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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 809 KB, 1500x1125, 1343696228231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9486360 No.9486360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This picture makes no sense. Why is she mad? She shouldn't have answered the door topless, but it seems like she was upset before hand. It certainly can't be about a pizza error since it's still in the box. What gives?

>> No.9486366

he delivered it late


>> No.9486376

Cartoon woman logic. I think this kind of behavior gets some otaku off.

>> No.9486371

You should join Mike Matei on his Web series The Overanalyzers, OP. Going out of your way to make things up about an image is exactly the sort of zany humor everyone likes!

>> No.9486372

>over analyzing cartoons

>> No.9486373

She's upset because she was told on the phone that the pizza would take 30 minutes to deliver. She decided to take a shower in that time, but lo and behold, after only 25 minutes the doorbell rang. She was forced to rush out of the shower and answer the door in order to pay for the pizza.

>> No.9486381

With her body weight, does she need Pizza Hut?

>> No.9486385

she wants to fug but the guy is a beta /jp/er

>> No.9486393

He asked for the tip, so she took her shirt off and got mad at him.

>> No.9486387

thats one shitty front door

>> No.9486388

Only a woman could be stupid enough to do something where they might be put in the situation where they would have to get out of the shower early and then be mad about it like it's other people's fault.

>> No.9486389

ur duMB

>> No.9486397


Only a dumb, edgy teen could be stupid enough to hold onto their bigoted views.

>> No.9486400

I think it's because he's cock is not inside her.

>> No.9486402

Or maybe she could just be upset because it turned out this way, and not at anyone in particular?

>> No.9486403

Your shower theory makes sense, but she has a ribbon and a clip in her hair. Explain that.

>> No.9486405

I wish this were true

>> No.9486414

Ugh, fucking skank.

>> No.9486409
File: 509 KB, 650x850, 22d1750c2b79eae078eaa4ba822159dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please analyse this image next, /jp/.

>> No.9486411


>> No.9486412

I see no reason to get angry about that, if anything she should be happy that the pizza arrived early.

>> No.9486421

When *you* grow up, you'll realize there's fundamentally no difference between adults and teenagers. This applies to more than discrimination. If you thought human beings outgrew swearing, racism, angst, drama, or going out and getting drunk by their twenties, thirties, or even forties, think again.

>> No.9486417

She's a women, being irrational is her forte.

>> No.9486420

That picture was drawn by some white guy from Argentina.

>> No.9486434

Even Christine Love admits women are irrational and illogical. This is largely due to how they've evolved. Please don't spew personal attacks against people who point this out. Women can use it to their advantage as much as to their disadvantage, and it should be accepted and even celebrated rather than swept under the rug in the name of ``political correctness''.

>> No.9486440

Words of wisdom.
Albeit I must admit I was slightly disgusted when I went to a job interview and a woman who looked like she was in her 40s talked like the girls who I went to class with.

>> No.9486444

there is, just not so much

>> No.9486450

Isn't there some meme about Argentinians not being white?

Was that the joke?

>> No.9486460


Do you have a source?

Is there an iota of scientific evidence pointing to women being biologically less smart than males? Seriously, find me one study.

>> No.9486463

Why didn't she wrap a towel around her body if she really were in the shower? Also, why is her her dry?

>> No.9486474

He didn't claim they were less smart, he claimed they were irrational and illogical. Those two are NOT the same things.

>> No.9486482

I hated being a teenager. I assumed everyone else would mature and grow out of it, but you slowly learn that isn't the case. People well into their forties go out and pretend they're in their teens. That's what mature grown-ups do for fun.

Oh well. At least they're enjoying themselves while I'm a bitter, holier-than-thou cuntbag.

>> No.9486491


Why are you trying to have a semantic argument? Are you trying to divert the subject from your complete lack of evidence?

>> No.9486501

shut up 3d bloodsucker

>> No.9486503

Intelligence is largely the same between men and women. Read Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns.

Emotionality is different, however. Here's a section on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

>> No.9486506

No, I just came into the thread and saw you were trying to argue by using a strawman. I do not like that as it is dishonest.

