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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9422360 No.9422360 [Reply] [Original]

I got so depressed to the point where I had big chest pains today. I want to get my mind off it.

How did your day go, /jp/?

>> No.9422365

I'm waiting for new day to begin. Can't believe it is almost winter again.

>> No.9422370
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you okay now op?
i just woke up
cantbbothered getting up but bed isnt nice since its broken

>> No.9422374
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>> No.9422376
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Cheer up, all your friends are here for you.

>> No.9422380

> had big chest pains today
Damn, I remember those. Panic attack are painful.

If you take steady deep breath, the same from meditation/yoga to slow your heartbeat, the pain goes away within the minute, though.

Best biofeedback is index and major on the left carotid.

>> No.9422381

I'm waiting to sleep, right now. My day was uneventful; did some reps, reformatted my data drives, and switched out my distros, patched MIDI emulation to ALSA, and got my xorg.conf rewritten to support my GPUs weird voltage governor. I also annoyed my mom by not doing dishes in a timely manner, as well.

>> No.9422383

Yesterday was a bad day but today is going to be good i hope

>> No.9422387

fuckin nerd

>> No.9422389

i tried abusing amphetamines a few days ago. my chest still hurts. the only thing that makes the pain go away is more drugs.

>> No.9422391

I opened a new bottle of 7up. Then I put on my earphones, turned on the monitors, restarted the music, and here I am.

>> No.9422393

op you should buy alcohol.

>> No.9422397

Oh also I forgot to mention, if the pain feels like it goes from the sternum to the spine and feel like it pierces through you, it might actually be gallstones. Panic attack and gallstones actually hurt around the same area.

It depends how painful it us, if you don't feel like dying, it's probably not gallstone (though panic attack are quite painful themselves)

>> No.9422405

Yeah I'm fine now, I slept it off.

I guess sleep would count as deep meditation, but thanks for the advice.

I don't drink anymore, it was getting too expensive.

I don't think it's a good idea to pile drugs on more drugs. I hope you get better though.

>> No.9422422
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>I hope you get better

thank you

>> No.9422428

>How did your day go, /jp/?

I reported the other blog thread. I'll be doing the same to this one, in the futile hopes that you pieces of trash get the goddamn message.

>> No.9422430
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Let's talk anon, get it off your chest, I'll listen.

>> No.9422434

grog can be expensive, so you confine it to one day a week. i call it my mental day off.

if you are really hurting for money, buy port. avoid anything that claims to have an 'olive taste' or accent, that is sales talk for tasting like shit.

>> No.9422437
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>> No.9422438
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whats with the hostility man, we're all just trying to take it easy here.

>> No.9422441


yo dude, my condolences about the chest-pains; you should be on a low dose of aspirin for the pain and you should use 5mg of a benzo if you develop a tachycardia. Also, increase water to 2L a day if you haven't, as the blood half-life of glass is ~10h.

how much and how long ago did you dose, yakui?

>> No.9422442
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Played VIDYA, wasted time.

Feel like shit, but play more vidya to take my mind off it. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.9422443

As annoying as this fagget >>9422438
is he is right, just hide the thread and take it easy.

>> No.9422455

I hope you get better, anonymous. Please stop worrying so much about everything.

I just played a bunch of JRPGs and watched some anime. I'm nearing the end of everything worth watching/playing. Don't know how I'm going to cope with it. I won't have anything to do but go on /jp/ all day. That, or continue learning Japanese. The motivation seems to be lost forever in a sea of fear.

>> No.9422459

Why do you feel like sh*t when playing vidya? If it makes you feel that way, you should just not play vidya.

>> No.9422465
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Don't give up anon! Think of all the opportunities that'll open up when you learn Japanese. You can play more JRPGS, eroges, and better pursue your hobbies. Let that motivate you.

>> No.9422473

But almost every JRPG worth playing has been translated by somebody. It's not like people pick random games as candidates for fan translations.

My main gripe though is that sinking feeling of being absolutely terrified at the prospect of learning. I have zero confidence in myself. It took me six months to learn the kana despite being a NEET surrounded by Japanese media every single day. This isn't an exaggeration or a joke.

>> No.9422483
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bad vibes man


whoa, thanks for the info. i think i took 50mg of adderall on thursday. im not sure. i've been taking smaller amounts since then. it kind of eases my pain. im about to eat some food and take 10mg.

>> No.9422497

( ._.)

>> No.9422504

nice expression dude

>> No.9422503
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>50mg of adderall

1. that is not an amphetamine, that's methylphenidate.
2. your heart is in pretty bad shape to be kicking out after just that [I took 80mg on Tuesday and danced for 3 hours until I got blood blisters, 40-60mg is a daily dosage for a small person with moderate ADHD, for comparative purposes] so I highly suggest you start taking a multivitamin and walking/moving uninterruptedly at least 15 mins a day unless you want to die prematurely.

>> No.9422528

"lol just hide the thread you faggot"

No, fuck you shitstains. Don't you fucking GET it? If we let these pieces of uninteresting shit just go on and on about their goddamn lives, they will keep coming back. You should already know this, since this is already the SECOND fucking blog thread today. Just goddamn today.

Think what will happen when these tremendous turbonerds get the message. "It's totally okay to shitpost on /jp/ about whatever I please. After all, hurr durr, we're just taking it easy."

Fuck you. Fuck that. Fuck every single goddamn thing about "taking it easy." Reported. Reported with all of my fucking might.

>> No.9422531

Awesome post man.

>> No.9422532


>> No.9422533
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i see. i dont have the motivation to move around for 15 minutes a day. thank you for the info. im going to run out of adderall soon, i don't think i'll be getting more.

>> No.9422534
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yew mad

>> No.9422537
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>> No.9422540

have you ever taken it easy? it is way more fun than crusading for a utopian board that has never existed.

>> No.9422542
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what a fugging LOSER

>> No.9422545
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If you aren't careful OP, you'll forget who you are, you'll forget your name, you'll forget your friends and family..the experiences you've had. Reality will start to reject you, your room will become a prison of nothingness, where were you going? Nowhere. Did you ever really know anyone? No. Did you really ever know yourself? Do you really exist? Did you ever really exist at all? The silence of complete darkness, nothingness will consume you. until you become nothingness itself.

>> No.9422546
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Someone is a sperglord. Just take it easy and learn to relax and calm down. Take your spergasim somewhere else.

>> No.9422550


You need to chill out and take it easy.

>> No.9422553
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>> No.9422560
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>> No.9422558

adderall is a mix of several different forms of amphetemine, methlyphenidate is ritalin

>> No.9422562
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But all /jp/ has is each other.

>> No.9422567 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9422579 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9422574


>> No.9422597
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Yesterday/night? I shitposted harder and tighter than ever before and forced a janitor to make an appearance. Have to keep the goyim divided and conquered.

>> No.9422599

I love you, man.

>> No.9422606

I won't loose to you.

>> No.9422612

That's good goy, keep up the good fight so I can keep my well-paying job.

>> No.9422620
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>> No.9423026

Slept in about five different chunks for maybe seven hours. Off to 1gg some 2hus
