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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9387566 No.9387566 [Reply] [Original]

Have you been crying a lot recently /jp/?

>> No.9387567

No, not a r9k baby.

>> No.9387572
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>> No.9387568

man up you friggin pussy

>> No.9387571

I saw Moon yesterday. Some dirt found its way to my eyes. Why is the soundtrack so good?

>> No.9387574
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No, but I've been making a lot of jpsies cry

>> No.9387575

Not lately. I sleep a lot and that stabilized my emotions.

>> No.9387580

I guess so, probably a little more than usual at least. I was in a lot of pain last week, so that's probably why.

I like to force myself to cry by thinking of sad scenarios a lot, because I usually feel better afterwards, so when i'm in a lot of pain like that I tend to do it more often.

>> No.9387585 [DELETED] 

I'm too depressed to cry.

>> No.9387589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9387595

I've cried so much I can't shed any tears anymore.

>> No.9387596

im depresed :'(

>> No.9387602

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9387625

I cry when I download a virus ):

>> No.9387637
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I've only cried once in that past 20+ years (almost died, was happy to be home), and I felt like total fag for those couple of minutes. So nope.

>> No.9387653

Did you almost get shot?

>> No.9387654


>> No.9387656 [DELETED] 

thank you.

>> No.9387678

Yeah, I've probably cried more times than I can count in the past couple of weeks. I usually cry before I go to sleep, when I wake up, I cried watching a few things, I cried while reading some threads. So I cry quite a bit.

>> No.9387687

I read somewhere that guys cry ~7 times / year. Girls cry ~25 times / year, most commonly at 6-8pm.

That sounds absurdly high to me.

>> No.9387689

Only 7 and 25? That doesn't seem right. I'm a boy and I cry at least 3 times a week.

>> No.9387691

Yeah but not everyone is an oversensitive sissy like you

>> No.9387693


>> No.9387695

>I read somewhere that guys cry ~7 times / year.
What? Being a normalfaggot must be tough.

>> No.9387699

Ice burn :P

>> No.9387701

Please don't say mean things like that...

>> No.9387704

bullies pls go.

>> No.9387705

Don't worry about him, but I'd quite like to cry together with you.

>> No.9387706

I only start really crying when I'm alone for long periods of time and realize it's probably because I'm a terrible friend and bad person.

>> No.9387713

Hey, disregarding people like that isn't nice

>> No.9387710

If you don't want to be bullied, maybe you should stop being so gay.

>> No.9387709
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>> No.9387711 [DELETED] 

I cry myself to sleep every night.

>> No.9387719


I don't know how many years it has been since I cried.

>> No.9387724

I haven't cried in a very long time. Sometimes I want to, but I just can't for some reason.

>> No.9387725
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Does anyone else start to feel a dull pain in there chest when they are depressed or crying?

>> No.9387722

craaaawling in my skin, and i'm about to break

>> No.9387727

Oh wow...


>> No.9387734

>a dull pain in there chest when they are depressed
Two to three hours a day keeps the doctor away.

>> No.9387736

Fucking NERD LOL x-D just git out of /jp/ chump

>> No.9387737

I often cry when laughing hard. It's kind of weird / embarassing.

>> No.9387744
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>> No.9387746

I don't think I'm capable of really crying anymore. I haven't done it for nearly 15 years, even though there were plenty of times when I really would have liked to.

>> No.9387750

Have you ever been tremendously sad, but the tears won't come out?

That's how I feel right now.

My heart is overflowing with tears, but they just won't come out of my eyes.

- le depressed cybernetic loli

>> No.9387774
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I usually do not cry unless i watch a sad or touching movie/Visual Novel.
Or if i am clumsy and manage to hurt myself.

But sometimes some Anons have sad stories to tell that make me a bit sad.
I try my best to think of good times when sad though, always try your best to smile even when the going gets tough Anon-kun!

>> No.9387776

saten has three very good friends who are not paper cups

>> No.9387779
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Haven't cried since after story aired.

>> No.9387783
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>Taking filenames seriosuly

>> No.9387785

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9387795

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9387799

... Wait no seriously... am I dying?

>> No.9387810

Very low bloodsirculation most likely, you are probably going to die in your sleep in not all to long unless you do something about it

>> No.9387815

No, my chest hurts sometimes when i'm sad and crying. Please don't worry.

>> No.9387822

>die in your sleep
Oh ok. Nothing to worry about then. Thanks

>> No.9387829

Lucky ;_; how do you get the pain in your chest? I want to go in my sleep.

>> No.9387834

Eat more fat food, do not move around unless you have to it.
Eat fat food.

Before you know it you will be dead, also no clapping it burns fat

>> No.9388151

actually, I did cry today. I blame the weather changes.

>> No.9388157
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Nice thread Janitor

>> No.9388163

>also no clapping it burns fat
why are americans so fat then?

>> No.9388164

Why does the serial number on her monitor disappear?

>> No.9388170

You should see them if they were not clapping

>> No.9388173

I felt my eyes watering yesterday but I didn't let it break out into crying.

>> No.9388179

Pretty much every day OP.

>> No.9388383

The only time I cried since I was 7, was when I played MuvLuv Alternative.

Then again, I'm not a regular on this board.

>> No.9388395
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I haven't cried at all in the past 4 years.

And yet I feel like shit, all the time, erryday. Feels bad man.

>> No.9388400
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An e-friend /jp/er said they wanted to die them logged off MSN right away and never came back
I hope you blocked me dude I cried all night

>> No.9388401

I never used to get emotional about anything after a certain age when I was younger until my first real relationship when I was 17 with a trap over the internet.

He was dating a girl IRL but we would have dirty talk over random empty ventrilo rooms we could find. I would listen to him masturbate while I did too and I remember one time him saying "oh great I cum all over my black shirt now I need to change".

When we broke up I was dead inside and crying every night. Ever since then it's like the mold of my emotions broke and now I can actually find emotion in sad things.

>> No.9388404

Dude they're a pretty big dick if they just blocked you and made you cry like that.

>> No.9388405

I suggest you force yourself somehow
try as hard as you can with music or a scene or whatever
I did this after not crying in however many years and it made me feel better for a while
it's worth a try

>> No.9388406

That's sad. Hopefully your friend comes back online.

>> No.9388413

I wish I had e-friends.

>> No.9388415
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Nah, what's the point? Better to distract myself with games and fapping. I have nothing to cry about, anyway.

>> No.9388459

That's what I thought but it felt really good after I did. I live a pretty perfect neet hikki life too so I had nothing to sob over either but after a while of forcing it, it just kind of happened. Could you please try it I want you to feel better.

>> No.9388460

It's not a serial number, it's a YouTube video, Google it. It explains her facial expression.

>> No.9388468

Wow I was not expecting that to be true at all.

>> No.9388490


It doesn't work for me.

>> No.9388496


you don't want to watch it

>> No.9388568


Thank you.

I should have listened to your advice.

>> No.9388584

Nah brah I've been feeling pretty baller lately.
