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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9385417 No.9385417 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite show that isn't anime, /jp/?

Do you watch shows with 3D characters?

>> No.9385450


The only western show I've watched in years is breaking bad, fucking love it.

I sometimes will watch "educational" stuff on TV, mainly focusing on going to foreign places or wildlife.

>> No.9385452

the wrinkles on the humans are disgusting

>> No.9385454

I watched Arrested Development once and it was great.

>> No.9385462

Dawson's Creek

>> No.9385473

i can't watch 3D shows, all the actors look the same to me. why don't they just dye their hair funny colors like 2Ds?

>> No.9385477

Gene is my favorite cow.

>> No.9385484

Shamefully I admit that I sometimes prefer western television shows.

The Japanese aren't that great at doing a good drama that's set in a realistic world. Plenty of robots, sci-fi, and cute, but not a lot of detective shows or shows where the criminals are the main character or just anything set in a modern day world without any fantasy.

>> No.9385486

Black Books

Why aren't YOU a ruinously drunk and misanthropic owner of a british bookstore, /jp/?

>> No.9385489

I watch J-dramas. hard to pick any favourites.

>> No.9385492

No. It hurts my pure 2D only japanese spirit to do so.

>> No.9385497

I really liked Monk for some reason and Psych was pretty great. I can't think of anything else I have ever went out of my way to watch though.

>> No.9385499


>> No.9385503
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Breaking Bad and Mad Men

>> No.9385505


>Black Books

That was a good show. I just watched it a few days ago actually. I wish that british shows were longer though, they sure are short. Only a couple seasons in Black Books, same with IT Crowd, only two seasons in Spaced, and the seasons are only like six episodes long. It makes me sad.

>> No.9385506

>What is your favorite show that isn't anime, /jp/?

Deep Space Nine
Twin Peaks

>> No.9385517

Breaking Bad for drama and Arrested Development for comedy

>> No.9385539


Does mad men get better? I tried to watch it, but I didn't really see what the appeal was. They talked a lot about cigarettes and then it was over. I only watched the first two or three episodes.

>> No.9385548

old family guy

>> No.9385594

X-Files, Twin Peaks, Luther, Sherlock Holmes (BBC version not the movies), Spaced, Breaking Bad, used to watch Dexter before it got bad, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Fringe, Star Trek, Peep Show, Game of Thrones, and many more that I can't remember.

>> No.9385654

I used to watch Law and Order a decent amount, but that was years ago. I also used to watch Seinfeld a lot. Oh, and I watch Survivor when it's on. People seem to get offended when I say that.

I see some Twin Peaks love in here. I've been meaning to watch it, but haven't gotten around to it.

>> No.9385647

one time I watched a 3D show
i threw up for hours

>> No.9385648

>What is your favorite show that isn't anime

get the fuck out

>> No.9385677

I tried watching Breaking Bad because of all of the hype and I came to the conclusion that live action just isn't for me. I don't think I have ever been less interested in something.

>> No.9385689
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>> No.9385726

I like Jackass.

>> No.9385729

Dr. Who
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Scrubs (not newer seasons)
The Aquabats Super Show!
Twilight Zone for classic goodness

I can't think of any other 3D tv show I've really found enjoyable. Then again, I don't watch tv and just pirate everything.

>> No.9385746

why do people think this show is good? Honest question.

>> No.9385758

Judging entirely from that image, they masturbate to it.

>> No.9385750

Looks like it's about sluts.

Maybe they like sluts.

>> No.9385763

I want to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm but I don't want to pay $40 for HBO.

>> No.9385773

If only you had some sort of web that you could use to magic it to your computer.

>> No.9385765

You could, I don't know, pirate it?

>> No.9385782

B-But I'll get in trouble

>> No.9385790


Autism is adorable <3

>> No.9385794
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Breaking Bad is one of the best things I've ever watched. I think many of you would very much enjoy it.

>> No.9385793

You're cute, I want to hold you while I break the law using your IP. Then we can spend our life in pursuit, dodging the law. But it will be ok, because we'll be together.

>> No.9385800

They have better targets than "Some guy that downloaded a single series", mate.

>> No.9385806

I stopped being good like 2 series ago.

>> No.9385805

But everyone always picks on me in particular.

>> No.9385812


I won't let those bullies hurt you anymore. Everything will be okay from now on.

>> No.9385814

Even though you're faking it's still adorable. If I had more than 12 bucks in my Paypal account I'd send you the money needed for whatever it was you wanted to watch.

>> No.9385819

I'm hear for you.

