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9368576 No.9368576 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a NEET Life-hacks thread?

>> No.9368598

1) Your parents probably have enough money to take care of you for 25-30 more years as long as you don't have extravagant needs.

>> No.9368619
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I find all of the best `life hacks' are schemas for making decisions, which are often hard to take for valid, or have been drilled into you for so long that you're become inoculated against them - eg. `Working hard yields proportional rewards.' It sounds really silly and cliche and said-to-death, but you would be amazed at how many people downplay it and attribute their situation to uncontrollable factors.

>> No.9368643

2) Shit on the floor and piss in bottles to reduce stress of having to go all the way to the bathroom.

3) Use your piss as an in-room shower when you are feeling dirty or sweaty.

4) Use your shit as fertilizer and grow flowers so that their smell cover up the possible stench you might have from all the piss and shit.

>> No.9368639

If you live in a rather busy area, there is never a need to buy food. You can go through bins behind bagel shops and bakeries and grocery stores and such to get free food. Bakeries will often bake fresh every day so anything left at the end gets thrown out, even though it is still perfectly edible. While grocery stores will often throw out stuff just because the packaging got a little damaged, or something spilled on it, or it reached the use-by date but is still safe to consume.

I have not actually bought food for a year and a half now. I pay my rent and utility bills with my spergdosh. It's a very good system.

>> No.9368646


Jerkcity? Really?

What is this, Portal of Evil circa 2001?

>> No.9368667

most important are money-saving tips like buying rice in bulk
and that one about Wendy's

>> No.9368669
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Jerkcity is great.

>> No.9369068

>4) Use your shit as fertilizer and grow flowers so that their smell cover up the possible stench you might have from all the piss and shit.
I was drinking something, you asshole

>> No.9371858
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I thought this thread might have more potential, so I'm bumping it up. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything to add right now.

what is the Wendy's hack?

>> No.9371863

If you spend 1 day a week masturbating 20 times in a row you don't have to masturbate for the rest of the week.

It's a great timesaver.

>> No.9371870


The more I masturbate the more I do, I find just doing it once a day is enough.

>> No.9371881

But anon, there isn't a limit to the amount of times I masturbate per week, so I usually end masturbating around 70-80 times per week. I can't fit that in one day.

>> No.9371901

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9371917
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Wendys thread

>> No.9371921
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>> No.9371920

If you start lifting weights for strength you can prepare for your revenge without alerting any mental health workers or parents (in fact it will make them less suspicious of you).

>> No.9371925

Any NEET supahackas here

>> No.9371947

I run Arch in a virtual machine on top of an Arch installation, so yes I believe I qualify.

>> No.9371948

Put grocery store bagged ice in the non-freezer part of your fridge. The ice will melt, absorbing heat that would otherwise have had to have been pumped out the back of the fridge creating more heat in the process. Cost: about 4 bucks. Less if you pay your own electric bill, of course. Benefit: priceless. Fuck heat waves. Fuck them to fuckhell where they're from.

>> No.9371973
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>> No.9371975
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You're my favorite /jp/ poster <3

>> No.9372032

Or better yet: Don't use a fridge at all. There's enough food that doesn't have to be kept cool.

>> No.9372071

Use a very small dorm freezer to freeze ice packs. Get a five-day cooler from wal-mart Keep your groceries in the cooler and change out the ice packs for frozen ones every day or every other day.

>> No.9372082

But do you use an IBN5100

>> No.9372093

Is it possible to survive off of only rice and vitamins?

>> No.9372089
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>> No.9372098

No, because you need the eight essential amino acids (complete protein). And there are more micronutrients than just vitamins.

>> No.9372099

Probably depends on the rice.

Whole grains tend to have more proteins and such. Ask gluten.

>> No.9372105
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how to hide onaholes

>> No.9372109

These are only for masters of Hokuto Shinken only. Doing these wrong will result in... a bit of a mess.

>> No.9372110

Good luck getting more than 2 grams of protein per 100g of rice, nerd. I don't think any rice has all 8 essentials, either.

Best not to kid yourself and add canned tuna to the mix.

