we need a case like this to revise the current laws in place.

>> No.9494299

And where, exactly, is the appeal to authority there? I'm not seeing any "stallman agrees, therefore it's true".

>> No.9494300


Oh god I remember this, the guy had some Love hina books and they used a pantyshot scene as "evidence".

>> No.9494296

If I ever get arrested, Neil Gaiman will save me.

>> No.9494313

I'm no lawyer but the way I see loli is this:
-it's fictitious, imaginary creations put to paper/computer gaphics
-no real human beings are being harmed at any point in its production
-implying that possessing loli-porn is a gateway to pedophilia is the same as saying possessing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a gateway to shooting up airports, or that owning Full Metal Jacket is a gateway to murdering innocent people.

>> No.9494322

If they REALLY want to lock you up, they'll make CP appear out of thin air.

>> No.9494323

Because nobody wants to spend taxpayer's money on a bunch of low-life lolicons.
Drawing or not, it is the concept of into prepubescent girl that is disgusting. People who say, "I am into lolicon manga/anime, but that doesn't mean I am a pedophile" are kidding themselves.

>> No.9494328

>It was also the verdict sought by Bjorn Sellstroem, of the child pornography unit of the Swedish police.

>He had written to the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper to warn that investigating such cases was a dangerous waste of resources.

>He said: "There's a risk that the focus will shift from combating pictures and films of real child abuse to a discussion of whether we will judge drawings of fantasy figures as child pornography or art.
Hm, is this guy the head of that department? Odd that he couldn’t drop it before it got to court?

>> No.9494334

dura lex sed lex

>> No.9494340

He's not the prosecutor, just police.

>> No.9494345


So if I rape a fictional child in a video game then Its fine because no one is really raped? But if I fap to a picture of a fictional child getting raped its not okay even if a real child is not really raped.


>> No.9494350

This happens to me legitimately every Friday night, sometimes in the quantity of tens of gigabytes.

Am I safe?

>> No.9494352

Fuck off with your Neo-Etruskan

I get that, but wouldn’t it be the police who sniff this stuff up?

>> No.9494362


>> No.9494356

think of all the real kids out there getting raped while the cops are busting people over drawings

>> No.9494359


What is the difference?

>> No.9494364

Taxpayers do.

>> No.9494366
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ECHELON is probably scraping this thread right now.

>> No.9494380

The courts have final say over whether a law is valid or not. Congress can pass whatever they like, but the courts can strike it down if they don't find it constitutional.

>> No.9494392
File: 55 KB, 620x767, 620px-ThomasJeffersonStateRoomPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It cannot be emphasised enough that behind every horrid piece of child pornography is a tragic case of an abused defenceless child, somewhere in the world."
- Chris Ellison, Australian Senator and Minister for Justice and Customs, as quoted in The Age (Melbourne, Australia, February 23, 2005)

"It's chilling to realize that every photo on every page of every child pornography magazine... is a permanent record of the works of a child molester."
- William V. Roth, U.S. Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, in Spring 1985, as quoted in The Los Angeles Times (September 16, 1985)

"While little is known about the specific long-term effects of use in child pornography, the immediate trauma and effects of sexual abuse on children is well documented. Because child pornography is a clear record of child sex abuse, its victims would therefore experience the same emotional and physical consequences in addition to any harm resulting from the pornography. ... Child victims of pornography face the possibility of a lifetime of victimization because the pornography can be distributed indefinitely. Physical, psychological, and emotional effects of child sexual abuse are coupled with the possibility of the pornography resurfacing. Being photographed during sexual abuse intensifies the child's shame, humiliation, and powerlessness."
- "Child Pornography: The Criminal-Justice-System Response" by E. Klain, et al. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2001), http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC81.pdf

>> No.9494385
File: 67 KB, 644x768, 644px-Thomas_Jefferson_by_Rembrandt_Peale,_1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Taylor, Quayle and Holland (2001) also argue that regardless of whether the children portrayed in objectionable images are physically abused during the creation of the images, victimisation occurs each time an image of a child is used for a sexual purpose (including sexual fantasy generation, arousal and masturbation). In effect, this activity encourages non-consensual use of individuals as sexual objects."
- "Internet Traders of Child Pornography and other Censorship Offenders in New Zealand" by Angela Carr (Dept. of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand, April 2004), citing "Typology of Paedophile Picture Collections" by Max Taylor, Ethel Quayle, and Gemma Holland in The Police Journal, vol. 74, no. 2 (2001), pages 97-107

"Child pornography, by itself, represents an act of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child and, by itself, does harm to that child."
- Kenneth V. Lanning in "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis" (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1992)

"Child pornography is not a computer crime. Every image depicts a child being abused. They are crime-scene photographs."
- Michelle Collins, the director of the Exploited Children Unit of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as quoted in Edison/Metuchen Sentinel, The Examiner, and The Independent (New Jersey, August 30, 2006) in an article about a man who sexually assaulted boys and girls aged 2 to 8 and videotaped these acts plus placed hidden cameras in rooms where the children undressed

>> No.9494389

What is the difference?

