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File: 660 KB, 1000x563, christopher-nolan-batman-trilogy-poster-01-1000x563[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9473720 No.9473720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Like it or not, these movies were well directed and iconic. They are going to be talked about for a long time.

>> No.9473732

pop pleb shit

>> No.9473734

That's great, OP.

I'm still not going to watch either one.

>> No.9473739

Wow get a load of this baby. Watching superheroes? How about grow up nerd.

>> No.9473749
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All your stupid anime have superheroes

>> No.9473752

how come everyone on jp went outside to see some dumbass batman movie except me

>> No.9473797

For a good display of Japanese superiority, this picture's right side needs a picture of a magical girl during a transformation scene.

>> No.9473884

Those movies were not very good superhero movies. They tried to be too gritty and realistic. I want a Batman movie that is more surreal and unnatural, like the Arhkam Asylum comic.

>> No.9474085

That's why they were good. They could be taken seriously. Silly shit should stay in the comics and animated serious. When it's live action, I have to be able to take it seriously

>> No.9474095

So you also don't like Tim Burton's batmans?

Go fuck yourself nigger. I bet you like that shitty mr freeze movie with arnold making terrible ice puns for 2 hours.

>> No.9474107

>They tried to be too gritty and realistic
And they didn't succeed at either.

>> No.9474113

I didn't see it either. I haven't gone to a movie theater in years.

>> No.9474116


First time I watched one of these movies, the inmate pulls a gun on the lawyer in court, and it jams. In a courtroom. And he whips the gun out of the hand, drops the mag then sarcastically goes like "It's probably chinese"

I stopped watching it, and have since not watched any of these movies.

>> No.9474134

Last one was the best one. That ending man.

>> No.9474129

The last one wasn't.

>> No.9474151

The ending was a shitty copout.

>> No.9474172

In what way? First of all, the batman can't die. He's the god damn batman.

Second of all it tastefully introduced robin as the series ended. This is by far the most genius move of Nolan. You can't make a serious movie with Robin. His outfit alone is ridiculous.

It's not a copout because sit leaves the ending open for batman and robin to have awesome adventures in the future along with his waifu anne hathaway

>> No.9474189

No, the set-up was that Batman could not die, and Wayne goes out in a blaze of glory while another guy takes over the role of Batman. Keeping Wayne alive came completely out of nowhere and was a terrible copout that contradicted his character.

>> No.9474206

That was not the setup. When I said the batman couldn't die, I didn't mean Batman as a symbol. I meant that the god damn guy who is Batman can't fucking die. He's too awesome.

I don't know why everyone interprets it that Robin takes over as the batman. There's no way he could do it anyway. He's just a cop. He has no martial arts training even. He can't be the dark knight

>> No.9474225

Nobody said if it made sense or did not make sense. The implication was obviously there. And Bruce Wayne is Batman; Batman can continue without Wayne but there is not enough of Wayne to continue without Batman. It was a shitty copout and you know it. It was plainly foreshadowed much earlier in the movie that he was going to get fucked over, and he dives under the water with a fucking atomic bomb.

>> No.9474247

Oh boo fucking hoo. Not grimdark enough? You need the main character to die? Only tragedies for this guy.

>> No.9474250
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>and he dives under the water with a fucking atomic bomb.

No wonder I chose not to watch it.

>> No.9474263

There was nothing in the movie that suggested he would live. The scene makes it very clear he died. That little bit with him in Paris was bullshit, and if you cannot understand that you are clinically retarded.

>> No.9474272

The guy doesn't even know what happened anyway.

The bomb is set off in the air 6 miles away while batman ejects near the coast

>> No.9474293

>There was nothing in the movie that suggested he would live.
Fucking hurr man.

What about that entire dialogue with Alfred about sitting in Paris with a drink?

Not that it matters, THE MOVIE DOESN'T HAVE TO SUGGEST HE LIVES. You make it seem as though you have to be able to predict the ending through your attempts at deciphering the foreshadowing. Get fucked.

>> No.9474295
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>hates movies he didn't watch

>> No.9474300

Sorry I am not satisfied with shitty copouts that contradict the characters and all of the scenes leading up it.

>> No.9474305


I chose not to watch hollywood's shit, because they are always awful. And i'm never proven wrong.

>> No.9474314
File: 12 KB, 259x194, zardoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better movie for naked ladies riding horses etc.

>> No.9474551

>sticks head in up his ass
>says he can't be proven wrong

>> No.9474674
File: 555 KB, 1000x727, heroes of japan 17314756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it works that way.

Japanese superheroes - Magical girls, super robots, tokusatsu heroes. The others are just of the basic protagonist type.

>> No.9474679

Better than weaboo shit for sure but jp wont admit it because its kewl to be a neet.

>> No.9474728

The new Batman movies are mostly reactionary bullshit. Especially the last movie. Billionaire vigilantes are the only thing between humanity and its darkest excesses? Working class and environmentalist movements are conspiracies of madmen somehow manipulating sheep-like masses? It's a wish-fulfillment fantasy worse than the worst VN, combined with thinly veiled propaganda. And of course, you point out any of this to someone who likes the movie, they will get deeply offended.

>> No.9474855


just because your thread got deleted doesn't mean you can stay here.

>> No.9474938

For some reason I just can't enjoy most live action movies anymore. There are only like 2 per year that I seriously enjoy.

One thing that really bothers me about movies is how they ALWAYS have to include some kind of romance. Why does everything need romance? It's annoying and gross.

>> No.9474959


Yeah, I agree. I find it hard to sit down for 2 hours to watch something now, though. I can watch like a half-hour show on TV or whatever, but committing to watching a movie feels like work.

But then, I can shitpost on 4chan for 5-6 hours and forget where the time went.

>> No.9475126
File: 36 KB, 262x489, buttman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9475136

I liked the movie up untill suprise random evil bitch is the mastermind in the end. Kinda nullified all thje buildup of bane

If you ask me the whole ras ahl ghul thing and the leaque of shadows is retarted as fuck, but at least we got to see a few awesome villains

>> No.9475148

lololol surprise! random evil bitch! lolololol

>> No.9475170

typical shallow western movie to eat popcorn and feel better about your patetic life watching batman overcoming odds

also avengers is better

>> No.9475177

Maybe that scene in Europe at the end was Alfred's dream, huh?

But yeah, I agree, movies (like games and other big bucks media) do not want to take risk making anything else then cheesy happy endings.

>> No.9475199
File: 10 KB, 189x267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheesy happy endings

>> No.9475228

what about the scene where fox found out that Bruce updated the bat to include autopilot?

>> No.9475285

Agreed. I think the implication was that Bruce did indeed save himself but had left Gotham in Robin's hands to "find happiness" with Selina Kyle.

Anyone who reads Batman will know that this will last all of a month before (1) something occurs in Gotham to draw him back in or (2) Selina steals some shit and pisses Bruce off because you gotta let a ho be a ho.

>> No.9475359

That happened after he blew himself up.

>> No.9475462

That isn't Inception,dude. That would be stupid.
