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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9465279 No.9465279 [Reply] [Original]

Don't try to fight bullies with bullying, /jp/.

You can overcome the bullies with love and kindness.

>> No.9465289

>love and kindness

Sociopaths (people with autism) are not capable of understanding these things.

>> No.9465306
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You should be more optimistic. Not everyone on /jp/ is a sociopath.

>> No.9465313

shut up spergbutt mcnerdlord

>> No.9465311
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One time I was being bullied but then I reached out and hugged the bully and told him that I forgive him.

He started to cry, he apologized, and then he was nice after this.

The end.

>> No.9465318

One time I bullied someone and I felt really bad about it and apologized later

>> No.9465324


It's okay. I love you and I forgive you for saying bully words. You're in a place love now, no one can hurt you anymore.

>> No.9465325
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I've tried that, but it just doesn't work that way.

People are animals, and ought to be treated the same way.

>> No.9465338
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im sorry i didnt mean it

>> No.9465407
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If your heart is filled with unconditional love and compassion then it is impossible to be bullied. People can say mean things to you, but all you will want to do is help them because there's an upset person underneath all of that anger.

Some of the sturdiest materials are surprisingly soft and the same is true with the heart. If you try to act tough and mean then your heart will be sharp and brittle (like glass) and it will easily shatter when you are bullied, but if you feel love and compassion for everyone then your heart is soft and durable (like rubber) and it will be resistant to all types of bullying in the same way that a glass cup shatters if it's dropped on the floor, but the rubber cup will be fine.

You must always respond to hatred with love.

>> No.9465439


>> No.9465441

Love & kindness are ploys bitches use gain upper hand on their prey and peers.

>> No.9465453

Humanity isn't evolved enough for love and kindness. The bullies will just kill you

>> No.9465455

Whatever you might be suffering through right now, I'm with you to the end anon.

>> No.9465460

What are you, my grandma? That never worked for me in school.

>> No.9465467

What if a seemingly mean person bullies you, but bullies you out of love?

>> No.9465470

That is a great story! Hopefully /jp/ will work out just the same!

Also, could you guys quit bullying me just because I have autism? It really hurts my feelings.

>> No.9465487

The condensed story of humanity for the next 500 years.

>> No.9465507


The most important thing is the condition of your own heart.

Whether or not the bullies respond positively to love and kindness doesn't really matter that much. Being mean hurts you more than it could ever hurt them. It makes your heart feel sad and empty. Love and kindness brings happy feelings to your heart because you know that you did the kindest thing possible.

It's like when there's a spider in your house. It makes your heart feel happy to put him in a little cup and escort him outside, but it makes you feel gross and uncomfortable if you kill him. That's what it feels like to make another living being suffer and that's what bullying is.

>> No.9465524

I don't know what I would do without people like you. I'm really grateful for your presence on this board.

>> No.9465529

Once you reach a high enough level of love the universe will you love back and will not let you die.

>> No.9465544

But what if they hit me?

>> No.9465549

>On the Chatham Islands, 500 miles east of New Zealand, centuries of independence came to a brutal end for the Moriori people in December 1835. On November 19 of that year, a ship carrying 500 Maori armed with guns, clubs, and axes arrived, followed on December 5 by a shipload of 400 more Maori. Groups of Maori began to walk through Moriori settlements, announcing that the Moriori were now their slaves, and killing those who objected. An organized resistance by the Moriori could still then have defeated the Maori, who were outnumbered two to one. However, the Moriori had a tradition of resolving disputes peacefully. They decided in a council meeting not to fight back but to offer peace, friendship, and a division of resources.
>Before the Moriori could deliver that offer, the Maori attacked en masse. Over the course of the next few days, they killed hundreds of Moriori, cooked and ate many of the bodies, and enslaved all the others, killing most of them too over the next few years as it suited their whim. A Moriori survivor recalled, “[The Maori] commenced to kill us like sheep.. . . [We] were terrified, fled to the bush, concealed ourselves in holes underground, and in any place to escape our enemies. It was of no avail; we were discovered and killed men, women, and children indiscriminately.” A Maori conqueror explained, “We took possession.. . in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped. Some ran away from us, these we killed, and others we killed but what of that? It was in accordance with our custom.”

>> No.9465562

What happens if they hit you? What are you afraid of?

>> No.9465563

Then for the love you bear for yourself, you have every right to be mean back. Defend the person that you love, defend yourself!

