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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9453944 No.9453944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to all of those people that started and never finished their projects? Like the Warehouse Devs, PRINNY, Neverever /jp/ mansion guy, Touhoumoon, Touhou Princess Maker, Brutal Touhou and all of those other wonders that have never been seen by human eyes.

Failed /jp/ projects discussion thread.

>> No.9453952

Please stop OP.
All these hopes and dreams, stop reminding me to them I can't dealt with it

>> No.9453953

What are you talking about? /jp/ mansion guy is still buying lottery tickets. Any time now...

>> No.9453966

We will do it tomorrow.

>> No.9453975


>Failed /jp/ projects

like OP's life

>> No.9453977

Wow look at this trashy tutorial level copy/paste code. Were they ever really serious to begin with?

The site is also a webhosting redirect now. Lots of big talk, ignoring advice, and now nothing to show for it. When will you get your act together /jp/ and ask if anyone more experienced can help you?

>> No.9453982

They were pretty open about soliciting help, but then, everybody lost interest and the project died.

>> No.9453985

He's referring to the VN project.

>> No.9453990

>Touhou Moon

Whenever someone brings this up, the project leader appears and assures everyone things will work out, even though most of the team have disbanded.
Sick of his excuses. It was a cute project, but he ruined it by being unorganized as HELL.

Vienne was a shame because I liked that one dude's art. What happened to it?

Also what happened to AoC's projects? Anon's Nice Days and that other one (Project Insomnia?).

>> No.9453993

Almost every single project that has started on 4chan has died, and usually die either the day they're made or within a week. I've seen a couple that have lasted for a good numbers of years but still died.
Don't get your hopes up with stuff like this.

>> No.9454000


The statistics are grim but I do hope we see more KS quality success stories.

>> No.9454009

The problem is that when larger projects are completed, they can be well put-together and pretty professional/polished, but they're still shit.
KS and /v/'s awards thing are good examples.

We need more smaller stuff like The Dandelion Girl.

>> No.9454011

They were open but then they weren't and made some lame excuse about all positions being filled and aiming for quality. Stuff like that are fascinating gems to me, the pattern seems to get repeated often by unrelated parties oblivious to their own situation. For some reason people get arrogant on hype alone with nothing substantial to show.

If we look at projects like Dandygirl, they have been kept small and are relatively low quality. But the quality matches the talents of those that made it. So why do other people bite off more than they can chew for their first project knowing it kills pretty much every project ever?

I also wonder if /jp/ ever seriously considered more sober incremental projects.

>> No.9454012



>> No.9454013

So when something is enough virally marketed and spammed while pretending to be some random anon it will eventually be succesful?

>> No.9454019
File: 213 KB, 550x800, zzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he was going to release the 9th of August.


>> No.9454022

Come up with a project I can help you with and I will.

I have no special skills, though, so at most I can offer you free server space or something similar that basically anyone could do.

>> No.9454029
File: 286 KB, 1193x761, TouhouMaker_confirmed_for_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff gets up off the ground but they're usually just one anon and nobody is interested. People only get interested in vaporware with nothing but cute fanart.

>> No.9454036


Well done. You got me type out a whole paragraph.

Anyone dismissing KS as shit can't be taken seirously.

>> No.9454048

Shit may be too strong a word, but it certainly isn't good.

>> No.9454056

Anonymous of Colombia? More like Anonymous of Procrastination.

>> No.9454058
File: 200 KB, 1080x810, lucetta last JADF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet it still beats most things that come out of /jp/ projects.

>> No.9454061

It was mediocre in the beginning then got worse and worse.

>> No.9454066

So sad.

>> No.9454069

Seeing how many years it took to develop and how much hype got built around it over all that time, it's no wonder it go so much people's attention. Most /jp/ project, if completed, are so in a couple of months. Had KS had that small a development cycle, it too would've been forgotten quickly.

>> No.9454087


The common route was kinda fun, but the routes..

Oh my, the routes.