>> No.9486510

How is it a semantic argument when you asked him for a study on men being smarter than women when he wasn't talking about smarts at all. By the way, just to soothe your female mind, there was a study done recently and you can dig it up on the bbc site but it showed on average women to be smarter than men. Now go put your tampon in.

>> No.9486517


That's not how the burden of proof works, doofus. It's not my responsibility to find your evidence for you.

>> No.9486524

who made more inventions, males or females?

>> No.9486534

Humans and more specifically white humans if you want to be nitpicky.

>> No.9486537


>> No.9486540

What joke? Is stating facts now a joke?

>> No.9486542

Which gender was oppressed throughout the majority of human history? Kinda hard to invent shit if you're denied access to education.

>> No.9486543


>> No.9486544

Post the one where she has a penis.

>> No.9486548

That's like asking whether or not people without a hammer can build a house. Men were given the tools all along, women weren't.

>> No.9486549

I don't think you even know what you're saying any more, I really don't. There is no "burden of proof" in this little discussion we're having. I'm telling you that that you're not having a semantic argument with that guy like you thought you were. I'm saying you went off on a random topic of men being smarter than women rather than women being more illogical and irrational than men. The thing about the study showing women to be smarter on average, that was just some water to get the sand out of you.

>> No.9486551


This is like building a gated community where people with moustaches are discriminated against as “inferior leaders,” “weak,” and subservient - then using the moustache-havers' lack of initiative and goals as evidence that moustache-havers are dumb.

>> No.9486552

>Which gender was oppressed throughout the majority of human history?
Oppressed how? Last I checked men toiled and died in the middle ages to keep their wives safe and alive.

>> No.9486554

>Which gender was oppressed
the stupid and weak one

>> No.9486556

Why is there no lock on the door?

>> No.9486557

Since this has now gone full on gender wars, women have a look at these videos:


>> No.9486565

I am pretty fucking amazed at how thoroughly /b/ has infiltrated this board. I think it's time to cash in my tenbux and move on to greener pastures.

>> No.9486568

Which gender was successful in its oppression?

Derp derp the Trinidadian Empire would have been great except that the Roman Empire was better, therefore the Trinidadian Empire was better.

>> No.9486584


Are you saying that physically weaker humans deserve to be oppressed?

What the fuck?

>> No.9486585
File: 124 KB, 834x1200, 1318188969341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it was because he was being slow as fuck?

>> No.9486600


I probably have fifty pounds of muscle and a half-foot on you, so that gives me the right to oppress you - according to your worldview anyway.

Best start pouring my tea before it gets violent.

>> No.9486590

White males.

>> No.9486594


If a guy on the team about to make a break through on curing aids and a woman were caught in a burning building and only one person could be saved, guess which person gets saved.
It always has been the woman and still is.

>> No.9486596

Why wouldn't they be? Might makes right.

>> No.9486597


>> No.9486602

No women have never been protected at all in history ever!

>> No.9486603

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9486604

I like how you're implying physical strength means shit nowadays.

>> No.9486605


Your retarded strawman argument dissolves hundreds of years of political and sociological oppression?

>> No.9486612


>> No.9486613

Watch some of the videos here >>9486557 and your question is answered.

>> No.9486614

/jp/ - Stupid/Random

>> No.9486616


Is this how you sleep at night? You lull yourself into this narcissistic cocoon of “GOD I'M SO SMART” and try to convince yourself that you're superior to others?

Do you realize you may be mentally ill?

>> No.9486619

It wouldn't be /jp/ if everyone in it weren't doing their best to win the biggest retard competition.

>> No.9486620

Show me proof of this oppression. For all I know you could be lying and men have been the ones to be oppressed by tactics like the one you're using.
Please don't bully.

>> No.9486629

Holy shit, I didn't know you could go so crazy with assumptions. First of all, I was referring to the fact that physical strength means little to nothing when you take into account people have much easier access to weapons. The bully who got stabbed was infinitely "stronger" than the kid who was bullied, but that didn't matter at all.