>> No.9465572
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I do not go outside often so I don't see many people, but I try to be as nice as possible to the various creatures that visit my home from time to time. Just the other day I had a visit from a friendly caterpillar who found his way into my home. I talked to him and I poured a tiny puddle of water for him to drink and then I took him outside so he could be his friends again.

That was a good day.

>> No.9465604

I'm not very friendly to the invasive beasts which intrude upon my home. I have a pillbug infestation every summer, and so I'm constantly picking them up, crushing them in my fingers (with a tissue) and throwing them in the trash. I've slain over 200 this month alone.

I've killed several hundred creepy crawlies these past few months, thousands in the past years. Sometimes I feel guilty knowing I was the cause of so much death and destruction, but I can't let them take over my home. They are not friendly, I have been poisoned three times before by spiders and centipedes.

Am I being a bully or am I just fighting for my life?

>> No.9465626


The Moriori people did the right thing. It may not seem that way, but violence is never the answer. They may have won and killed the Maori, but their culture would have shifted from one of peacefulness to one of aggression and violence.

It's better to die as a martyr than to survive by sacrificing what makes you a good person and conforming to cruelty and barbarism.

>> No.9465636

You would choose enslavement and extinction over the betrayal of your ideals?

>> No.9465642

Hi, /jp/. I am a mean person. I love taking advantage of other people. Whenever I meet someone, I try and quickly get to know the person, whether or not I can make use of him, and whether or not I can make him obey my whim with no effort. I ignore useless people and if they complain, I treat them like trash. Useful people who I can push around are treated marginally well. I'll never do them a favor, but I won't try and take their lunch money. Once they have outlived their purpose, they are also cast away. Useful people I can't simply push around I act friendly towards. Sometimes. At this point, I usually do a re-evaluation, whether or not I can actually make use of them immediately, or if they will be very, very useful in the future. If not, I ignore them, or knock them down a few pegs, so that they will be less useful to others.

So, come on /jp/, ask your bully anything you want to know.

>> No.9465663


As long as you gave them a clear and precise indication of threat if they didn't leave the premises. Trespassing should not be tolerated.

>> No.9465717

You're not a bully in my eyes. That's just a term to refer to people that hurt very deeply and happen to manifest their frustration on others.

NOTE: The bully himself cannot tell that he is doing what he is doing as a result of psychological trauma. He will continue to operate under the assumption that his actions/thoughts are created under his own volition, free of any other circumstances.

I was exactly like you at one point. Manipulated people in the same way, not feeling one bit of regret. I broke down eventually and had to rebuild myself.

>> No.9465739


>> No.9465735


If taking the life of another human was the only way for me to survive then I would let them kill me.

I couldn't live with myself if I did that. There's also always the hope that by willingly allowing a violent person to kill you then in some way this may help them see reason and they would begin to realize that violence isn't the only way to live their life. Animals never lie down and allow themselves to be killed. They always struggle in some way when faced with death, but humans are unique in how we can come to peace with ourselves and accept death without struggling or fighting. We can hold so firmly to our ideals that it can override the most basic and fundamental of our instincts.

Our actions are one of the only things that separates us from the other animals. If I allow my ideals to be overturned by my survival instinct then I would essentially be saying that peacefulness and love are only good when your life isn't in danger, but you throw it out the window and allow yourself to turn into a violent animal when things get rough. You have to stand by your ideals, even if it means dying for them. Without them we're no better than beasts and then humanity has no hope of ever getting past the violence and hatred that so many people feel.

>> No.9465767
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B..but /jp/, they wont stop ;_;

Its the only thing I can do

>> No.9465764

i tried the same thing but then he fell in love with me and tried to rape me

>> No.9465794

I'm kind of neutral on this subject. I have thought for years about what I would do, and I am still undecided on this hypothetical situation, even as I write this next bit.

>there's also always the hope that by willingly allowing a violent person to kill you then in some way this may help them see reason and they would begin to realize that violence isn't the only way to live their life.
That is true, but consider how strong the programming of the society is right now. Most people would NOT have such profound realizations, especially if it got to the point of killing somebody else.

>If I allow my ideals to be overturned by my survival instinct then I would essentially be saying that peacefulness and love are only good when your life isn't in danger, but you throw it out the window and allow yourself to turn into a violent animal when things get rough.

