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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9448915 No.9448915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you become a mountain man /jp/?
You could leave all alone up in a mountain, with only your trust dog, and live off the land, off your own hard work, away from the Man who tries to put you down.

>> No.9448924
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i need my computers

>> No.9448927

yes /jp/ you could chop wood and fishermans

>> No.9448937

Where can I find deer, beaver and other critters worth cash-money when skinned?

>> No.9448944 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9448946

Pretty much anywhere far away enough from civilizations.

>> No.9448960

I always wanted to live like a hermit. Too bad there are no mountains in my immediate vicinty and there's no way I'd go out of my room anyway.

>> No.9448965

Doesn't have to be a mountain, you could wander the deserts, or the plains, seeking enlightenment.

>> No.9448972

How will I read VNs? I don't even want to think about the lack of access to porn.

>> No.9448969

I hate nature.


>> No.9448978

Solar-powered laptop?

>> No.9448988

I often fantasize about doing this, but it wouldn't take long before I get bored without any eroge or internet.

>> No.9448992

What is it with you people and porn. Do you have no self control?

>> No.9449003

Believe it or not, this is board-relevant because of Aya & co.

>> No.9449008

Think you're right on the money thar, chief.


>> No.9449009

Why would you want to control yourself? Masturbation is a harmless activity and feels good. This goes beyond the "slut shaming" argument because sluts actually ruin things like relationships and their kids if they have them.

>> No.9449021

No sewer system
No power
No internet
Will inevitably be raped by aliums.

>> No.9449026 [DELETED] 

>Why don't you become a mountain man /jp/?
/jp/ is a sissy board

>> No.9449031

>No sewer system
Don't /jp/sies just piss in bottles?

>> No.9449040

It's more that my life would be pointless without eroge.

>> No.9449042

I've thought about that. I need to work on my survival skills.

>> No.9449056

Maybe I should move to Canada. Fuck Appalachia

>> No.9449063

Hunting seems like a cool hobby to have, but I'm not sure if I have the dedication to spend hours lurking around in a forest just so I can shoot something.

>> No.9449072

Let's join an Ultima Online shard, /jp/.

>> No.9449068

Just think about how much better it will feel by doing it with your imagination after years of no acces to porn

>> No.9449091

Hey, if I spend years with no human companions or porn and just a dog to keep me in company, I think there might be other options I'll consider.

>> No.9449100

I think it'd be relaxing to just sit in the quite woods, patiently waiting. It's kinda like fishing.

>> No.9449107

It depends on what you're hunting, but a lot of hunting seasons happen when it would be cold as fuck during the time of day that your prey is active. Also, cleaning large mammals is disgusting.

>> No.9449121

I don't mind the cold actually, but waiting out in it for long periods might be a bother. Still, you could always trap animals as well, although they're bound to be a lot smaller.


I'm a squeamish pussy though, I don't know if I could clean a carcass. But I guess you just have to get used to it.

>> No.9449158

All this survival talk made me want to play Haven and Hearth.

Now that I think about it, there's a clear lack of survival games like that. I would give my left nut for a realistic wilderness survival game.

>> No.9449160

Would a /jp/sie really be interested in doing this with me? I'd take care of the food, shelter and work, you'd just let me take care of you and hang out with me.

Just the two of us.

>> No.9449168

Yes please, but I want to do some work too.

>> No.9449174

I like post apocalypse type stuff because of the survival aspect. But I love any type of survival game. I remember there was some island survival game for the DS, but I forgot what it was called.

>> No.9449178

/jp/ always reminds me of the character from this classic poetic novel. But more cute.


>> No.9449180

Even better! Where are you at in the world?

Would you be interested in exchanging emails?

>> No.9449213

The DS game was called Lost in Blue if I recall correctly. It was pretty nice, I used to play a lot on my handheld.

Anyway, post-apocalypse survival is the best survival in my opinion. Nuclear wars, zombies, they are all great.
Too bad most of the games trade the survival aspect for other things, be it graphics, gameplay, etc.

