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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 37 KB, 550x300, 5458499449499449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9384687 No.9384687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you like the Steam sales so far /jp/? Find anything you like?

>> No.9384693
File: 27 KB, 704x400, wryyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an international credit card...

>> No.9384694

Why would I spend money in shitty games if I can get them for free in the christmas?

>> No.9384695

No I hate video games

>> No.9384699

So far I've bought Cave Story, Ys: Oath in F and Dead Rising 2.

>> No.9384701

No you don't.

>> No.9384704

I hate the video games they have on Steam

>> No.9384706

I can understand that.

>> No.9384707

I'm just comfortably angry with league of legends and touhou. I don't need any more games.

>> No.9384715

playing league of legends instead of dota

>> No.9384719

Steam is shit. Videogames are shit. Gabe Newell is a fat disgusting piece of shit. You're shit.

>> No.9384726


>> No.9384735

At least i'm not a nerd.


>> No.9384738

/v/ pls go

>> No.9384739

The üpsilons series looks fun.

>> No.9384742

I've learned to stop buying games I will never get around to playing.

You won't trick me this time. I learned that having too many video games can be a bad thing and it's best to just play and enjoy a smaller amount of games.

>> No.9384748

i don't care, i don't money.

>> No.9384753
File: 920 KB, 250x520, 1341236234827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the games that I'll probably never play, Gabe-sama

>> No.9384758

I bought my friend one game but other than that, nothing.

>> No.9384948

There's nothing cute.

>> No.9384966
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, 17410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Mirror's Edge and it's really beautiful.

I take screenshots of all my games.

>> No.9384967

>buying DRM infested shit
>buying games

>> No.9384974

>playing lol

>> No.9384980

I bought Dear Esther.

It's been added to the ever growing list of Games I Have Bought With Every Intention Of Playing But Probably Never Will.

>> No.9384982

I bought analogue: A hate story.

I liked it.

But more importantly, LA Noire is the shit.

Still haven't gotten around to Crusader Kings II though...

>> No.9384989
File: 161 KB, 1141x829, 1336251881716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I waste my precious NEET dollars on games that I could download?

>> No.9384998

I tried to buy something on steam,
"credit card expired"

>> No.9385000




>> No.9385013
File: 166 KB, 1600x1067, rms_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying steam isn't DRM in itself.

>> No.9385014
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Mirror Edge steam-delivered version was wicked broken for me. Tried to run and then shut itself off violently enough to give a person vertigo. Maybe because I'm playing it on different equipment than I had the first time around, and it apparently uses some video card brand specific features with no workaround. Seems to me I remember you had to go into settings after you ran it and turn them on yourself, they weren't on by default. I guess steam has changed that.

>> No.9385023

Well I just built a new computer recently and this is the first game that has ever made it choke up and drop the framerate.

There is some NVIDIA drivers or something which I think is what you're talking about that are probably the reason why.

>> No.9385029

I hear the pirate bay is selling everything cheaper at 100% off.

>> No.9385032

Still waiting for Fortune Summoners daily deal.

Although I would prefer a sale on gamersgate or at some other DRM free place.

>> No.9385034

Bought games I wanted to buy before but didn't because I knew there was gonna be a sale: Grimrock, Dear Esther, and Analogue.

>> No.9385036


>implying Steam doesn't cover that shit with a bunch of features such as auto-update, in-game interface, community, etc to make it a not gay DRM like Ubishit and GFWL

Stay autistic autist.

>> No.9385038

With -200% of the support and bug fixes.

``i downloaded this and norton said it wuz a virus how do i run this on my macbook''

- Piratebay user, 2012

>> No.9385039
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>> No.9385041

>I bought analogue: A hate story.

>> No.9385047

Enjoy losing all your shit if your account got banned or disabled.

>> No.9385048

I've had my account since 2005.

It's called not cheating, which is easier than breathing.

>> No.9385049

what is gom

>> No.9385050


>account got banned or disabled
>implying I'd do something stupid like hack to get myself banned
>your account doesn't just randomly get disabled

Got your autism and fat lardness makes my boner rage. Please spergpost more sperglord.

>> No.9385056

That feel when nothing worth supporting on Steam besides a few gayms here and there.

>> No.9385057

Internet goes down or valve bankrupts.
You lose all.
Enjoy being slaves.