I think you're mentally ill with your insane fabrication that you formed.

>> No.9486630

Obviously she's mad because he just dropped her fucking pizza.

>> No.9486625

>why is she mad?
Wouldn't you be mad if you were a little girl and opened the door to a young Otaku while you were semi-naked and he didn't whip his cock out?


>> No.9486626

ok women were oppressed.

Who made more invention in the last 40 years in US and EU?


who postulated the existence of higgs boson?

a male.

>> No.9486632
File: 48 KB, 600x600, dfgdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She mistook the place she was supposed to order from.

Pizza Hut's pizzas are very small and taste mediocre price wise and only sell because of the brand.
I once went to Pizza Hut.
More expensive than other local pizzeria, very small meal portions and the taste wasn't any better compared to other places. 2/10 would not eat there again.

The pizza boy is just surprised at her naked body, but the girl is frustrated at the man and herself for shitty pizza. They end up having sex later though and become lovers for life.

>> No.9486642

lmao you're the funniest guy in this thread. I would make you a friend but you're unfortunately anonymous so I can't do that.

>> No.9486636


When given the choice between a male and female candidate of identical views, voters pick the male candidate because of the stereotype wherein men are considered “better leaders:”

The ends meet the means - the most diverse seating of U.S Senate in history still saw men outnumbering women by 87 seats out of a total 100: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress..

>> No.9486654


link got separated by weird formatting, here


>> No.9486655

Excuse me but why is my antivirus blocking that link? What did you post?

>> No.9486644

I have a pizza place near where I live where you can get a 19 inch pizza for 8 pounds.

>> No.9486652

>Large stuffed crust with jalepanos bacon and sausage for $8
>More expensive than local pizza
Yeah, no, all local places are consistently more expensive

>> No.9486672


You need to get a non-shitty antivirus.

>> No.9486675

They charge like $25 for that in England (if delivered) and about $35 in Japan. ;_;

God this country sucks.

>> No.9486674

Use GNU/Linux fag

>> No.9486676

eh, guess why

>> No.9486678

I had Pizza Hut, and it was delicious. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.9486679
File: 906 KB, 825x676, sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9486681

No, I'm saying that the more successful humans are more successful. If women were oppressed, it's because they were more oppressable and/or men were better at oppressing. Whether it's natural or societal, you don't have any right to complain any more than a country can say WAHHH THEIR GUNS AND TANKS BEAT OUR STICKS AND SWORDS BUT WE WERE EQUAL ;___;. Great, you're the inferior country, at least from a military aspect.

>> No.9486685

So I read that preview and all it said was masculine traits were preferred when looking for a leader. It even said voters couldn't be blamed for lack of female representation.

>> No.9486687

she's pissed because that dumb fuck dropped the pizza.

And because someone ordered fucking shitty ass pizza hut. What the fuck.

>> No.9486689


You are a terrible human.

>> No.9486693

Surely by this logic, white people should just shut up and let the take over fully happen. Since it's already happening and whites are being bred out, they are less successful and will be taken over?

>> No.9486696

He's just realistic.

>> No.9486705

>Pizza Hut's pizzas are very small and taste mediocre
>More expensive than other local pizzeria, very small meal portions and the taste wasn't any better compared to other places.
Is this post a joke? There's no way someone can actually think this.

>> No.9486709


The loli rapes the delivery boy because she was promised "extra meat"

>> No.9486719

eh I like our local pizzeria more than pizza hut because pizza hut makes American pizzas whereas our local pizzeria makes them italian style.

>> No.9486725


If that is the case, then there is nothing we can do from Caucasians becoming a minority race. I actually have no qualms about race mixing, even though I'm actually Aryan

>> No.9486736

Italian style is disgusting.

>> No.9486747
File: 191 KB, 615x597, Jew Hut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, I guess it depends on the country / area then.
There are only a few Pizza Huts in Finland, but any other succesful pizzerias are usually run by immigrants (most of the time Turks) who offer bigger, better tasting pizzas for literally half the price (like, usually normal size pizza costs somewhere around 7€ while Pizza Hut's medium sizes were around 14€).

