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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 801 KB, 800x600, 374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9482519 No.9482519 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9452713

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9482528

That art...
Is she going to poop on me?

>> No.9482532

Why is her face so misshapen?

>> No.9482534

Just grabbed the hatsukoi 1/1 soundtrack

This donmaru guy made all the awesome tracks and I've never heard of him

>> No.9482535
File: 113 KB, 640x400, event_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, in that case I'll do Iroseka first.

Just noticed that it's getting a fandisc, releasing in August to boot.

>> No.9482543
File: 197 KB, 800x600, 3a17481c34d897ece70a26e9ffd11c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a hueg forehead, which is admittedly very prominent in this tachi-e.

Other than that, Ashito art's gonna Ashito. Love it or leave it.

>> No.9482551

Favorite's art is so lovely. Can't wait for the Iroseka fandisc.

>> No.9482552

I for one can leave it, if it wasn't for the faces he's actually not that bad.

>> No.9482556

Makes me think of that Scatalolista series. Don't know if this is also the same guy or not, but the art sure looks similar.

>> No.9482566

> Scatalolista

...is that exactly what it sounds like?

>> No.9482567

Is she a dominant Oujo-sama type?

>> No.9482568

Yes. They are good.

>> No.9482579
File: 672 KB, 800x600, fuaaaaiiittttoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Yukina is the semi-irresponsible but seemingly all-knowing student council VP who keeps roping the even lazier protag into doing her work for her. She's pretty laid-back (except for when she and Asahi get into it, that is).

>> No.9482595
File: 2.08 MB, 1600x900, Sister Scheme 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sister Scheme 2.

Far more romantic than Sister Scheme. Also very funny.

>> No.9482641

yo, guys, help me out! gimme suace on op's vn

>> No.9482665

Hoping Shiny Days is going to get more interesting at some point. So far I'm finding it kinda dull.

Have Birthday or atled shown up on Share yet?

>> No.9482696 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 800x600, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished 時をかける処女 ~破瓜永久連鎖~, pleasantly surprised because it had more plot than I expected.
I don't like paradoxes because they usually leave me feeling unsatisfied, but this one was ok. In a nutshell, the rapist had a grudge on the girl because he was falsely accused of raping her. When he was younger he saw a girl being raped which made him unable to get hard unless rape was involved, and that somehow contributed to people accusing him of committing rape. So the reason why he kept jumping through time with her and raping her was to get revenge for ruining his life. Once the girl figured this out she jumped back to when the younger version of the guy saw a girl getting raped to stop him from seeing it. But then she got violated by the rapist who had followed her, so the person that the young guy saw on that day was his future self and the time-jumping girl. But his future self was only raping the girl due in part to seeing that scene, and they were only there because she was trying to prevent it from happening. I typed that out just so I could get it straight in my head but I still don't feel like I got the whole picture.
The ero was good even though some got repetitive, the protag got a bit yandere in some which was very nice. I wish they went into little more details about the paradox but I guess that was the point of the VN. The plot was nothing mind blowing but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.9482705

I'm thinking about starting Black Wolves Saga. It looks significantly less awful than other otoge I've looked at recently, yet dangerously furry with those ears and tails. Reviews say it's good, but usually if a reviewer who reads nothing but otoge says it's godly or whatever, then from the view of someone who reads all types it's actually mediocre, or flat out bad. But, I think I'll give it a try anyway.

Birthday definitely hasn't, not sure about atled. Don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but Guilty Crown is after popping up.

>> No.9482716

Don't hold your breath. The 90% of the Days games that don't contain poorly-animated fucking or yandere are mind-numbingly dull.

I started Summer Days over a year ago and I STILL haven't finished it because I only pick it up when I'm in the mood to fap, play to the first available ero scene, and then close it again almost immediately because it is S O B O R I N G.

>> No.9482726

>Black Wolves Saga
I was looking at that, it isn't 18+ is it? I only like 18+ otoge but most of them are so shitty. So, so shitty.

>> No.9482747
File: 314 KB, 1920x922, rejet-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, I hadn't heard about this company. Glad you mentioned it.

This game looks like it might be worthwhile. Interesting art style, plus the music (what there is of it on the official site, at least) is really nice.

>> No.9482770

Well, I believe I'm currently playing the route covered in Summer Days, so that doesn't give me a lot of confidence. The route with Inori was also fairly boring.

Whatever, at least there's Kokoro to look forward to I guess.

>> No.9482785

The new route in Shiny Days wasn't very good. The best parts of Summer Days are Kokoro and Setsuna.

>> No.9482811 [SPOILER] 
File: 488 KB, 1290x776, MikuEnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well finished Aerial with Miku route. that was damn great ride. sure it had quite bit of flaws like getting bit preaching at times and the exclamation mark usage going out of controll sometimes, but I didn't really dislike those too much. but generally really liked the atmosphere it had, and the fact that it showed how the people with different positions and mentalities lived in that rotten age, some might say that it wasted too much time "showing" useless characters that really dont matter to plot overall, but I liked that. not sure I want to do the other two routes as they dont aparently dont change the story really, so not interested in seeing Miku getting NTR-by Omi in Risa route (there would probably be no bounds to my rage on that) or Ryoko not getting on with Shin but Shuu. probably will just skip those and get the Nagi scene. Also Mikus just too cute me to choose the other options and dat wedding dress I wanted to have H-scene in it, fuck .
Also like the "connections" to AB like it being parellel world it showed some nice things. in the end it was Nagi and Aerial that caused the great change due to dimension fuckery of planet geass. it was nice how they briefly showed Harus parents there (and technically Haru too with her mother being pregnant with her). also it was nice to see that couple from the ABs bar and what kind of person Allys mother was. also when you think the Keimas monologue at the end was technically his message to Nagi I get this warm feeling..
so although Aerial seems to get bad rep quite bit, there atleast is one person who fucking loved it

>> No.9482859

I've been living under a rock last weekend so I wasn't able to get Aerial. So were first impressions very negative?