>> No.9494398

All of that is true except 2D children don't exist you fuckhead.

>> No.9494399
File: 18 KB, 325x390, Gilbert_Stuart_Thomas_Jeffersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is possible that victims of child pornography suffer as severely if not more severely than other victims of sexual crimes. It is psychologically very devastating, because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again. The Internet allows these pictures to be shared."
- Kelly Kennedy, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, as quoted in The Fond Du Lac Reporter (September 7, 2005)

"It does not threaten the First Amendment for the Federal legislature to conclude, for example, that inducing children to engage in sexual activity can physically harm them, and consequently to prohibit the photographing of children who have been induced to do so, and to legislate against the publication and sale of magazines or films in which such photography appears. The publisher and the seller are principals in the abuse."
- "Taking on the Censors" by Robert Sabbag in Oui, January 1978

"The use of children in sexually explicit films is of course criminal exploitation of people who can't defend themselves, and it is cruelty to the children and an offense against the parental feelings of anybody with the slightest amount of sympathetic imagination. I think the makers of such pictures must be tracked down and imprisoned."
- "Dr. Ruth's Guide for Married Lovers" by Dr. Ruth Westheimer (Warner Books, 1986)

>> No.9494400

We are indeed in dark times if the military of five countries are worried about a thread about pedophilia and lolicon on 4chan.

Please don't do this again.

>> No.9494404

there is none

>> No.9494408

>It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

Why would this be a part of the law if you're NOT abusing children?

>> No.9494413

US code is federal law passed by the legislative and possibly executive branch of the federal government. Federal court rulings are made by the judicial branch, and are much more significant.

>> No.9494416

Christians and feminist.

>> No.9494421

How so?

The law is the law, surely?

>> No.9494425



Rather read a elaborated piece than meaningless quotes

>> No.9494435


>> No.9494436

>mass media, big corporations, and western politicians say piracy kills the industries pirated from

Anyone care to make the logical jump as to why possessing pirated loli hentai is demonized even though it is "killing the industry"? Anyone?

>> No.9494449

The judicial branch interprets the exact meaning of the law, and determines if it is even constitutionally allowed. They have the power to say "that law is bullshit" and get rid of it. Until a big federal case is heard on a subject, the legality of it is considered to be very inexact.

>> No.9494450

Because for them there is only one thing more valuable than christian values, and that's money

>> No.9494453
File: 68 KB, 640x360, 1343367175434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "loli"


>> No.9494454

>At that point he's lost his right to say, "Nuh-uh! I don't have to tell you anything!"

Where the fuck do you live, North Korea? You always have the right to remain silent, and you should use it 95% of the time. When they say "everything you say can and will be used against you", they mean it. IT WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. Even if the one-armed man really did kill your wife, just shut the fuck up and get a good lawyer.

>> No.9494462

I've read it. One anonymous coward has way less authority than a lot of experts. He doesn't even provide any sort of proof.

And so what if the kids are happy? That doesn't make it ethical. I know people who want to be shot in the head.

>> No.9494463



>> No.9494467

If you remain silent they will still raid your home for all tech that could store information, bring it to a specialist to analyse.

Then they find your cp.

>> No.9494468
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>> No.9494473

2D child pornography? Not exactly a difficult concept.

>> No.9494476

This is just not known enough.

Look if the police think you are guilty they are going to try to prove that using all means possible, everything you say WILL be used against you, never, EVER to help you.

Talking to police before talking to your lawyer is a bad, bad, BAD idea, it WONT help. EVER.

>> No.9494481


Drawn underaged children engaged in sexual acts.

>> No.9494491

>One anonymous coward

Gee I wonder why he's anon.

>> No.9494489

Great, so you sit there and say nothing. They press you. You say nothing and stay still. They tell you that you will face a longer sentence for refusal to cooperation. Then they restrain you and take you to the station, or you resist and face an even LONGER sentence.

Great plan, geniouse.

