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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 378 KB, 1000x750, 1505d0491d4444b7333392a68bd50dd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9460484 No.9460484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey big brother! Can you give me a thoroughly explanation of this object that i have not knowledge of, please?

>> No.9460486

It's a crude doll of you.

>> No.9460487
File: 15 KB, 153x173, 1329365145068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cup holder.

>> No.9460491

A REAL little girl would either

1)Pick it up and play with it

2)Tell you how cool it is

3)Chew on it

4)Know what it is

>> No.9460489

Like-like, I'll show you later.

>> No.9460492

Would it be illegal to blindfold a loli and pay her to masturbate me using an onahole?

>> No.9460515

For a little girl your vocabulary is pretty extense.

>> No.9460518

Surely it's legal as long as she has no clue she is doing anything involving you penis at all.

Like what if you just paid her to move it up and down, and after say three times of paying her to do that, on the fourth time you put your penis in the way. She questions the resistance but you just tell her you will pay double as long as she does not remove her blindfold.

How could this harm her at all?

>> No.9460532

Except no, you retard pedophile. It's not whether she realizes at the moment or not that is the problem. It's that she will slowly come to realize one day and that will fill her with trauma because she was so innocent and trusted you. The damage does not come right away. The damage is done through disturbing her development as she becomes aware of these things.

By your fucked up logic it would be fine to just have sex wtih a baby.

>> No.9460535
File: 27 KB, 300x300, northeuropeaninthecaribbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty arousing

>> No.9460537

But your logic says it's fine to fuck a baby as well. Since people don't remember their experiences as a baby.

>> No.9460543


>Original story-board #427746 for loli-doujin #C/7933614 "Onii-Chan kono nande desu ka?"

>> No.9460545

Yeah it's not like that would severely injure them or anything. Not at all.

You're fucking sick.

>> No.9460547

what if he has a really really tiny dick ?

>> No.9460555

Fucking. Sick.

>> No.9460557

That's the biggest marshmallow I've seen in my life.

>> No.9460571


If it wasn't for arbitrary societal indoctrination, there wouldn't be any "trauma". If that happened in some far off rural land disconnected from society and it's doctrines, there would be no "trauma" or "harm".

The "trauma" that girl would receive wouldn't come from that experience, or the guy who did it, it would come from society. Society is the real criminal there.

It would come from the way society treats that experience, they would make her feel horrible about it, through societal indoctrination altering her perception of the experience.

They would make her feel how they think she should feel, and not allow her to feel how she truly feels about the experience. If she disagreed with how they think she should feel, then she would be ridiculed, called mentally ill, and said to be just as bad as the guy that tricked her into playing with his ding-dong.

People make a big deal out of objectively trivial things, it's not like he raped the girl. There isn't enough for people to worry about. They don't need to worry about wars on their home-turf, or starving to death anymore, so they get rustled over something like a guy tricking a girl into playing with his ding-dong, big fucking woop.

>> No.9460590

it is a really ugly pen that ran out of ink

>> No.9460605


>it is a really ugly pen

She's a little girl, not clinically retarded.

>> No.9460607

children can't give consent. give up. sex isn't a trivial throw away thing and people should be able to make up their own mind as an informed adult about it.

>> No.9460609

I thought when adults are clinically retarded it means they have the minds of young children. And this girl is a young child..

>> No.9460610

I'll show you when you grow a penis too.

>> No.9460611

little girls are clinically retarded, have you ever met one? that's why they are cute.

>> No.9460624

I remember finding my mom's dildo in a bottom cabinet of her drawer.
I didn't know what it was, it just smelled like something that I could not stop sniffing, it was addictive.
I would just keep opening that drawer to sniff it. I had no idea what that long thick and floppy rubbery tube was for, maybe a baby doll leg.

Another thing she did was take us to her boyfriend's house to swim in the pool. He was Jewish, so of course the pool was half empty and dirty since he's not gonna pay anyone to clean it, he told me I could clean it and gave me the tool to do it. What a bastard. Then my mom told me to wait inside while her boyfriend showed her some "art" in another room, but we couldn't see it. My sister was older at the time and looked really angry, and then started crying, but I didn't know why.

Now that I realize these things, I really resent my mom, and maybe that's where my inclination to despise filthy fucking kikes came from as well.
"dont wrry dey forget xD if u dont make a big deal fo it!"