>> No.9482913

Look at the previous thread

>> No.9482953

Just done skimming that thread. Looks like I dodged a bullet there thinking it's going to be the next big mecha kamige. Still, production values look good so I'm gonna give it a download.

>> No.9482984

> thinking it's going to be the next big mecha kamige
reception would have probably been a lot more lenient if it wasn't for all the people doing the same thing

>> No.9482988

So Owaru Sekai is the surprise hit for this month? It doesn't look half bad. Never read anything by cottonsoft before.

>> No.9482996

I wasn't really expecting much to begin with but the writing in the second half was so horrible it killed whatever enthusiasm I could have.

>> No.9483002
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furuiro Meikyuu Rondo, Atled and Owaru Sekai to Birthday are all getting a pretty good reputation in 2ch and egs.
Well I can only speak for Rondo but it's actually pretty good.
Saki is wonderful too.

>> No.9483016

Oh man, with Joker and Aerial being relative busts, Akabeisoft3 better step up in their future games.

>> No.9483034

Nope, it's 15+. Yeah, that's kind of strange, isn't it? Looks like companies pour all of their energy into the PSP market. I downloaded PersonA, another 18+ title when it was released as well but even scores for that aren't that high, so you know it has to be pretty fucking bad if even otoge players aren't scoring it highly. It's based on Phantom of the Opera, features a legit incest route, and a yandere so I don't know man, that sounds like a decent mix of shit to me.

Rejet seem to be the new hot thing. They're after getting very popular all of a sudden for Diabolik Lovers, Black Wolves Saga, and Gekka. Diabolik Lovers especially, since it has a set of drama CDs out now with どS guys saying どS things.

I don't think I've seen one bad review for Sekai yet. Then again, I haven't checked in about a day, so perhaps something has popped up then. There was even a reply in a 2ch thread which basically said, 'what, no complaints?'.

>> No.9483066

I really regret buying Aerial and not buying Owaru Sekai

>> No.9483091

I haven't played a VN in something like three years. Not since family project came out. I keep wanting to finish Princess Waltz but I never get around to it.

>> No.9483097
File: 386 KB, 1024x576, capture_001_31072012_094233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to start that once I've finished Grisaia no Meikyuu. I love complex choice systems.

Sadly it looks like Yuuji's past does hog most of the Grand Route. Makes the game feel sort of a cash grab filled with extra stuff and unnecessarily long flashbacks.

Though, for some strange reason I love these fuckers more than the original cast of Kajitsu.
And they damn better finally reveal Kazuki's current state and not stall their GUREETO TUVISTO RIBEARU until Rakuen.

>> No.9483227

>Sadly it looks like Yuuji's past does hog most of the Grand Route
But... that's exactly what it's there for. I'm pretty sure it's also what most people wanted after Kajitsu.
It's basically a Yuuji route. Don't see any faults there, frankly.
I can agree on those guys being awesome, though.

>> No.9483237

It always feels awkward having 10 pages of save states and just using one, and then most of it only for choices fork points.

>> No.9483269

Yeah, it even says right on the tin that it's 雄二過去編. Not sure why it's surprising you.

>> No.9483311


I do the same. And I think most people do.

>> No.9483331


Did he just call her shawty?


>> No.9483348

No, he calls Yuuji that.

>> No.9483423 [DELETED] 

I tried playing Reject's Rider Xechs, figuring that even though I'm not a part of the target demographic apocalypses and sentai-ish creatures could be decently entertaining if nothing else.
Well, I was wrong. The game was utter shit and it's probably the worst VN I've ever experienced.

>> No.9483449

I tried playing Rejet's Rider Xechs, figuring that even though I'm not a part of the target demographic apocalypses and sentai-ish creatures could be decently entertaining if nothing else.
Well, I was wrong. The game was utter shit and it's probably the worst VN I've ever experienced.

>> No.9483460

Playing swan song.
This bitch. This bitch right here. I pray to god her character develops into something endurable.

>> No.9483464
File: 13 KB, 250x300, Hibari_Kawase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant this bitch.

>> No.9483470


Not really. She's just your typical tsundere. Her relationship with the otaku (forgot the name) is really interesting, though.

>> No.9483489
File: 392 KB, 1663x965, no route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday, all characters will have routes.

But not today.

>> No.9483501


What's the name of this artist? he did Haganai as well, but I can't seem to find his name..

>> No.9483509


>> No.9483601


I think that's the first VN I've seen that uses a resolution that didn't fall out of date in the year 2000.

>> No.9483626

You can stretch the window to any size

Love it when you can do that

>> No.9483633

>Love it when you can do that
I only like that if there's a way to have it in concrete sizes too. It's one of the reasons malie drives me nuts when playing light's games.

>> No.9483682

Memoria's alright, but the translation is horrible.

>> No.9483724
File: 25 KB, 256x346, 3923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to whoever's seeding the KeroQ torrent on Nyaa and allowed me to download this and TV ga Kieta Hi the other day.

So... should I bother playing it? And can anyone comment on the difficulty level of the writing (linguistics and kanji-wise, I mean)?

>> No.9483728

Tsui no sora is interesting, gives you a bit more of insight on what you read in subahibi.

>> No.9483744

I just started Aerial.
It's unbelievably difficult so far. I'm just an hour into it and I've been writing down so much vocab it isn't even funny. I need to step it up.
I feel like I really should be reading more games like this instead of moege.
The atmosphere is really good so far, and Miku (I really need to stop pronouncing her name as Mirai)is darn adorable.

>> No.9483747

Avoid her, seriously avoid her, like the plague.

>> No.9483773


>> No.9483798
File: 247 KB, 1286x745, Untitled00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought they'd port this to PC...

>> No.9483810

Backport of the PS3 version? What's different besides no ero? The art looks different.

>> No.9483836


I think it's a direct backport from the PS3 version, no changes.

Difference from the first PC version as far as I can see: better art, motion picture, extra character. System-wise idk, never tried the first PC version far enough.


