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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9388846 No.9388846 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone on /jp/ ever said anything to you that hurt your feelings?

>> No.9388850

i once had my post sage'd ;_;

>> No.9388858

Many times..

the bullies make me cry

>> No.9388866

If this happens please tell me. I'm the Anti-Bully Ranger.

>> No.9388870
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Told me to kill myself (・_・ )

>> No.9388872


how may i contact you

also nice fullhouse

>> No.9388877

Yeah, and I've cried a few times over posts directed at me insulting me.

>> No.9388878


>anti-bully ranger

what anime is that from? I keep seeing the picture

>> No.9388884

Kill yourself

>> No.9388888
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Yes... People are pretty mean to me when I GET off-by 1...

>> No.9388890

Yeah a guy told a story about losing his friends from an MMO who were the only people he spoke to and then finding /jp/

my friends are here

>> No.9388893
File: 151 KB, 850x844, 3982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP IT!!!!!!!!

>> No.9388895

Yuru Yuri
I'm always on /jp/, don't be afraid to ask for help.

>> No.9388897

sup yama

>> No.9388898

Oh boy, brace for 20 replies by the same guy

>> No.9388899
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Luckily this isn't the case...!

>> No.9388904

do you understand that words have the power to hurt people
i dont think you do
im not just text and pictures
theres a real person typing this and that person feels sad because of what you said
i hope some day you realise that

>> No.9388908
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Fight me shit cunt

Take it easy m8

>> No.9388909

GJ Brian, I'm proud of you.

>> No.9388915

Come at me.
I've been wanting to permanently cripple a shitposter to finally get rid of them for a long time

>> No.9388921
File: 17 KB, 225x356, 225px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S33882,_Adolf_Hitler_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg heil dude

>> No.9388918


gets at 99-00 are pathetic, dude

>> No.9388920

Stop it guys, don't fight please. It hurts others too.

>> No.9388922

You just fucked with a pipebomb artisan m8
Doesn't matter what style you train
Doesn't matter how many people you are fighting at once
Doesn't matter if you train for the streets, train for sports, or train.
Doesn't matter how big or expensive your gun or knife is.
Nothing beats a well placed pipebomb.
Why waste hundreds of dollars and hours of your time with the risk of hurting yourself while you practice when you could make a pipebomb over night for about 40 bucks. All you have to do is google free pipebomb recipes, go to your kitchen or bathroom sink. Maybe go to Lowes or Wal-Mart. And you can make a device that will instill more fear and harm more people then any style, weapon or workout routine.

The fight doesn't magically end. There are no time limits in the street. The fight ends when you want it to end. If someone confronts you, retreat, regroup, its a viable tactic. Follow your enemy find out their daily routine to work, to school, to the grocies. Exploit them when their guard is down. Just like how they were trying to exploit you. Now google free pipebomb recipes, assemble your pipebomb. And plant the pipebomb on the side of the road or at an intersection you know they will drive through. There's reason why people such as soldiers who are better armed, better equipped and better trained than any martial artist or fighter fears improvised explosive devices such as a pipebomb. All that training, all that knowledge is out the window when blind-sided by a pipebomb. Thinking a street fight is just a fight will get you killed. A street fight is a personal war on your well being. The first person to do the most horrible thing wins. If they try to out muscle you, you punch them, they try to punch you, you stab them, they take out a knife, you shoot them with your gun, they take out a gun you blow them up with a pipebomb.

Nothing beats one.

>> No.9388924


why is the seventh president of the united states on /jp/?

>> No.9388932
File: 35 KB, 420x500, Andrew Jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to fight a cunt
why? you want a piece?

>> No.9388933

Oh yeah?
Come to my house shitface, I'll make you regret making all these shitty posts when smashing your ugly face

>> No.9388940


no thank you. i am afraid of violence

>> No.9388941

Guys please stop fighting, you're hurting me and you're hurting yourselves.

>> No.9388950

Fuck off, don't tell us what to do faget.

>> No.9388956

Why are you saying such hurtful things to your friends?

>> No.9388960

Little assholes who shit up /jp/ for fun deserve to be hurt

>> No.9388957
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>> No.9388963

You don't have to fight to end your conflicts.

>> No.9388965

I'm not your friend, subhuman.

>> No.9388983

Yes I do, little shitposters like yourself won't understand until they have enough time to think about it in hospital

>> No.9388987

Why do you call me a sh!tposter?

>> No.9388999

Yeah, go ahead and feign ignorance while laughing behind your monitor, but someday I will get you.

>> No.9389023

better bump this

>> No.9389066

You hurt my feelings every time you make shit threads like this one.

>> No.9389075





>> No.9389083

why does my email field automatically have sage in it

>> No.9389093

Because you're becoming a proper poster.

>> No.9389096


>> No.9389099

Who was it? please don't tell me I failed you.

>> No.9389103

that's because you are worthless

>> No.9389383

Why does /jp/ have to bully? I thought we could be above other boards.

>> No.9389396

We only bully stupid people. Are you stupid? Maybe you are if you get bullied here.

>> No.9389421
File: 36 KB, 225x221, autism38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, /jp/ is a nice board, don't go to /v/ or one of the normalfag boards, they're full of the nastiest people on this site.

>> No.9389418

If you were smart you wouldn't be posting here. Your logic shows your own stupidity.

>> No.9389436

we need to archive this :D

>> No.9389455

Someone in /jp/ called me a good for nothing piece of shit.

It hurt my feelings to the point where I turned off my computer and just sat there about to cry.

Bullying hurts.

>> No.9389499

Can't handle the truth?

>> No.9389686

come on guys 3 votes left :DDD

>> No.9390540

where do i vote

>> No.9390549

I try not to post too much so that I don't get bullied. But even if I post, no one replies. Does being ignored count as being bullied?

>> No.9391723

So now you're going to moan about it and make yourself bait for more? You just proved them fucking right.

>> No.9391779


It makes me feel bad. They also make fun of my favourite touhou.

>> No.9391788
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>> No.9391796

I've been acting like an asshole to my best friend recently and he called me out on it calling me a douche and asking why I've been such a dick.

I thought it was funny, but I have a feeling he is taking it too seriously since we hang out with eachother IRL even though we met on the internet and I still act a bit like yeah I'm on the internet i'm going to be a dick whenever I want but that's just ``me''.

>> No.9391842

It hurts whenever Anonymous insults me but only for a little bit.

But whenever a tripfag really gets a good rip on me I feel incredibly low and bitter and hold great animosity for that tripfag for years. I've compulsively spammed and reported a few certain tripfags for months at a time in frustration, often times my anger outlasts my memory and I forget why I'm even angry at them.

>> No.9391853

I got dubs once and no one replied or anything.

That's pretty much it. I hope this post isn't dubs so it doesn't happen again ;_;

>> No.9391943
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>> No.9391969

Yeah.. It was pretty horrible! He was insulting me and giving me death threats and all, for almost no reason. And then started laughing at me when I got frustrated/upset from it all. It was so rude.