>> No.9486745

Americans are the disgusting ones.

>> No.9486757

Hey do you like ice cream?

>> No.9486758

I should have seen this coming

>> No.9486760

Now it's clear why you have such terrible tastes.

>> No.9486764

As a true American, I prefer Pizza Hut as they give you more pizza per dollar. It doesn't matter if their quality is slightly inferior, money is more important.

>> No.9486769

>As a true American
>money is more important.

Something smells fishy.

>> No.9486775

Do you not have a Little Caesar's in your area? Their pizzas are $5.

>> No.9486781

No, I think we should resist. Back to the woman example, women could have resisted. Eventually they did, and I'm proud of the early suffragettes for actually getting shit done. I really believe men and women are equal, but they are not the same. See it like some role playing game. Capitalize on your stat benefits, reduce the effect of your -4 STR. If it turns out that a certain race takes over the world, then yes, chances are that was the best overall race. That's how evolution works. I'm not saying we should round up the weak or stupid and slaughter them, but they ARE weak or stupid in the same way that women are worse inventors and worse oppressors.

>> No.9486782


You mean Dominoes considering you can get a better pizza for $5 with more toppings.

The only thing good about PizzaHut is maybe the Stuffed Crust, if the guy making or cutting the pizza cares to make it properly. And then you're paying $20 easy for a single Pizza

>> No.9486789

I'm an American and where I live Pizza Hut has the best quality pizza and pricewise isn't bad.

>> No.9486791

No I don't. And I'm especially angry about it because they would make a lot of money here with their buffet.

>> No.9486801

>better pizza
I laughed.

>> No.9486802

Dominoes doesn't even have stuffed crust, how can you call that a pizza?

>> No.9486800

Another Eastern European shithole resident here, can confirm.

The difference is much smaller than a couple years ago, but Pizza Hut is still more expensive and not very good.

Maybe because it was one of the first pizza places, for a time it was considered "upscale" here.

>> No.9486809

There are Little Caesars with buffets? Are you sure you're not thinking of CiCi's?

>> No.9486812

Americans are really missing out since they don't have all these Arab immigrants making dirt cheap pizza for them.

>> No.9486816

It's Domino's, niggers.

And their pizza sucks dick. Stuffed Crust is $11 by the way, not $20.

>> No.9486817

I got some Domino's "double decadence" pizza where the cheese was coated over itself or something crazy. It tasted like rubbery plastic, 8/10 would strongly recommend.

>> No.9486818

Dominoes is the best bargain bin pizza.
Pizza Hut has better quality but is slightly overpriced.
Little Caesar's is awful.

>> No.9486827

Domino's is shit tier pizza with good side stuff like their cheese bread and sandwiches.

>> No.9486833


You pay like $4 or shit for delivery, like $1 for any topping past like 1 and after tip it's usually $20.

I liked getting P'zones, those were great though.

>> No.9486839

that arab pizza is shit. However, Sucuk is really nice, better than salami

>> No.9486849

I got them confused because CiCis is called a pizza kitchen
I don't have either of them

>> No.9486854
File: 495 KB, 1042x1500, 1318321879481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best version.
"I..I know you people like t-tip so..J-just suck it gently okay! j-just the tip.."

>> No.9486857

There are still dozens of good, local pizza places near every one of you, yet you all choose to order from big chain stores because it's slightly more convenient and saves you a dollar or two.

You're faggots, the lot of you.

>> No.9486861

I'd suck her dick. No homo.

>> No.9486869

Are you serious?
Instead of arguing about random shit, we should be wondering why the other version where she has a dick wasn't posted.

>> No.9486870

everyone would

vaginas are boring

>> No.9486871

>good local pizza places

No. Out of the dozen or so, only one had edible pizza. And they've raised their prices to $15 for a large cheese pizza (along with their $4 delivery charge), so fuck that.

>> No.9486865


But I prefer futa on female..

>> No.9486876


Though maybe it has something to do with a certain global rule. But that'd be crazy!

>> No.9486874

Can I get an uncut version?

