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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9378855 No.9378855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am 29 and have never kissed, hugged, or even carried on a conversation above 20 minutes with a girl. I have no friends and live alone in an apartment, I used to go on /r9k/ and talk about problems with other people and I would enjoy the time I spent there. Recently it's been infested with normal people that have done all the things i've missed out on. Does anyone here want to talk about our feels?

>> No.9378863
File: 72 KB, 500x302, 1 (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9378869

This is why /jp/ is shit. People who come here to talk about "feels" that have no interest in the board's content.

I hope you choke to death on your next meal, dickwad.

>> No.9378871

Jesus fuck how depressing. To late for you now. Kill yourself OP.

>> No.9378878

Girls are shit.

The only reason for men to interact with them is to reproduce.

>> No.9378879

No, go away

>> No.9378887
File: 197 KB, 999x1000, getoutofjp03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to >>>/r9/k.
/jp/ is a place for cool and hip people to pretend to be lonely.
It is not a place for faggots like you.

>> No.9378885

But are you the 1%?

>> No.9378892

Come back when you don't care about that any more.

>> No.9378902

>At office party
>Someone busts out beer
>Everyone starts drinking
>Get offered some
>Say no
>"I don't drink"
>Keep getting pressured
>Walk out, go to car
>Drive home and stare at the ceiling and start crying

That girl in 7th grade was right, I'm going to die alone. I know your feel OP, now I just live for technology.

>> No.9378909

I'm gonna need some redirects on this post

>> No.9378910


You should have just drank the beer, dumbass.

>> No.9378926

So you don't give a fuck about anything that's actually board related here, you came here just to find people who aren't normal and you just wanted to shitpost talking about "feels"? Great job, yeah, you're going to be such a great addition to the board, fuck you.
