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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9388056 No.9388056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vanillaware For Lazy People Pastebin™: http://pastebin.com/ZqmPdsYr

Contains links to torrents for the games, emulators, bios and the Odin Sphere artbook.

Included games:
▸ Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)
▸ Odin Sphere (PS2)
▸ Grand Knights History (PSP)
▸ Princess Crown (PSP, Saturn port)

Next Vanillaware game: Dragon's Crown (Vita and PS3), delayed to Q1 2013.

Western release of GKH canceled.

>> No.9388061

Your shitpost is sort of going to turn on you. Vanillaware threads are allowed.

>> No.9388068

Not really. It's just like any other dev. JRPGs with official western releases don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.9388073
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>> No.9388075

Reported for shitposting up the board then.


>> No.9388086

lol shame ur thread sucks. just like ur mom LOL

>> No.9388098

Announcing reports is against the rules. You know that, right?

>> No.9388111

Not as bad as shitposting. Now run along to >>>/b/. You will find all of your 16 year old teenage angst friends there and can shitpost in a safe environment. Kind of like a crackhouse.

>> No.9388126


Please Anon, stop insulting me. And no, there's no such a thing as a "good shitpost".

>> No.9388132

> Not as bad as shitposting.
But that's exactly what all these Video Games Generals are.

>> No.9388146

There is only one dude shitposting in them. He is this guy http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S8682190

>> No.9388152
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That was me, and no it isn't.

>> No.9388165

Shitposting in what? Video Games generals don't belong on /jp/.

And how do you know it's always the same guy?
All I see is just one frustrated GUST fan, desperately wanting to force his rpg generals on /jp/, dropping names at everyone who disagrees or mocks him.

>> No.9388174

Define forcing. I only see one thread like a month.

>> No.9388178

Oh, right I forgot this is modern /jp/. People don't have the willpower to restrain themselves to not reply to threads they hate.

>> No.9388180


I'd say bumping it any time it hits page 12 or later is forcing it.

Plus the fact they last so long should tell you something. It doesn't mean they're popular, or they'd have hit the bump limit and been pruned.

>> No.9388183

Saving good threads from shitposting is a common practice kiddo. It's not fair when you guys flood the pages with off topic shitposts and good threads are lost.

>> No.9388185
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People have been bitching like this for years. In these very types of thread, even.

>> No.9388188 [DELETED] 

It wasn't this bad a long time ago? You can literally tell right from the start that this thread had a deliberate purpose to start shit.

>> No.9388191

It wasn't this bad a long time ago You can literally tell right from the start that this thread had a deliberate purpose to start shit.

>> No.9388190

Off-topic threads are still off-topic threads.

Stop being so self-entitled and use the GUST thread on /vg/ like everybody else.

I remember some meta thread where the GUST OP mentioned that he made his threads on /jp/ because /vg/ wasn't good enough for him.

Stay classy.

>> No.9388193

But you're not "saving them from shitposting". You're just unnecessarily ageing them with worthless comments. And I say this as the Anon who "Bampu pantsu.­"s all the typical /jp/ threads when the board is hit by spam.

The radio guys don't do this. The mahjong guys don't do this. moot switched from time-based purging to popularity-based purging so popular threads would stay alive, not so one or two people would painfully keep them alive. Just let it go.

>> No.9388195

Thank fucking christ Zunbar is being considered for a janitor. We need someone who has the balls to put up with you shitposters. OP has not right to complain about anything being off topic due to this thread.

>> No.9388197

Well duh, nobody's under the impression OP wasn't doing this just to antagonize people. Look at the filename and when it was posted.

That's not going to stop us throwing autistic hissy fits any more than knowing "NSJ" was a Tokiko GET is going to stop people saying it. Sometimes you've just got to have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.9388202

Zunbar raised a good point a while back though. All of your attempts to derail these threads are usually met with post deletions, bans or criticism from good posters.

You can always ignore the thread, there is usually only one of them. But instead you can't.

>> No.9388205

I still don't get the gust-dude's point.

