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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 454 KB, 469x634, 2012-07-18 20.48.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9395556 No.9395556 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at a complete loss, I've never been in a place as confusing and disorientating as a pachinko parlor. Also, where are all the cosplayers? All I've seen so far is maids.

>> No.9395564

Shut the fuck up maggot

>> No.9395563

run or yakuza get you

>> No.9395570

I'm a foreigner, they love foreigners.

>> No.9395571
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>> No.9395576

There are only Koreans in Pachinko parlors

>> No.9395607

Op here, should I go to a maid cafe? I speak as much Japanese as a 4 year old native except I can't read kanji

>> No.9395628


I'm making myself believe you're actually in Nippon just for shits and laughs, also because I feel genuinely helpful.

Anyway, go to the places that welcome tourists, also, where exactly are you so some of us that actually know a little about the area could help direct you.

>> No.9395649
File: 88 KB, 600x800, IMG_20120718889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in akihabara. Name an object and I'll take a picture of it, if you don't believe me. Unfortunately, a storm Serena to be brewing and I have no waterproof to protect my phone or slr.

>> No.9395666


Here's an easy one, take a picture of the Crossfield Complex, you know the Akihabara Dai building and the UDX building? Take a picture of the Crossfield Complex with your hand somewhere in the photo, then I will believe you genuinely.

If you have no idea where the Complex is, just take a photo of something with your hand somewhere in frame.

>> No.9395675
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>> No.9395682
File: 247 KB, 613x531, 1341381912213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some more pics of just stuff man

>> No.9395683


When in doubt, always follow any signs that have iDOLM@STER.

>> No.9395685


Take a picture of a Maid.

They love that shit.

>> No.9395692

Buy prostitute.

>> No.9395694
File: 975 KB, 1632x1224, trains trains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a walk toward ochanomizu from akiba and you will reach this place.
Bunch of /jp/ anons took a picture like this from the same spot.

>> No.9395696


Alright, I believe you haha. Well, where exactly are you looking to go? Looking for some place to eat or some place to check out for fun? I've only been to Akihabara maybe once with a friend last year, but I remember going to this "Gamers" place that sells all kinds of neat stuff.

It's on the roadways to the left of the Akihabara Station, oppisite of the "Radio Market" if you know what I'm talking about.

It all depends where you want to go, haha.

>> No.9395698
File: 691 KB, 777x1198, 1339505919666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a mado scientist

>> No.9395704

OP, go to a 2ch meetup. It will be fun.

>> No.9395734
File: 19 KB, 320x240, 29E3BF45A35FC975B3B2BC_Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can try out @home maid coffee , some of the maids speak even english little , they have a few floors hat all have different style and maids.

They will even give you a english paper for instructions and everything if you cant read Japanese.Anyway you have to pay per hour for your seat and taking photos costs extra but if you order something like a drink I think you can take a photo with a maid for free or for something like 200 yen

>> No.9395737
File: 64 KB, 600x800, IMG_201207184108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the help, it's raining like fuck, I just played a game of maimai, the song was carameldansen. I think I was being made fun of by the locals, what's a polite way to invite them to play at my expense?

>> No.9395739


Why are there Portuguese subtitles there?

>> No.9395747



>> No.9395754
File: 10 KB, 225x224, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know , I just saved the image
probably someone took it from a youtube video with Portuguese subs

>> No.9395763


Hahah, that's great, no problem! My Japanese is terrible, so I couldn't really give you an answer for that, maybe you could gesture for them to come play, give them some cash and welcome them over to where you're playing. Locals can be nice if you show them you can be nice as well.

>> No.9395790

OP, go find a group of about 6 people outside the front of the HUB bar. Directions:


If you know Japanese just tell them Anon sent you, or show this message:


(This guy posted "I'm in Akiba, anything fun to do?" on a foreign message board (4chan), so I suggested he check out a 2ch meetup. Please show him a good time!)

You really should go. It will be fun, trust me.

>> No.9395812

As magically special as that would be if it worked, I'm going to have to pass. Thanks for trying.