>> No.9483892

Mikus the best, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9483917

Not this guy but you mustn't be right in the head if you like Miku, especially by the end.
She is such a generic one note character and her scenes later on are horribly, nightmare inducing even

>> No.9483996

Not that I didn't expect it, I just don't like flashbacks in general, especially in cases when you already pretty much know everything that happened. Exception was that Oslo (what a great name) guy who wasn't really foreshadowed in Kajitsu at all.

Oh well, finished Meikyuu. You could pretty much guess how it would end but I hope they can pull some new sick twists in Rakuen. Not counting Kazuki, unless there is some kind of reverse twist where she actually isn't alive or is kept alive in some weird as fuck way.
Though that would call for a huge genre shift, I guess.

>> No.9485377
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, ev_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good, I'm finally getting the hang of it though I kept dying earlier

>> No.9485548

So.... Midori no Umi, has anyone here played it? How is it? Apparently it's very long but if it's well worth it I'm thinking of picking it up since I have lots of time being on summer break from school, I like the art at least.

>> No.9485611

It's... interesting to say the least in a really trainwreck way.

>> No.9485741

Check out the last 2~3 threads, a guy was noting his impressions over each route as he went on.

>> No.9485819

Is Miyawa's route worth doing in ruitomo's FD?
I don't particularly like her and feels so... out of everything, especially the actual plot.

>> No.9485865

The route ends with Tomo in a dress singing.
So yeah

>> No.9485879

It's been a while but I don't think her route had any important overall plot information. Her route deals with her strict no fun allowed family and Tomo "rescuing" her. The writing is as good as the rest of the game, but the scenario isn't that outstanding in itself.

>> No.9485880
File: 33 KB, 191x598, 191px-Ulala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there anyone who saved the Cartagra patch? Was it even released?

>> No.9485893

Okay. Thanks.

>> No.9486277 [DELETED] 

Looks like Lost Christmas is finally up on Nyaa.

>> No.9486682

Where can I find these games? In a video game store?
Also, which ones do you guys recommend (preferably not eroge)?

>> No.9486720
File: 218 KB, 1366x768, Devilscreen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a few hours into G Senjō no Maō (The Devil on G-String). Fucking good story, but I want to punch the protagonist every time he opens his mouth... Douchbaggery of the highest order.

>> No.9486730


Please guys, don't bully him.

>> No.9486746

ギルティクラウン ロストクリスマス is finally out on nyaa.

>> No.9486759

Never was released.

>> No.9486778

I was in Osaka a couple weeks ago, and there was some walls up in the Gamers there showing the character designs for all the side characters in Majikoi.

No photos because there was a no photo sign and some guy watching.

>> No.9486796

VNDB and blogs to find new games.
Then torrent the shit out of everything, I think there only are maybe one or two buyfags here. Though there are some official releases too (google Manga Gamer, JAST or DLSite for untranslated stuff).

>which ones do you guys recommend (preferably not eroge)?
Ask, /vg/ on their VN General. Their userbase are more focused on translated games.
Anyways, here is filter for translated stuff that contain no hentai and are considered at least somewhat good by the English reading community.

Speaking of Cartagra, how are Innocent Grey games in general? Started Cartagra once, but never got around to reading even to the first murder since my moon wasn't that good back then. Played a bit of Caucasus too but got frustrated with the gameplay.

>> No.9486829

Kara no shoujo is great if you just follow the walkthrough for the locations, makes it a lot more bearable. Cartagra is good too and both have the same mood I particularly enjoy.

>> No.9486959 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finish Furuiro Meikyuu Rondo overall I think its pretty good though i feel it have could use more character, gameplay was a bit annoying fate/lifeforce is constantly being use up so you to retrace quite often, The game involve you the player into the story. Rape when a child so now i hate all men is so fukkin old.

still missing 2 h-scene even though i got 100%

>> No.9486974

What OS are you on? 32bit?

>> No.9486983

window 7 64bit

>> No.9487019

And it worked fine? I'm on it too and I still can't find a way to get the game working properly.

>> No.9487030

yup i just install it like any other game and it work just fine

>> No.9487042

The thing is, I'm stuck with a Mac so there's some stuff I can't download.
On top of that, I'm scared of torrents since I got a big virus in the past. Everything on my computer was deleted and they had to relaunch everything.

>> No.9487067

I don't think there are many (or any at all) VNs released for Mac.
>I'm scared of torrents since I got a big virus in the past
Just look for torrents with lotsa seeds and comments telling if they're fake or not.
Anime-sharing, nyaatorrents, nihonomaru and hshare are all pretty safe sites and I've never gotten a virus from them.

>> No.9487084

You are worried about viruses with a fucking mac?

>> No.9487117

The days where a Mac could call itself the "no virus platform" are long gone, buddy.

>> No.9487150


Macs were only hurr "virus immune" because they were too small of a market share to develope viruses for. Now that they share is larger, they are proper targets. But it didn't stop Apple for knowingly lying about it.

>> No.9487174
File: 541 KB, 910x960, mac-osx-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even their Marketing PR changed.

>> No.9487746
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>> No.9487770

Im acually looking for a new one but finished shuffle!, and both koihime musous.

>> No.9487798
File: 55 KB, 400x599, crimson princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Asairo's omake scenario since I missed teh chance when I read it for the first time.
I wouldn't mind an itsusora version of Asairo with the setting given in it, just crazy.

>> No.9487820

Installing the mangagamer release of Ef The First Tale

>> No.9487821

I'm not one to bandwagon, but is it better I skip Aerial in favor of Rondo? My HDD's mostly full and I can't keep both.

>> No.9487914

Just get the unofficial ef Lite that comes with both the First and the Latter tale.

>> No.9488833


She has the body of an anorexic...

>> No.9488845

Fuck you, homo.

>> No.9488858


I think it's because she has no ass there, and you can basically see the bottom of her hipbone.

>> No.9489267
File: 123 KB, 613x525, 0513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew a girl this cute can't be true but still.. fuck this shit.

>> No.9489323

Oh, someone playing Majikoi S without the godawful translation. This is a surprise.