It's okay to make off-topic threads if it is only once a month?
It's okay to make rpg threads just because gust produced AT series?

There are plenty of developers who made at least one galge...

>> No.9388207

Indirectly quoting a mod from March
"Gust threads will be tolerated as long as they aren't spammed."

If you weren't too busy shitposting you would have probably read his post.

>> No.9388216

Square made a visual novel, which is why we have a Square thread on page 2.

So yes, you're exactly right.

>> No.9388218


> I still don't get the gust-dude's point.

This. All I see is "It's harmless!", "Just ignore it!", "It's only once a month!", "B-b-but GUST!".

> OP has not right to complain about anything being off topic due to this thread.

So what's the point, again? OP doesn't have the right to complain, therefore, I have the right to make Video Games Generals?

>> No.9388225
File: 16 KB, 1429x159, vgjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive link please.

I only know about AT threads.

>> No.9388226

You are missing the point. OP is a shitposter. Whatever point he was trying to make isn't valid.

>> No.9388228

Why are you calling everyone who disagrees with you shitposters? This is ridiculous.

>> No.9388230
File: 62 KB, 1080x156, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.9388237


> shitposter

Again? How is he a shitposter. It feels like you are the one trying to steer things up in this thread, seeing how you are probably the only one ageing this thread for no reason. Exactly. Like. The GUST threads.

>> No.9388241

He made a nonsensical thread that he knew would contribute nothing to the board, would only cause shitposting in it and out of nerd spite because of a single thread.

How the fuck is that the telltale sign of a good poster?

>> No.9388244

A tripuser who only posts in off-topic threads isn't an authority.
Are you really trying to make yourself look like a clown?

>> No.9388246

People seem to cherry pick bits from his posts, though. Frankly, he put it very poorly ("tolerated" is a loaded word).

Here are the mod's posts in full:
>Please keep your video game generals in /vg/.
>Here's a longer explanation, because you deserve it. GUST general threads were tolerated on /jp/, because it was the most closely related board. Now that /vg/ has popped up, there's no reason to stay here. They will still be tolerated, and people spamming them will be banned, but you are hereby officially encouraged to take it to /vg/ if possible.
>For the spammers: Remember that you don't have to spam anymore. /jp/ has several janitors now. If you continue to spam, you will be banned.

The bit that GUST fans like to point out is
>They will still be tolerated

But overall, the post makes it pretty clear these guys should move to /vg/. He contradicts himself a little, though:
>GUST general threads were tolerated on /jp/, because it was the most closely related board. Now that /vg/ has popped up, there's no reason to stay here.
>They will still be tolerated

Regardless, his point is pretty clear.

And I'd like to point the following bit out to our meido:
>For the spammers: Remember that you don't have to spam anymore. /jp/ has several janitors now.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but to me this says, "You don't have to spam, troll and flame in these threads. The janitor will take care of them."
Yet, the janitor hasn't done anything. Unless he means, "The janitor will delete your spam." but then it doesn't make sense telling the spammers that in this manner. I interpret it as, "You don't have to spam, because the janitor will delete the threads." rather than, "You shouldn't spam, because the janitor will just delete your posts." But I could be wrong.

>> No.9388249

He's a better poster than you ever will be. I bet that kind of stings huh?

>> No.9388254

I feel flattered that you are going through all of this just for me.

>> No.9388257


And this is why nobody will ever take you seriously.

>> No.9388259

How is this thread different from the GUST thread?

>> No.9388261

What does Zunbar have to do with me?

>> No.9388269

I deleted the Gust thread. I guess I will make it again once the janitors come back and are able to crowd control the idiots. OP won't do the same because he is too busy having fun with his sub metathread.

>> No.9388274

GUST threads are just JRPG threads.

Only AT games are /jp/ related, other GUST games are just like your any RPG >>9388225

>> No.9388274,1 [INTERNAL] 

So is Oden Sphere worth beating? I played about halfway through it back in 2007 but stopped. Reason I am asking is because I found my original copy in a box of stuff today.