>> No.9494495

>Where the fuck do you live, North Korea? You always have the right to remain silent, and you should use it 95% of the time.
You've been listening to youtube lawyers too much. You cannot be forced to provide evidence against yourself, but they can force you to talk. For instance, they can force you to give a password or safe combination because the courts have ruled that that is okay.

If you don't, and the court says that it is okay, they will hit you with obstruction of justice or contempt of court repeatedly. That will probably be better than a sex offense conviction, but you'll still spend a long time in prison.

>> No.9494497

I don't understand your confusion. Video game violence is different from actual violence. Again, I'm not saying our laws make sense, but your analogy does not work. I personally think fictional work should be exempt from laws involving real people. Raping a child in a video game SHOULD be like a fictional story involving a child getting raped, but that was not what you had said. You had asserted that video-game violence = real life violence and loli =/= pornography involving minors. This is wrong. Loli is pornography, existing as a subcategory of child pornography by definition. The problem is that our laws don't create the distinction between virtual vs. reality in terms of pornography like it does with popular media and entertainment.

>> No.9494507

My uncle is a judge, and I attnded a talk about civil rights in college by a retired police chief and they both stressed that you DO NOT say anything to the police but the bare ass minimum facts until you get a lawyer.

It's not being sleazy, or dishonest, it's being smart. The police don't want to do any more work than they have to because its a busy fucking job. So if you accidently say something stupid that sounds even remotely incriminating they will latch onto it and try their damndest to get it to stick to you.

>> No.9494511

This wasn't the police randomly asking a guy on the street if he has drugs. This was the FBI, they had proof, and they had a warrant. Withholding information would have made things worse.

>> No.9494516

You have the right to remain silent.

It's one of your rights, it's not refusing to cooperate, there is NO WAY you have to talk before meeting a lawyer.

What the fuck are they going to tell the judge? "Sir, he refused to talk without previously taking legal advice!" gimme a fucking break

>> No.9494519

No, you can't be charged with those. That's why they passed a special law that allows you to be charged with terrorism if you refuse to give them the password to something.

You ask to speak with a lawyer. It's not like they won't take you to the station if you talk to them.

>> No.9494520

That doesn't work in cases involving sex or children. They'll keep you up for days on end (always with a detective present, so it's an `interrogation') until your judgment lapse and get a confession. Janet Reno, the whore who was involved in the satanic cult child abuse scandals of the 1990's did this to her OWN witnesses.

>> No.9494525

Because if they have the right to check your pc you have to allow it, this is a completely different matter

>> No.9494527
File: 5 KB, 212x214, MORMONJESUS_CLOSER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go listen to "Prodigy - Climbatize"

goes great with /jp/ and this thread

>> No.9494533

>hey tell you that you will face a longer sentence for refusal to cooperation.
>Then they restrain you and take you to the station, or you resist and face an even LONGER sentence.
They might say that but the police don't sentence, judges do. They're also lying. Not speaking is not resisting arrest you retard.

Sure if those particular officers REALLY hate your fucking guts they might conspire and LIE in their reports saying that you physically resisted arrest. But if they hate you that much they're more likely to break your arm than simply threaten you verbally.

So yes, if the police break your arm, or otherwise physically torture you, say anything and everything you think will make them stop. Then in court say that you were under duress and anything you said in custody will be thrown out

>> No.9494542

Lets say I truecrypt a hardrive filled with material that could land me a lifetime in jail. If I just make a mess of a password I have to write down in order to remember it and then I burn the paper containing the password so I really don´t know the password anymore, can I really be sued for not giving the password to them, considering I don´t even know the password.

>> No.9494549

No cop is going to get the whole fucking case thrown by doing something as retarded as running over your Miranda rights. Well, a lot of cops are, but nobody is happy with them at the end of the day.

If the cops think you are a pedophile and a collector of child pornography, they are not going to be nice to you just because you sing like a bird.

>> No.9494550

>Withholding information would have made things worse.
No it wouldn't. He would be within his rights to remain silent until he has had a chance to talk to his lawyer. Of course, he has to comply with the FBI in their search, but he doesn't need to say anything. In fact, if you're not read your Miranda Rights and made aware of this, I think the case can be thrown out.

>> No.9494551

>No, you can't be charged with those. That's why they passed a special law that allows you to be charged with terrorism if you refuse to give them the password to something
>A defendant in this case, Ramona Fricosu, is accused of fraudulent real estate transactions.
>A court ruled in January 2012 that she could be forced to turn over a decrypted version of the information on the laptop.
>could be forced
Being forced implies forceful consequences for a negative response. If she can be forced, she can be charged for failing to comply. She can be charged.