>> No.9449212

A headline from the future: ``A mutilated corpse covered in semen and feces found in the Rocky Mountains''.

>> No.9449229

I was a hemit for a couple of years. It wasn't pleasant. I was so dirty my skin suffered and got very dry. Now that I want to be pretty my skin is terrible.

I don't recommend it.

Also, everyone on /jp/ is delusional about other /jp/sies. The people here are always ugly and either total skin and bones with a gross ass or fat neckbeards. Nobody wants to have a brokeback mountain relationship with anyone from here. Honestly.

>> No.9449233

Why would you want to do that? I just want to live a simple life with a friend...

>> No.9449245

I'm not fat or skinny.

>> No.9449248

My main worry about being a hermit is my hair. I cannot stand having it dirty. It's unbearable. I shower every fucking day because I can't stand being dirty. Also my glasses. Contacts wouldn't really be viable, and glasses can break and sometimes get in the way.

>> No.9449252
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Why don't you become a mountain man /jp/?

>> No.9449256

We all want that. But then you hang out with that person for more than a week and want to get away from them/kill yourself to escape them. That is always the way it is. It doesn't make me happy to say it.

>> No.9449270

Well fuck, I didn't think you were serious. Don't get me wrong, I would love to finally go out and live a peaceful life out in the mountains, but just dropping everything here isn't really easy you know. I don't know, it's really tempting, but like I said, I can't just drop everything out of nowhere and run off.

>> No.9449274

No, in my experience when I was out and in the military, being stuck with those assholes were some of my best memories... I miss them a lot.

>> No.9449277

Guy you replied to here. I haven't had a haircut for nearly 10 years. I can sympathise with you. It got so tangled it is now a mess of horrible split ends and doesn't look good. I hate it so much but I can't stand the thought of getting it cut.

I'm fine with being dirty for a week or so though. When I stink of shit and old cum and feel disgusting, then have a shower. My god, the feeling of being clean after that is worth the filth for a week.

>> No.9449283

I understand, I may still end up doing this though.

It'd be crazy for anyone just to say fuck it and let go off everything like that.

>> No.9449281


Fuck off recruitment faggot.

>> No.9449294

I'm no recruiter though I've been out for 3 years now.

I'd advise against the military for anyone considering it, there is very little to gain from it.

>> No.9449301

My hair is long, but I try to take care of it. It's also curly, so the tangling is even more of a problem. If I shower daily though it won't get tangled, and it looks and feels nice. But it's so much trouble at times as well. I don't even go out, but I still try to style it, I don't even know why. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go ahead and shave it to save myself all the trouble. But my hair is my only good feature, the only thing that people complement me on. I can go a day or so without showering, but a week would be insane.

>> No.9449325

Well I'm glad you understand. I've always wanted to just say fuck everything and leave, but I just can't. Maybe one day, but not today. I think it'd be pretty easy to though, the Appalachian mountains are really close by. But I still feel held back by something.

>> No.9449359

Don't take it too lightly if you do, there's a decent chance of dying out in the wilderness I'm sure you already know.

Please be careful.

>> No.9449405

My hair is curly too. I know your pain. When it is normal it looks between my shoulders, when it is wet it is down to my arse. It is a real hassle to take care of, but I am attatched to it.

Too bad I am at the start stages of going bald ;_;

>> No.9449438

Oh god, I think I am too. I've been losing hair, and I've been thinning a bit on the top. It's not blatantly noticeable, or at all, but I still know it's there, and it kills me. I think it's the stress, and losing my hair just makes me even more stressed out. I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.9449466
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Your a on the wrong board if you can't take it easy.

>> No.9449474

People won't let me take it easy, no matter how hard I try.

>> No.9449480

Well, I have receeded above my temples. Because it is so long, I wear it in a ponytail and nobody can tell as it covers the area with loss.

I was so stressed and worried about it. Over time I just figured, the amount of worry I put into it wasn't worth it. When it looks terrible, I'll just shave it off. It will be very hard to deal with at first, but I'd rather be totally bald than look like I'm balding and have thinning hair.

