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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9397017 No.9397017 [Reply] [Original]

This is my first time coming to this board; is this where I can come to discuss chambara films?

>> No.9397019 [DELETED] 

Welcome to /jp/, 4chan's premier anime discussion forum! This is the forum where you will find nearly all anime talk, manga discussion, and associated threads about Japan (and to a lesser extent Asia in general) and its arts. On a good day, you might even find some translation requests or talk about anime-related video games!

>> No.9397031


We pretty much only talk about Tenchi Muyo on this board.

Who's your favorite? Mine is Ryoko.

>> No.9397041

I'm not sure but I think you would have better luck on /m/

>> No.9397047

You can, but there's only shitposters on /jp/ right now.

>> No.9397050

Ryoko, duh.

So, if I want to talk about Zatoichi, Lone Wolf&Cub, and other related Samurai cinema should I go to >>>/tv/

>> No.9397056

/m/ is for kaiju eiga and gay guys in costumes.

>> No.9397064


Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.9397078

Maybe , but the only time I went on /tv/ they were talking about Lost or some crap.
I don't think they even watch good movies.

Chanbara is cool, I love everything directed by Kenji Misumi. Hideo Gosha stuff is pretty ace too.

>> No.9397082

it's full of Dark Knight Rises spoiler troll threads; I think I'll stay here and see how things go.

>> No.9397106

Misumi Kenji is a boss; pretty much all the Zatoichi films he directed were some of the better ones in the series.

>> No.9397126

>liking anything that isn't flavor of the month action with strong heterosexual white males in leading roles

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.9397154

They like little white girls too.

>> No.9397157
File: 27 KB, 354x400, MuteSamurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of Lone Wolf&Cub I just picked up the dvd of Wakayama Tomisaburo's 'The Mute Samurai,' a t.v. show that he starred in prior to making Lone Wolf&Cub, it's great from what I've seen so far; any lover of the Baby Cart series will definitely enjoy this.

>> No.9398501

>>>/a/ if you're going to talk about Tenchi Muyo.
it's true.
I have gone a few times to see if they'll talk about Japanese movies, but they won't.
I honestly don't think they do watch Japanese movies.
Out of 86 DVD movies I own 63 of them are Japanese movies and then I own 2 Korean movies, which leaves me at 21 American made movies.

I plan on taking pics of my figs and NEET set up today, so I'll feature some of my Japanese Movie collection too.

>> No.9398532

LOL, I get it, it's funny because 東宝 and 東方 have the same pronunciation. Grat one, OP.

Too bad this technically is a board for Japanese cinema (no-one ever talks about it, though), so the joke falls flat.

>> No.9398543
File: 141 KB, 1024x890, SwordOfDoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame /jp/ doesn't actually know anything about the history of Japan. The board had the potential to be a hotspot for interesting discussion but nobody knows anything beyond 2hu/vns/anime and other childish shit.

>> No.9398547


>> No.9398550

>this technically is a board for Japanese cinema
No, this place if for otaku culture and this doesn't fall under that. It should go on /tv/.

>> No.9398599

No, this place is for things /a/ used to like before moot decided to fuck it up, and this happens to include regular Japanese cinema.

>> No.9398780
File: 46 KB, 512x384, late night show reaction face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I acctually know a lot about Japan and it's deep history, so don't assume things.
I was eventually saving up materials for making an Ainu thread.
Otaku general
Japan general in boards description
Otakus love Japanese cinema
>liking anything that isn't flavor of the month action with strong heterosexual white males in leading roles

>> No.9398791


maybe you'll find this mystical fantasy land on another board you fucking weeaboo

>> No.9398799

>2hu/vns/anime and other childish shit.

Translation: Otaku culture

>I acctually know a lot about Japan and it's deep history

Says the dude who claims Japan is the oldest country in the world

>> No.9398833

Hey I heard that from the discovery program.
I'll admit that I probably was wrong on that one, since my source was Discovery channel

>> No.9398834

>and this doesn't fall under that
Well, technically, otaku culture is anything that can be obsessed about by anyone who obsesses about things, which pretty much covers everything. Whether or not the “userbase” accepts it is another problem.

>> No.9398854

>Discovery channel

Thought so. How old are you anyway to take bullshit like that seriously?

>> No.9398879

I don't even trust our history books or a lot of the enviormental bullshit over here ( Though I do believe we need to be better with our recorses and nature), so I don't fall for it, but when it comes to Japan I sometimes can be suckered in.

I do a lot of independent study on Japan that is outside of what American main stream thought and news that is widely publicized.


>> No.9398886

Don't shitpost using a picture of Nakadai, dumbass.
Or do you really expect people to talk about Jomon potteries on the otaku board? Then you're even more stupid than I thought.

>> No.9398942

Did you mean to aim that at me?
I actually stop saving up Ainu info and what not, because I knew it wouldn't work.

Hence me saying
>I was eventually saving up

>> No.9398980

>but when it comes to Japan I sometimes can be suckered in.

That's the essence of weeabooism. Do you want to know the horrible truth? A land like Japan doesn't exist. At least not like the lot of you imagine it. It's actually a pretty boring place with a vibrant pop-culture as its whole saving grace. Maybe it's a lost cause to discuss this over and over again, but there a simply too many nerds who have the strangest misconceptions about Japan and especially its past.

>> No.9399247

Believe me I know it's bad, even if it was just the heritage/traditional culture thing in modern times.

I would never live there if I had a choice.
I was refering to media coverage on Japan.
It's a grueling place of mundane tourture to live as a normal citizen. They all give up their individual self and work their way to their death beds. Sex is terrible in Japan too.

>> No.9399357

>vibrant pop-culture as its whole saving grace.
That's more than I can say for the U.S.

>They all give up their individual self and work their way to their death beds.
Not much different from here. The only difference is that people here are deluded into living meaningful and "unique" lives by buying into mass consumerism or fighting for a "progressive" cause that's driven by the very institutions they claim to oppose.

>> No.9399396

At least you can inspire to be something or study what you want and go for it.
You just might even make it to the top 1% if you get the right business oportunity or some crap

>> No.9399506

Not really. Career opportunities are largely limited to lucrative fields and within these fields, one needs to be able to network effectively in order to gain admittance. If we're talking about simply studying or learning, you can do that so long as the resources are available; in this regard, we're no different from Japan. I actually see Japan's enormous subculture as a movement and freedom to express one's self that is not seen here. Here we are limited by rigid social normative guidelines. I am of the view that Japan is trying to separate itself from a system imposed upon them by the U.S. after WWII. In other words, we are the reason for their individual repression; we impressed upon them the need for capitalism and it reveals itself in the late 80's bubble economy and vapid consumerism amongst the youth that mirrors our own obsession with meaningless forms of "self-expression".