>> No.9494553

Or, you decided not to shut your fuck, so when they raid your shit, they see your loli and go back and recall when you said "I don't have any loli". Now they have proof that you lied to them, so they can throw your ass in the rapehouse.

>> No.9494556

So, do people freak out as much about shota as they do about loli? I really don't want to be arrested, but sometimes I get the feeling that people don't care as much about sex involving young boys.

>> No.9494557

Not if they have a search warrant and an arrest warrant. You would probably be charged with obstruction of justice for not complying.

It's like arguing that prisoners don't have the right to free expression because they're in cells all day, so they should be let out. Rights aren't some magical things that can let you do whatever you want, particularly if there is evidence that you committed a crime and a warrant out for your arrest.

>> No.9494562

It's illegal everywhere, but it's still all over the internet and no one really gives a shit.

>> No.9494564

>A court ruled in January 2012 that she could be forced
key word here is A COURT RULED. ya retard.
YES you can be forced to divulge information. but not by the police, only by a court of law. And if you find yourself before a court of law you will have had time to get a lawyer.

>> No.9494568

For all that I care it can be the motherfucking A-team in a co joint operation with Batman, you have the right to stay silent, not declaring a single fucking word, you must of course cooperate with everything they have a warrant for, but there is no reason AT ALL to talk without a lawyer as long as you are not fucking retarded

>> No.9494569

>Not speaking is not resisting arrest you retard.

I said OR you resist.

You're obligated to comply in a federal investigation. These were FBI agents, not the local police. It's a felony to withhold or lie about information.

>> No.9494578

wrong again. it's almost like you all are cops intentionally spreading false information to fuck people over. Like that myth that lying down and playing dead will stop a bear from attacking you. Protip: IT FUCKING WON'T THAT BEAR WILL RAPE YOU DEAD

The police can't force you to do ANYTHING but comply physically. Only a judge and a court of law can force you to say or do something further than that.

>> No.9494579

If you declare "I am invoking my right to remain silent until consulting with a lawyer" in a lot of jurisdictions the police are literally not allowed to interrogate you.

>> No.9494588

>It's a felony to withhold information.
Yeah, you just pull up the piece of US Code that states it's illegal to exercise your constitutional Fifth Amendment rights. I've got all day.

>> No.9494589

Yes, a court ruled that the police can force her to give them the password, because a password is not testimonial evidence, thus is not protected by the 5th amendment. It wasn't specific to that case, it was a court deciding that passwords aren't protected and that people can be forced to give it up.

>> No.9494602

Whatever that is punishable by, it's better than going to prison for CP.

>> No.9494599

> It's a felony to withhold or lie about information.
only a court can force you to divulge information, the FBI is not a court. Which is why you say NOTHING until you get a lawyer. Also if you're a fucking retard (like many of the posters in this thread) you especially want to keep your dumbass mouth shut because if you say something stupid, or fuck up and are mistaken about something you say, THEN you can get called on lying because you fucking did lie wether you meant to or not.

>> No.9494604

No. The police filed a specific application with the court for a writ to specifically compel one Ramona Fricosu to enter the password to one particular laptop.

>> No.9494607

>You cannot be forced to provide evidence against yourself, but they can force you to talk. For instance, they can force you to give a password or safe combination because the courts have ruled that that is okay.

That is the only instance where you can be forced to talk and the only thing you have to say is the password/combination and only if the police have a warrant for it and even then you do not have to give the password the second the police break down the door. The police have to go and get a court order asking specifically for the password, which would be well after the search and give you plenty of time to get a lawyer. In addition, none of this is an interview, like >>9494062

>> No.9494610
File: 93 KB, 396x396, tessa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - /soc/ and law

>> No.9494617

Wait, what if you are retarded? I mena you can (NOT) have ass burger

>> No.9494613

It's "illegal" in the UK.

My habits changed not one bit when the law changed.

They might use it as additional evidence against a child molester, but the chances of having your house stormed by armed police for saving images is slim-to-nil.

>> No.9494621

Raffel v United States found that if you comply with a search request or if they have a warrant, you give up your Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights.

>> No.9494634

What if the FBI find the pic of a loli with a giant dick in your pc? Do you get arrested?

>> No.9494636

Surely. You should probably not comply for something like that. If you are confident they can't crack it, just tell them that it is a confession for a different crime.

I'm not arguing that you should talk, as that would be monumentally stupid 99% of the time (you need a lawyer to tell you when that 1% of the time when it is a good idea to talk is).

But they can force you and punish you until they get bored of you don't comply. That is all that I've been arguing.