>> No.9489886

I know mary sue gets thrown around a lot but she fits perfectly in how she just warps the game into everyone liking her

>> No.9490323

Fuck my savedata for 古色迷宮輪舞曲 broke.
Getting a signal11 message when I try to load my save

I was at 50% too, fuck

>> No.9490764
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1343409733290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9490836

the shop you ordered it from should have given you a rough estimate of the delivery

>> No.9491499
File: 14 KB, 633x111, catinbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

古色迷宮輪舞曲 breaks the 4th wall and hands you a cat in box, what to do? I didn't expect so much in constructing scenario/plot. Currently around 80-85% mark.

Fingers crossed for an ending fitting for the writer(s) effort(s).

>> No.9491687 [DELETED] 
File: 942 KB, 1024x576, it's EEEEVILLLL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Midori no Umi poster, and my advice to you is: DON'T DO IT.

It's basically only good for the Sara and twins routes, a few of the bad ends, and the art. Unless you're actively looking for something to rage at, just download the CG pack and save yourself the pain.

God, this fucking game. I need to blaze through the rest of it and just be done with it.

>> No.9491694 [SPOILER] 
File: 942 KB, 1024x576, it's EEEEVILLLL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Midori no Umi poster, and my advice to you is: DON'T DO IT.

It's basically only good for the Sara and twins routes, a few of the bad ends, and the art. Unless you're actively looking for something to rage at, just download the CG pack and save yourself the pain.

God, this fucking game. I need to blaze through the rest of it and just be done with it.

>> No.9491723

Japanese people must have a boner for shrödinger's cat or something.

>> No.9491756

No but writers do since it allows them to set up TWEESTS with a single line of explanation for how it works.

>> No.9491766

makes remember the "fuck you" to that concept in STEINS;GATE.

>> No.9491772
File: 915 KB, 1024x576, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, about that Midori no Umi blogging:

Goddammit, not you too. Will this game leave no girl (except Sara) unscathed?

Learned an interesting new word thanks to this chapter's title, though. Quite an eloquent description of the direction I assume the plot is heading in.

(n) (1) (uk) Chinese moonseed (Sinomenium acutum); (2) complex inter-relationship (as in the struggle between two types of vine over one piece of land)

>> No.9491828
File: 118 KB, 748x689, 532283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read a VN since Sekien no Inganock was translated. Have I missed anything good in the past year or so?

>> No.9491877
File: 205 KB, 461x480, 20754251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translated only?

- other Liarsoft games by the same team as Inganock (Sharnoth, Forest)
- Quartett!
- Katahane
- Togainu no Chi
- Rance 2

And that's just the ones that I think are unequivocally good; there've been a bunch more.

>> No.9491881

what mass of chuunibyou shit is this now

>> No.9491956

What is exactly a chuuni story?

>> No.9491961

> by the same team as Inganock (Sharnoth, Forest)
Sharnoth and Inganock only share the writer and Forest was basically another team alltogether

>> No.9492104
File: 1.40 MB, 1680x1050, schrodinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9492170
File: 58 KB, 1021x573, Guilty Crown Lost Christmas dat PRESENT awfully turned on by Scroogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost Christmas was a fun ride, even though it was kind of short.

>> No.9492197

How long?

>> No.9492203

Harsh as HELL.

Togainu isn't really all that good though. It had painfully 2D characters and that ruined it for me.

>> No.9492214
File: 688 KB, 286x310, 1333928549889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D characters

b-but isn't that the point?

>> No.9492234
File: 11 KB, 399x168, furuiromeikyuueod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy here, finally reached the end. It has a low-cast well-deserved rest from journey feel, not the same feel type of major achievement like you would get from say, Baldr sky dive series. I really enjoyed it, in how it was with normal environment (not a total wreck surrounding) with the slow dread mental creep that comes across, very unforgiving at times (especially with the word system). It seems they designed it so to get the reader a little more involved, a bit more in-character like the protag in trying to find the way around. May be that's just me reading too much into it, YMMV.

>> No.9492281

Finished it too, well I'm at 92%.
Overall I enjoyed it but I'd still put it below HaruKuru for the loop game of the year.
The word system was pretty interesting but I thought it could have been used for some better deduction scenes.
Plot was good and the writing while nothing great flowed well but I thought the game was a bit too slow in the 20-50% range.
Well it was nice if low key and Saki was a great heroine.

I'll try to get the remaining scenes, I'm still missing some ero scenes too

>> No.9492301
File: 28 KB, 1019x570, Guilty Crown Lost Christmas dat PRESENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all it should only take a few hours

>> No.9492684


Essentially means lots of powerlevel dick waving and long pre-battle speeches. And afaik Dies Irae is supposed to be the chuuniest of chuuni.

>> No.9492729
File: 92 KB, 345x543, ss (2012-08-01 at 07.35.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing the Higurashi VN
Needed the PS2 Graphics patch.
The original is diabolical.

>> No.9492752
File: 313 KB, 2048x1536, Shirakawa-go_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have at least kept the background CGs. IMO, the photographs of Shirakawa are so much more effective than the generic small-town drawings in the PS2 version.

>> No.9492783

Did they managed to port the graphics to all the arcs? Last I checked they only managed the first two or something.

>> No.9492791

To all, matsuribayashi has iconsistencies with Hanyuu's, but can't be helped because miotsukushi didn't have her school ones.

>> No.9492803

I am playing Little Busters for the first time.

>> No.9492804

I would read it too if there were any working download links or torrents for the patch.

>> No.9492817

There are plenty in the wikia?

>> No.9493455
File: 236 KB, 1296x758, eustia02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished eustia now and well, what should I say, it was actually pretty great.
Of course, the setting was great. And even if the general story outline was pretty generic without many surprises, each chapter played out really nice on its own while the game still managed to keep an overall fitting flow.
I especially liked the character development throughout the game, particularly the result at the very end of the last chapter.
Also, the fact how Caim keeps going up in the world with each chapter until he's pretty much at the top was nice to follow. Then, when he's reached the top he looks back down and suddenly everything looks different with the stuff you've learned. That overall development was probably the best part for me.