>> No.9385827

No, like, legitimately, it's not worth pursuing a single person in the first place, let alone one that isn't actively sharing thousands of files with thousands of people.

>> No.9385824

I'm not faking, but I don't want you to send me money anyways because I'd feel bad. I even feel bad when people give me things for my birthday. If they give me things that is.

>> No.9385831

I really liked Bored to Death. I should watch it again.

>> No.9385842
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I also found Twin Peaks to be interesting, btw.

>> No.9385843

Do you have any idea how loveable you sound right now?

>> No.9385846

I just want to protect him.

>> No.9385853

I like Dexter because he is deep like me.

>> No.9385851

Nobody ever said I was loveable, so I don't know.

>> No.9385854

It's my favorite show that's currently running at the moment. It keeps getting better (unlike BB which has been on the decline since season 3). If you didn't like the first few episodes it probably isn't for you though.

>> No.9385871


NOVA and Frontline...

Not even joking. I don't watch regular TV.

>> No.9385873

does boondocks count?

>> No.9385879

I'm telling you right now, with only these few posts to base my feelings off of, I love you.

>> No.9385880

It's animated in Korea like most anime so no.

>> No.9385883

just pirate it. Curb is comedy gold. GOLD!

>> No.9385896

No no no, don't do that. I'm not a very good person I think. You should fall in love with someone better. I don't even know how to love anyways. I don't think I'd be very good at it.

>> No.9385895


Enough to suck my cock, dude?

>> No.9385937

I'm afraid it's too late for that, love. You're going to get hugged mercilessly. And then I'm going to bake you a cake and eat it with you.

But I won't let you watch that HBO show you wanted because HBO is a channel for grownups and you're not big enough.

>> No.9385950

Can I join in too? I can suck both of your cocks.

>> No.9385963

He's too little for HBO, so he's too little for sex. But maybe when he's tucked away in bed for the night.

>> No.9385966

another /jp/ cock sucking party? I'm in.

>> No.9385980

I think a hug might be nice I guess, I don't know. I've had cake before though, and I liked that. Are hugs as good as cakes? I bet they're as good as Curb Your Enthusiasm though. Someone showed it to me before and I really liked it, which is why I want to watch it again. But I don't really know what else is on HBO, there isn't anything lewd right?

>> No.9386006

Hugs make you feel very warm and complete, because you and the other person can share the warmth of one another. You also feel the other person's heart beating, and they can feel yours. And because you're both embracing one another, you both feel safe from harm. It goes very well with cake.

As for HBO, I heard it has lots of lewd things, which is why I think you shouldn't be watching it. Though I haven't really watched it myself.

>> No.9386036

I hug my pillow sometimes and sometimes my body heat makes it really warm. I guess that's kind of like hugging yourself though.
I don't like lewd things, but I like funny things like CYE. I wish they could just have funny shows without having to put lewd things on as well. Why would anyone want to see that?

>> No.9386049

I ask myself everyday why things have to be so lewd.

>> No.9386087

If we were in the same room I would hug you. Our heart beats would sync up and everything. Time would fly by as we sat in our little world, and then we'd eat cake (it can be hard to eat cake while hugging because your hands are full).

If you have some sort of TV guide (I get cheap ones in a weekly newspaper that have TV listings for a week) you can check what's on. Then you can find out if something naughty will be on and you can avoid it. I imagine there are listings online, but I've never checked.

>> No.9386088

I know, me too. I don't want to look at lewd things. I just want to be a normal person and enjoy stuff.

>> No.9386101

When I see my favorite touhou drawn doing lewd things I feel sick and want to cry.

>> No.9386136

I'd like a hug, but I'd be nervous. Like what if I did something weird or something. Maybe it'd be better if I didn't, so I didn't ruin it for someone.

Apparently HBO has a streaming service, so I guess I could watch that and just avoid accidentally watching something lewd on TV. Still seems like a lot to pay though.

>> No.9386159

I know me too. I also have some touhou fumos, and I worry that they'll see it too. It's even worse when it's a lewd picture of them.

>> No.9386179

I have 10 fumos, it makes me really depressed when I see people putting them in lewd situations or calling them ``waifus''.

>> No.9386199

It's okay, you can't mess up. You just reach out your arms and wrap them around the other person, and then gradually get closer to them until your bodies are pressed together. It'd be okay if you're nervous, your anxiety would drift away in the moment. Nothing can really go wrong, but if something did, we could just laugh and try again. In fact, I'm sure you'll find the process will remove any worries you might have, if only for a while.

I'm not sure I can help you with your TV problem.