I don't know who this idiot who bragged about CP on facebook is, or the case, so I can't comment on it.

>> No.9494637


lolicon is otaku culture
deal with it, nerd

>> No.9494649

Probably. The US law mentions displaying the genitals, but it doesn't say they have to be the "right" ones.

>> No.9494654

why nobody is taking down sankaku, gelbooru, dambooru, exhentai?

>> No.9494655

I don't believe that this covers the case in which the authorities have a warrant and you comply by, say, unlocking the door.

>> No.9494660


Murdering people in video games = It´s okay its not real after all. And its silly to imply that murdering people in video games will make you kill real people.
Raping people in video games = Not okay even though its not real and playing these types of games will make you go and rape real people

Lets take Rapelay as an example. I apologize if I was unclear. I just think whole thing just reeks of hypocrisy. has this ever been pointed out in the US courts?

>The problem is that our laws don't create the distinction between virtual vs. reality in terms of pornography like it does with popular media and entertainment.

That just seems so ass backwards. Though I guess most if not all the time an offender is caught they usually have tons of real CP so the law is not really challenged.

>> No.9494661

Cryptography laws are dumb. Here in the UK we have the RIP Act. If you don't hand over your cryptographic key, you get two years in prison. Not only does this pose a threat to people who use cryptography software for legitimate reasons, but it also means some criminals have said "lol i dun wanna giv u my key" and they've basically gotten a reduced sentence for it.

>> No.9494663

A loli with a giant dick and no vagina would be a boy, unless the author mentions it is a transgender person and asks you to use the feminine way of addressing.

>> No.9494666

Can someone answer this, please?

>> No.9494668


More effort than it's worth.

World governments give few fucks about such things in reality.

>> No.9494670

>But they can force you and punish you until they get bored of you don't comply.
That's fucking fantastic for you, the hapless arrestee. If you declare that you are invoking your right to remain silent and the police coerce you into talking, all the evidence gathered is null and void.

>> No.9494672


>> No.9494678

But then you can sue them for being prejudiced ``cis''scum, right?

>> No.9494680

Ever been to a 3d pigdicusting porn site? Remember seeing those sketchy looking ads in the corner or popups where the girls looked a little young? congrats you now have cp in your temp internet folder. Nobody gives a shit (that you have it, obviously they give a shit about the people putting those ads up). Just like no one gives a shit that you pirated a movie last week or downloaded a pirated CD, And believe it or not, nobody even gives a shit if you J-walk, go 5 mph over the posted limit, or remove that "do not remove under penalty of law" tag from your matress.

Welcome to the real world, where there are more important things going on like war and murder, and people understand that people stray a little from the right every so often

>> No.9494683

That's very idealistic of you to think that the judges and juries are going to let a suspected pervert walk,.

>> No.9494688


That has never happened before so we don´t know.

>> No.9494693

Until the local DA decides he needs a bunch of new convictions because election season is coming up or he needs to impress the mayor\governor\DoJ section manager for reappointment.

>> No.9494694
File: 356 KB, 600x770, 405762520bfac93bf217ffa697687b81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Komoe legal? She's over the age of consent

>> No.9494705

The Constitution of the United States applies even to serial child rapists and murderers, so somebody with a few pictures on his hard drive will probably be able to claim his blatantly obviously violated constitutional rights in this case.

>> No.9494707
File: 256 KB, 525x700, 6b932c37e3f9a122941367b4202bdc65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh who gives a shit about you one way or the other, you guys are a mafia not a country. Fuck you. Weasels.

Everywhere that's actually part of the modern world (in other words, Japan, part of Canada, and the U.S.) you can pretty much figure that if shit just like it's been banging around for months/years in public with the website owner's consent and his ISP's consent and with the owner's registration information hanging out in public on the domain and everything, that you're probably not going to get in much trouble for looking at it.

Unless you do so at your workplace and you work at a daycare or something like that. Get the distinction between these two situations? Probably not, right? whee, fuck you Thuddius McFuckup

>> No.9494708

The day a DA can get elected on a bunch of j-walking and "5 over" charges is the day we cure cancer and solve world hunger because at that point crime is virtually nonexistent

>> No.9494710

Well, at least in the United States, it's the pornography itself that is the problem. You don't have to take it further. It's like having some censored or banned materials. Simply receiving it or possessing it IS the crime.

The retarded part is that it's based on the idea that child pornography aids the abuse of children. Either users will be tempted to act on their fantasies, or the demand will cause more people to produce child pornography. The flaws here are that:
1) Very few child pornography users go out and molest real children, just as very few heterosexual pornography users become rapists.
2) Some of the children involved were happy to do it with no harm done, or there were no real children involved because it's a fucking drawing.
3) The material _already exists_. It's not doing any harm by existing because any damage has already been done.