>> No.9385062

This isn't SA or 4chan, getting banned isn't par for the course. And I think getting banned enough that you lose access to your games list involves a lot more than rude posting, it involves interstate fraud (either yours or somebody else's).

>> No.9385063

Honestly, I've just wanted to re-play both the Hitman series and Fable The Lost Chapters recently. Both went on sale. I'm pretty content with my summer sale.

>> No.9385067
File: 611 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-07-17_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, spent ~$100 on shit I'll most likely never play like a moron, but this is probably my favorite pickup this sale. Surprisingly good.

>> No.9385068
File: 49 KB, 859x640, 1329601030649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>first world country, internet goes down


>Valve bankrupts
>Valve, which is estimated worth 3 billion, bankrupt
>Valve, which makes more money than EA and Ubisoft combined, bankrupt

Please post more, I'm fapping to you now.

>> No.9385071


I've encountered more problems with physical copies of games that I bought than I ever had with anything I pirated.

Patches and new versions are put up almost as soon as they're released also. Keep sucking Gabe's chode, nerd.

>> No.9385073

Bought Mount and Blade complete pack, haven't played any of them yet.

>> No.9385076


keep being poor and unable to play multiplayer poorfag

>> No.9385086

Holy fuck, what's with all the /v/ shit in this thread? Who are you all quoting?

>> No.9385081

>Implying there's more than 5 games that are worth playing in MP.

>> No.9385087

>Implying companies don't go out of business.
Look at EA 6y ago and now.

>> No.9385096


>Valve was founded in 1996 and still going strong
>Even if there was the highly impossible never-going-to-happen chance of Steam shutting down, Gabe said there was a way to unlock the games

You're running out of excuses and rebuttals.

>> No.9385101

A video game thread turns all the /v/ lurkers into posters.

>> No.9385103

>>only using one carrot when quoting your greens

Frig off /v/. Go buy Ys or something.

>> No.9385106

>first world country, internet goes down
Still happens. Durrizon and Scamcast both drop servers at random, sometimes for ~24h, every few months. Well, they do for home connections, at least. I think you can get business connections that have uptime guarantees.

>> No.9385113

should I buy Civ V (read: beg a friend for it) or just pirate it

i don't know how the multiplayer security works

>> No.9385120

Mirror's Edge uses Physx, so if you aren't using an Nvidia card that supports it, you game is going to run like shit when ever there is a bunch of shit flying around, like glass or other objects.
You can always switch it off though.

>> No.9385124


In the 7 or so years I've had Verizon I've never had my internet go down that was their fault.

>> No.9385136

Why would you buy something you can get for free? Do you guys not understand that money has actual value, and can be spent on real world products such as food? I understand buying multiplayer games, as they can often offer thousands of hours of entertainment, and pirating them means you have to play with russian hackers.

But "75% off" is absurd, when the same game is 100% off on launch day.

>> No.9385143

Ika cage guy here, no it just crashes face first right after running it.

>> No.9385147

I have 23$ left and I have no idea what to buy. I need something with multiplayer

>> No.9385148


Grab it elsewhere. Multiplayer kinda sucks for it and it isn't even that great a game in general.

>> No.9385159


Because some of us aren't poorfucks that have the money to support our hobby. Aside from mentioning the OBVIOUS BENEFITS of actually buying the game (no viruses, better performance, etc), that's like saying the people who buy figures or other hobby shit are wasting their money when they can get it for free by stealing it.

Maybe when you actually have money and aren't living with your mommy you'd understand.

>> No.9385178

What online games does /jp/ play anyway? Apart from MMOs

>> No.9385189
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>> No.9385190

Stealing things comes at a significant cost, the high chance of getting caught. Piracy offers in almost all cases, the exact same game, with the shitty DRM stripped out so you can play it without running 5 external programs that scan your hard drive. There's zero benefit to buying the game unless you're a retard who downloads the first torrent on pirate bay, gets confused about how to double click "crack.exe" because you've spent your entire life on fucking steam, and then whines that the pirated version is inn any way inferior. "Better performance"? Really? Keep grasping at straws.

>> No.9385192

killing flour.

>> No.9385193

There are no benefits to buying a singleplayer game. None at all.

>> No.9385201
File: 73 KB, 690x730, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9385213

How about supporting the developers so they continue to make the games you like? What the fuck, moron.

>> No.9385215

>there was a way to unlock the games
so you're willingly a slave to a corp

>> No.9385217

Buying Civ V on Steam is cool since you get achievements. It sounds stupid, but having more goals to strive for in that sort of game makes it more interesting.

