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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9402972 No.9402972 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/.

Would you like to live in Japan?

If yes, would you prefer a metropolis like Tokyo or a more relaxed place?

Be honest.

Be honest.

>> No.9402978

Stop abusing spoiler tags.

>> No.9402991

I wonder if the people abusing them would be banned if their offending posts were to be reported. The FAQ does state you'll be banned for misuse.

>> No.9403004

I wonder if people will start thinking /jp/ never uses spoilers except to cover actual spoiling content if a few dedicated shitposters spam it enough.

>> No.9403010

You mean use them as they're meant to be used, same as greentext. I see no reason why people misuse either.

>> No.9403023


What's the actual problem with misuse of spoiler text?

Be logical, please.

>> No.9403031

wh o you qoutin

>> No.9403037

It disrupts the reading flow by forcing me to hover my mouse over your text to make sure I haven't missed the intelligent part of your post hidden under spoiler tags. Of course, what is hidden never is clever or witty, so you essentially waste mine and everyone's time.

>> No.9403044
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But I don't force you to do it. That's just your choice.

>> No.9403045

I would like to live in a small apartment in central Oxford or similar.
I like the architecture there and it seems lovely and quiet with all the cyclists and not much traffic while still retaining plenty of shops and services.

>> No.9403051

I think it works well enough as a way to mark an aside. It can also work as a beat in a joke.

>> No.9403054

If I wanted to reply to your post in an informed and educated manner, I would have no choice but to read all text.

Of course, that implies that any of your posts would be worth replying to, which they aren't. I just reply because there is nothing else to do.

>> No.9403091

>what is hidden never is clever or witty

This annoys me too.

>> No.9404738
File: 71 KB, 590x584, Suuhi_Nure-onna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to japan asap

>> No.9404753

I'd like to live in a relaxed place in Japan. I don't think i really need to go to the city everyday, and are trains and stuff expensive around there?

>> No.9404828
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I'd love to live in Shinjuku, around the market district near all the shops and alley ways. I've visited twice last year for a couple of weeks and had a cheap, decent hotel for about $40 a night, so I imagine renting a home in an apartment shouldn't be too much either. I like living in the city, and Shinjuku is definitely the place for someone who loves bright lights and big communities.

Though, if you truly want to live in Japan, you need to go through all the necessary bullshit to get into the country for extended stay with a visa, a working visa specifically. Once you've had permanent residence in Japan for so long (I think 1-2 years? Shorter if you marry a native.) you can apply for citizenship with a literacy test and all. The hardest part is getting the working visa to be allowed in Japan for extended stay, then applying for the citizenship after renewing your visa every 3 months for 1-2 years (or however long it is).

I'd love to live there, but it's going to have to wait until I finish college.

>> No.9404835
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Shinjuku you say?

>> No.9404843

Been to Japan, stayed in Tokyo and Kyoto, plus spent some time in the country outside both.

My conclusion was Tokyo was fucking awesome and the rest was pretty, but boring.

Tokyo all the way that place is amazing, I'm from London living anywhere small then London would bore me to shit

>> No.9404845

Basically, /jp/ just wants to complain about things every other board does to try as hard as possible to be unique.

No, I don't want to live in Japan. Maybe visit, but not stay. I'd like to visit a shrine at some point.

>> No.9404853
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Chris. I warned you about this "name" thing. I understand you like being special, but the truth is we're all special, making nobody special. So stop trying to be special. Nobody wants it.

>> No.9404859
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There are a lot of gaijin lovers/fanatics in Shinjuku.

>> No.9404872
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I like weed, so no.

>> No.9404873
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Just don't mess with Iida

>> No.9404875
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Nah they are all in Roppongi.

In Shinjuku the only Japanese people that talked to me were random wigger Japanese guys who thought I was American or something and wanted to talk about hip-hop and the ghetto.

I was all like...

>> No.9404882
File: 1.68 MB, 1680x1050, 1334259537972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to live in Tokyo.

Gigantic cities like it put me at peace. The whole population, how everyone is networked, being in a hotbed of technology and community. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, kind of. It's hard to describe, but it's like you're living with the whole world.

>> No.9404884

I'd like to live in an asian shithole like the Phillipines and fly to Japan every comiket.

They don't take it easy there.

>> No.9404885

>What's the actual problem with misuse of spoiler text?
>problem with misuse of spoiler text?
>misuse of spoiler text?
hurr i dont know

>> No.9404889

Thing is, nobody actually cares. Some people just go into threads with goal of complaining rather than talking.

>> No.9404891

>Be honest
I never lived for more than five years in the same place. I lived in a small city, in a rural area, in a big city, in a vilage up in the ass of a mountain, in the suburbs, in a house perpendicular to the shore...I can't really say what I prefer. a place is like another to me. probably I'd like to visit it extensively, though

>> No.9404893
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>It makes me feel like I'm not alone, kind of. It's hard to describe, but it's like you're living with the whole world.