I read that a lot of people weren't quite happy with the ending, but I actually thought it was okay. There was a point where I thought it would be fitting if Tia never awakened and everything just came crashing down in a huge bad end. I'm not sure if that makes me some sort of dark and edgy teen, but it seemed fitting. It would've been nice as an option at least, I guess.
One thing I couldn't really get over until the end was how Caim's character design just didn't seem to fit his character, or really, the setting as a whole. Still seems like some kid out of a jrpg everytime I look at him.
Apart from that I really enjoyed it.
Also, every game that supplies a few omake scenes for side characters gets extra points in my book.

>> No.9493463
File: 738 KB, 800x640, c63bad822ea5d43d4066ed0ef1550345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came for Happoubi Jin ero, skipped all the h-scenes and read for the story. I did not see the inception coming.

The h-scenes with Megumi were hot as fuck though. There should've been a harem ending or something.

>> No.9493478

Not quite sure what I'll be reading next yet.
I'm "reading" bishoujo mangekyou 2 on the side, but well, that's more of a one-scene-a-day game, if anything.
I'll probably give gurenka I try, I guess.

>> No.9493495

I'd recommend skipping Gurenka entirely, it's really not good.

Rondo Meikyuu is in the middle of receiving high praise if you're looking for a random game to play.

>> No.9493502

I finished dra+koi, though it was more of reading it on a whim since it was super short.
The ending was super corny, I loved it, why it hasn't gotten a voiced release is beyond me.

>> No.9493507

Eustia was great but the story culminated in at the peak of Lucia's story. Eustia's story then turned into this angsty shit that dragged on and on. Good beginning, excellent middle, weak finish.

>> No.9493536

I liked Irene's role in chapter 5 when rpetending to be the chosen one a lot, but yeah, the whole chapter just dragged on and on.

>> No.9493586

>Still seems like some kid out of a jrpg everytime I look at him.

Yes, he's based on Squall of FF8.

>Weak finish

I share that feeling since it was showing how inactive Carm was where as he would still going around poking even around lucia stage.

>> No.9493594

Oh, that's a shame. I thought it looked interesting. Guess I'll find something else for now, then, thanks.

I can agree that the end of Licia's chapter felt like the peak of the story, but I didn't really feel the last chapter to be that weak. Sure, it was mostly there for the sake of explaining a bit more stuff and leading us to the magical happy end, but as I said I thought the character developments at the end were really nice and I probably wouldn't have liked the game as much if they just had made a cut after Licia's route.
I also thought the last chapter was rather short instead of dragged out, but that's probably just me.

>> No.9493723

The last chapter of Eustia is pretty strong thematically but yeah it drags a bit.
Personally I thought it was interesting to see Caim that was so decisive and level headed during the whole game become so indecisive during the last chapter but you can see where he comes from, he was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place

>> No.9493744

Fucking loved that game. It was my favorite 3 hour game of all time until I played Wasuremono to Otoshimono. Come to think of it, I totally played it on whim, wanted to know what the narrative of making out with a dragon would turn out to be.

>> No.9493874

The indecision part at the end would have been more believable if he hadn't kept trash-talking all the heroines for the whole game, for doing the same thing. It became just irritating and hypocritical at that point. I mean I get what the writer was trying to do but it just came out weak.
Without considering all the laughable points like the facial reconstruction through punches and the consumed assassin who lived in the gutter for years getting tricked like a middle schooler.

>> No.9493902

Leyline and Brave or Slave seem to be out. I thought about reading Tiny Dungeon now that the final game is out. Did anyone actually keep up with the series?

>> No.9493956

Finally, Leyline time! Don't disappoint me please. I wonder if they will fix up the mismatch between protag's image and his personality from the little we saw in the trial.

>> No.9494101


Leyline erogamescape score : 65


Game doesn't look that good.

>> No.9494161


Green guy not related. Please don't talk about the green guy.

>> No.9494189

What's the point of this blog anyway when you can just go to http://www.getchu.com/all/month_title.html?genre=pc_soft
More complete and more information for every title.

>> No.9494187

Best releases of August will obviously be Amantes Amantes and the add on of JQV

>> No.9494188

I'm actually curious about shiromiko, even if they trash it for the production values.

>> No.9494195

Laughing a lot at Zen's rants, why else would anyone visit it?

>> No.9494212

What is it about? Im kinda burned from VNs and looking for some short things to read.

>> No.9494210

I read English twice as fast as Japanese, and it filters out most of the nukige.

>> No.9494284

Why does that green Zen guy bash 07th Expansion so much? I find it hilarious considering the fact that he actually LIKES Type Moon. It just blows my mind.

>> No.9494293

He just does, was he into umineko and is butthurt about the solution/ending or something?

>> No.9494307

Reminds me, I want to start Dies Irae. Is it worth waiting for Amantes Amentes or should I play Acta est Fabula?
The all ages thing is a bit disappointing too.

>> No.9494309

Also for more information on new releases you can go to erogamescape's release schedule page. You can see how many users plan to buy the game, and if you visit the game's page you can read user thoughts on the trials.


>> No.9494312

I don't see what is so weird about it, green guy is a faggot but liking Type-Moon and disliking what 07th expansion has become isn't really an opinion that is completely out there.
And do people actually care about RGD? The trial was pretty horrible

>> No.9494338

The sex scenes in Dies Irae are really short and irrelevant.
There was like only one sex scene that was any good, the second one in Kei's route because hate sex is hot.
So wait for Amantes Amantes it's going to be the superior version.

>> No.9494363

Less than a month left, so I think you should wait.
It has like 700 more kb text than the original.

>> No.9494376

>Rondo Meikyuu is in the middle of receiving high praise
What's the current EGS score?
I'm also wondering about it's plot/slice of life/uguu ratio.

Amantes Amantes is also supposed to have a PC release.
Maybe they're going to add the ero back in (at least VNDB doesn't yet have an age rating for it).

I tried to read Acta est Fabula but the moon in it was just way too hard for me.

>> No.9494423

Furuiro Meikyuu Rondo is in the middle of one of these shitstorm egs is known for, wait some time to see its true rating.