But, I do sympathise with you deeply. My hair has been the only thing I have liked about myself physically ever, and I am losing it. You'll be right, honestly.

>> No.9449488

That's just you. I didn't have that problem in the army and we always had at least six people living in one room or tent, all the time. Not hating your company helps a lot. To be honest, the relatively noisy and trouble-making ego superstars were having the hardest time, even though they were usually very extroverted. Fitting in was the key.

UnReal World

>> No.9449489

Ignore them, just lay down and don't move it. I did it when people started expecting to much, I didn't move when people came to see me. I'm still doing this shit now.

>> No.9449531

There's also some speciality stuff available, or at least there used to be. I actually got one of the games for free a long-ass time ago but never got anywhere in it. I think I killed my dude in that game like twice or three times and quit playing. I remember it being pretty unattractive for a video game, even for that era. Lots and lots of very brown early-VGA graphics. The topographical map that came with it (also for free) was cool, though.

>> No.9449534

I guess you're right. It just really hurts to see it go. Sometimes when I comb it and find several hairs in my brush I feel like crying. I hate it so much. When the time comes, I think I will simply shave it. But I still don't want that day to come.

>> No.9449535

Nobody here wants to be a government killer. Try somewhere else.

>> No.9449542

I just had the image of a /jp/sie being touched and then falling down and curling up into a ball. Very cute.

>> No.9449556

As I said, I sympathis with you very much. When I first noticed it happening. I would check the mirror every few hours, looking if my part was getting wider etc.

When I was younger I never understood how people got upset over going bald. Now I do. It is something you have no control over and it is very distressing. While I am semi-accpeting of it now, I wish it was happening to either of us. I'm not a vain person, but it is very unpleasant.

>> No.9449569


>> No.9449578

I've thought about doing that for a while. I think I would have a better chance living in some forest in the middle of nowhere than I would being a part of society anyways.

I just hope I don't die of something shitty like explosive mushroom induced diarrhea.

>> No.9449595

I'm sorry, but I'm not American and I hated it. My country doesn't even have recruiters. The way you interpreted my post tells much of you longing for meaningful companionship.

>> No.9449596

I think this could help /jp/.

These are actors from one of the most succesful series in a long time. And a lot of the actors had extreme issues with depression, anxiety and such. People will hate me for posting this, but it may give people who haven't lost hope, some type of hope.

Hey, with our neckbeards we could always be stand in bikies on Sons of Anarchy or something.

>> No.9449603

your better off out of the Forest bro.

>> No.9449622

I didn't make any assumption of where you are from. I'm Australian. One of my best friends joined the military and he is now in Aghanistan, risking his life because some old cunts decided to go to war. Your projection of me craving some type of meaningful relationship is ridiculous.

If you miss your friends in that fucked up life, go back there and die fighting an old man's isrealite war.

>> No.9449631

Where do you live? You can move in with me. I'm on disability and spend it on the usual shit. But I bake all my own bread and cook good meals too.

>> No.9449661

And you're probably right, but I'm far too lazy and stupid to be able to be a part of society so I might as well leave on my own before society makes me leave.

Who knows, I might get lucky and find enlightenment before dying of that explosive mushroom diarrhea. But honestly, I'm about 85% sure that it will all work out somehow. If early humans could live out in the forests then surely I have a decent chance of being able to do it too.

>> No.9449662

You live in the mountains?

>> No.9449686

I can if you want to~

>> No.9449710

California, and I'd probably take you up on that offer if you were serious. All I really need is food and a place to sleep.

I hope you don't plan on harvesting my organs when I fall asleep one night. I guess the least I could do is give you a kidney in return for room and board but I'd like it if you asked first.

>> No.9449731

I just had to write something because your post was so non-constructive. Yes, even though the army was shit my social life reached its peak in there. The overall atmosphere of authority and discipline makes connecting with people easier.

>> No.9449737

Yes, I do want you to live in the mountains

>> No.9449743

dats cold

>> No.9449757

maybe i will

>> No.9449829

Aw shit!