>> No.9486875
File: 20 KB, 390x399, 1311571307945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9486885

pls no bully

>> No.9486880


But I prefer futa with vaginas

>> No.9486882

Bawwww, the free market is ruining us!!

>> No.9486889

The foreskin retracts when you have an erection.

It would really be no different. Wikipedia even used the same model for their cut and uncut penis pictures, he just pulled his foreskin back.

>> No.9486891

I wish people would read threads instead of just flying through them.

>> No.9486892

Because it's gross.

I mean just look at it. Disgusting.

>> No.9486897

So, futa?

>> No.9486908


My foreskin doesn't do that automatically, I have to give it a gentle rolling back

>> No.9486913


Sometimes people try to pass shemales off as futa. You have to be particular these days.

It's dangerous times as a futa fetishist.

>> No.9486927

What are you, gay?

>> No.9486928

Mine does. I'm having a chat with a /jp/er whose cock I will suck, hopefully, and he has sent me pictures of his uncut cock with a bit of foreskin over the glans. I feel like I'm in a middle-ground between cut and uncut now ;_;

>> No.9486937


rru r u kuotin?

>> No.9486947

Is it normal for my uncut cock to not be covered all the way by my foreskin?

>> No.9486954

Nice to see old /jp/ has taken over this thread from the nornalfags. I want to suck a cock and get fucked in the ass so bad.

>> No.9486961

The way the topic develops on /jp/ is bizarre.

>> No.9486962

Can we see his uncut beautiful cock?

>> No.9486963

she's angry his pants are on

>> No.9486972

I don't think he'd like that. It'd also identify me and I don't want that... I'm sorry.

>> No.9486973

I love it, though. It's so easy to just go off on a tangent about something that might not even be related to the OP.

>> No.9486986

>eating pizza at all

>> No.9486995
File: 16 KB, 376x600, GPL-CDDL-BSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSD is freer than the GPL.

>> No.9487000

I wonder how many /jp/sies are gay or bi these days, everyone is hungry for uncut. And i'm swimming with sharks.

>> No.9487009

She was getting off to pictures of man on man sex on the computer when this jerk showed up. It happens to all little girls at some point.

>> No.9487010

Anyways, ,>>9486973 please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?

>> No.9487013

Not as many as you think.

>> No.9487014

Encouraging the production of non-free software, as the BSD license does, is just as evil as creating non-free software.

>> No.9487029

Encouraging a license monopoly, even an ethical one, is restricting user's freedoms.

>> No.9487036

I think most of them are actually straight.
You know when people in prisons "become gay" after a while. They aren't actually gay, it's just that their buttlust starts trancending gender identities and there are only men who you can divert your sexual frustration into.

As /jp/ is populated by antisocial neets with no sexual experience, they start turning into cocks. It also has something to do with how porn starts feeling less and less exciting unless you start fapping to new fetishes. I too like shota / traps and sometimes fantasize about being drowned in cum, but consider myself straight.
It's just a casual kink.

Case in point, I got kissed by a man my age when drunk, but neither of us really swings that way after all.

>> No.9487044
File: 37 KB, 404x280, 1339899208200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I too like shota / traps and sometimes fantasize about being drowned in cum, but consider myself straight.

>> No.9487051
File: 31 KB, 608x448, 123217501150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and sometimes fantasize about being drowned in cum, but consider myself straight

Whatever you say, Fagbob Gaypants.

>> No.9487052

What you fap to does not define your sexuality. I fap to traps myself but would never mess with one in real life, the thought of it makes me a little sick.

>> No.9487055

I think most of /jp/ is MSM.

>> No.9487064

ebin /a/b/v/ reaction image /b/ro :D

>> No.9487073

Your homosexual repression is showing.

>> No.9487074

Keep naming boards, you might name the right board one day.

>> No.9487077

>I too like shota / traps and sometimes fantasize about being drowned in cum, but consider myself straight.
Being attracted to men is the very definition of homosexuality.

>> No.9487087
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1341426581525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice denial my gay friend.