>> No.9395825

It actually seems legit, I googled HUB to see if he was tricking you into getting punched out or something, but HUB is an international bar or something.

also google translate says
Threading an overseas bulletin "Do not play something I'm happy to Akiba" This man
I stood in (4chan) 示板, I've encouraged to try to participate in off of 2ch. Nakayo
Give 'em a comb ー ~E

>> No.9395829

Aw, you're no fun. Really, you should go!

>> No.9395847


Well, you could go to one of those @Home Maid Cafes as someone suggested before if you're still looking for some fun.

The @Home Maid Cafe I'm thinking about is up the road past the Radio Market and the Akky place, the road that leads to the Suehirocho Station, it will be by Don Quijote to the right, which also houses AKB Theater.

Have fun!

>> No.9395865
File: 51 KB, 367x480, do it faggot seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUB meetup is at 7 people!


>> No.9395871

Why don't we ever have a /jp/ meetup

>> No.9395876

I ended up meeting a cute couple and playing a couple of games against them, naturally, they thrashed me. I think I'll call it a night, thanks for all the help but I've got tickets for the Ghibli museum in the morning.

>> No.9395880


The @Home Maid Cafe is on the 5th Floor of the Don Quijote market building, if you're wondering.

Also, I wouldn't bother going to the meetup. It would most likely be pretty awkward, might as well go off and do things on your own where you can experience Akihabara by yourself. Unless, you're the kind to roll with a pack.

>> No.9395885
File: 26 KB, 280x348, 13734 - reaction_image tagme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh that's fine. Hope you had fun at Gamers, happy to help!

>> No.9395888

It'd at least be fun for a picture or something, even if the OP can't speak any Japanese. People at 2ch meetups are pretty chill.

But oh well, if OP doesn't want to go I guess it can't be helped.

>> No.9395897


He's got tickets for the Ghibli museum in the morning, as he said, no time for a meetup that would only exchange in awkward conversation and interpretation.

>> No.9395903

Op here, fuck it, I'm going, I'll check back in 40 minutes.

>> No.9395910

At least post a picture waving goodbye, OP...

>> No.9395914


He deleted his post, but report back and tell us how it goes. Don't be out too late!

Take pictures if possible!

>> No.9395963

No, he just accidentally deleted one of the 8s.
But yeah OP, good luck!

>> No.9395980


Clumsy me, didn't notice. Anyway, I'll probably be monitoring the thread for a while longer, I'd love to see the outcome of this meetup after already helping out a little.

>> No.9395997

About to board the Shibuya line ETA, 2240, local time.

>> No.9396005

There is no Shibuya line?

>> No.9396030

Gonzalo line for Shibuya

>> No.9396034


Yes, where exactly is the Shibuya line around there...?

>> No.9396037


Ahh, gotch'ya now.

>> No.9396041

Fucking autocorrect Ginza line

>> No.9396064

Just in case you are the OP and you are trying to get to the HUB, I meant the HUB in Akiba, not Shibuya. Check the map:


>> No.9396065


I guessed, haha.

>> No.9396069


Oh, shit. That may be a bit of a problem for OP if he's already departed.

>> No.9396092

Anyone in Kyoto? ;_;

>> No.9396102

Right, I've screwed the pooch. I'm giving up, sorry guys.

>> No.9396103


Not that I know of.

>> No.9396104


>> No.9396108

Crap, I'm sorry, I thought you'd find the one in Akiba since you were in Akiba, it didn't occur to me that you might go somewhere else... ;_;

>> No.9396115
File: 105 KB, 300x400, loli_miku_wut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, hope you had a bit of fun tonight anyway. Hope we were all a bit of assistance!

>> No.9396130

You certainly were. If it wasn't for you guys I'd be back at the hotel now with my thumb up my ass. Is there anywhere anyone would like a picture from tomorrow night?

>> No.9396154


It certainly was a pleasure, I'm planning on going back this winter to meet some old friends in Akiba.

I would love for you to check out one of the @Home Maid Cafes around the area and snap a photo of one of the cute maids, haha.

>> No.9396160

I'll see what I can do.

>> No.9396166


Thanks, bro, I'll keep a look out for one of your threads, maybe around the same time tomorrow?