Yeah whatever.

>> No.9460619
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1343132265525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you have a point, so have another one: society, while it might be constructed from, your point of view, arbitrary bullshit, exists. The world will keep turning and people like you will get locked up.

Stay safe anon.

>> No.9460621

People like you are just as bad, giving such a mindless image of people who think we shouldn't have sex with babies.

>> No.9460629

Your mom dated a dickhead and you sniff dildos, I hardly see much of a problem here.

>> No.9460632

So is it legal or not?

>> No.9460637

If nobody finds out, absolutely. And if she is blindfolded she will not know, so there is no problem. You should probably be careful to make her understand the situation, because if you do not get involved at some point she will grow up to be a whore and a Normal.

>> No.9460636



Where did I once say that sex was a trivial thing? I actually never said a single thing about having sex in any of my posts. If you remember correctly, we're talking about getting a girl to touch your penis. Never said anything about sex.

By the way, children can initiate sexual activity with others, including adults, with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. That is proof they can give consent, period.

Whether or not you think they are intellectually capable enough to be allowed to consent to sex is a valid argument, whether or not they can consent to sex is not. Because it is a cold hard fact that they can consent to sex.

>> No.9460639


No, it's not.

>> No.9460640

Do you think it should be illegal?

>> No.9460641

I do believe it should not be illegal, but it is still possible to enjoy lolis in person. Just more difficult.

>> No.9460644

Jews fucked up your childhood, man.

Fucking jews.

>> No.9460646

Wait a minute... Little girls don't talk like that. Little girls don't talk like that at all. Nobody talks like that.

>> No.9460649

People sometimes talk like that when they know something. This would be her hitting on you.

>> No.9460652

She also had her first kid at barely 16 so who knows how early she started fucking, its no surprise she also had dildos and shit.

My point was that it's not even about what society says is wrong or not, some people like you might be against it, but fuck, I must have been around 12 or so when that happened and I didn't know what they were doing. I was also really perverted from what I remember, talking about bulmas tits with my friends in first grade.
I fucking love fapping to loli and have had my own loli experiences when I was a bit older that I've also talked about on /jp/, but the thing is, I actually remember myself about this stuff back then and can gauge what I knew.

I'm telling you right now though, I would NOT want to be tricked by someone older into doing something that would make me a filthy impure non-virgin just because someone really wanted to fuck my tiny body.

it's not just sex you jackass, what about love? What if I was married off to the guy or gal that molested me? I could have developed differently and be socially nothing like him at all., zero compatibility and be around someone I hate.
If you want sex with no strings attached like that, just hit a dance club or something you fucking normal, learn to control your dick.

>> No.9460670

shit, I left my slinky out in the sun

>> No.9460676

I can picture a girl leaving out slinkies in the driveway to see how they convert into those.

"onii-chan it's not working!"

>> No.9460681

It's a sex toy. I put my benis in it to pleasure myself because i can't fug real women.

Are you happy now?

>> No.9460684

It's the artificial you

>> No.9460691

Smooth, REAL smooth.

>> No.9460708
File: 59 KB, 245x306, Cute Tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you know my secret i'll have to silent you with my dick

>> No.9460718


>> No.9460738

Why would you need one of those when you have a sister?

I don't get it...

>> No.9460739
File: 115 KB, 624x922, onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly, its a onahole.

>> No.9461161


So true. It is all the same. A hug, a kiss on cheek, a kiss on forehead, a kiss on mouth, french kiss, grabbing boobs, rubbing penises, etc.

It is simply being close and affectionate with each other. It is only through society that you'll think you need to say things like "Aww mom, don't kiss me it is embarrassing".

>> No.9461202

There's no way my cock could fit in that.

>> No.9461208

It would. They are very stretchy. Unless your penis is a wide as a Pringles can you'll be fine.

>> No.9461211


Did you check out the bottom right panel where the huge black silicone cock is shoved in it?

Seriously don't flatter yourself, your dick ain't that big.

>> No.9461215

That is a blue cylinder.

>> No.9461234

Why would they leave panties in the packaging?

>> No.9461252


>It's black so it must be big!

>> No.9461257
File: 39 KB, 200x247, 1343445351678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got me on that one.

>> No.9461292

For reference, if that dildo is http://www.e-nls.com/pict1-2131 this one it can only be a maximum length of 20cm with a 4.5cm diameter.

