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9464123 No.9464123 [Reply] [Original]

Ever felt that random depression where you want to do nothing but blog, browse /jp/ and sleep?

How do you prevent that?

>> No.9464130


I don't know.

>> No.9464140

go to sleep moetron

>> No.9464148

you blog, browse /jp / and sleep.

>> No.9464152

I'm bipolar so it gets worse than that if I don't take meds.
I was told to change to benzodiazepines, but I took /jp/'s advice and declined.

>> No.9464162

Yes, constantly. It eventually goes off.

>> No.9464178

Right now, it's half past midnight. My two older brothers, who still live at home despite having graduated from college many years ago, have just brought home their significant others. They are now in a contest to see which is the happiest couple, as my mother puts on a personality she doesnt have and forces really bad jokes. I am in my room, listening to all this and cringing. I am the youngest. I am also the black sheep of this family, despite being the only one whose grades in highschool allowed me to take a college course that actually holds any future. My father is absent. In about five minutes, they will come to my room to exhibit how much better they think their lives are compared to mine. They will ask me why I stay shut in my room, constantly in front of my computer. They will ask me out with them. Be a chaperon to not one, but two couples? The answer is an obvious no. They will then be even more dramatic about how much of a shut-in I am. I must not falter. I must pretend to listen. I hate this, but they're my family and they have done many sacrifices for my sake. Though I can't help but feel that family no longer exists. I still feel indebted, though.

>> No.9464206

I'm not sure if this is copypasta or you're in the UK as well

didn't read what you wrote either way.

I just got past one of these
Don't even know why these happen to me so often

>> No.9464209

They're just guilt tripping you, moron.

>> No.9464217

>My two older brothers

you should leave the country side

>> No.9464246
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Why do normally happy, upbeat genky girls look so much more beautiful when they have a moody, solemn look?

>> No.9464276

Five minutes came and went. As expected, they came to my room. As expected, they gloated their superior lifestyle. As expected, they asked me out. As expected, I refused. As expected, drama happened. As expected, both girls stood at my room's door whispering amongst themselves. As expected, my mother yelled from the living room because she is too lazy to get up and come here. As expected, they left.

I'm not depressed but your thread was a great opportunity to shitpost about my life. Thanks OP!

>> No.9464364
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Don't worry anon, it has already ended. Take it easy and listen to some good music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMVxiN3nkBI

By the way, why did you say you're the black sheep? Don't you have better education than your brothers?

>> No.9464401

do stuff, like draw, lift, read, work, go to school, etc

>> No.9464454

We were all given equal opportunities, but I was the only one who took his studies semi-seriously. As for being the black sheep, that's what happens when you question people and are usually right. Thanks for the song.

>> No.9464491

>that's what happens when you question people and are usually right
Well, I can sorta relate to that. Anyway, don't let them bring you down, you're better than them

>> No.9464510
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that was painful to read.

My family is not as terrible, but I feel you, ok?
