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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9420398 No.9420398 [Reply] [Original]

Did you enjoy your day, /jp/?

Today was a good day for me. That /pol/ invasion we had earlier was extremely enlightening. I have never felt so good to be a NEET. Seeing how normal people think has really reaffirmed my belief that this is the way to live.

It's like a fresh breeze has blown into my spirit and rejuvenated me.

>> No.9420403

i pooped an hour ago
it was good because i had constipation
now i dont
i feel happy

>> No.9420407

7/10 day for me.

I'm glad meido is back.

>> No.9420409

/sp/ made me break down in tears, but im ok now, other than /sp/ coming here it was ok

>> No.9420411

It was a bad day. I didn't do my reps. I'm not exactly sure what I did today, it seems like I just woke up but it's already almost bedtime.

The time just flew by.

>> No.9420416


What did they say to you?

>> No.9420420

they posted horrible images.

>> No.9420429

I got rashes in my ass I feel uncomfortable fuck this day

>> No.9420431


Were they lewd images?

>> No.9420440

They posted /b/ tier reaction images and were bragging about the janitor and us for being elitists and telling them that we don't give a shit about their summer cup.

>> No.9420454

I dunno why you give so much of a shit about a single thread you could easily ignore, as opposed to seventy shit threads full of retards.

>> No.9420457

Typical day of me indulging the senses.

'sall good

>> No.9420460 [DELETED] 

whats a summer cap?

I tried to look at /sp/ but they just have a bunch of threads with people saying "games up" over and over

i dont understand

>> No.9420463

The site-wide soccer tournament between boards.

>> No.9420469

I found both volumes to the Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra's Easy USSR series.
It's very relaxing and a great insight historically, it was really difficult to find it too considering I'm not russian. I'm going to upload both volumes on mediafire so no one has to go through the stress. I uploaded volume I to youtube.
Good day, 8/10.

>> No.9420473

8/10 Day.
I really enjoy the new(?) meido, they know exactly which threads to delete and which threads to leave.

Keep up the good work!

>> No.9420475

/jp/ e-mailed moot to try and shut down the tournies because they're all a bunch of PUSSIES that can't take a joke without crying and shitting themselves

>> No.9420477

what happened to anon today:

played deus ex HR
listened to el-p

It was an alright day

>> No.9420482

The mass deletion earlier today was incredible.
I don't think I've been this happy in a long while.

>> No.9420490

wtf is a NEET?

>> No.9420491
File: 393 KB, 480x270, 1339443181911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be pretty manly IRL. I bet you smell like sweety socks.

>> No.9420493

Well I've been traveling as of late. Currently awaiting my flight. The weather is shit and the food has made me feel sick. At the very least, there's free wifi.

>> No.9420498

Are you that same anon who made the NEET traveler thread?

>> No.9420501

Anyone got link for the /pol/ raid threads?

>> No.9420507

Started to watch The Idolmaster... is kinda nice for now, but I'm waiting to see what Chihaya can do, I want to see her happy.

Had some thanatic reflexions and wonder if is any difference if I live or die.

Wonder if I should kill my bird pet now that it's disabled of one leg. It can't survive on it's own... what should I do?

Listening to some old music, the ones from the concert of Suzumiya Haruhi.

>> No.9420510

How did that happen to your bird?

>> No.9420514

A baby dog bite her, and the wound has healed already, but for some reason it can't walk, it's like the leg is disconnected now, and it's very gloomy the image of a bird who seems to know his situation.

By the way, it's a white quail-

>> No.9420522 [DELETED] 
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They're bullying us again.

>> No.9420526

I don't think you should kill your bird, unless he is suffering.

>> No.9420524

Can it fly? If it can fly it will be fine. Birds have been known to live without a leg.

>> No.9420527

No, sadly it can't fly.

>> No.9420531

Pretty cool. I drew a picture and it turned out okay, but I'm mostly pleased because I'm getting better at large format drawing with an easel, both in quality and speed, and most crucially, confidence.

Feels good, man.

On the other hand, my NEETness is really starting to bother me more and more. The less depressed I get, the more I feel like I need to get a job.

For one, I wanted a guitar for quite some time, and the way I am now I might actually manage to stick with it and learn to play it - but I'm too poor to afford one.

>> No.9420534 [DELETED] 
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The bullies are back

>> No.9420537

It's paradoxical, once you get a job it's very likely that you will get depressed again.