>> No.9487088

it's time for this to be posted
tl;dr men like dicks

>> No.9487090

No one says GPLv3 is the only freedom respecting license, it is just the best one.
It is not acceptable to allow your software to become evil proprietary software that will enslave the community.

>> No.9487097

I thought it was having sex with men that made you gay? I don't care what my sexuality is I'll only lay with women and I'll fap to whatever turns me on.

>> No.9487092
File: 209 KB, 512x512, 1306142988031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me, there are varying levels of attraction, such as bisexuality. Homosexuality is only if he's not attracted to women as well. Clearly he is.

>> No.9487106

No that would be homoerotica, which even "pure straight" men are supsceptible to, as evidence by male target commercials.

>> No.9487114

Ahem, I'm atracted to their feminine aspects and with the cum thing, I wonder how girls feel like when getting such things done to them. The former too is kind of a masochist fantasy. Don't tell you've never wondered how getting ahegaoed feels.

And I don't really care if people call me homo / bi since I don't consider those "sick" or "evil" at all. I just can never imagine myself being in a relationship or even a one nighter with a man in real life, this I have a hard time labeling myself either.

>> No.9487112
File: 13 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool "NO U" son.

>> No.9487121

I would let a /jp/er fuck me in the ass I'm not gay though.

>> No.9487120


>> No.9487123

Where do you live, sweetheart?

>> No.9487124

sometimes I put myself in the girls position but not as a guy I pretend I am the girl I really like to do that

>> No.9487125


I can't see myself with any real person.

>> No.9487127

>I thought it was having sex with men that made you gay

What a naive, narrow-minded bigot.

>> No.9487133

I'd love to slurp the dickcheese from under a /jp/sies foreskin and lovingly chew it.

But i'm not gay

>> No.9487138

I-I'm s-sorry. the media and imageboards have warped what I know. I just like what I like I don't label it.

>> No.9487140

btw im a girl

>> No.9487147

It's only gay if your balls touch.

>> No.9487148

why every discussions end in dicks

>> No.9487154

Hoboken, New Jersey

>> No.9487156


I know how you feel, I fantasize about having a cock in every in hole.

I'm not gay either.

>> No.9487161

That's an old one.

>> No.9487166

You're 2 hours from me.

>> No.9487168

/jp/ is full of gay men like you and me now come over here and let me suck your cock
*slurp* *slurp*

>> No.9487170

It's the fate of every off topic thread in /jp/.
Or not only /jp/. Lately there have been quite many cock suckers / trap lovers in other boards too, namely /v/.
Perhaps this revelation will stop people considering cocks "/jp/ culture" due to being too mainstream and the board becomes good again.

>> No.9487171 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 600x800, 2ea68aa686769230a306b3bb8d76aa3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Mao Buchou commands it

>> No.9487179

Just wait for the girls to calm down and cool off from their cock lust, then you'll see a dramatic decrease in cock posting here.

>> No.9487187

Well he's only 45min from me.

>> No.9487193

He's a translatlantic ship ride from me.

>> No.9487194

d-does this mean a 3 way jp meetup?

>> No.9487196
File: 344 KB, 834x1200, 1318160761528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real best version.

>> No.9487200

You two want to head out to NYC for a boys day out and maybe suck each other off and fucking each other in the ass no homo of course.

>> No.9487203

Yes I do.

>> No.9487233

I couldn't come until about a week cause car is in repair

>> No.9487235

Oh how wrong you were.

>> No.9487243

I'm coming to collect that free buttsex that was promised. You better be ready.

>> No.9487261

Next week is good for me but I'm not sure about >>9487203 and now there's >>9487243

>> No.9487270

post pics of the event later

>> No.9487272

I'm good any time but I don't own a car. I could travel by bus maybe? I don't think it will work out for me.

>> No.9487277

Only on /jp/ is a thread like this possible. Good job guys.

>> No.9487291

I can see if my mom will give me some extra money to pay for your bus fare too.

>> No.9487295

No, it's spreading. >>9487170
But why contain it?

>> No.9487300

post the "dick" one

>> No.9487303

/jp/ knows how to really make me laugh.
