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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 84 KB, 750x453, BESTEST_GAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
936821 No.936821 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck. I just noticed the fact that muvluv alternative will never be translated. And that makes me rage so fucking much. Why are so many translations of shitty VN and nobody has started translating this? I hope the tripfag who's now translating Chaos;Head reads this, he's the only chance we have.

>> No.936853

get me something that can extract the scripts and im down to translate some good shit.

ive got no technical skills

>> No.936855

Indeed, I feel bad for people who can't play my favorite eroge. Translation teams like mirrormoon should really start translating THE BEST before translating average VNs or crappy games. Wasn't /m/ doing something about it? I never see Muv-Luv threads there.

>> No.936871

I'll say it again, I'd love to start a translation team, but I just need a few anon who have good technical skills for unpacking/repacking scripts, etc.

and maybe a few more translators too, i cangt do it all

>> No.936889

Hey guys, I have an idea: if we group people who would be ready to translate a part of the game and the ones in charge of the /m/ translation (if there's one), I bet we could get the game (extra + unlimited + alternative) translated after 6 months. Also, we should ask /m/ about it.
The more people we have, the hardest management will be, but the fastest it will be if we are organised.

Personally, I don't think I could really help with the translation (it's either I spend 30 minutes per sentence with dictionaries and shit or I translate with ATLAS, my skills are too low), but I'd be glad to manage the project and make progress threads.

>> No.936914

Toniglobe browses /jp/, although maybe not this hour. If you can see this, please reupload the Total Eclipse translations; it got deleted for some reason.

>> No.936917

i think its definitely plausible.
We can't have a big group though. I just got done with 3rd Semester Japanese, so I've got a good grasp on grammar, with a decently sized vocab. Kanji might be tough, but if someone extracts scripts, I've got Rikaichan.

Don't shrug off 3rd semester Japanese. In 5th semester we dont even use textbooks, it's newspapers and magazines, nothign but vocab, and right now we're just trickling down the last few grammar points they want to teach us.

>> No.936948

OP, don't be so pessimist. Now there are more ongoing translations of great visual novels than 6 months ago, and in 6 months there will be more than today.

>> No.936964

Fan translation groups translate whatever they liked, not what you faggots want them to translate. Get it into your fucking head.

>> No.936967
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>> No.936966

So fan translation groups are faggots with bad taste

>> No.936979


>> No.936980

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.936991

Drop everything and translate the Unlimited manga, Toniglobe. He posted a transcript on /rs/ + pictures.
マブラヴ Total Eclipse

Green is addition information on terminology added to make life easier.
Some additional sentences focusing mostly on sound have been added to the script.

Prologue: "Let's play Electromagnetic Danmaku Shooting Game."
Total Eclipse 01.jpg
Total Eclipse 02.jpg
Total Eclipse 03.jpg
Total Eclipse 04.jpg

The drone of afterburners reverberate around the tunnels of the hive as a unit of twelve Shiranui Type 94 Senjutsuki cut their way through the stagnant air. Unopposed, the unit coiled their way downwards at high speeds through the gigantic main shaft, leading them further underground.

>> No.936992
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>> No.937009

Total Eclipse 09.jpg

Being thrust into a mission inside a Hive no doubt caused extreme mental tension to any participant, but Yui's willpower was remarkable. Her ability to control herself in such an extreme situation was uncommon and unnatural.

She was a natural born soldier. Her raw sense of spirit and willpower reinforced and refined since infancy to now. Tempered and hardened into who she was today.



She murmured whilst narrowing her eyes at the view.

The purity of her spirit was just supernatural at the lack of a better term and just one of her main qualities.

To be disturbed by such thoughts, such images, to have your heart waver at the thought of it all was a sign of weakness and inexperience.

>> No.937005

Total Eclipse 06.jpg
Total Eclipse 07.jpg

First Lieutenant* Yui, the unit's commander, was seated in her cockpit in silence. She was enthralled by the panoramic view of faint blue light that surrounded her.

Images from the external camera of her machine engulfed her vision, the visual data directly projected onto her retinas. It was an unforgettable experience, the mesmerizing view all around could easily fool her into thinking just her body alone and unaided was floating and in flight.

The surroundings were so...alien...created by a species not of this world...beings not even of this solar system. There was this slight sense of subtle beauty invoked by the faint phosphorescence glistening glow of the unending cavernous passageway.

Yui took the spectacle all in, but then her heart momentarily surged...

*(First Lieutenants are commissioned officers directly related to Army and Airforce organizations. They are one up from Ensigns/2nd Lieutenant and have a NATO paygrade of O-2)

Total Eclipse 08.jpg

>> No.937006


I've show them my gigantic main shaft, if you know what I mean.