>> No.9420542
File: 84 KB, 600x600, f6120643a56a3dc538cf6d18786b46c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore and take it easy! Take it easy!

>> No.9420543

I spent most of the day reading a VN rather than just sitting around on /jp/ for once so I missed whatever happened with /pol/ earlier

Other than that I caught up with some series from this season and that's about all

Sorry about your pet bird anon

>> No.9420550

wow, /sp/ has nation flags now?

>> No.9420552


>I spent most of the day reading a VN rather than just sitting around on /jp/ for once so I missed whatever happened with /pol/ earlier

They talked about how their whole life's worth is based around cars, money, and their social status and they tried to make fun of us for not having cars. They were proud and they weren't joking either.

I always thought that people like that were just a joke created by /jp/ based on the stereotype of normals. I never knew that people like this really existed.

>> No.9420554

Went to Ottawa, but there wasn't anything /jp/ there. The architecture was fun to climb on though.

>> No.9420557

are you a monkey

>> No.9420572

Sometimes I'd like to think so

the National Arts Center is fun

>> No.9420574

It really was entertaining to find out how materialistic normals are.

>> No.9420584


Nope. Although the concept of a traveling neet does intrigue me.

>> No.9420585

I would guess it's just for the olympics or something?
If they've had them for a while then I really don't have any idea
This is the first time I've even been to /sp/, it's weird though since it seems that kind of thread wouldn't be out of place at all on /v/ or something

I see
Well thanks for explaining what happened I guess, I'm not sure whether to be surprised or not though by people acting like that

>> No.9420594

I kinda want multiple houses, so that I can rent them out and live from that money while doing what I want. Need a lot of money first though, to buy these houses.

>> No.9420606

Great day today. First the sky turned a dark orange color because of a mini dust storm and then it started raining. It didn't stop raining for a few hours, which is really rare here. Usually it's a quick shower, it evaporates, and that's that. It's still wet outside and drizzling gently. I have the window open and it smells amazing. I might go for a drive later tonight. Maybe I'll go to a store on the very edge of town that carries Curiosity Cola.

I wish it would rain everyday.

>> No.9420611


>dust storm

do you live in the desert like the cowboys from the movies?
do you have a horse?
i like horses

>> No.9420612

It hasn't rained in western Quebec for over a month, I'm struggling to keep my garden watered.

>> No.9420617


>Curiosity Cola.

Is this a euphemism for soda cans which have been punctured by employees and filled with their semen?

>> No.9420615

>thanatic reflexions
What's that? Just curious. I recognize that thanatos comes from Latin, I think, for death, so does that mean you were reflecting upon your own demise, or something?

>> No.9420619

He was being pretentious.

>> No.9420624

/sp/ here.

Y'all should commit sudoku for your shameful display as fans in the 4chan cup

The whole tournament, much like real international football tournaments, is about bringing together many different cultures and getting to know each other.

And now everyone knows how autistic you all are.

Shamefurr display

>> No.9420625

True /jp/ here.

Blogging is pathetic, and you should all die. Reported.

>> No.9420627

Today I've been looking at some old JRPGs. I've searched a few of their names in japanese to see if I could find good interesting JRPG japanese sites. It's been a great experience so far and I've found interesting sites.

Are you aware we don't care? Say whatever you want, some of us take it easy, others shitpost, and others are extremely elitist towards you.

Nothing wrong with blogging when your post has something to do with otaku culture (VNs, doujin games, etc.). I can see your reasoning if you're talking about just straight-up blogging though and I agree that this kind of shit should be purged.

>> No.9420628

Can you post the sites?

>> No.9420629
File: 855 KB, 1728x1728, 5627100392_ef56d9e790_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what this cup is

>> No.9420632

Just let them talk about horses and cowboys and leave them alone.

Just let them be.

>> No.9420635

No, you piece of shit. Blogging in all forms is pathetic, and should be eliminated.

It's like saying threads, no matter how shitty, are /jp/ related if you throw a touhou image up.

Fuck you. Fuck everyone who thinks like you.

>> No.9420636

No, I referenced it in the psychoanalytic perspective, which means "death impulse". These reflections were thoughts that may impulse me to committing suicide, in short, to "be one with death". That's what I meant.

Just a little, yes.

>> No.9420639

>And now everyone knows how autistic you all are.
There are people who didn't know?