If you don't like Civ like zunbar, then don't buy it. But you suck since it's a great game.

Buy Ys anyway.

>> No.9385218
File: 202 KB, 1024x640, Zk9IM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grand strategy.

Pic related is /jp/'s favourite strategy game.

>> No.9385229

What fantasy world are you living in where one purchase makes or breaks a game release?

>> No.9385235

I'm kinda tired of these. How about strategy games?

>> No.9385237

No benefit for yourself. It's purely a moral dilemma.

And I wish people would stop acting like the gaming industry is some kind of beggar in dire need of money.

>> No.9385252
File: 434 KB, 640x384, sengoku_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dats not

>> No.9385255

Some publishers are.

>> No.9385264

It doesn't but a lot of purchases do.
That's why there's no Mirror's Edge 2 but a shitload of Call of Duty.

Anyway nobody cares if you buy or pirate shit on /jp/. Take your moral dilemma and pirate pride elsewhere.
We're all free to do whatever we want.

>> No.9385283


Why are you guys so poor?

Seriously if you have enough money for a gaming PC to play the singleplayer game that you pirated instead of buying it, and the money to pay for internet to download said game, and the money to live in a house.

You have the money to buy a game. I haven't bought a full priced game since Skyrim, thanks to Steam sales.

>> No.9385289

>>9385237 And I wish people would stop acting like the gaming industry is some kind of beggar in dire need of money.
Do you know about SNK? I bet they pay their programmers with Cup Ramen.

>> No.9385297

I have enough money and won't buy games. The last game I've bought was icewind dale 2 in 2003.
u mad?

>> No.9385298

I have more than enough money to buy pretty much every game I pirate. But why would I? What possible benefit does it offer? It's not like buying cheap meat filled with water or a proper steak, both products are exactly the same, the only difference is one costs nothing. You're putting emotions before logical thought progression.

>> No.9385299


>> No.9385315
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>> No.9385400

I've been pirating games my whole life. Now I'm buying back the good ones, to give credits, and post hateful comments elsewhere about the bad ones.

>> No.9385425

The only games you should buy are from developers that you like, who aren't too large and depend on sales to continue to exist.

Why someone would buy from huge companies that keep shitting on their fans like Bethesda I have no idea.

>> No.9387961

will probably get something today

>> No.9387970

Well, I've wasted around £150 on buying things for a trap. Nothing for myself so far.

>> No.9387973
File: 467 KB, 1000x944, gnu slash stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam is an enemy of your freedom.

>> No.9387983

I unironically agree. Fuck that shit.

>> No.9387978

beta as hell dude

>> No.9387986
File: 335 KB, 653x910, SatenHappy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did make a steam account just to see what this sale was all about as i usually ignore it.
I ended up with buying Darksiders and it turned out to be fun game!

>> No.9387989

This thread reeks of /v/. Only idiots from that level would waste their money on something like this and bring up such lame rationale to justify it.

>> No.9388009

Not surprising since there are /jp/ apologists all over /v/ advertising our board whenever someone says something bad about it.

>> No.9388014

Why would anybody do that? It doesn't even make sense.

>> No.9388028
File: 240 KB, 357x346, cb610_funny-captions-upset-gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say the no-money, self-hating neckbeards
stay mad /jp/ cause you cant afford a superior game delivery platform

>> No.9388036


figure it out yourself

>> No.9388046


Yap, it's confirmed. /v/ trying to infiltrate /jp/. This thread can die now.

>> No.9388047

I don't play shitty western games.

>> No.9388059

Why would you play any shitty games?

>> No.9388060

Quality post. I'd rather spend my money on ass lube. Why are you supporting monopolization so gladly? It's like people have no sense of what matters and what doesn't.

>> No.9388066

Because Gabe Newell's marketing team has made him out to be the saviour of gaming and undermined /v/ to the point it's their own personal viral marketing unit.

>> No.9388069

Who needs that dirty steam when you can have trendy Origin.

>> No.9388093
File: 60 KB, 341x350, 478594965069505690509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Gabe partnered with Zun and sold Touhou games on Steam?
surely /jp/ would like that

>> No.9388105

Why would I need that if I already have the games? Go away, /v/.