>> No.937017

Total Eclipse 14.jpg

【Military ATCO】

"Attention, White Fang 0 to all machines.

That large scale BETA force is en route to your position."

Total Eclipse 15.jpg

The warning had been received, but Yui could not see any enemy reactions on the sensors or radar. Nothing at all.

Total Eclipse 16.jpg

Was the report incorrect, or were the sensors malfunctioning?

>> No.937013

Total Eclipse 11.jpg

Yui took in a long, drawn out, deep breath of air.

'Always maintain a heart of ice even when things start to heat up.'

The words she had remembered from the senior officer who had taught her everything, the man with the giant scar, crossed her mind.


"White Fang 1 to all units, cease flight immediately.

First platoon you'll move on ahead as vanguard.

Form an umbrella formation, second platoon shift into a wedge."

>> No.937028

otal Eclipse 29.jpg
Total Eclipse 30.jpg

Their leader shouts out in a calm and professional tone. The four units of the first platoon activate their flight packs for a few short moments, propelling them forwards with a jet assisted jump, closing the distance with incredible speed.

Total Eclipse 31.jpg

They take aim with their rifles and open fire on the unending horde ahead that outnumbered them easily 100 to 1. The sound of 36mm rifles spewing forth round after round becoming the dominant sound that howled away in the rapidly filling main passageway. Wave after wave fell to the bullets ripping through carapace and flesh.

Total Eclipse 32.jpg
Total Eclipse 33.jpg

However despite the attack starting off smoothly the vanguard unit rapidly lost momentum as it advanced. The four Shiranuis were forced to wade through the mountain of corpses and blood that washed up around their feet.

The friends of the massacred BETA frontline began to divide into two groups seamlessly, as if following the command of some omnipotent being, with one group splitting off to the left and one group splitting off to the right.

>> No.937023

Total Eclipse 20.jpg


"Shotgun 3!* Here we go!

First platoon advance up to a distance of 1500 with the enemy as soon as there's an initial missile impact. Second platoon follow behind afterwards, maintaining a distance of 100 with first, provide supportive covering fire."

*('Shotgun' is a NATO brevity code word often followed by a number. The code is an order to your unit to cease current operations and to prepare weaponry depending on the following number. Weapon preparation is decided upon during briefing. In this case Shotgun 3 probably stands for "Stop what you're fucking doing and ready all weapons, missile units prepare a full salvo.")

Total Eclipse 21.jpg
Total Eclipse 22.jpg

The Lieutenant's ears filled with a chorus of pilots chiming in with their own positive responses to the issued orders.

>> No.937031

Total Eclipse 37.jpg

【Military ATCO】

"Attention, White Fang 0 to all machines."

The voice of the officer who was the unit's only lifeline to headquarters hailed in once more, issuing a warning.

【Military ATCO】

"Enemy reinforcement. Brigade* sized. 12 o'clock. Distance 3000! Approaching via hall H12 to H227."

The corresponding data appears in Yui's eyes, one set of the data catching her attention.

*(A Brigade is a military term that identifies a certain size of an military unit. A standard NATO brigade constitutes 4000-5000 men)

>> No.937036

Total Eclipse 40.jpg

The wave of destroyer classes came crashing down into the tunnel in the far off distance, their hulking forms picked out by the infrared sensors of her Shiranui, the image magnified many times so that it seemed they were merely a simple outstretched touch away.

The lumbering beasts turned every so slowly around until they were facing her and her comrades. Then like a violent tidal wave they set off into a gallop, surging forwards as one. This visage of impending destruction...this was the form that BETA took when their hated enemy, mankind, invade their territory.

Total Eclipse 41.jpg


"Notification to all White Fang units.

We will begin the field test of the experimental weapons.

Begin preparations!"

>> No.937041
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Total Eclipse 42.jpg

A harsh warning tone echoed and pulsed throughout Yui's cockpit, urging, pleading that she begin evasive maneuvers.

The Lieutenant and her equally equipped wingman however stood firm, steadying their aim. The images that were scanned over their eyes of the approaching targets began to shake and tremor as the destoyer classes achieved top speed.

Total Eclipse 43.jpg


"White Fang 3...are you good to go?"

She queried the other pilot, as they discarded their Type 87 assault rifles, the ammunition inside barely expended. The huge, suspicious looking new rifles that were as big as the Shiranui's themselves were locked into place, the stocks of the weapons wrapping around and over the Senjutsukis' right shoulders. A hushed beep in the cockpit verified the saftey was removed.