>> No.9372112


coughing during an injection? that might not go too well for you

>> No.9372113

now see, there's jokes, and then there's mean-spirited troll advice

up yours

>> No.9372123


Thank you very much for the information.

>> No.9372125 [DELETED] 

Fools are you alive man?
How long is the ban?

>> No.9372136

Rice is not a complete protein. You need to eat beans as well.

>> No.9372140

What kind of beans?

>> No.9372144

My pantsbean.

>> No.9372152
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>I'll never have Miso Soup for breakfast

>> No.9372153

miso soup is too salty

>> No.9372162

your dad's semen was too salty so your mom spat it out and accidentally got it in her puss

thats how you were made

>> No.9372169


pls no lewdness

>> No.9373161

I literally have no expenses. I can make $150 last for 6 months.

>> No.9373183

Find a pawn shop/goodwill in the rich part of town. This might be common news already though.

>> No.9373189

Wear the same clothes for at least three months in a row. Your sweat will clean away stains.

>> No.9376070

I can't find it anymore. but there was one I had saved that was by someone who used to work at wendy's
there was some crazy money-saving stuff about salads and chicken sandwiches and something.
Like you could order a plain chicken sandwich and have vegetables added to it for a price significantly less than whatever combo meal equivalent.

>> No.9376080

oh and the fries.
the fries are messed up in their sizes.
Like one box holds the exact same number of fries as the next size up, it's just taller. I can't remember which sizes they were though.

>> No.9376095

If you can draw, even just decently, you can draw porn money.

>> No.9376092

Wendy's is Jews now. They got rid of all their dollar burgers and replaced it with a 1.79 burger that has full vegetables instead of 2 patties. And their 1.50 burger is 2 patties and cheese, nothing else. The double stack used to be $1 and 2 patties with pickles onions cheese

>> No.9376094

I made thread but the janitor deleted it.

I applied for autism bucks but they rejected me, do you think they will change their mind if I appeal?

>> No.9376098

for money*

>> No.9376101

if you say ``scooby doo'' you get something extra with your fries.

>> No.9376108

Hey if anyone wants to pay for my laser hair removal I will post trap porn of myself on /b/

>> No.9376119


>> No.9376130

If you don't want to learn how to cook but want to eat cheaply and healthily, you can buy quick oats. Not instant oatmeal, that's shit. Quick oats can be made in the microwave in about a minute. You combine the oats and water and you're done. You can add sugar or peanut butter if you want.

If you want to exercise but don't want to be hardcore about it, you can just play with a sledge hammer. You can google "Shoveglove" if you want official guides on how to do it, but just pretending to be a dragon slayer with it is good enough. Don't break anything.

These aren't very good but whatever.

>> No.9376133

Or you can just follow a recipe, those always turn out good enough for consumption.

>> No.9376135

>this is still made daily


>> No.9376139

Don't forget the squats.

>> No.9376144

It keeps getting made until the day you learn to quote properly.

>> No.9376147

because it's not made by actual people except in some cases

>> No.9376148

Pissing in the sink is great. It's the perfect height so you can go hands free, you don't have to bother with throwing bottles away, and you don't have to alert the world to your presence with loud pee sounds/flushing.

You really don't have to eat as much as people act like, humans used to go days tracking down herds of animals on pretty much nothing.

Fixing broken things isn't that hard with the internet

A single frozen pizza is like $5
A pizza buffet is around the same price
Do the math

The more emotional you pretend to be the less people will bug you about being a NEET

>> No.9376150
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I know it's reddit but this is the only reason I go to that shit site: http://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/ lots of tips for making money online. My current system is Chacha (as a GE/SP), Slicethepie, Socialsci (only pays in Amazon giftcards), and Topline. I can just barely make minimum wage if I work really hard. Pic is my Chacha bux.

>> No.9376151

Takes time, though. I don't want to take the time to cook when I have lots of food that tastes good and is healthy that doesn't take time. Namely vegetables, though I think not many people like the taste of those alone.

>> No.9376154

Most recipes I use take 30 minutes at most, I wouldn't call that long.