That's really cute, anon! You made me smile.

>> No.9404910

No, I don't like Japanese people.
The women remind me of Mexicans and their language sucks. All the good stuff they make already comes to me anyways (video games, anime, porn)

I'd rather live in 18th century Turkey, bazaars are cool. Just not the Indian type.

>> No.9404913

I think I would, compared to where I live now, but I doubt that Japan is the best thing out there. But in that case, yes, I would prefer Tokyo with all that shibuya-akihabara-whatever bullshit.

>> No.9404914

I've lived in Cambridge for years, it gets boring as shit. I imagine Oxford is the same too.

>> No.9404918


I've been to Shinjuku and Akihabara, each visit I usually met frilly girls who were always ecstatic at meeting a white foreigner. You also meet the occasional flirt who wants to do a little more than just talk and venture around. Anyway, there are a good bit of gaijin lovers in Shinjuku, since that's one of the biggest tourist hubs in all of the wards of Tokyo.

>> No.9404922
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Thank you!

Have another.

>> No.9404927

No, it's a soul-crushing place full of people who are unable to mind their own damn business.

>> No.9404942

I live in Tokyo, have done so for the past three months. I want to go home, but can't until October. Fuck this place.

The people are nice though, but I can barely understand anything they say.

>> No.9404945


3 months? How'd you get in the country? What type of visa?

>> No.9404946
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Osaka or Kyoto are much better than Tokyo.
People are much more friendly in other city's than in Tokyo and they feel much more warmer , Tokyo is too cold for my taste.
Tokyo has only Akihabara and that's it.

The only bonus that Tokyo has is the cheaper subway than Osaka

>> No.9404950

I find it soul crushing living somewhere in an environment that's polar opposite to me culturally. Food here sucks too.

>> No.9404952

Got in the country by applying for studies in a jap language school. I'm on student visa so I can stay for up to a year if I want to, it was the original plan.

>> No.9404953
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I've never been outside of Tokyo, so I wouldn't know sadly.

>> No.9404954

Some factors you're leaving out OP.

Do I automatically become fluent in Japanese? Do I have to work? If I didn't have to work and had my expenses paid I wouldn't mind, but if I did I would find the culture shock intimidating and I don't think I could adapt. I'd also essentially never see my family again save my sister, the only one who could afford to fly to Japan.

Honestly I would just be staying inside all the time like I always do, except going out to get smokes and food. So it wouldn't be all that different.

>> No.9404957

Uh, sorry, but can you tell me where that screenshot came from? I tried all 4 reverse image searchers I know and still got nothing. I'm so sorry for this post.

>> No.9404960


Mostly just to be able to go to live shows and what not. I'd kill to see so many bands.

>> No.9404961


Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita.

>> No.9404962

then how do u no their nice?

>> No.9404968


I've only got in by travel visa, with my passport, visiting for a few weeks at a time with some friends. Really only just to take in the culture to prepare myself for the future.

>> No.9404992

I don't want to live in Japan.
I want to go sightseeing in Kyoto, and the less populated countryside regions look really nice, with mountains and scenic train stations and cute bridges, stuff like that. But I'm not the kind of person that would settle in foreign countries.

>> No.9404995

I wouldn't live there right now, but it'd be a nice place to retire I would think, in the more relaxed places at least.

>> No.9404998

When I said here I meant England. Truly the shittiest country to be in.

>> No.9405003
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Americans can stay in Japan for 90 days without a visa.

>> No.9405004

I thought England was supposed to be reserved and cold without neighbors bothering you and social butterflies trying to make eye contact with you and stuff?

>> No.9405009
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everyone can stay almost 3 months and a extra 3 months more under special situations.

But I would never risk to stay 1 more day than your visa allows you.

>> No.9405021

I really don't think I could unless deployed there or if I was very wealthy with my white wife who would be willing to go and lived in the country side of mountains and forests in a small village.

>> No.9405026
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Not "everyone". Apparently, Japan hates the third world. Well, it's not like I really wanted to go there, anyway!

>> No.9405029

Why? Will they incarcerate you?

>> No.9405037


They give you about a week after 3 months to allow you to leave Japan. If you don't contact a consulante or the ministry for an extended 3 month stay, you will be an illegal and you will be breaching law.

>> No.9405041
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I honestly don't know. I haven't really traveled at all in my life, just have been in one place for the most part. I don't think moving to an non-english speaking part of the world would be best for me and I only have german as another language under my belt.
Not being able to understand is unfortunate but maybe it's time I get to learning the language and then I'd be more interested?

>> No.9405048


>> No.9405049


>Would you like to live in Japan?


By myself?


>> No.9405052
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something like this

Also you have to carry your Passport with you all the time or your Alien card.

>> No.9405064

I'm totally down to live in Japan, as long as I never have to work at a Japanese company. Fuck. That.

