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9450760 No.9450760 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you shot first and asked questions later?

>> No.9450766

When I posted this post.

>> No.9450765

When I went to the midnight premiere of TDKR.

>> No.9450784

When my movie wasn't edited by a hack who only did the first movies properly because someone else was stopping him from implementing his stupid ideas.

>> No.9450796

when i shot your mother with my hot sticky load

>> No.9450862

Who was stopping him, by the way? He deserves a strong heatfelt handshake.

>> No.9450868

The star wars prequels were the films that Lucas had complete creative and directive control over.
The original films, lucas was pretty much disallowed from doing anything because his ideas were stupid.

>> No.9450872

When I fucked NSJ's mother.

>> No.9450884

I understand what you meant with your post. What I want to know is who are the people who stopped him from implementing his stupid ideas.

>> No.9450898

>a hack who only did the first movies properly because someone else was stopping him from implementing his stupid ideas.

This is true of like every creator of every TV show or movie.

>> No.9450912


But George will be forever remembered as the retard who murdered the most loved movie saga in history.

>> No.9450918

Remember, he also gave indiana jones a stupid 4th movie.

>> No.9450935

I don't know the details because I don't follow SW extremely closely.

But A New Hope & Empire were produced by Gary Kurtz. Lucas didn't even direct Empire or Jedi, he was just credited as a "writer" in those. They were both directed AND produced by other people.

Note that Empire, the best of the entire series, had the smallest input from Lucas.

Compare that to the prequels where Rick McCallum produced all three, and Lucas wrote/directed them all. McCallum was basically a yes-man to Lucas the whole time.

>> No.9450947

I prefer to shot first and lave the questions to someone else.

>> No.9450962
File: 69 KB, 648x698, sakuya lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Thanks for the info!

>> No.9450979


I love that scene in Plinkett's review where he show the first screening of EP1. With just Lucas and people who worked on the movie.

McCallum is like: Jesus fucking Christ, that was horrible.

>> No.9451011

Episode 1 was the least bad of the three prequels. I don't even really have any bad memories from it. (please remind me, I don't care about that Jamaican fishman thing)

>> No.9451178
File: 30 KB, 300x444, The_People_vs._George_Lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should watch The People vs. George Lucas.

Danny Choo is in it, so it's OTACOOL.

>> No.9451234

It was just a mess. Poorly put together, even Lucas himself has admitted so. Which is a shame because he is a good filmmaker (or was, before he started rehashing series that didn't need to be rehashed--American Graffiti and THX 1138 were awesome).

I'll give The Phantom Menace some credit in that it used real sets. You can really tell the difference, and I'm glad they bothered.

>> No.9451339 [SPOILER] 
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