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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 412x306, witchnanairo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9438172 No.9438172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is witch 2 a boy or a girl?

First, let's establish his/her identity (from now on, I'll just say his):

witch 2 has said several times he's from Spain, and his Steam profile reveals he's also "Nanairo". Well, there's a certain anon that uses the email nanairo7777777@hotmail.com and is also from Spain (http://archive.foolz.us/jp/search/email/nanairo7777777/order/desc)), so we can conclude they're the same person. Nanairo has also a few posts (http://archive.foolz.us/jp/search/username/Nanairo/order/desc)) and his last pic has the same filename as the one posted by witch 2 in http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8802120/#8806681, and though it's from Gelbooru Nanairo said that he wanted to get a trip at the start of this year (http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8325249/#8325249)), and the rest of the things match.

Here's a very interesting thing: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/9371962/#9372506..

We can see how he acts like a pretty lewd guy, 6 posts later after that one he posts a pic of his dick, and later on that thread he posts a video of him masturbating on Mediafire (http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/9371962/#9374490).). Furthermore, according to the cock picture's EXIF, the camera is an HTC Desire, which is the same phone witch 2 used to take this picture of "her" breakfast here: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8744915/#8745459..

>> No.9438174

However, there's a vocaroo of a girl here: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8771402/#8777149 maybe he used a voice distorter, and here he responds to a female autistic traits chart: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8757269/#8759243 he also admits being a virgin there.

Take in account that he seems a nice guy and I liked RPR, I'm just questioning his gender.

>> No.9438184

how puffy the vulva?

>> No.9438193

When in doubt, assume it's a girl. Everything will turn out for the best if you do.

>> No.9438186


>> No.9438188

Why are you stalking him?

>> No.9438189


>> No.9438191

It's definitely a girl. Trust, I'm an expert on this subject.

>> No.9438192

stopped reading there

>> No.9438200

No, I just dislike Spain with a passion

>> No.9438196

It's because of football isn't it

>> No.9438197

I'm 1000x time more cooler than that faggot. Stalk me instead.

>> No.9438205

Oh yeah? Get a trip and prove it.

>> No.9438209

/jp/ - Steam personalities

>> No.9438210

Because of football

>> No.9438212

How about you first, nerd.

>> No.9438216

I don't watch football

>> No.9438220

You know if you people focused more on celebrities and less on obscure internet people, you would have the makings of a very commercially successful tabloid.

>> No.9438218

Are you retarded? If there are pictures of his cock he's a guy.

>> No.9438219
File: 20 KB, 201x185, the world would be a better place if everyone watched k-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm not cool like you say you are

>> No.9438221

what the fuck

>> No.9438226

Neither do I your point?

>> No.9438228

Why are you so obssesed with him? You want to tease his asshole or what?

>> No.9438230

I agree. Holy shit this guy is insane. Poor wich 2, such a nice and cute girl who provided great OC to /jp/ is now being a victim of internet stalking.

>> No.9438238


>> No.9438253

what in the serious ****

>> No.9438263
File: 29 KB, 468x466, 1342007724668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9438278

Your logic can be completely broken if the "nanairo" email is just a coincidence.

>> No.9438284

reverse trolling won't work; we know it's you.
are you portuguese?

>> No.9438308

What the actual fuck.
Here I thought witch 2 was a nice and honest guy.
So he's actually a /soc/ lewd manwhore, huh.

>> No.9438328

Not really... they have the same phone, they're both from Spain, they use the same filenames and witch 2 even had Nanairo as Steam nickname.

Anyway, good this thread is on autosage.

>> No.9438338

Who the fuck is witch 2? Is this some off-board drama or something?

>> No.9438344

Some tripfriend that created a shitty meta VN.

>> No.9438373

There's literally smegma in one of the fapping videos. What in the actual fuck.

>> No.9438423

Looks like your typical normal horny teenager. Why is this on /jp/ again?

>> No.9438736

Why did you have to do this? It's not like he did anything bad.

>> No.9438763

Ooh, do ZUN!bar next!