Total Eclipse 44.jpg
Total Eclipse 45.jpg

'Experimental Model 99 Rapid Fire Electromagnetic Rifle'

A new weapon produced by the Imperial Army's technological industry. The sound, like that of a jet engine gradually building up in power escalated, growing louder and louder, emanating from the mysterious weapons.

The many red lights on the radar readout were now at a speed and distance where evasion was impossible.

Total Eclipse 46.jpg



Total Eclipse 47.jpg

>> No.937048

Total Eclipse 48.jpg

A sharp crackle of energy then a harmonious cry of gunfire drowned out everything. From the gaping maw of the Model 99 Electromangetic Rifles spewed forth a cascading torrent of 120mm shells, achieving firing speeds equal to that of a chain gun.

Empty shell casings were expelled from the containers behind like a fountain as rounds were constantly loaded autonomously. The incredible overwhelming force of the recoil from these viciously powerful weapons began to shake the entire frame of the two Shiranuis' to the point the cockpits inside were jarring uncontrollably.

Total Eclipse 49.jpg

Yui clenched her teeth as she concentrated on her targeting display and sensors, ignoring the violent vibrations all around her.

On the radar, the swarm of red dots looked as if they had come to a complete stop, their advanced entirely halted.

'Huh?' she thought to herself, was the sensor misreading again?

She returned her focus back to the visuals from her external camera.

>> No.937056

go to http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki
make a page for your project
talk with the staff on irc

>> No.937058

Total Eclipse 50.jpg

Such a huge number of destroyer classes, their powerful counterattack completely halted just by two Shiranuis?



The lieutenant tightened her grip on the trigger of the FBL* control system, laughing quietly to herself and her spirits lifted.

*(FBL is an aviation acronym for Fly by Light one of two ways controls are linked to the other systems of an aircraft, the other type known as Fly by Wire. Fly by Light utilizes optic cables over the standard bulky cables used in FBW systems, making them much more responsive, faster to react and provides more space and weight for cargo or armaments.)

Total Eclipse 51.jpg

Even though it was a rookie's mistake to get caught up in such a furor, Yui just couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the scene before her.

>> No.937066
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Total Eclipse 52.jpg

Like an expertly conducted concerto, with the model 99's leading the orchestra and Yui's order's as the conductor the entire company opened up with a hymn of ordinance and a chorus of missiles impacting left and right. The first platoon pushed forward again, close quarters combat their forte and the second platoon providing fire support from their position.

The destroyer classes out in the rear who were still in the process of charging fell victim to cluster missiles, which streaked past them and behind their front armor before dispensing scattered child warheads into their exposed skin, obliterating any of the smaller BETA strains nearby.

They could win...They WERE winning.

Suddenly another urgent tone began to beep away in her cockpit, a warning message appearing across her vision.

The vibration sensors, which were picking up the recoil and explosions from the battle began to radiate a bright white.

Total Eclipse 53.jpg


>> No.937069

Total Eclipse 56.jpg


"First Platoon! Retreat!

Second platoon cover their retreat!

White Fang 3, supress the left flank!"

Yui shouted out in utmost urgency. The right flank...she hastily set her machine into motion, running to a position where she could pour fire into the new tunnel opened up there.

But the rifle, it was large, heavy, much more than the assault rifles she had grown used to and the turning capabilites were slightly off.

Total Eclipse 57.jpg

>> No.937072


>> No.937076
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Total Eclipse 60.jpg


"The barrel's overheating!?"

Total Eclipse 61.jpg

The experimental model 99 electromagnetic rifle was known to rapidly overheat due to speed at which it fired such large caliber ammunition.

That's why it was equipped with large-scale state of the art cooling systems but when there was trouble with the system an inbuilt safety would shut off.

Unfortunately for her it had decided to fail at the wrong time and the safety system had shut her new weapon offline.

Total Eclipse 62.jpg

>> No.937077
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>> No.937083
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>> No.937086
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>> No.937091
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>> No.937093

Wrinkled skin. Pulsating flesh. The heavy stomp of many feet. Her entire body shudderd in fear as it approached.

>> No.937097
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Total Eclipse 68.jpg (This was a real bitch to get)

With its arms raised the closing grappler swung.

>> No.937100
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Total Eclipse 69.jpg

Her cockpit shook and shuddered as with explosive force the Model 99 was purged from Yui's hardpoint, freeing her right arm from the dead weight.

From a casing built into the forearm the hilt of a dagger designed from close combat shot out like lightning, followed by a second.

She lunged with all her strength.

>> No.937103
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Total Eclipse 70.jpg

She was too slow, a hair's breadth to slow...