>> No.9388107

I feel like the only person who doesn't play videogames

>> No.9388109


>> No.9388114
File: 44 KB, 639x800, kago spam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you to have at least 1 ranged rogue , there damage gets crazy later and you will see how much better ranged dps is at the last boss fight.

>> No.9388115


>> No.9388116

Nope, since 2hoes belong in /a/.

>> No.9388120

And it's not even a funny joke because Steam does pump out insane amounts of money.
"Haha, look at how fucking dumb I am, le epic meme xD"

>> No.9388130

I just bought the Ys games.

>> No.9388150

Didn't want to bother my mom about it, so I didn't buy anything.

>> No.9388167

You should play Dear Esther. Just pirate it because it's only good for 1 playthrough.

>> No.9388171

Janitor currently online, deleting threads. But this stays. How is this in any way related to /jp/?

>> No.9388176

Analogue: A hate story is sold there.

>> No.9388177

Is gaben x--D
Sugg his money sucking cock dode

>> No.9388184

Why does gabe look like a jew?

>> No.9388187
File: 91 KB, 574x378, IMG_0673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9388192

Microsoft millionaire. He still has connections to the company, too.

>> No.9388198

I didn't know Steam sold artwork.

>> No.9388203



>> No.9388222

But he doesn't. He's way too sympathetic looking to be a Jew.

>> No.9388236

A video game distributor has connections to a video game producer?
You don't say. How scandalous.

>> No.9388247

I hope The Witcher 2 is on sale next, I voted for it too. I've already played it but it's one of the few games I want a legit purchase of.

>> No.9388324

You just reminded me why I stopped visiting /v/. The hypocrisy of fanboys is astonishing.

>> No.9388355

Huh? What do you mean?

>> No.9388371
File: 94 KB, 640x480, pNyuI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this?

>> No.9388381

Boku no Legend of Grimrock

>> No.9388387
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legend of grimrock

>> No.9388392

Remember when Kago-chan wasn't a whore and all edgy and suicidal? I miss those days.
I feel bad for her now, but I still mourn the loss of pure, adorable Kago-chan.

>> No.9388416
File: 59 KB, 354x500, 357hjc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did sort out her life now.
She is a mom now of a little baby girl :3

I think she is truly happy now for the first time after all this years.

>> No.9388424


>She did sort out her life now.

You mean: ``She sorted her life out''.

Can you please brush up on your grammar? You make this ONE fucking mistake all the time and it looks so retarded. Maybe just stop using the word ``did'' altogether 'cause 9 times out of 10 you're using it wrong.

>> No.9388425

That's great for her and all, but she'll never be pure Kago-chan ever again.
Now she's just used goods like Tsuji.

>> No.9388447



>> No.9388455
File: 62 KB, 449x550, ai059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they cant stay Idols forever :(

>> No.9388485

u showed that turboidolnerd that he's playan with the big dawgs nowLOL

>> No.9388513
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My Boss My Hero, on the off chance you're not trolling, how about a hint?

>> No.9388557
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Wrong link. Nobody in that group actually browses /jp/, it's been abandoned long ago.

This is the correct one

>> No.9389738
File: 82 KB, 420x248, 1331732677807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing Floor: Mone Money DLC
Ys: Oath of Felghana
Ys: Origin

Trine 2

A fun game

>> No.9389803

what can I get for 0,78 european dollars?

>> No.9389825
File: 223 KB, 882x734, Nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I didn't think /jp/ would have a Steam thread.

All right then. Hey, /jp/, am I missing anything essential, from an unrepentant weeaboo perspective?

Also, Satori is best Touhou. Everyone knows this.

>> No.9389834

How is this /jp/ related? Fuck off with your anal digital video game collections.

>> No.9389846


You don't have Gundemonium or Jamestown if you're in the mood for shumps.

So far I've picked up Crysis 2, Dear Esther and Assassin's Creed 2.8. Looking to get DCS: A-10, but that wouldn't get played in forever due to extra peripherals required.

>> No.9389848

I don't think this thread shouldn't be on this board.

Could someone verify this?

>> No.9389856

Anyone bought EYE? Did they fix the shitty translation?

>> No.9389886

Yes, I can verify that.

>> No.9389929
File: 76 KB, 985x220, gifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awgh yeah, just remembered I have an account on steamgifts...

I think I actually might win one of these...
The odds aren't that bad...!

>> No.9389940
File: 122 KB, 434x400, laffinheero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if I win I won't play any of them... dohohoho