>> No.9454099

I learned my lesson by not announcing my project on /jp/ I am not even sure it will be posted when it is completed. But when you make threads like this, you should realize your hell is entirely your own making.

>> No.9454107
File: 151 KB, 617x584, life story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ projects

>> No.9454110

It lasted a few weeks then died, it got pretty far for making a VN from scratch.

>> No.9454115

I don't see why you would doom your project by posting about it on /jp/. If anything, having social pressure to finish it should increase your motivation to finish it. If you can't finish it even with the extra social pressure, you weren't motivated enough in the first place.

>> No.9454113

I remember almost getting pulled into a project from a thread like this. I noticed that when I got into IRC that the people were from /a/, and it was a Moetron VN. I left and changed my IRC handle.

If it were actually people from /jp/ doing something that wasn't annoying as hell then I'd help. It seems those projects are in the minority though.

>> No.9454124

not everyone is Lawful Obedient like you
if I am under social pressure I'm actually more likely to drop it

>> No.9454125

Would anyone read a VN with no character drawings? I can't draw.

>> No.9454133

The original /jp/ manor VN used that anime character generator. So yes, they would.

>> No.9454131


It's not pressure, It is /jp/'s constant, for some reason, desire to try to kill any OC that comes to /jp/

>> No.9454137


>a VN with no character drawings?

Remind me again what the V in "VN" stands for

>> No.9454145

I remember the original Warehouse project got hijacked by people from other boards and by the 10th or so thread it was all but dead.

>> No.9454143


>the people were from /a/

"Oh hey people browse more than one board"

how fucking new are you

>Moetron VN

How is this not awesome?

You're just a troll and talentless shit so you'd be dead weight anyway.

>> No.9454158

I could use filters on photos so you know the location of the places where the dialogs take place. They turn out pretty nice.

>> No.9454174

The guy who recruited me told me what I wrote seemed to be better than the stuff the other people were writing and that it would be embarrassing for me to go through to correct and edit anything they had.

I feel bad, but if I don't want to do it I don't want to do it and that will show in what comes out. They had quite a few writers on the project so I'm sure one more wouldn't make or break it.

>> No.9454264

Maybe I spoke too harshly. The point I was trying to make is that KS had good production values. I'm probably in the minority on /jp/, because I think it had good art, decent music, great animation, and was just very well put-together. But as a story and a visual novel, it fell flat in a lot of ways. It was inconsistent and the pacing was off, and the same characters acted completely differently in similar situations under different writers. I respect the real-life backstory to KS, and I think it was very polished, but to someone who has played dozens of VNs it was pretty shitty. If it was yet another Japanese release, most people would probably agree.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that instead of focussing on larger-scale projects, apply the same methods to smaller ones. Make a half-hour VN instead of a six hour one. Try to code a "demo" instead of a huge roleplaying game. Paint some pretty pictures instead of trying to make a gallery. But go at all these things as you would the big projects.

>> No.9454287
File: 233 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m6tayj04jq1ra5q98o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram: The Visual Novel.

>> No.9454434

Why doesn't /jp/ just crowd/open-source their projects? That way even if you don't end up finishing it the chances are higher that someone else will.

>> No.9454456
File: 236 KB, 1000x667, IMG_7545-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one that I did so they're more or less come out looking like this.

>> No.9454460
File: 596 KB, 1000x667, IMG_7545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it could be a background right?

>> No.9454463

How'd you make that?

>> No.9454466

Color and other adjustments done in Lightroom
Filter effect added and adjusted in Snap Art

>> No.9454467

That's a good photo and a shitty filter. You just completely removed all the good contrasts in the original picture that made it look awesome.

>> No.9454475

I was just showing what a background would look like.

>> No.9454477

If it's meant to be representative, then why not use one that isn't shit?

Or is it an accurate representation, then?

>> No.9454488

It's a pretty accurate representation. I don't see anything wrong about using it as a background shot to help the reader visualize a location.

>> No.9454489
File: 249 KB, 1179x854, 1343402969208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And personally, I never was a fan of the painterly filters, they look silly. I'd go for something simple like this.