>> No.9420645

I'm right, you're fat.

>> No.9420646

It's already 10 and I didn't do anything. I don't know how to salvage this day /jp/ what should I do?

>> No.9420640
File: 113 KB, 500x333, 5907025323_19113dcfd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My state is mostly desert, but I don't have horses any more nor do I live in a very desert-like neighborhood. Lots of grass and citrus trees here.

Was also just told one of my cousins is coming to spend the night. I wonder if it'd be alright to ask her if she wants to come with on my drive to the fancy store.

>> No.9420647

You need to take it easy, friend

We're just relaxing.

>> No.9420642


>pot calling the kettle black

Yeah, no. YOU guys were the reason why the tournament wasn't fun after the group stages. Your whining was no better than /jp/'s about the money making scam. Any attempt at "bringing together different cultures and getting to know each other" was null and void after /sp/ bitched until they got their way.

Yeah, /jp/ didn't want to get involved. But I respect that more than I respect wanting to change the rules mid-tournament because you didn't want to play /m/.

And before I get slapped with "LOL WEEABOO", I don't even frequent /jp/. But the /vg/ thread made them seem like some sort of villain.

Anyways, /jp/ you guys are alright. You never bother anybody else and don't deserve all this bullshit considerinh you never even asked to be in the Cup.

>> No.9420648

Is Suwako a virgin? Much rides on this

>> No.9420656

Youre an idiot if you think wanting a fair tourney = ruining it for everyone

>> No.9420658

She's Sanae's great great great great great great granny

>> No.9420659

Write a Gameboy emulator.

>> No.9420660

well I guess there's nothing to live for now

>> No.9420661

Not really. First of all, the delicious cold wave that's been around here for the last four days seems to have gone, and then I couldn't really watch the 4chan cup matches because my Internet connection decided to be worse than the usual.
Maybe I'll get a decent connection one day in the future.

>> No.9420665

Would you please leave our board and continue the discussion in an appropiate place?

Thank you very much.

>> No.9420666

Download some doujin games or something

>> No.9420667

That image looks really scary, anon.
Reminds me of seeing a supercell when I lived in the midwest.
Both amazing and terrifying.

>> No.9420670
File: 354 KB, 900x675, 96927974e987de60e6e36b0ac8eae279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll search for them in a bit. I find quite a few.

I still fail to see how blogging about doing /jp/ related hobbies would be against the rules. I dislike those "thinly disguised touhou threads" as much as you do, but I don't sperg myself all over it. Take it easy, anon.

>> No.9420672

Yeah, can't have people intruding on your blogging.

>> No.9420676

I'm always curious as to why people stay in threads when they clearly dislike them so much

>> No.9420678

Relax, you dweeb.

>> No.9420679

There's no guarantee your free money won't be taken away.

What will you do then?

I'm just glad i inherited all the money i'll ever need.

>> No.9420680

Personally I kinda like one of these threads once a day, it's nice to know there's other people who enjoy themselves in a similar way to you.

>> No.9420687

I'm not a NEET, unfortunately. I still keep to myself though. I have expensive tastes, which require financing.

>> No.9420681

Why do you respond to posts you don't like so much?

>> No.9420688

I like these threads once every three to five weeks.

Not this today is Saturday what are you doing shit.

>> No.9420689

>I still fail to see how blogging about doing /jp/ related hobbies would be against the rules.


Pay special attention to the "about your personal life." Try and doll it up all you please, but you pieces of shit are still blogging about what you, personally, did today.

>> No.9420690


why is there a cloud on the town?
did it fall down

>> No.9420691

There is a reason that the guides and secrets to getting austimal bux are incredibly difficult to find.

>> No.9420692


>fair tournament

If it was fair, how come only /sp/ thinks so? Why was /sp/ the only one complaining? Here's the rundown:

-The draw happened.
-Every other board was okay with it except /sp/
-/sp/ throws a temper tantrum while the other boards just don't give a shit
-germanbro gives in
-/sp/ wins tournament
-/sp/ then continues to be a giant jerkass to everyone while wondering why they are so disliked now

/sp/ dodged /m/. Had /sp/ have been matched up with anybody else, /sp/ wouldn't have cared. So if this was so fair, why is everybody else complaining?

And no, it's not because they didn't win. It's because /sp/ was being an autistic bitch.