Having finished it a few hours ago I'd say it should get a low 80 rating since it was pretty good but with a few glaring flaws.
The plot is nice and well tied together, I thought the pacing was a bit rough in the first half but it's understandable since the characters are running around looking for clues.
It's a nice title

>> No.9494451

700kb...my goodness. I'll wait then, thanks.

Amantes Amentes PC version is all ages according to EGS.

Rondo is doing pretty well on there, and I'm going through it at the moment. Started off pretty well, but then got slow with lots of SoL/uguu till around 50%(end of Day 6). Just past that, it's picking up now and seems way more interesting.

>> No.9494532

Sounds good enough. Guess I'll get started with it tomorrow. Thanks.

>> No.9494561

You guys sure care a lot about EGS ratings for some reason.

>> No.9494566

Never cared about them, they are a goddamn mess filled with fanboyism, retardation and trolls.
Reviews are nice though.

>> No.9494582

>Reviews are nice though.
I really need to get into proxy-fu.

>> No.9494594

They have your area banned? EGS is so random with this shit.

>> No.9495132

Translated by the same team, I meant.

>> No.9496258

Is there some kind of replacement site for moon phase that shows day to day updates for eroge sites? They haven't shown any purple links in like months and now days I'm clicking on the bookmark out of habit.

>> No.9496347


>> No.9496850

So like, I started fighting Eisen Wolfs in Baldr Sky.
They're really fucking similar to Kou's Shadow Wolf.
Did Aki use an Eisen Wolf as the base for Kou's Shadow Wolf?

>> No.9496942

>Did Aki use an Eisen Wolf as the base for Kou's Shadow Wolf?
Pretty sure it's the other way around.
Although I think they were actually based off of Chinatsu's version. I recall there being a little blurb about this in the enemy index, but I could be remembering things wrong.

>> No.9497014

Oh man, I didn't even think to check the enemy index.
It says in there that the Eisen Wolf is the model/prototype of Kou's Shadow Wolf.

>> No.9497021

which game is this? was period released?

>> No.9498012
File: 92 KB, 930x702, hohodelusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neko's unstoppable train of delusion capacity seems to have overwhelmed her other parts of the brain completely. I thought it was perculiar in the trial, but seems her character is written thoroughly for that.

>> No.9498566

Period's had partial patches out for a long time, and they now cover every route but the last two, even if they're not edited.

>> No.9499225
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, manindensha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 古色迷宮輪舞曲.
Now that was a good story with some hardcore fourth wall breaking.
I like how the keyword system is basically one big set up for this, including the development of the protag from a normal self-insert for the reader into just another character in the story. First he gets a voice, then he cuts the "connection" with the reader and gets a sprite, all because the cycle needs to be broken from the outside.
That was pretty damn clever and interesting to read. So Yatagarasu actually finally made something that's not only interesting in concept but actually really good. Congrats.

>> No.9499541



>> No.9499885

終わる世界とバースデイ is out. Fucking finally.

>> No.9499948

FINALLY. I'm so happy I could cry tears of joy.

>> No.9499960

Cool. Now I'm just waiting for atled.

>> No.9499985

It's already on nyaa.

>> No.9499993

That came out before this one did. My Owaru Sekai torrent is 90% done, can't wait to get started.

>> No.9500022

Yeah I completed it too, it was a nice effort by Yatagarasu though it has some flaws.
Good points would be the keyword system that was interesting without being too hard or obscure, the scenario that had the kind of ambition I like, the overall atmosphere of the setting and Saki

The minuses would be the tempo that end up being a bit too slow in the first half of the game and the lack of description or simple lack of skill of the writer to properly explain what happen to the characters and the plot during the second half.

Not saying the writing was bad, it actually wasn't that bad, but the scenario ends up being a bit too messy though I liked the meta part and the characters needed stronger characterizations especially Yukito going mind of steel during the second half, the writing really needed to be stronger to really show his change in his personality, especially the writing and characterization was really messy during Wakana and Ichiha's arcs.

>> No.9500029

Ah, well, in that case I'd better get downloading.

>> No.9500237

Don't really agree with the spoiler, I'm glad the writer didn't dwell too much on that aspect. Second half Yukito is first half Yukito with his principles taken to their logical extreme and that's all that needed to be conveyed.

>> No.9500246
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, owaseka_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go. After Aerial sucked and Meikyuu Rondo refused to work properly for me, I really need this to be good.

Hopefully it delivers.

>> No.9500266

Do comment on it as you play it, I'm interested.

>> No.9500335

Which is better, regular Oretsubasa or Oretsubasa R?

>> No.9500382

R has Ai route, therefore it's superior.

>> No.9500383

Oretsubasa has hscenes, Oretsubasa R has an additional route.
If you want to experience all the content, play Oretsubasa and then the extra route in Orestubasa R. If you don't care about h-scenes, just play Orestsubasa R.

>> No.9500677

Actually, Oretsuba R has other added content than just Ai route, so how about doing it first and then checking out the original ero scenes for completeness? They're just as funny as the rest of the game, not very relevant plot-wise, though.

>> No.9500752

Oretsuba R is far superior.

>> No.9500791

You just hate everything with ero content. I wonder why you play erogames at all sometimes.

>> No.9500823

That's silly. I play nukige all the time. I don't hate things with ero content. I just don't care about it either way in non nukige, so no ero + extra content vs ero with no extra content, the extra content one wins every time. Not to mention in the specific case of Oretsuba, as I've said in the past, there are ero scenes that were very poorly done and should not have been in the game.

>> No.9500849

How long was the game? I want to play it, but I don't want to clutter up my backlog if it's like YU-NO~Dies Irae length

>> No.9500856

Not too long, I finished it in two days.

>> No.9500867

Finish with with Leyline, have to say it's disappointing - it's too short (can finish it in 5 hours in normal speed) despite having good setting with good potential.

>> No.9501044
File: 475 KB, 1033x625, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9501076
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, longinus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha what.

>> No.9501078

Now that you've posted this, how is Amber quartz?

>> No.9501098

How would I know? D-Don't expect so much from me, jeez!

>> No.9501110

Please Anon, don't roleplay on /jp/.