I think 3) is the one of the biggest problems right now because people keep insisting that looking at a picture is in itself abuse. As if whenever you masturbate to a picture of a child, she can psychically feel it and goes through some traumatic experience every time. That part is dumb in the same way that "shooting video game characters is wrong!" is dumb.

>> No.9494711

Way too dark and edgy.

Laws aren't there to prevent certain acts, those are there as a tool to allow people to be jailed, based on actions.

Nobody will ever give a fuck if you are over the speed limit in a desolate landscape, if you go downtown and drive at 150 km/h tho, you are probably into trouble

>> No.9494715

So, you agreed with him completely, and then called him dark and edgy.

>> No.9494719

It's not about showing up what matters, it's about showing up what can be shown.

It's as if you didn't understand politics

>> No.9494722

>I just think whole thing just reeks of hypocrisy
It does, but that's the name of the game for U.S. law. They don't actually care about rights or "justice", all these people care about is morally one-upping the other guy. It's a result of our culture that we view violence is acceptable.

>Though I guess most if not all the time an offender is caught they usually have tons of real CP so the law is not really challenged.
This is exactly the reason. Though I honestly think CP possession should not be so harsh a charge. CP possession =/= production or child molestation. They're going after the wrong thing and destroying the lives of non-violent criminals in the process. It's like arresting drug users instead of producers and distributors.

The government should just get the fuck away from my porn folder. They have no right to tell me what I can and can't masturbate too.

>> No.9494735

>2) Some of the children involved were happy to do it with no harm done

You are going to get shit for that, a shame

Because it's probably true


>> No.9494731

>Ever been to a 3d pigdicusting porn site?
Yes, in fact I have a running subscription at the moment.
>Remember seeing those sketchy looking ads in the corner or popups where the girls looked a little young?
No. The site I mentioned earlier doesn’t do that. It even has anti-cip banners.
Except for that Japanese site but they were depicting in sexual acts and actually legal, they just tried to pedo it up for those shitty thumbnail things you talked about.

>> No.9494732

>hardware based encryption
should have used rot13

>> No.9494733

>congrats you now have cp in your temp internet folder. Nobody gives a shit (that you have it,

Funny you should say that. Here in the UK, caching child pornography counts as producing child pornography, since you have technically made a copy. Fortunately it's not completely retarded, because the people who have been tried for this were let off due to the lack of mens rea.

>> No.9494739

>still trying to defend his retarded statement that a DA or anyone for that matter would be commended for trivial charges
No just no.

>> No.9494743

>Yes, in fact I have a running subscription at the moment.

Please get out normal.

>> No.9494748

You don't see many political ads, do you. They say things like `I've increased convictions by 1693% over my soft-on-crime predecessor, vote for me!'. Truth is not honesty.

>> No.9494751

You don't even have the notion of "mens rea" in EU, the law there is all on an if/then basis.

>> No.9494754

Don’t worry, it’s cocks-related, I’m cleared of normal charges.

>> No.9494756

>paying for porn
>especially normalfag porn
If you can't acquire normalfag porn for free how are you even posting on 4chan without setting yourself on fire or electrocuting your cat accidently

>> No.9494766

I'll admit I don't know the exact term, this is just something I read in a book.

Take my word for it.

>> No.9494771


Never Forget

>> No.9494773

Mens rea as a concept exists in English law, but they have more specific jargon for different laws:

>> No.9494783


You will NEVER get caught unless you are a retard who brags about it or show it to others.

>> No.9494787

No, see you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That only happens in movies. In real life if someone used that line it would be follwed by a breakdown of exactly the crimes convicted for. So let me repeat again, no one is ever going to parade around some trivial law violation convictions unless their retarded, and even then no one is going to think better of them for it.

oh and by the way no judge is going to convict over j-walking or slight speeding unless someone was injured or there's proof of reckless endangerment ie: you ran someone off the road. Instead you would get a stern chewing out in private for wasting the courts time, your own time, and your precincts time.

>> No.9494788

Its sort of illegal in sweden. We dont know really. There is no possible way for anyone to know if lolicon is legally considered CP here or not.

You see, we had a huge trial here for some poor guy who got caught working on translating mangas. At first, he was convicted in tingsrätten (stupid court for newbie judges)
of having 39 pictures of child pornography (drawings, but still considered legally the same as real pictures). Most of those have later been declared legal, so we have been allowed to see that most of them were similar to the one OP posted. Anime-type girls in bikinis.