>> No.9376161

I don't want to take that long when I can just take 2-3 minutes. I'm not really a food person, I don't see the point when I can just eat simple and still be happy.

>> No.9376160

Chacha is literally 10cents for 1000 answers. You'd make money faster on Bitcoin trading and mining.

>> No.9376165

I like eating vegetables alone. I don't understand people who do things like salad dressing, if you don't like the taste of the vegetables why are you eating them?

>> No.9376168

As a Generalist/Specialist I make 10-20 cents per query; it's only the vetters and expediters that get extremely shitty pay. They have a system set in place that won't allow you to make more than $2/hour on any level, though.

>> No.9376173
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Don't your parents have you guys on life insurance?

Live with parents until they die.
Acquire life insurance money.
Live off life insurance money.

>> No.9376177

My dad is dead and my mother is more poor than me.

>> No.9376179

My mom's is only like $100,000 and I have to split it with my brother.

I also don't know how to be independent.

>> No.9376181

I like their frosties. Their cheesburgers are also good, I usually get a number 2.

>> No.9376185

Grow your own food. It's easier than it sounds and will save you a TON of money that you can put towards something else.

>> No.9376198

wow, so i'm not the only one
everyone i know is so shit-excited about food all the time.

carrots are awesome by themselves, others is a bit tricky. I'm trying to cut back on how much dressing I pile on my leaves

>> No.9376214

I only like carrots in soups. I do like darker lettuce, I hate that white stuff, no flavor, too much crunch.

>> No.9376226 [DELETED] 
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sell stuff online

it doesn't matter what you sell, you can make a minimum of $50 a month which is almost enough to pay for a cellphone bill.

>> No.9376224

How do you feel about broccoli? Sometimes I like to just eat a stalk of it, though it can easily supplement something like rice or shit easily.

>> No.9376227

>eating shit
No, not even once.

>> No.9376229

I was surprised with how easy this was. I upgraded some components in my desktop and decided to sell off the old stuff for the hell of it and got back like half what I spent on upgrades.

>> No.9376230

Silly goose.

>> No.9376232

Broccoli is my favorite. I enjoy it steamed and in pastas. I don't like broccoli and cheese thing, it overpowers the broccoli.

>> No.9376237

I got more bills than a cellphone bill. In fact I don't even have a cell phone but I got other shit to pay for.

>> No.9376249

Why do you need a cellphone if you have no one to call?
Also cellphones are evil.

>> No.9376254

wrap your dakimakura with an electric blanket to feel your gf's body warm

>> No.9376258

There's a goodwill clearance center near here (do they have those everywhere? I dunno, probably) where you can go and they bring out the stuff that failed to sell at Goodwill in big bins, and sell it by weight. I've seen plenty of people that spend literally all day there picking out nice finds and selling them on ebay. I probably wouldn't be that dedicated (might as well just get a fucking job at that point) but spending a little bit of time in such a place from time to time picking through junk and finding stuff that might sell could be a good way for some people to make a few extra bucks.

>> No.9376271
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When I started selling high school I was making $200 a month easily, now I'm racking up 2k~5k a month easily. Hell I've got everything all setup even I don't do anything I'll still get at least $100 a month now.

You'll need A LOT of money just to make a bit of money if you want to sell stuff online, but it is tremendously better than working at McDonalds making $7/hour and talking shit from people and having them treating you like dirt.

Want to take it easy? Get some cash, sell stuff online. The more you do it the easier it becomes.

I pay $30 / month for my cell phone bill which gives me unlimited data and 100 minutes.

Also take your tinfoil rms shit back to /g/

>> No.9376275

So they only sell things in batches? Is it a blind sale?

>> No.9376289

What exactly do you sell? The only thing I have of possible worth are video games that you can already get for dirt cheap at any store anyways.

>> No.9376290

Where do you get your products? You have some kind of wholesale connection, or just buying from other ebay auctions and flipping them?

>> No.9376286

No, they wheel out bins pretty regularly (taking out old bins to replace them at certain intervals) and you can just grab whatever you want from them (or even take stuff apart and grab part of something if you want) and then take it up to the front and they weigh it, charge you something like $1.20 per pound, or $.50 for a book, some things like furniture set prices.