>Without them we're no better than beasts and then humanity has no hope of ever getting past the violence and hatred that so many people feel.
There are two people facing each other. One of them is you, and another is a human being who hardly resembles a human being in terms of his mental state. He will kill and ravage with zero regret. One of you has to die. The other will continue living and shaping the world for the next number of years. If we are talking about getting past the violence, do you really think the world would benefit more from the beast that survived? You would have a much better influence.

>> No.9465918


I'm also a bit conflicted when it comes to this. There are some people in the world who will always see peacefulness and compassion as weaknesses to exploit and there are other people in the world, like certain serial killers, who seem to be incapable of ever feeling any empathy or love whatsoever.

They prey on the innocent people who make the world a better place, but to kill them in protection of these people goes against the very ideal that separates us from them. There must be some type of middle ground. Some sort of non-lethal way to incapacitate murderous people and hopefully rehabilitate them or for the people who will just never become peaceful then some type of humane incarceration system (Norway does this very well) to separate them from the population.

>The other will continue living and shaping the world for the next number of years. If we are talking about getting past the violence, do you really think the world would benefit more from the beast that survived? You would have a much better influence.

What positive influence could I have on the world if I betrayed my ideals though? I may survive, but I had to intentionally take the life of another human in order to do so and doing that would profoundly change me. In situations like this then I can fully support non-lethal self defense though, but nothing past that.

>> No.9465946

>What positive influence could I have on the world if I betrayed my ideals though?
Even in your betrayed ideals, you would not fall to the level of the beast. You would be traumatized, no doubt, but that doesn't mean you can't continue living with a the same kind of approach as you did before. You would have to forgive yourself first, though.

>> No.9465992


>Sociopaths (people with autism) are not capable of understanding these things.
I'm autistic
I was always "weak are to be used"
until when I was severely bullied and I got all pacifist "compassion&peace" when I was 17

then I snapped out of it, of course, but I think I've seen a little of what this "compassion and kindness" is
...it's not fun

>> No.9465999

You didn't feel real compassion and kindness. It was forced.

>> No.9466037

Love this *grabs dick*

>> No.9466059


>> No.9466072

Yo, Emiya-kun, you know what happens when you betray your ideals that you have devoted your life to?

No, jk. Nothing happens. Nothing at all. You don't even feel bad about yourself.

>> No.9466092

I fell in love with my cyberbully

>> No.9466094

Tell me the story.

>> No.9466113

I couldn't get along with idealists. Just the whole thing itself is wrong from the very beginning. The world - the reality we live in is far from ideal. Ask anyone this and they will agree. I would like to meet anyone who says otherwise and rape him in the ass (balls not touching, of course). That fact in and of itself should be enough to figure that idealism is nothing short of stupid and futile.

I am a realist. I know there are always at least two sides of anything that we humans acknowledge. While there is something,and we acknowledge it as being there, there will be a flip side; a different side. And no, I don't but the good vs evil debate either. It's all... natural.

Idealism is futile because it exists to choose one side and run away from everything else. Case in point, that this anon believes that taking another person's life is absolutely unacceptable in any circumstance is narrow-minded at best. I hope you don't regret this once some shit happens. Answer me this outrageous but get-to-the-point thought experiment, pacifist anon, a mad man with a 200 round capacity machine gun is about to kill a line of 200 people - part of which will be every person you've known and loved, ever. In your hand is 1 bullet in the chamber of a .45 magnum, and you are standing right behind this mad man, aiming to his head at practically point blank, say 5 inches - in short, no chance of missing; 100% kill rate. The ball is in your park, anon. By the way, you're some sort of ghost that the mad man can't see and you can't interact with anything other than your gun which can shoot real bullets that can kill. No weasling out of this, now.

>> No.9466137

And just preemptively getting this out of the way, I would shoot, no hesitation. Actually, probably just a bit to make sure the safety is off and I don't embarrass myself. I'd do the same if the line was filled with complete strangers. However, I will walk away and sit and watch the show should the line be filled with only people I hate.

>> No.9466147

nope. you're not realist
you're just stupid.

>> No.9466155

It's funny because you're an idealist who's ideal is a world where there's no idealists.

>> No.9466258


>you're some sort of ghost that the mad man can't see and you can't interact with anything other than your gun which can shoot real bullets that can kill

Why do you have to shoot him in the head? Assuming that you can't shoot his hands and knock him out then just shoot his spinal cord. Paralyzed, now he can't shoot the innocent people, and you didn't have to kill him.

It doesn't have to be blow his brains out vs sit by and watch. Plenty of ways to stop someone without killing them.