>> No.9501783
File: 378 KB, 1200x910, 444e5d37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9501855

All right, got to the OP and this has serious potential. The slice of life was mediocre and the characters seem to be a bit too plain for this kind of game but hopefully those issues will get ironed out as the story goes forward. What I'm sure will not get remedied however is that the protag is a bit of an idiot but again, it's too early to tell.

Will definitely be giving this a fair shot.

>> No.9503053

Help a pleb out, anyone has a torrent link for Period?

>> No.9503433

yeah, but rondo wasn't hyped beyond belief pre-release, like most of those titles that get inflated initial reviews are. hell, if you look at the replies on EGS about the trial you'll see a lot of complaints, specifically about the system.

>> No.9503685

I'm currently seeding this one:

>> No.9503702


I'm very much obliged.

>> No.9504499

The main heroine of Atled is voiced by Tamiyasu.
I wasn't a big fan of the original doujin game but they sure know how to get my attention with this remake

>> No.9504722
File: 188 KB, 1296x758, bishoujomangekyou_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished bishoujo mangekyou 2 aswell now, ended up skipping most of the sex scenes, too.
They were mostly boring and got repetetive, it really lost to the first part in that regard. Megumi's was awesome though, bit of a nice yandere flair.
The weird thing is, if this wasn't a nukige and they had actually put the money into writing instead into the scenes this might've been a pretty good story.
The soundtrack also didn't quite live up to the first one, sadly.

>> No.9504727

My spine hurts just from looking at that.

>> No.9504746


Reminds me of that one image of the girl mimicking the scorpion.

>> No.9504789

I know, right? It got even worse when he actually put it in.
In another scene it looked like her head would continuously bang against a metal bar of the pool ladder if they actually had sex they way they did.
Kind of unsexy for me

>> No.9504911
File: 108 KB, 800x600, Hatoful Boyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best or bestest VN?

>> No.9504949

I downloaded Kana Little Sister last night and after a while I finally installed it, only problem is it only works once after I turn my computer on, if I close the game and then start it again later it freezes straight away

Anyone know what could be up?

>> No.9504963

Jap locale?

>> No.9504993


Just tried that, no luck

>> No.9505037

I tried installing Muramasa. It's asking for a serial key. I tried finding a crack patch for it on the internet for the past 2 hours, but I couldn't find one.

Is there anyway someone can help me out?

>> No.9505052

Try this one.


>> No.9505060


Wow. It worked. Thank you so much.

Is there any place where you get this information? I actually have quite a few VNs that I just gave up on playing because I couldn't get around the DRMs in place...

>> No.9505108

>Is there any place where you get this information?
The very first result on google for "soukou akki muramasa serial key".
Guys like you are fucking unbelievable in their inability to navigate the internet. How do you manage to be so helpless?

>> No.9505112

Do I need to watch TV series to play this?

>> No.9505132

It's kind of cute.
Imagine if we placed all these Anons in one house together. I don't think they would even be able to take care of themselves, just stumbling around until the big strong Anon-kun from next door helps them.

On a side note, did anything worth come out yet aside that titles that were mentioned already?

>> No.9505161


....I tried searching for Soukou akki muramasa crack/patch and every variation thereof.

The thought of searching for the word "serial key" never even came up to me during the hour I've wasted searching...

>> No.9505170

Yes of course. Why would you want to search for the one thing you need?

>> No.9505176

Nope. Everything (recent) that's worthwhile has already been mentioned here.

>> No.9505188

Because I...I... uh... umm...

*sniff sniff
waaahhhh waahhhhhh

>> No.9505484
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1232, 20120802_184002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripped and uploaded yesterday.
Currently the only available download for the game's OST anywhere.

>> No.9505494

You are a true gentleman.

Althought the sountrack wasn't particularly memorable good work

>> No.9505521

I rather liked the soundtrack. I put down money for the game and I liked it as I was playing, so I wanted to be able to remember that feeling.

Also, the last 3 tracks are their cell-ringers.

>> No.9505553

Yeah. I definitely liked the game too.

...and I don't recognize the track number 11 at all. I may have amnesia.

>> No.9505585

Track 11? It happens kinda sparsely. I can't remember exactly when it happens, but I believe it's a song that plays every time you are going down one character's route and suddenly jump across the line without thinking about whoever you're really with at the time. Specifically when you are going steady with Katsura and you go to Sekai.

It's supposed to have that feel that you just did something "dramatic." Quite dramatic really.

>> No.9505602

I wish they had Sekai's actual ringtone and not the special ver. that they put in... I mean it's nice, but they put Makoto's ringer in normal, but they couldn't use hers and Kotonoha's? Not that I liked Kotonoha's... just that Sekai's could have been the original.

>> No.9505605

Track 25 is the best track of them all.

>> No.9505643
File: 329 KB, 1280x960, 1344004790795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9505652

What am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.9505651
File: 185 KB, 980x400, top008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I sure didn't expect that to happen today.

>> No.9505713

>すぴぱら 3rd
HAHA, oh wow.

>> No.9505783
File: 196 KB, 1040x634, Oh, you guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Cotton-Soft.

I assume there's a good reason why I can't access Misaki's texi page.

>> No.9505985

Oh god, I think I just fucked myself over with the "make everything undone" -keyword in Rondo.

>> No.9506006
File: 159 KB, 600x450, hira_cg09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't anyone talking about Hiragumo-chan? ;_;

I suppose I should start playing it instead of complaining, huh.

>> No.9506053

I'm still not finished with everything I want to read for this month, something just has to be buried under the pile.

>> No.9506077

Did the same, it was the last thing I had to unlock though

>> No.9506196
File: 148 KB, 991x522, 1344000508596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9506274

I fucking hate the fact that this game is being made.

>> No.9506284

too highschool for you
and me too, actually

>> No.9506339

I'm guessing you wanted another Eustia. August's titles are mostly high school harems, though, aren't they? Makes sense they would do another one.

I'm fine with either, but honestly I'm a disappointed that Sayumi and Maho are stuck in sub-character role instead of being heroines.