>> No.9454497
File: 85 KB, 907x655, PatchouliDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insomnia wasn't my project, although I did some quick scenes and threw ideas for the guys actually doing it, who then disappeared along with most of the 2008 projects people.
Anon's Nice Days hasn't really seen any progress in the last 2-3 years due to my issues and not really writing anymore. Every time I look back at it, I really don't feel like it's such a good idea.
I don't know, just don't feel like writing for 4chan as much as before. It became difficult to even do a couple paragraphs and the few times I did get something down and posted, it's been ignored. Perhaps I was never that good and I've been kidding myself.
Anyway, bottom line is that I might get to it if I do get back into writing at all. Been focusing on other stuff instead.

>> No.9454508

How did that whole tumor business go anyway?

>> No.9454531

It was never life threatening, but it had a hand in making me quite unstable mentally, along with the medication I had at the time. I keep taking some pills for it now that keep it under control with no side effects, and tests show that it's been reduced into nothing, with the medication being a just in case measure.
It never was a big deal except for being a contributor to my depression back then and the fact that "brain tumor" sounds scary as fuck. Plus it's nice when you have a physiological scapegoat for anything questionable you've done for a time.

I'm better now, thanks for asking I guess.

>> No.9454545

>Plus it's nice when you have a physiological scapegoat for anything questionable you've done for a time.
Oh yeah?

>> No.9455597

AoC write for my VN.

>> No.9455638

>I'm better now
Good to hear.

>> No.9458296


Damn, now I want a Brain Tumor

>> No.9458537

can't you get someone to do the drawings?

>> No.9462494

Please don't give up /jp/ I know you could make a splendid game if only you put all of your heads together!

>> No.9462572

Why /jp/ always shitted all the lace with vicarious videogamish projects and never, NEVER tried its luck with something more simple like a doujin, a novel or some shit?
Dan Kim is a human turd, but he can draw vaguely humanlooking shapes, and I bet he would have been happy to collaborate. well too late, 2007 is long gone.
Guys, you...we like to kill projects so we can avoid effort, anxiety of "people will like it or not", and we can have another nice memory to cradle while we rot and become old in our coccoon of fear.

>> No.9462577

Brutal Touhou sounds awesome, anyone wanna tell me more about it?

>> No.9462649

You should feel grateful I went and dug this up for you.


>> No.9462654

best 2hu

>> No.9462821

>Dan Kim is a human turd

I'm curious as to why you think that. I have my suspicions but I'll suspend judgment until you answer me.

>> No.9462850
File: 304 KB, 1280x1280, nnet-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on my project. /jp/ related, but not *for* /jp/.

This is the first layer of the recognition neural network, it'll gonna replace a particularly handwavy part I'm using now.

>> No.9462871



>> No.9462891

Japanese OCR that doesn't suck. With the crap old method, 99.3% character accuracy (most of the remaining errors being や vs ゃ and the like).

>> No.9464144
File: 224 KB, 728x1020, EternalFall01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER tried its luck with something more simple like a doujin

Nobody ever remembers the Aki Sisters. I'm still proud of it and would like to work with the artist again if I got the chance. This time without the strict page restriction and a bit more experience with the comic script format.

>> No.9464167

Pshh, as if neural networks aren't basically the computer's version of handwaving.

>> No.9464361

Neural networks are much less handwavy with the structures and learning methods used today. They're also much less handwavy than what I was using, which was basically a few fuzzy logic edge detectors thrown at the character images with parameters based on instinct, with no tests behind them.

>> No.9466327

Was that for the collab anthology or whatever it was a few years ago?

If so I was going to mention that but I didn't think anyone would remember or provide examples.

>> No.9466343

What is the likelihood of /jp/ holding hobs long enough to pay for plumbing? I don't want to live in a house with shit all over and piss bottles

>> No.9466390
File: 192 KB, 960x612, tomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9466396


But i'm working every day.

>> No.9466444

Hey guys remember...
Another Dream?