The case was moved to the highest court and eventually they decided that pictures like OP's are not child pornography because they are obviously drawings. One of the 39 drawings was still considered CP though.


We cant see it because it is illegal and there is no description of it in the courts verdict. There is no way for a swedish person to know if he is following the law or not.

>> No.9494789

Loli - bad
Shota - fine!

Because all the high up religious leaders, politicians and judges love little boys.
So if you want to be safe, just read shota trap doujins instead of lolicon.

>> No.9494793

Well, I don’t have a cat but a dog but I can assure you I have never electrocuted her nor have I set myself on fire.
Not sure if ladyboys count as normalfag. But yeah I was annoyed I couldn’t find everything I wanted through piracy so I paid just under €30 to get 4 weeks of access to their site so i could leech it dry, and then I got an additional week when they were a day slow to activate it.

>> No.9494798

Just go to fetishbb or something, shit.

>> No.9494801

>Coercive interviewing techniquesNote the coercive part. >were used by the authorities to elicit disclosures of parental sexual abuse from the children. In 1982, the girls further accused McCuan's defense witnesses: Scott Kniffen, his wife Brenda, and his mother.
>The McCuans and Kniffens were convicted in 1984 and given a combined sentence of over 1000 years in prison.
>The convictions were overturned in 1996
And it only took 12 years to overturn.

On the Country Walk case:
>Testimony from children in the case was extracted by Laurie and Joseph Braga, a husband-and-wife team who resorted to coercive questioning of the alleged victims when the desired answers were not forthcoming
So if they can't get you, just coerce the witnesses into lying about you!

Tons more, just go look them up.

>> No.9494810


I'm fairly certain someone here posted a PDF of the images in question, and they were numbered. Some were more realistically drawn than the others.

I remember because some Anon pointed it out, like, "Well, I guess it's obvious which one was illegal."

I'll try to find it in the archive.

>> No.9494812

I'm relieved. I only love little boys too.

>> No.9494814

the uk is a mafia not a nation state

technically law in the uk is all the arbitrary royal decree, things like facts and intentions don't matter as long as you're a good soldier for the family

>> No.9494816

Here we go:


>> No.9494817

I had just gotten about €350 and I thought “sure, why not”. If I hadn’t spent that measly €29.5 on that stuff, then I would have spent it on alcohol, tobacco and other things.
And sure, I have encountered sites like fetishbb often. This was still a better option.

>> No.9494818

>In real life if someone used that line it would be follwed by a breakdown of exactly the crimes convicted for.
It works all the time here in Texas and no one ever asks any questions about it.

>> No.9494825

and they'll beat you to death just for being black or hispanic!

Morale of the story: media hype and the occasional shitty cop is to be taken with a degree of common sense

>> No.9494823
File: 682 KB, 858x1200, 1329633214110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard that my lolicon pics are illegal from yesterday here in Russia. Shit! Only CP was illegal, but 2D-lolis weren't! I'm dissappointed.

>> No.9494827

I am listening to Country right now and I am experiencing an odd longing to be in an area like that.

>> No.9494844

name of the candidate and a link to their website/ad or it didn't happen.

we have a candidate here in maryland (america's rape capital!) who says sex with drunk women is a-ok as long as they don't say no, even if they pass out!

>> No.9494849

Since denying it failed, you are now going to downplay it?

You need to take a hard look around you and realized that you are chattel to the people in power and that you have practically no rights unless you can get a major national TV (not newspaper) news organization on your side. If they (society and it's retarded voter base, that is) really want to imprison you, they will imprison you for *something*.

>> No.9494857


>> No.9494858

>who says sex with drunk women is a-ok as long as they don't say no

What exactly is wrong with this? If a drunk girl says yes I want to fuck you, it's rape?

>> No.9494864

read what you quoted again. Specifically this part
>is a-ok as long as they don't say no
no mention of anyone saying yes to anything, just that no one says no.

>> No.9494865

You perhaps missed it when he said
>even if they pass out!

>> No.9494872

Oh wow, gee, I wonder which one they had a problem with?

Also, cute pictures!

>> No.9494878

>Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins frequently boasts of his felony prosecutors' nearly perfect conviction rate. He says prosecutors successfully get convictions in 99.4 percent of cases handled by his office.

Of course:
>That's true, but with some tricky math: The office doesn't just count cases that go to trial; it includes cases where the defendant pleads guilty, too.
But no one cares about that, because he is still in office.