>> No.9506456 [DELETED] 

Glad I held the ctrl button down until the real thing starts, or so I hope, in harukuru.

>> No.9506461
File: 93 KB, 816x534, youwantwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I held the ctrl button down until the real thing starts, or so I hope, in harukuru.

>> No.9506475

Not that guy but after Eustia I was expecting something a little more than the generic of the generic.

>> No.9506479

Eustia sold a lot less than their super hit Fortune Arterial, just normal they go back to that.

>> No.9506497

Not sure about ctrl, but you probably won't regret reading on.

>> No.9506513

Even Fortune Arterial was less generic than this.

I'm hoping that they've made it super generic on purpose and there's some kind of twist past the prologue. Or something. I'm not holding my breath though.

>> No.9506519

Are you saying that Daitoshokan could literally be the next Muv-Luv?

>> No.9506526

I think August has the resources but I don't think they have the balls to pull it off.

>> No.9506534

Now I'm getting all into this anticipatory mode.
Fuck you for setting me up for an inevitable disappointment.


>> No.9506535

Comfort zone is best zone.
They could pull something similar to itsusora instead.

>> No.9506538

This will never happen.
No way in hell would August alienate their fanbase

>> No.9506553
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, furuiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough. Like hell am I scrounging that huge chart just to see more godafwul sexing.

>> No.9506554

But it would be hilarious if only to see how the fanbase would react.

>> No.9506578


I was informed by a few anons the rump nukige beginning can be safely skipped until that notable scene came up telling the main story is on.


Oh lord I had the chills at the same thought, and seeing something like Library War (light novel, anime) came out, it would hilarious if Daitoshokan went to that direction.

>> No.9506599

>it would hilarious if Daitoshokan went to that direction
MASSIVE heroine death in every route? Sign me in.

>> No.9506629


Now that I think about it, with the information given out so far, it's possible (though still highly, highly unlikely) that they could do something like Rewrite. Remember when the second OP for Rewrite came out with the characters fighting dinosaurs and everyone thought it was a joke?

(If they do this, I hope they do it better than the clusterfuck that was Rewrite.)

>> No.9506639

>and everyone thought it was a joke?
I never thought it was a joke, Romeo and all it wasn't TOO farfetched.

>I hope they do it better than the clusterfuck that was Rewrite
I agree.

>> No.9506645

>everyone thought it was a joke
maybe I'm misremembering but no one here took it as a joke

>> No.9507458
File: 130 KB, 955x537, 1344004304253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9507800


Hiruou, the writer of JQV, wrote the route of Miyako in the upcoming Sakura, Sakimashita.

I just learned it but I guess this is another must play eroge in august

>> No.9508766

I finished Megumu's route in ruitomo's fandisk.
I really hope the finale is this good or I'll be severely disappointed.
Because wow the whole happy birthday scene till the last CG was incredibly good, as was the whole build up to it adn following Tomo's train of thoughts, I must admit Tomo in black clothing was really sexy tough.

>> No.9509293
File: 743 KB, 1366x768, even in the future fiction is popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Aerial.
Well, just as I expected, I liked it more than the MuvLuv trilogy, though that's not saying much in any case.

My complaints are pretty much the same as most, except for the NTR thing, since I did Miku's route where that doesn't happen. Sad to see so many brilliant features like the well thought-out plot and the awesome concept wasted on dodgy writing and a cast of non-characters who are just there for the author's philosophy dumps.

>> No.9509391

Duology. Two games.

>> No.9509404

I prefer not to count Extra and Unlimited as one game.

>> No.9509412 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 1024x576, sekai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

終わる世界とバースデイ earlyish spoiler.
Why the fuck did they have to use this line? I burst out laughing and it completely ruined all the tension in the scene for me.

>> No.9509578

Whether you prefer to or not is irrelevant. They are one game, Muv Luv.

>> No.9510449

Not the guy you're replying to, but if you want to get pedantic about it, the definition of "trilogy" does not require that the works are sold separately. Extra and Unlimited are sufficiently distinct stories that they could definitely be considered two parts of a trilogy even though they were packaged together.

>> No.9510528

Astelight hasn't been uploaded yet.

>> No.9510979

In that case you might as well consider everything with a different 'true' route kind of thing that unlocks, a duology or some shit. They are the same game, Muv-Luv, just there is a genre shift.

>> No.9510981

Who gives a shit.

>> No.9511119

It was rather out of place. Silly chuuni.

Speaking of Sekai, is there an enforced route order? I'm assuming that you have to do Mika and the rest of the girls' routes before doing Ili's.

>> No.9511176

I did Ili's first, I'd say it was suitable as the first for a few reasons.

>> No.9511459
File: 440 KB, 1366x768, 6876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so bad for Misaki. Her only joy in life is tweeting about ramen all day every day because everyone else is shutting her out.

>> No.9511676


Top 20 best scenario-ge by Amazon

>> No.9511686

I'm really sure there's better shit than iroseka or kudn wafter out there.

>> No.9511693

well, it's Amazon

>> No.9511761

>Majikoi S
>Monshiro Route
>Translation finished
>Editing finished
>QC and Final Checks

Will you play it?

>> No.9511865

I'm pretty certain most of the people here played it already on release

>> No.9511883
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, creepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a nukige has a mascot character, this mascot will turn into something fuckable at some point.
I'm an expert.

>> No.9511986
File: 364 KB, 800x600, capture_04082012_145437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9512013
File: 146 KB, 800x600, mon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9512026


She's so cute.

>> No.9512049

i thought that mascot was an ossan.
therefore, male.

>> No.9512071

Has a female voice though.

>> No.9512132
File: 736 KB, 800x600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal?
The choosen weapon icon always differs from the actual text

>> No.9512160

Obviously shouldn't be that way.
Most probably some fuck up with the translation

>> No.9512187

yeah but I wonder, could find any bug report about this, it's the EX Version.

>> No.9512244

found the problem, I installed the word wrap patch - wich isn't for EX yet.

>> No.9512378

300th post.

>> No.9512480

New thread >>9512479