>> No.9466922

Because 'commitment,' 'determination,' and /jp/ don't belong in the same sentence unless preceded by 'lacks.'

>> No.9466941

To be fair, /jp/ mansion was more of a dream than anything else, wasn't it?

>> No.9467058

I don't think building /jp/ mansion should be seen as an impossible task when you compare it with the sorts of things people achieve all the time. If it was something people actually wanted to do then they could pool their surplus funds to $1,000,000 in just a few years without much effort.

That then leaves the problem of buying or building a mansion and sustainability. Picking an area with cheap land and focusing on wholesale purchases would get the project quite far.

The real problem is how you would sustain it which would be impossible if nobody wanted to make some kind of effort, do chores, work a farm/garden, or run a business.

In that sense the original Warehouse dream of starting a /jp/ game company out of an abandoned warehouse would be a more realistic first step.

>> No.9467082

Well, I agree with you. A bunch of dudes living together is very common. I just don't see us doing it.

Like you said, it would require a communal effort as well as a fundamental lack of the privacy to which so many of us desperately cling.

>> No.9467085


Just a curious, related question.

How many /jp/sies are in the US, Oregon tri-state area

>> No.9467135

I don't know, I know of about five so maybe ten?

But the ones I know I wouldn't trust to be competent of anything except causing drama. Actually I would say the same about most /jp/sies.

Most people that consider stuff like that do it wrong anyway. Your hometown is shit, every hometown is shit and you should avoid all hometurf like the plague. Ideally you are better off moving to another country entirely. There is a whole load of psychology behind why this is a good idea.

>> No.9467172


But then you're expecting /jp/er who can't afford doing financial projects to move to a whole nother country.

>> No.9467226

I don't think you have to give up privacy unless you share rooms. Consider it a similar situation to staying at a hotel. Actually Japanese business hotels usually have these uh... What seem to be prebuilt units which are installed as bathroom/toilet in each room.

With a variety of appliances such as a mini-fridge, microwave oven, water boiler, hairdryer and so on you could live inside a tiny hotel room indefinitely. It probably beats the living arrangements of most people here anyway.

The real problem isn't privacy but the immaturity of most people, and I'm sure a lot of them really aren't anti-social and actually require other people to take care of them.

>> No.9467244

I liked the "Rita please respond" project because it got finished. It was a fun run

>> No.9467251

Well land and cost of living probably isn't going to be more expensive than their home country. When /jp/ works most of the time it comes down to Gamestop, or fast food, or computer repair, or help desk services.

If you plan to be a bottom feeder in your home country you might as well reroll and move somewhere else.

>> No.9467290
File: 200 KB, 500x1597, valentine_op_by_emlan-d50twuz.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed that with all the love for castlevania that was shown during the Touhouvania threads that we still can't get people to translate the other comics.

>> No.9467292

It's pretty damn easy. You come in some money, and you mortgage a very large house, especially in the US as housing prices are pretty much at rock bottom, and they are desperate to lease.
You can get money by applying for government grants to help fund the initial process. The reasoning being you are providing a home, and rehabilitation for troubled adults on some sort of government funding who are in some ways unable to provide for themselves alone. And can't be supported by their parents anymore. But want to give them a high quality of life.

The person who sets this up, is likely someone who's very personable with normals. With grants, savings, you can come into a lease like that at very little. By working with the bank a list of renters. (this would require a renting license as well) Who are already committed to moving in. The totaled benefits that they receive will fund mortgage, food, utilities, etc. And the remaineder will go back to them for personal use. Healthcare benefits, and foodstamps is likely going to increase massively beyond what the total normally would be separate. A long with money that can be received from charity, from tax breaks, etc. It is very reasonable to do such a thing. And would actually be extremely cheap in the long run.

>> No.9470049

There is a good thread about shmups on /jp/ at the moment too, but you never really see those completed or in OC threads. Well except maybe for the ones KoG does, or that painting STG but that never went anywhere.

>> No.9471822
File: 3 KB, 240x240, Loli10x-response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I'll finish eventually!
