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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 129 KB, 800x600, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.949225 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.949232


>> No.949234

People burn flags in the US, too.

>> No.949237

Nice to see you kept the food at the bottom.

>> No.949238

Are you sure the left picture isn't of Koreans?

>> No.949243

Yeah, their own.

>> No.949269

Most people in Japan don't hate America, you're thinking Europe anon.

>> No.949271
File: 70 KB, 525x394, 1215223132344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.949286

Everyone hates America. Even Americans.

>> No.949287

Because the poster was talking about a completely different flag that wasn't in the pic.

>> No.949294

No, just the hippies in America. Hippies are not Americans. They're not even human.

>> No.949296
File: 279 KB, 800x600, 1215223299149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - USA

>> No.949312

No, everybody hates Dubya. It's the middle easterners that hate all Americans.

>> No.949327

It's called a fucking joke

>> No.949333

Everyone hates the American government, a lot of people like America, which is why they want to see someone sane get into office (which is why obama has such high world wide support).

>> No.949338

Listen to this man. George Bush != America.

I for one love my country, though I do disagree with some of our recent actions. We have problems, but who doesn't?

>> No.949352

>which is why obama has such high world wide support

That might have more to do with the fact that he's the first black nominee and potential president more than world wide approval of his policies, which aren't even that well defined.

I have a feeling Obama is going to fuck up things more than Bush.

>> No.949366

Is OP image supposed to be an America-sucks-but-Japan-is-great picture? Because all I see is a bunch of mango I might want and a delicious lunch on the bottom, on the right.

Before faggotry, liking fast food doesn't automatically make you a fatty.

>> No.949375

I don't think he can fuck things up more than Bush did. In my opinion, the Republicans have clearly had their chance and they fucked up. Democrats deserve a try now.

>> No.949385

The difference is Japan is full of HATE for other cultures and America is full of Love for other cultures.

Learn the difference, it could save your life.

>> No.949392


Barry is a muslim, he'll definitely fuck shit up.

>> No.949401

>America is full of Love for other cultures

WHAT?!? oh, I see... 3/10

>> No.949410
File: 38 KB, 715x335, 1215224470724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.949414

Simply because Republicans passed Bush's legislation doesn't mean the party should be blamed for the actions of one. Even the liberal media is starting to distance themselves from Obama after he's been repeatedly proving the he isn't the "agent of change" he did to get his dick sucked during the primaries.

I'm sure you've heard that most historians agree that Bush will go down in history as a good president if not soley for his actions after 9-11, you know, when everyone WANTED to be in a war.

>> No.949426

The US don't even have a clue about other cultures.

Japan finds them interesting and likes them to the point of embracing a few aspects as long as the line between what's japanese and what's foreing remains clear.

>> No.949450

>The US [doesn't] even have a clue about other cultures.

The US is COMPRISED of mixed culture. Fuck, we were founded on it.

>> No.949471

keep thinking that, multiculturalfag.

>> No.949472

Sure is /n/ in here.

>> No.949474

you both missed the OP pic I see...

>> No.949503


This is actually true. However, that ALSO means that... well.. we don't have a culture of our own. Which is kind of funny.

Not samefag.