>> No.9396170



>> No.9396177

Probably around 2100 Tokyo time

>> No.9396184
File: 475 KB, 900x500, nagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's fine, thanks!
Enjoy your time in Akihabara.

>> No.9396205



I would imagine that the weirdest of the bunch would have some sense of decency if they're going to stop by 祇園祭り.

>> No.9396211
File: 244 KB, 800x3892, sanae tanoshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



in b4 toto

>> No.9396221
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, 1340298298434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you using a name and trip?

>> No.9396227


Because I'm allowed to under the board's rules and regulations.

>> No.9396240


Either because

- he wants to be e-famous for being "that gaijin in japan who goes on /jp/."
- some people are interested in his blogventure

>> No.9396247
File: 23 KB, 250x250, angry-penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like lies, Chris. Tell me the truth so I can be honest with you too.

>> No.9396250

What self respecting person in Japan would identify themselves as 外人?

I just like being treated like any Japanese person. ;_;

>> No.9396253

And by "identify" I mean choosing it as a name for themselves on internet message boards..

>> No.9396260

Go to gas panic and get laid. If you have enough cash on you that is, since gas panic is expensive as fuck.

>> No.9396267

I consider myself 外人 because, well, that's what I am. I am an outsider to Japanese culture, always ill be. The thought that one can just assimilate into their culture is just flawed, for one would always be an outsider no matter how well acquainted they become with said culture. Sure, I've been to Nippon a few times, but I will always be merely a Gaijin, a tourist who loves the country and the culture and some of its products.

I'm using this name and trip personally because I prefer to be distinguished/separated than to be among a group of anonymity (basically, you could say I crave attention, whatever you make of it).

There, you have my answer.

>> No.9396272

Please drop your trip.

>> No.9396280

>I prefer to be distinguished/separated than to be among a group of anonymity

``I'm not, in fact, much a fan of anonymous imageboards'', Chris continued wistfully, ``which is why when I found out about an anonymous imageboard called Four Chan, I knew I had finally found somewhere I belong''
--actual transcript from an interview with Chris the Gaijin ("n _n), voted best tripcode user on /jp/ 2012

>> No.9396286



>> No.9396285
File: 618 KB, 775x845, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9396295


It is not strictly an anonymous image board, the 'Name' field is there to be used if wanted. I could care less if you frown upon it.

>> No.9396298
File: 57 KB, 620x517, baby-penguin_1813838i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for admitting how pathetic you are, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to see people admit they have no reasoning to name/trip besides their own and their parents' failures.

I would appreciate it if you didn't use a name unless what you are contributing to the board would be unable to be contributed without your name.

>> No.9396302


Okay then.

>> No.9396303 [DELETED] 

So you do actually care?

>> No.9396312


The 'Name' field is there on innumerable epic forums on which you could be posting about your wacky gaijin exploits in wacky crazy XD Japan. By contrast 4chan is unique in that the 'Name' field is allowed to be left blank. A site with a unique feature like this is clearly designed around this feature, which 4chan is, and so when you go against it you are intentionally going against the sentiment and sensibilities of the majority of users here. Aren't you a special little snowflake.

>I could care less

So you could care more? Well, good, go away and think about what I just said for a while then.

>> No.9396322

> The thought that one can just assimilate into their culture is just flawed, for one would always be an outsider no matter how well acquainted they become with said culture.

It's always the people who understand things least going around parroting off lines like these.

>> No.9396333

Thinking is overrated :--D

>> No.9396340

Hey faggot gaijin.
Are you still gonna be in japan next month?
I need someone to go to comiket on friday to get me some stuff. I will of course pay you back on the following comiket days.
Sadly I cant go on friday because it is a fucking working weekday.

>> No.9396362


OP left the thread to get rest, not sure how long he's staying in Akihabara either.

>> No.9396421


3~5人が平均じゃないかな… スレにはよるけど



>> No.9396431

Hey, I might be able to help you out.
Leaving the computer now, but lemme know what you need, and I'll get back to you in the archive or in another thread I guess. (I assume there'll probably be a /jp/ meetup thread come comike time.)

>> No.9396613


>> No.9396613,1 [INTERNAL] 


…オフじゃなかったらダメダメだけどね俺 ;_;