Also related: http://texaspolitics.laits.utexas.edu/3_1_0.html
>County sheriffs, district attorneys and judges, in particular, get elected and reelected by securing high conviction rates.

>> No.9494879
File: 21 KB, 273x209, 179_signs_____________3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have theirs, do you have yours?

Why are you even posting on the internet to begin with. Everything you type and every page you visit is being tracked. You better get off the grid quick bro, even though it's already to late. Their satellites are probably watching you already!

>> No.9494882

Thank you. Unfortunately, those are just the pictures that were declared not CP. The same pdf was actually posted in one of our biggest newspapers (svd.se)

>> No.9494886
File: 8 KB, 262x193, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh. Ohhhhhhohohoh, oh. Hey.

>> No.9494904

>some politician fudges his numbers to make himself look better
>news article calls him out on it
I'm not sure if you're so stupid that you didn't realize you just proved my point, or if you were intentionally supporting me and I'm just jaded and cynical.

So I'm going to go ahead and take this chance to be a glass half-full guy for once and say thanks bro!

>> No.9494919

Whatever. Just experience how many rights you have first hand when you are arrested.

>I'm not sure if you're so stupid that you didn't realize you just proved my point
How the fuck did I prove your point? He was reelected. His lying obviously fucking worked.

>> No.9494923
File: 36 KB, 299x275, 1328792877379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wow at that one picture.

>> No.9494946

Except that isn't so bad in a legal system that has the notion of "mens rea"
Basically, to translate that to your ass-backwards legal system, tack the word "willingly" onto the front of the whole thing.

>> No.9494973

Interesting read.

>> No.9494977

> His lying obviously fucking worked.
yeah no. your link doesnt say that at all.

in fact he may not even have had any competition so it wouldn't have even mattered.

>> No.9494981
File: 197 KB, 389x466, 1343462898059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken.

Some time ago I extensively talked with my lawyer about this topic.
The only article that could be used against loli is the article 241-C from the brazilian law.

Well, in short it states that you can't "simulate child pornography" by "adulterating or modifying" any kind of "video, picture and other types of visual representation".
You can't apply this law against lolis because 2D isn't a modification from 3D.

And even if it was possible to apply the law to 2D, it's only a crime if you try to share or create more child pornography.
Just having your own pornography folder is allright.

>> No.9495012

>because 2D isn't a modification from 3D.
Tell that to Rustle.

>> No.9495017

>your link doesnt say that at all.
What? Do you really need a news article to tell you that? Are you incapable of google?
>Craig Watkins is currently the district attorney for the Dallas County, Texas, USA.
He ran on the high-conviction ticket, and he won. How is that not success?

>in fact he may not even have had any competition so it wouldn't have even mattered.
If you had read the next line:
>"He's misleading the voters," said Danny Clancy, Watkins' Republican opponent in the November general election.

>> No.9495018

>Some time ago I extensively talked with my lawyer about this topic.
How did he react when you breached the topic? And how often do you consult a lawyer that you have someone you call “your” lawyer?

I wonder how often Lawyers get freaked out by their clients.

>> No.9495035
File: 150 KB, 405x412, 1322957293737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the hell can anything be considered illegal when they cleared the the full on sex pictures or that drawing which was so blatantly based on the real thing? Maybe it was some ..Rustle? This country is so damn retarded.

Also that fucking Ishikei drawing with a "TOP SECRET" stamp at the beginning, my sides. Just imagining that they pulled that up in the Tingsrätt while giving the translator strange looks. If I was the judge I would not be able to contain my laughter.

>> No.9495047

Try this http://pdfcast.org/download/mangabilderna.pdf

I'd also say that it is fairly safe here, because the police do not want to waste time on this. It is if they get it reported to them that they feel forced to go out and keep "justice" up. And with the verdict we have, they are looking at trying to find a needle in a haystack, since it needs to be "realistic" to not fail at the courts.

> It is psychologically very devastating, because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again.

I always find that to be such bullshit. A kid could never know if you were fapping to them. Neither with pictures, or in your imagination. It will only harm them if you tell them that you are doing it.

>> No.9495086
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1b1009080f7ead7061777460808a45f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9495112


Are you sure? I got a strong feeling picture 25 in the pdf is the illegal one, considering it looks more like a real child painting than anything else in there.

>> No.9495121

I don't think he got freaked out by my question.
We are pretty close friends, I talk to him almost every week.

I always ask him for help when I need to know something related to the brazilian law, that's why I call him "my" lawyer.

>> No.9495236

That's coercion of other witnesses, though. It's not a miranda rights violation.
