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9323 No.9323 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here prefer non-ero when given the choice? It ruins the experience for me. A good example would be Tsukihime's h-scenes; I always thought of Shiki as a pretty cool guy and then whenever he gets a girl in the bed he turns into a complete asshole. What do you think /jp/?

>> No.9430
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>> No.9453
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>> No.9460
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>> No.9467
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>> No.9476
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>> No.9486
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>> No.9491
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>> No.9508
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>> No.9523
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>> No.9532
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>> No.9542
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>> No.9606
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> "Oh noes a hot vampire chick is giving me a blowjob oh god why me this is horrible!"
That was funny. Ciel's one was even funnier.

>> No.9645
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>> No.9705
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Thread needs more Len, both of her.

>> No.9782
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> The last scene made me laugh so hard that I woke up my girlfriend.
> laugh so hard that I woke up my girlfriend.
> I woke up my girlfriend.
> my girlfriend.
Anon, we don't need to get into a ronery thread. Please stop there

>> No.9856
File: 51 KB, 641x485, 1203521436926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting len h-scene in a len h-scene thread.

>> No.9859
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>> No.10218
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I'd like to develop her character.

>> No.10377
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Pssst there is an option just to let her suck a bit of blood instead of sex.

>> No.9344

Ero scenes are hillariously funny to read though. But for a VN with a decent plot, I don't really play it for the porn. If I wanted that, I'd go play something which gets me there in 1000 fewer clicks. Still, I don't really care either way.

Also, sex sells.

>> No.9333

I think Shiki's a pretty cool guy. eh sexes vampires and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.9352

>whenever he gets a girl in the bed he turns into a complete asshole.
>cool guy

>> No.9360


Suppressing Roa?

>> No.9350

I think Shiki's a pretty cool guy, eh beds loli an-
anyway, I think they're more appropriate than F/SN's, mana transfer was the stupides thing ever.
they're distracting though.

>> No.9376

Wouldn't explain KT's h-scenes.

>> No.9370

Hehe, mana transfer.
I think the Utawarerumono H-scenes are way too lulzy ...

>> No.9416

Not enough lensflare IMO.

>> No.9412


KT was mana transfer when he signed the contract with Len.

>> No.9428

>>complete asshole.

Please elaborate?

>> No.9438


>> No.9443

jams it in dry

>> No.9448

I think they were senseless.
"lol I met you 2 days ago, wanna come haev ezechs?"
also, everyone being impervious to the fact that they belong to his harem

>> No.9472

Where is his left hand?

>> No.9473

I agree with this thread.

Fuck H-scenes (Ironic wording). Skip them. The hilarious/horrible writing is a boner-kill, anyway, if that's what I was looking for.

>> No.9483

> hilarious/horrible writing
Come on anon, you like it ...

>> No.9500

Where do you think it quick-landed to surprise Ren, lol.

>> No.9499

Everythin that involves mollusks is awesome.

>> No.9502

Yeah, I personally like my porn and my reading seperate. Never been into erotic fiction.

But if I can't turn that shit off it's no big deal. Sometimes the text/voice acting is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9504

No. In Tsukihime, h-scenes are a fucking plot device.

>> No.9488

Yeah, I personally like my porn and my reading seperate. Never been into erotic fiction.

But if I can turn that shit off it's no big deal. Sometimes the text/voice acting is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9515


Groping her somewhere. That's kind of the point of the picture.

>> No.9547

Tsukihime's h-scenes were too long. IMO they wouldn't have been as bad had they been shorter.

>> No.9571

> Everythin that involves mollusks is awesome.
Now you've gone and done it.
Where is the seafood hentai thread screencap?

>> No.9573

>Anyone else here prefer non-ero when given the choice? It ruins the experience for me.

I played the game with H-scenes because sex does help to create atmosphere in a story like Tsukihime. If Tsukihime would be a regular book, there would have been sex-scenes. Of course, they probably wouldn't as detailed or pornographic. But I was dissapointed as the scenes pretty much sucked.

>I always thought of Shiki as a pretty cool guy and then whenever he gets a girl in the bed he turns into a complete asshole.

I agree. And when he wasn't an asshole, he just behaved unrealisticly. "Oh noes a hot vampire chick is giving me a blowjob oh god why me this is horrible!"

>> No.9577

H-Scenes are there for attracting customers. If you look at Tsukihime, it could work well without the H-Scenes. Hell, Tsukihime itself doesn't have that many H-Scenes at all, just about 1 1/2 an arc.

But yeah, more VN with worksafe content only should be made.

>> No.9595

Yeah, I skipped the H-scenes too. In F/SN and Tsukihime. I read Nasu for scens where Saber/Shiki cuts uber-powered people apart with their massive hax powers.

>> No.9624

If Shiki wasn't a fucking stallion they'd be a little shorter. Kohaku must be slipping Shiki some viagra, actually that'd make a lot of sense, I don't think normal men can get off three times in a row without a break.

>> No.9633

>But yeah, more VN with worksafe content only should be made.

Like Ever17. Or...um...Animamundi...or...uh...

>> No.9639


H-scenes are more of fanservice, if anything. 99% of people buy Visual Novels for plot. You can see this in that the ones with better plot always sell the best, even if they don't have h-scenes.

>> No.9641

that being said tho - i find h-scenes in even a halfway descent game to be very erotic, porn with properly developed and 'real' characters is the best for me.

>> No.9643

> don't think normal men can get off three times in a row without a break.
Haha... that's just nuts, but lol yeah.. some of the Hscenes make it look like he's got an epic STA/VIT rating...

>> No.9646

Been playing F/SN... the story and writing turn to shit and the characters fall apart just about at the exact moment they want to start fucking each other.

Goddammit. I had hoped they would have handled it better.