I also have fumos near me. I feel bad when they are positioned to see the monitor and something naughty comes up. Especially if it involves their characters. I imagine they must feel violated and dirty when they see it.

>> No.9386227

/jp/ is so cute.

>> No.9386244

Don't bump the thread, we're trying to be quiet...

>> No.9386247

I'm sorry.

>> No.9386275

I don't know, I worry a lot about things. I just don't want to make someone feel bad. It always felt weird touching someone or being touched. And a hug is about as touchy as you can get. I think I might be too weird for it.

Don't worry about the TV, it can't be helped I guess.

>> No.9386286



>> No.9386293


gonna tell /sp/ about these roleplaying fumo fags

>> No.9386291

Dammit, let these men court in peace!

>> No.9386300

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have kept derailing the topic, but I haven't talked to someone in so long. I'm sorry, I'm just gonna go to sleep now because it's late and I don't want to keep bothering people.

>> No.9386306

Don't bring fumos into this, they did nothing wrong.

>> No.9386312

Goodnight. Just don't go watching HBO. You made my night better.

>> No.9386315

You didn't derail anything of value, don't beat yourself up. We all desire some kind of human companionship.

>> No.9386320

Just pirate the show, nerd.

>> No.9386340

Don't call him names, bully.

>> No.9386346

I meant it in the nicest way possible.

>> No.9386348
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did u faggets see that ludicrous display last night? WHAT was wenger THINKING sending walcott on so early?

that's the thing about arsenal, /jp/, they ALWAYS try to walk it in

>> No.9386354

You shouldn't use hurtful words then.

>> No.9386355


I.. I..
..you too

>> No.9386362

That show is hilarious.

>> No.9386359

The IT Crowd is relevant to OP's post.

>> No.9386364

Nerd isn't hurtful though. That's like saying an Australian calling someone a cunt is insulting them.

>> No.9386376

Breaking Bad
Boardwalk Empire
Mad Men
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy
Hell on Wheels

>> No.9386377

Maybe it's not to you, but remember you're talking to a human being that could come from anywhere. You don't know if nerd means more to him, maybe he was bullied in school and you brought up hurtful memories. Remember you're dealing with other people here, you shouldn't try to hurt anyone's feelings with name calling.

>> No.9386388

Nah, nerd.

>> No.9386390

Hi sudo, you barely post anymore. Are you doing alright?

>> No.9386398

do you understand that words have the power to hurt people
i dont think you do
im not just text and pictures
theres a real person typing this and that person feels sad because of what you said
i hope some day you realise that

>> No.9386412

I'm fine, mostly watching animes and western shows and playing video games and answering questions on Formspring.

>> No.9386420

Ok, just making sure nothing was wrong or anything.

>> No.9386422

I don't know if you're still here, and I probably shouldn't either, but you didn't really mean it when you said you loved me right? I doubt it, especially with only a few posts, but I was just curious. Its not important really, you don't have to answer. I just couldn't fall asleep, but I really should go.

>> No.9386424
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>> No.9386441

I'm still here. I'll keep you in my heart, even though we likely won't speak to each other again.

>> No.9386484

Oh okay, that's okay I think. I like coming here a lot, but I try not to post a lot. But oh well, thank you for being nice. I always wondered what being liked by someone was like so I was curious I think.

>> No.9386491



Exchange emails and talk to each other. Just do it before you regret it

>> No.9386502

Like you, I watch Fringe. Also Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Breaking Bad & Sons of Anarchy.

>> No.9386515

I don't know, I'm not very good at talking to people. I can only do it mow because I'm kinda sleepy and I usually get a bit bolder when I'm sleepy. I don't think I'd be very fun to talk to.

>> No.9386532

I enjoyed speaking with you, and I wouldn't mind talking more outside of the site. But you don't have to do what you're not comfortable doing. You seem tired, so it might be best if you go to sleep. We'll remember this night, I'm sure of it.

>> No.9386550

I just don't want to make you bored and annoyed. I really liked talking though, it felt very nice. I just worry about stuff like bothering people just because I want to talk. That's why I try not to talk a lot, but I'm doing it now anyways. I guess because I'm tired though.

>> No.9386579

It's fine, you didn't bother or annoy me. I like talking to you and I'll likely remember this for a while because I haven't talked like this on 4chan before. I'm about to go to bed myself, though, which was why I suggested you go ahead and do the same. Have a great night and tomorrow.

>> No.9386589

Okay, thank you a lot. You really made me feel happy, and I appreciate it. Goodnight, and thank you.