>> No.9420694

What was there to imply that I didn't like what he / you said?

I was just curious as to why he was staying in a thread if he didn't like it.

>> No.9420695

I didn't say I didn't like this thread. I asked someone why he cared that people were discussing something off-topic in an off-topic thread.

>> No.9420701
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, Picture 403x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydrangeas! I love hydrangeas, OP.

>> No.9420706

Oh my goodness, I've got yellow hydrangeas. It's nice to know other people like gardening here.

>> No.9420707

Sakuya looks so pretty next to those hydrangeas!
I want a fumo so bad, but I wouldn't know which one I'd want to get first. Also, is amiami the best place to get them from?

>> No.9420710


please do not grow drugs
it is unhealthy
you may get harmed
it may be possible to overdose on hydrodragons

>> No.9420712

Ugh, it seems like I've lost them since my logs are auto-deleted after a while. I'll look them up tomorrow.

>> No.9420716


Reported. You are all trash, especially the last person quoted.

I knew fumo threads were a fucking terrible idea from their inception, but nobody seemed to give a shit.

>> No.9420720

Yes, AmiAmi is the place. Just go with your favorite touhous. Sakuya is a great first fumo though.

>> No.9420723


btw - pretty sure fumos, like dakis, are otaku culture-related.

>> No.9420724

They are, but how the fuck can you not know where to buy one at this point in time?

>> No.9420726

You guys are really spending hundreds of dollars on fumos?

Come on, just get some yarn and make one yourself. It takes like 10 minutes.

>> No.9420728

They're really really expensive, so I'd either get a rarer one before it goes out of production or your absolute favorite. I sew my own based on the fumo design, so that works out nicely.

>> No.9420729

No reason to bitch and report it though.

>> No.9420732
File: 172 KB, 768x1024, Picture 350xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess it gets frowned upon as a NEET hobby because it involves going outside but I mean I'm surrounded by a fence and trees and everything. Observe, cucumbers, this picture being a week old, they are now even larger and slowly taking over the rest of the garden.
It's the fairest price and the best way to ensure you don't get a knockoff, yes.

I wish we could have a regular fumo thread but I guess such things are not meant to be.

>> No.9420739


No, you piece of shit. It's not that I hate on those threads because I do not like fumos. I own a few, myself.

It's that I hate those threads because they encourage pieces of shit to post and blog about their lives, because it's magically "touhou related" now.

Take a look at the fucking post that started this. Do you honestly believe he is showing off his Sakuya fumo, or his fucking Hydrangeas? Think deeply, and reflect upon the trash that post in the fumo threads.

>> No.9420738

long time no see

>> No.9420745

As you can recall, I was asking if Amiami was the BEST place to get them from.
As in, "hey guys is there a better/cheaper/faster-shipping place to get them from?"
Stop being so damn autistic about your fumo hate, ok?
Don't read into shit that just isn't there.

Pretty sure each one is around 35-40 dollars, which is standard stuffed toy price from the moon. I mean, hello kitty dolls of that size are more expensive.

Why can't we have fumo threads? They're related to the board, and if people don't want to see them, they can just hide the thread. What the heck?

>> No.9420743

I could never justify the price for fumos. It's just cloth and stuffing, the inflated price just for collectors is just absurd. I'd rather go back to collecting teddy bears.

>> No.9420744

I really enjoy being outside but only around my house. I grow lots of hardy plants like aloe and epiphytes.

>> No.9420749


I wish I lived somewhere like that. I love sunlight and plants, but I don't have a fence or a yard and there's probably bullies outside.

>> No.9420748

If not for the current exchange rate, they'd be like $30 which isn't bad for a nice plushy.

>> No.9420751

But we can. You can just go there and make them. Be sure to ignore the whiners though. They will show up.

>> No.9420752


>> No.9420757

I guess I didn't think quite that hard about it.
Fumo threads I've followed before do seem to devolve into "today Sakuya and I went hiking, here are some photos." (which you're right, is blogging, I suppose.)

...out of curiosity, though, don't doll threads usually do that as well?

>> No.9420756

>if people don't want to see them, they can just hide the thread
No but you see, they CAN'T do that. It burns them on the inside if they do not try to stop people from enjoying something that they themselves do not enjoy. All under the guise of protecting the board. Might as well start screaming BOKU NO PICO like /a/

>> No.9420764

Most of them do actual photography, not photo blogging and posing for tourism.