>> No.9405122

Somewhere in kansai where I could 尻鳥 all day.

Probably rural but not too far away from the city. Best of both world.

>> No.9405120

No..I wanna live in Australia, the place where I born...if only I was raise there I should have got all my free education support dammit

>> No.9405151


They abolished foreigner cards. Now we have residence cards. Well, I still have a foreigner card until I can get the residence card, but you still have to carry it always.

>> No.9405167

So you still have to carry your residence card around, isn't it just the same thing but with a nicer name?

>> No.9405171


>> No.9405176

why is the chick strangely familiar

>> No.9405190

because all chinks look the same

>> No.9405184

Im a white skinned(pale) latino studying in the US right now, I'm planning to visit fukuoka after i graduate. I heard Japanese girls go crazy after white dick. Confirm/Deny???

>> No.9405185

That's probably your ex-girlfriend, you just forgot her, as well as hundreds others.

>> No.9405191

They go crazy for white money, get it right. They'll jump your dick in the pursuit of it.

>> No.9405288
File: 52 KB, 492x544, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the girl
But if you every go out to a nightclub in Japan , you will get your answer.

If you look at least half decent , there is no way that you will not bang 1 if you want.Just never start a relationship with such girls.

>> No.9405292


>> No.9405788

But I don't like that. I like people being friendly to me.

I like being able to talk to people in Japanese about Japanese things.
I like having manga and figure shops a 10 minute walk from my apartment.
I like being able to eat real Japanese food whenever I want to.
I like being able to turn on the TV and see Sanma instead of Jeremy Kyle (I imagine this is a shitty analogy but I don't know enough about British TV to make a better one).
I like going to the supermarket and being faced with a large selection of fresh seafood, instead of just the limited range here, as well as lots of other things I can't find back home.
I like the catharsis of being a foreigner in a foreign land not being bound by expectations of how I'm supposed to act.
I like it when women act and dress femininely and don't have a problem with keeping their weight below 50kg.
I like being able to walk at night without fear of being mugged.
I like a toilet that sprays water up my butt.

Thank god I'm getting out of here soon (hopefully for good!).

>> No.9405797 [DELETED] 

id live in the city because i wanna see the main things going on. i know akihabara has lots of cool things to see.

>> No.9405803

>I like being able to talk to people in Japanese about Japanese things.
>I like having manga and figure shops a 10 minute walk from my apartment.
>I like being able to eat real Japanese food whenever I want to.
>I like being able to turn on the TV and see Sanma instead of Jeremy Kyle (I imagine this is a shitty analogy but I don't know enough about British TV to make a better one).
Who cares?
>I like going to the supermarket and being faced with a large selection of fresh seafood, instead of just the limited range here, as well as lots of other things I can't find back home.
>I like the catharsis of being a foreigner in a foreign land not being bound by expectations of how I'm supposed to act.
Are you insane?
>I like it when women act and dress femininely and don't have a problem with keeping their weight below 50kg.
Agree with you on that one.
>I like being able to walk at night without fear of being mugged.
And that one too.
>I like a toilet that sprays water up my butt.

>> No.9405810

I'd live in japan iff I was japanese. I'm just a dirty gaijin now.

>> No.9405816
File: 85 KB, 610x848, 1342200206105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure i'd visit...im just too financially broke.

i had a part time job....im just currently a hikikomori

i can go to japan from the warmth of my room with the internet

>> No.9405966

If you have Japanese tamashii you will be accepted.

>> No.9406045

I wouldn't mind living in Japan for a few years, maybe (especially in Kyoto or Osaka), but I think I'd eventually get a bit homesick and/or sick of Japan. I'm 'murrican and grew up in the west, so I'm used to having a hell of a lot of space and also muh bill of rights. I think Japan is neat, but I couldn't hack it forever.

>> No.9406673

R-really anon?

>> No.9406719

I only want to live in a large city, it doesn't really have to be japan, but I like all the weird flavors of drinks and sweets they have. I just want somewhere that has a 24hr store within 3 minutes of walking, minimum. That and I like being in high places, so I like 3rd+ story floors. I got to stay in a hotel once that had an accessible rooftop on the 20th floor once and I spent all my nights up there with my laptop.

This "drive on the freeway for 30 minutes for the nearest 24 hour place" is fucking stupid. I don't have the money to spend on fuel.

>> No.9406781

I live downtown in a large US city right now. I take public transit everywhere despite owning a car. I think I'd like Tokyo.

>> No.9407211

I don't think public transit iin a large city (chicago for me) is that bad. The worst I've had to do is shuffle awkwardly past people cause im a fat.

>> No.9407313

>I have japanese citizenship
>lived in America all my life

feels good man

>> No.9407339

This post is essentially worthless. Take away the greentext and meme usage and there's nothing left.


>> No.9407343

I don't care about moving to Japan, but if I lived in America, I'd fly over immediately.