>> No.9461361

this wise nigga

>> No.9461366

>a onahole
pls no.

>> No.9461400

Reported for normals bickering against loli
What happened /jp/
What happened

>> No.9461406
File: 89 KB, 600x450, resize0627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can play with this one a little bit.

>> No.9461418

No, you can't. Please go.

>> No.9461426

This is making me want to purchase an onahole. Only deterrents are that they are like a gorillian dollars and I don't even have my own room so where would I hide it? To people who have tried them, would you say they're worth it?

>> No.9461440

Imagine having 2 penises so you can use the shota trap and loli onahole at the same time.

>> No.9461441

What? they're quite cheap. you can get a simple one for like $20

>> No.9461447

Will I get in trouble for ordering one to Canada?

>> No.9461448

Plus like 30 S&H.

>> No.9461450
File: 746 KB, 1024x850, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9461475

How much better are these things than masturbating?

>> No.9461478

Every sperm is worth.


>> No.9461481

obviously better

>> No.9461488

But like how much better? Will it make me not care about being a permavirgin?

>> No.9461518


Compared to sex with a condom, onahole is way better.
If you're worried about S&H, just use the cheapest shipping option on NLS. It got to me in Arizona in exactly 2 weeks.

>> No.9461527


>> No.9461532

Hide them under your Bed

>> No.9461572


>> No.9461575

That man could talk about anything and I would buy it.

>> No.9461632

Are they all a one time use thing, or is there some that you can wash?

>> No.9461635


>> No.9461639

Man, what is this E-packet shit they're using now? Where did SAL go? E-packet is about $10 more.

>> No.9461651

you can reuse them (except for the disposable cup and egg-things by Tenga)

>> No.9461666

No idea, I just ordered less than a month ago and used the japan post option, but I don't see it anymore...

>> No.9461669

Thanks. Any recommendations?

>> No.9461761
File: 67 KB, 490x424, 1338691799057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9463297

17 Evo and Secret Twin Tales are often recommended.

>> No.9463312

pls go back to facebook

>> No.9463314
File: 32 KB, 266x293, 1342596147881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you little sis come sit on big bros lap

>> No.9463337
File: 151 KB, 783x388, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9463354

What is the best lolihole?

>> No.9463404

please respond

>> No.9463435

Anyone able to remind me what the onahole with additional miniature swimsuit was called? I kind of liked that concept.

>> No.9463455

That shit is creepy, man. Not the loli onahole part, but the whole limbless, headless torso thing, and dressing it up. If you're going to go that route, just get one of those dolls that you can slide them into. They have a wider selection of cute clothes anyway.

>> No.9463456

When using these, I always cum too fast, in about 2 to 4 strokes. How do you use them without that happening?

>> No.9463460


>> No.9463482


Are they really that good?

Damn, generally how long do they last? I was under the assumption they would last for years if you took care of them, I mean, I don't understand how they could "break".

>> No.9463491

Go slower or don't squeeze out the air first so there is less suction. Or you could just edge with your hand until you're ready.

Or just keep at it. I had that 'problem' at first. Now I'm use to the feeling.

Depends on how much you pay, how rough you are with it, and how you clean it. Assuming you spend $30 USD or more, you can probably get a year of use out of one if you're careful. As for how good they are, well, it's one of the better investments I've made.

>> No.9463506


I'd go for something that can fully accomodate the length of your penis, that way if you put it all the way in you aren't tearing and weakening the silicone at the end of the onahole which will end up as a hole, making it pretty much unusable. That, and making sure it's durable. I'd consider both of those more important than the stimulation it provide, because if I'm going to pay 40 dollars and wait two and a half weeks for it I want it to last.

>> No.9463579

Children are not allowed to give consent. And "children", in legal terms, are anyone under the age of consent. THis could include a 17yo in New York, who could consent had they lived in Michigan.

>> No.9463599

I never got this.

Is somebody in the age of 20 able to consent?
Is someone 40 years old ``stable'' and ``knowledgeable'' enough to consent?

Life is too short, in the beginning or in the end, you are still an incomplete being, unable to make perfect decisions.

People shouldn't arbitrarily create a point in which things change (18).

>> No.9463607
File: 10 KB, 400x266, 113-2205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally your swimming noodle.

>> No.9466591

epic thread :)