>> No.9656


Normal men can't get off more than once in such a short time. It's called the refractory period.

>> No.9674

must be a pimp thing.

>> No.9676

>don't think normal men can get off three times in a row without a break.
Let alone insane, crippled, anemic, bed-ridden men. Shiki is something else.

>> No.9695

when? I have literally no recollection of this?
I remember the phrase "oh you/she is already this wet? well then" turning up a lot of times.

>> No.9696

I actually liked ciel's scene not for its erotic content(which was below average) but the character development. Also the others either didn't bother me that much or they were somewhat good too. Tbh I don't get people that are annoyed by them, do they have insecurities or something?

>> No.9725

A Tsukihime sex scene contains the following

1) blowjob/foreplay
2) painful virgin sex scene
3) dirty whore sex scene

>> No.9732

We have other people in our homes and if those other people would happen to stumble upon us playing during an h-scene what would their first thought be?

>> No.9741

He does it to Kohaku if you rape the maids.

Might also have done it to Arc if you rape her.

>> No.9745


Also, what's all this shit about him not being able to control himself because he's a man?

Way to perpetuate retarded, rape-justifying stereotypes, dumbasses.

>> No.9756

'oh he is playing another porn game'

>> No.9758

"Stick it in my pooper"?

>> No.9761

The first Arc H-scene made me laugh and facepalm. The second made me actually shout "NO" and, well, let's say bricks were involved. The last scene made me laugh so hard that I woke up my girlfriend.

>> No.9763

Try emphatically stating that you're watching it for the plot. By the way, do let us know how they respond.

>> No.9765

> 1) blowjob/foreplay
> 2) painful virgin sex scene
> 3) dirty whore sex scene
Haha, so good...
> if those other people would happen to stumble upon us playing during an h-scene what would their first thought be?
I tend to laugh or facepalm while reading one of those. However, I'm also quite fast on the alt-F4
Now, if they walked in on a /d/ thread...

>> No.9780

>the story and writing turn to shit and the characters fall apart just about at the exact moment they want to start fucking each other.


>> No.9775

NOTE: Rape. Both of these choices also lead to bad end.

This has got to be a skewered cultural trope.

Also, "this hole was not ment for a man"

>> No.9794

I read through the firt sex scene I had come across in Tsukihime, but after that I simply fast forwarded through them since they didn't seem that interesting to read and their content had little to do with the story.

>> No.9797

you caring that much about what other people think can count as an insecurity. may be normal to have, but still is nonetheless

>> No.9807

Depends on the location of my pants/boxers

I might be able to play it off if I'm not beating off to it. Sort of like an explicit sex scene in a hollywood movie.

>> No.9808


No one ever said this.

>> No.9825

Well I fapped like the motherfucking fist of the north star.
Am I the only one?

>> No.9844


You are.

You sick freak.

>> No.9852

I fapped for the lulz.

>> No.9877

> I fapped for the lulz.
Um, ok..

>> No.9910


Pretty much.

>> No.9944


This pretty much sums up a lolicon fetish, and it does a good job of it too.

Minus that last random non-sequitur with the penis.

>> No.10028

Hahaha the truth.
First it's "I love you XXXX"
Then it's
*tears* "ooowww! Shiki, that hurts, please stop!"
"you're so wet down here, you like me twisting your nipples, don't you, you dirty slut" *slaps their face with his dick*

>> No.10115

>I actually liked ciel's scene not for its erotic content(which was below average) but the character development.
>character development

Oh so that's what anal sex is called nowadays.

>> No.10133

It sure developed my character back in 'nam.

>> No.10311


Why I refuse to play Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.10355

Oh no man, I still fap to Ciels scene some days. I've read it like 50 times.

>> No.10452

Why the fuck would you want that?

>> No.10514

I can't get h-scenes in KT, I've tried with the option off and on in the options and I still can't get them. I've already completed the game with the exception of these scenes.

>> No.10681

> *slaps their face with his dick*
lol, ahaha

>> No.10896

You expect me to spend five to six hours playing a VN without having to fap oncer all the way through?
You expect too much.

>> No.12401


>> No.13343

Well, Tsukihime is from the time where Type-Moon was a dojin-game group. Of course, they had to put hentai scenes if they wanted to be read (and most VN had them too).

When you look at it, Realta Nua's replacement scenes for hentai were better than the original ones.

>> No.13405

Speaking of Animamundi, can I play it without having the impression to play a fangirl fanservice game? Or is it tame enough?

>> No.13452

I laughed because that's true. Shiki turns fom Kyon to Shusaku the leech in 5 minutes.

Yay for lust!

>> No.13462

Yes, you can. The artstyle has an infinity of FABULOUS, but in a manly kind of way. Storyline is the focus, too, and fanservice is.. well, it doesn't exist. It's not that kind of game, it's tone is entirely serious. Beware of the mankisses though.

>> No.13482

lol wut?

>> No.13733

Oh, if that's only that, there's no problem, it's well on PC-DVD and not that DVD-game thing, right?

>> No.13772

Needs less wimminz if it's nonero.

>> No.13839

PC-DVD. The whole game is in a strange mixture of swf and some VN engine, so make sure to update Flash before playing it.

The 'TRUE END' is pretty good, although it kind of arsed me to no end that they recreated so much from the Divine Comedy. Felt like the developers were either geniuses, or tired men lacking inspiration.

>> No.14168

"Shiki, maybe we should just-"

>> No.14241

What I don't get is why does he and other guys in hentai PINCH THE NIPPLES WHAT THE FUCK?
Those poor japanese women must have horrible nipple sores in addition to tragically crooked teeth.

>> No.14587

Let's just say this varies from woman to woman
(inb4 "like you would know lol")