>> No.9376288


How much do you need to start? 10,000 dollars or more than that?

Also, what do you resell? Just go to ebay, find cheap computer parts, and then resell them or do you do something else?

>> No.9376291

Any sort of guide to the whole selling process? I've never sold a thing in my life except band candy. But I have spare cash to start up selling shit, if I knew where to start.

>> No.9376295


>> No.9376297


Please respond

>> No.9376300

It absolutely is not. It will expose the pipe to bacteria, making it smell, very quickly. Even worse, your urine contains uric acid salts, which will eventually get stuck in the pipe and clog it.

If anyone with even a basic knowledge of plumbing smells or looks at the piping of your sink, they'll know you've repeatedly pissed in it.

>> No.9376312

Is it something plumbers encounter often or something?

>> No.9376313

There's nothing greedy about getting advice on how to start a business.

>> No.9376327

I was just playing around because we all 4 responded so quickly...

>> No.9376329

Why doesn't that happen to toilet pipes then?

>> No.9376337


>hurr reddit lelelele
come on not all of reddit is shit.

>> No.9376341

Goodwill is a great place to find beige keyboards that idiots will buy up for $30~$100 a piece.

$30 is pretty much guaranteed, add in $10 for shipping, $5 for fees, and you'll have a $15 profit. And thats the minimum. I know people who are earning 1k a month just from selling old keyboards just from the recent boom.

Hah, no. When I was in HS I only had $800 in my possession and knew that I either have to work to get more money or do something.

I'd say $500 is enough. To get everything rolling. Realistically if I was given a challenge I can do it off $300 and earn at least $100 by the end of the month.

I can't say what I sell but I can say that I sell big ticket items so I only have to ship things a few times a week (Or have the mail man pick it up, you don't even have to leave your house).

Amazon marketplace would be the best place to start, Ebay is alright but there is a $500 to $1000 limit a month so for big ticket item guys like me its useless.

>> No.9376348

Good for you stop coming here then

>> No.9376352

I like selling cameras because I like cameras, and photographers are stupid. I go down to the flea market every once in a while to find something that might sell, but they're either too stubborn to go down in price, or the stuff doesn't even work properly.

>> No.9376356

My apologies.

>> No.9376357

Just read the sidebar and get out of there

>> No.9376369

I don't usually shop at the regular Goodwill stores, since they tend to overprice things in my opinion. The clearance centers you can get great deals at sometimes though, if you're willing to sift through a fuckload of junk and a bunch of other rude and smelly junk collectors who swarm like vultures pushing and shoving each other out of the way whenever a new cart comes out. It's all in good fun though.

>> No.9376377

Add fresh vegetables and spices to your ramen to make it healthier, better tasting and more filling. I like chopped kale, broccoli, lima beans, drozen stir fry veggies, spinach ect. I also always add cayanne pepper to make it spicy. Also try adding an egg or two and boiling it for a couple minutes before you add the noodles.

>> No.9376384

Honestly, I've been to reddit one time. I decided I would stop hating until I went there and saw it. But I didn't even know how the site worked so I just left. Too far out of my comfort zone.

Thing is, I don't know what I would sell. I could look at things that sell for a lot, but then I'd have to know how to get them. It's not as easy as my video games where I can go to the nearby ruins and just find valuable stuff.

And then minor things. I have to package the stuff, do I get boxes at the post office? Do they cost money and how much?

And another worry is shipping the stuff. What if I fuck up and don't ship it right? I'm just too anxious about all the little things.

>> No.9376388
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Can't say that. Unless you find a good connection your online business will solely depend on luck. In HS I was just flipping things back into the market and I was earning a decent amount.

Generally you should sell stuff that you know about.

I was just reading /d/ last night and they have a couple of vitamins that can increase semen by tenfold and I was just thinking about buying some supplies in bulk then selling it back into the market. I can get a year supply for $30 and I can possibly sell a one month supply back onto ebay for $30 each - and people will buy it.

>> No.9376392

Enjoy going to jail if government decides to take you down due to tax violations.