>> No.9420765

Oh god damn it; shit like that was the reason I stopped looking at /a/ in the first place.

>> No.9420759

If you live in an apartment deck gardens are really nice

When I lived in my apartment I converted one room into a rainforest, and a closet into a mushroom farm for yummy Panellus and Ghost Fungus and truffles.

>> No.9420773

Well, there's nothing saying the guys in the fumo threads can't work toward that, right?

And how can you tell if it's "photography" or "posing for tourism?"
I would think, like most art, it's pretty subjective, right?

>> No.9420770

Wait, no. Not ghost fungus, I just like growing those. Ugh.

>> No.9420772

Certain posters are apparently incapable of hiding threads. It is sad but our MO is taking it easy and trying to make people smile, and when people try to ruin that we'll just stop. There's no point in trying to resurrect fumo threads because we can't possibly compete with the neurotic behavior of those who disapprove of them. This is not a mod/janitor problem, they did a good job of cleaning out NSFW/shit content but it's not their responsibility to police how people can and can't feel.

>> No.9420776

Well would you prefer just image dumps? The text is usually just there to have something interesting to read, give some backstory, anything really. That way it's not just an image dump. And I'd be more than happy to talk hard photography in the threads, if they didn't get spammed to hell the moment I start typing something.

>> No.9420778

Everything that is wrong with neo-/jp/ has just been posted in this sentence.

>> No.9420783

fumo with hydrangeas
i don't give a shit, literal blog threads pop out all the time and yet nobody gives a shit because it's somehow more "/jp/ related' yet a guy posting pics of his pluhsies in his backyard gets shit on

>> No.9420784

>did a good job of cleaning out NSFW/shit content in fumo threads

-is what I meant.

>> No.9420787

Honestly I'm preferring the absence of fumo threads.
They happened way too frequently and got way too congested. Fumo's went from a delicacy to a commodity. I can see why the volume of disapproving anons rose so quickly.
I personally enjoyed fumos for a time, bought a few for my niece because she thinks they're cute. I enjoy them in moderation.

>> No.9420786

They should both be reported. If they aren't, it's because YOU, as a /jp/ poster, aren't doing your fucking job.

>> No.9420788

> we can't possibly compete with the neurotic behavior of those who disapprove of them.

What does it matter if a few spugs rant about how you have your little thread? You could easily spin the "take it easy" deal saying they're ruining your experience or whatever.

>> No.9420791

Look out, guys, we've got someone who can't take it easy here.

>> No.9420794

What planet were you posting on that there were "too many" fumo threads?

>> No.9420795

my fucking job?sorry, I don't have one
no matter how many times I report blog threads, /r9k/ threads, blatant /a/b/v/ shitpost threads, they always stick around, even "wch 2hu fuq" threads are allowed if you use proper grammar, it seems the only to get your thread deleted is by posting spurdo on the OP or if the personally goes against the janitor tastes.
so what is the fucking point

>> No.9420796

Too many? But there were rarely any. If a thread popped up, everyone just stayed inside that one thread, sometimes without even bumping. After one died, it'd sometimes be a few days before someone made a new one. The fumo guys stayed in their own threads and didn't constantly keep them on the first page.

>> No.9420797

What's a waifu that jives with the whole take it easy mentality?

>> No.9420803

Because when complaining greatly outweighs the amount of original content being posted in your thread it sort of loses its purpose and deserves to get purged. Fumo threads moved slow, we sometimes had one last for a week before it dropped off the board. Since we can't really have that now there's no point to starting or posting in them.

I don't think there's anything more to say on the subject.

>> No.9420803,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you really want a fumo thread, just make one, because nobody has in a while. If you have a nice photoset, post it up, many people will be happy to see it.

Other posters will complain at you. But fear not, it is within your power to ignore them. Or start a shitfest, whichever strikes your fancy more.

>> No.9420803,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Other posters will complain at you.
People only complain because of the pathetic pseudo-roleplaying which accompanies each photoset.

>> No.9420803,3 [INTERNAL] 

This. It's fun, original content.

The problem is when you let it get excessive. We don't need a Fumo thread all the time any more than we need a 24/7 Epic Rap Battles of Gensokyo thread.

Just stockpile some images and make a thread every now and then. Ignore the people who throw a hissy fit every time.

>> No.9420803,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, that's the reason why. Your point?
