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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9376580 No.9376580 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you probably have autism, or are just socially retarded to the extent it seems like it, you still have a leg up on SJWs.

So, y'know, cheer up.

>> No.9376586

What is a SJW and why should I care?

>> No.9376591

>flying dog


>> No.9376599

i have no idea what is this and i dont care either

>> No.9376606
File: 59 KB, 560x832, waki02_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not gonna read that.

>> No.9376602

SJW? What is that? That looks like a typical /jp/ post right there.

>> No.9376612

Foolz tells me that you are a subhuman from /co/, please leave.

>> No.9376614

tl;dr - College student is made at her parents because they're trying to make her go to college and get a stable life, she doesn't want to on the grounds that she thinks she is a baby and a flying dog.

>> No.9376632

>she thinks she is a baby and a flying dog.
I've been saying women were like that for years.

>> No.9376633

>College student is made at her parents because they're trying to make her go to college and get a stable life
Understandable, normalfag parents think they are doing good.
> she doesn't want to on the grounds that she thinks she is a baby and a flying dog.
I am assuming that this is some kind of analogy that she used. If not, well yeah, she is crazy.

>> No.9376634

I don't get it.

>> No.9376651

>A toddler and a flying dog CANNOT do work intended for an adult human.
It is not an analogy.

>> No.9376671

I cannot. I wish I could.

>> No.9376665

I'm really confused, could you elaborate please.

>> No.9376675

You know, it would take less effort for you just to read it.

>> No.9376678

Try me, I'm curious

>> No.9376686

An analogy compares two things with one another. What she wrote was merely a statement.

Although, I guess it's possible the analogy between herself and "a toddler and a flying dog" was implied, but I don't see the connection beyond the fact that she would be completely nuts if she believed herself to be both a toddler and a flying dog.

>> No.9376691

I was quoting the image. I have no idea what she is talking about beyond the information provided there-in.

>> No.9376698

I read the whole thing. Why does she think she's a flying dog and a toddler? How does that even work? I need a explanation.

>> No.9376706

People here spend hours and hours trying to make themselves schizophrenic and you can't believe that some girl thinks that she is a toddler and a flying dog?

>> No.9376723

I don't see why NEETs don't just trick someone into falling in love with them and supporting them. It happens all the time, even with women supporting men, so it's not like it's unlikely.

>> No.9376761

Normals like to point out that beta neckbeard virgin loser faggot mouthbreather autists like us couldn't get someone to love us if we tried.

>> No.9376770

Love is nothing more than a massively overrated chemical process. /jp/ could do it if they wanted to.

>> No.9376775

So she thinks he has two personalities, one that's a flying dog and one that's a toddler?

In what way does the flying dog fly?

>> No.9376781

To tell.

>> No.9376795

All you have to do is learn to work women. They are actually very straight-forward. You may want to get in some kind of shape; large amounts of fat could frighten them. Don't expect loyalty.

>> No.9376801

>beta neckbeard virgin loser faggot mouthbreather autists like us


>> No.9376802
File: 71 KB, 302x412, 4ec8a6ae7062894540b5deef6cd25ecc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the person supporting them would expect something in return. If you're incredibly attractive it would work, but what does the average /jp/sie have to offer?

>> No.9376829

>You may want to get in some kind of shape

Looks like a lot of work, I'll pass.

>> No.9376843

There are women who are sexually attracted to fat men. You could find a woman who wants a fat hikki for a husband. You probably have to fuck her and you probably have to hide your CP, but you already knew those.

>> No.9376845

If I'm not expecting loyalty then what's the point? I thought the idea was to get them to fall in love with me so they would provide for me. If they aren't loyal where the fuck does that leave me?

>> No.9376861

They sleep around on a dime. Say she goes out for a ladies night and you call her up at two in the morning just after Flanfly and she's all sweet to you over the phone, her beloved hikki? It is full possible she's wearing some other guy's baby batter on her face.

>> No.9376895

>An analogy compares two things with one another.
Nope, that's a comparison.
Analogy are traits of two unrelated things that bear similarities.

She used a metaphor, get it right next time.

>> No.9376900

No, she is fucking insane, get it right next time.

>> No.9376913

Seriously, what is a SJW?

Please respond.

>> No.9376924

I think it means "social justice warrior".

>> No.9380373

She's saying she's incapable of working and going to school, much like toddlers can't do work intended for grown ups.

>> No.9382865

Too much.

>> No.9382905