>> No.9376397

Canned chicken really enhances it as well, though it also greatly increases the price of the meal.

Canned tuna in ramen is kind of disgusting.

>> No.9376400

Do you have the /fit/ posts about the different cum enhancing vitamins?

>> No.9376404

>photographers are stupid

Jeez, how rude.

>> No.9376409

Yes, definitely. Moreso for issues relating to the sink smelling, as you only need to piss in it a couple of times for it to stink, whereas to block it you'd need to do it fairly regularly. My father worked as a plumber and he used to tell me how common it is in student accomodation - specifically, shared dorms where there is a sink in every room, but only one bathroom to share. Students were too lazy to use the loo, apparently.

He told me that even if it had been pissed in only a couple of times, it was very easy to tell you had by the discolouration of the piping, the smell (the more you do it, the stronger the smell, in theory) and the build-up of bacteria.

It does. What do you think the urinal cakes (or 'Urinal deodorizer blocks') are there for? Even limescale in normal water can erode piping. I think toilets use filters to collect / break down any solids in their piping. They're now making a lot of waterless urinals, I don't fully understand everything but there's more here:

>> No.9376419

Yeah, I had to piss in an airport the other day and noticed they had waterless urinals. Thought it was kind of strange.

>> No.9376420

Masturbating to 3x 24" montiors is better than 1x 24"

Get an ikea galant desk if you have a small NEET castle, there is tons of room to store shit below and above and the galant rolling drawer they sell has a cominbation lock built in big enough for an onahole and tons of other questionables.

>> No.9376415

I don't go on fit.

>> No.9376431

Okay, "fauxtographers"
The kind that buy stuff so they can show it off and display, but never really use it. If I find a nice camera or lens, I prefer to keep it for my use. The kind that are just neat to have, you're better off selling. Although to be honest, you'd make more money selling the good equipment. But I like photography too.

>> No.9376447

Photographers are genuinely stupid.

You can sell the following items and make money quick:

1. Apple products
2. Camera equipment
3. Audio equipment

>> No.9376449

Ah, good old GAS. I know what you mean.

>> No.9376451

And Leica, don't forget Leica.

I mean, they make nice lenses and cameras, but the price is just ridiculous especially for what you get. And even though I know they're stupid and greedy and I hate them, I still want that Monochrom.

>> No.9377599

How is it possible to live on so little? The way I work it out, it always ends up at $10 a day, with an extravagant 3 meals a day.

>> No.9377613

your comment made it even more funny.

>> No.9377828

Can I solicit untested advice?

Eat to get fat, it's not like you're a pinnacle of health and it gives you some headway to not eat for a couple days.

Go to golden corral and you can easily consume 4000+ calories for reasonably cheap

>> No.9377892

To the guy who thinks pissing in the sink is bad:

I pissed in the sink at my parent's place probably twice a day for 5+ years, it never got clogged.
Just make sure to send some water down after it.

>> No.9378006

Urine is sterile, so it hasn't got any bacteria at the time it comes out of your bladder. I'm not quite sure if it is a suitable place for bacteria to grow, but it goes through the sewers fast enough so I don't think it matters anyway. And uric acid salts are only present in non-residual amounts on people that are dehydrated, and even so they aren't supposed to be really big. But then again, I'm no plumber, so whatever.

>> No.9378253

Well I try to sleep as much as I can. Usually upwards of 12 hours. I guess it might save me money. Not sure if it qualifies as a lifehack though.

>> No.9378282

If you try to commit suicide a couple of times then you'll probably get enough sympathy to last you a life time. Sympathy brings nice things but also brings bad things like people pitying you all the time and never giving you responsibilities, but who needs those as a NEET? I've got my Mom convinced that buying me weed from her friend at work helps cull my suicidal urges and helps my depression. I can get high all the time and play my video games and watch my Japanese shows. It's fantastic.

>> No.9378408

I honestly wish that didn't sound like a good idea, but it does.

>> No.9380391

I don't have it in me yet. Maybe when my depression gets worse.

>> No.9380408

Urea is toxic retard.