'White Fang 1 is judged to be unable to fight anymore.'

A new, disembodied, computerized voice announced. The grappler's arm had frozen in place. It had pierced the outer armor but had stopped just before it tore into the cockpit.

>> No.937104


Sounds like a trip to a retirement home.

>> No.937105
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Total Eclipse 71.jpg

Then, everything that she could see, the hive, the BETA and her allies all began to shatter into hundreds of hexagon shaped fragments. Everything was bathed in red light as the fragments started flickering out one after another. Large writing appeared in place up against the walls of the simulator, 'Virtual combat program 19 Voruk* has ended.' and the entire machine began to shut down.

*(Voruk is the name of the Russian task force that entered the Minsk hive with the purpose of gathering data on BETA hives. Only a few survivors were extracted out of the hundreds at the end of the operation but the data they brought back proved invaluable.)

Total Eclipse 72.jpg
Total Eclipse 73.jpg

【voice 】

"Great...thing cuts out just when we need it most?

That means it's..."

>> No.937109

【Yui 】

"No...the cooling systems were hit by a fragment of a grappler.

There was nothing wrong in it's operation."

【Amamiya 】

"Ah I see. Then the problem is the weapon's defensive capability."

【Yui 】

"No. If I hadn't let the enemy get so close in the first place it wouldn't of have been a problem."

【Amamiya 】

"Well, if your Senjutsuki was a little faster and readied your blades faster it probably would have been fine."

【Yui 】
"I...can't agree with what you say. No, the Senjutsuki was performing fine, no problems with it at all."

She reflected on what had just happened. With her gone the entire right flank would of have been routed entirely. The first platoon and second platoon were completely separated from one another and were easy pickings. They would of have been annihilated in a matter of minutes.

Even then, if she was able to hold out for a little longer only half of them would of have probably returned alive in that situation.

>> No.937108
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>> No.937114

【Yui 】
"I was negligent.

I was too caught up in the capabilities of the Model 99 when I should of have been looking out for Sleeper Drift's* instead."

The entrance, called Sap Drift+, had been covered with the same material that lined the Sleeper Drift.

All made from unecessary drift aquired from hive expansion

*(Sleeper Drifts are ambush tunnels dug out by BETA either during or before an assault.)
+(Sap Drift is the collective name of Sleeper Drift exits...I think.)

【Amamiya 】

"Even if we were cautious, with just a single company 100% detection of Sleeper Drifts is impossible."

>> No.937118
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【Yui 】

"You've made your superior officer feel foolish."

The young officer returned the smile to her subordinate, greatful for her concern.


Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse: coming to a torrent near you.

>> No.937125

i have no staff

I'm a freelance moonspeaker

>> No.937136


Is there a reason they're using retarded terms like "Sleeper Drifts" for tunnels, or is it just trying to sound deep?

>> No.937148

By staff I meant the local tlwiki staff, they could help you with the technical stuff.

>> No.937164

Are there tutorials on text extracting?

>> No.937173


Oh ho, have fun with THAT engine.

>> No.937172
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Probably just a term that's hard to translate into something good in English.

>> No.937181

No, each game engine is different, however there are people who can do it for you.

>> No.937195

I'm not a reverse engineer-er, but I'm guessing it could be possible to use AGTH's copy to clipboard and write some small CLI program to automatically paste the text with a separator and new line into a text file.

However, putting English back in it would be an issue. I did see a screenshot with English IN THE GAME, but you might need to consult /m/ and ask around.

>> No.937191

well, I'd rather just join a staff. Namely, either help out with Remember 11 or Sharin no Kuni, but I dont see any emails or contact links

>> No.937208

The main page lists an irc channel, there are talk pages, there is no email since there are many people working on tlwiki.

>> No.937205

/m/ isn't very helpful you see >>>/m/1757402

>> No.937214

It certainly is a possiblity, but if you can work with the original scripts you'll be saving much time needed for script insertion.

>> No.937217

Voice your interest on the tlwiki and you will GAIN a staff.

They have lots of programmers to spare, but few translators.

>> No.937315

>>muvluv alternative will never be translated

>> No.937340
File: 96 KB, 700x508, 1215050533073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to the first Muv-Luv being translated? Don't they have some super sekrit project page?

>> No.937418

Bump for superior VN

>> No.937485

Talked to ndt. They're fine with it, but it appears the translator disappeared

>> No.937498


>> No.937505



>> No.937514

ndt = owners of tlwiki. Google it.

>> No.937510

do the fuck want

>> No.937517

Non-directional translations. The guys who translated Kanon (and are now pissed at the leak) and injected/translated English into several Touhou and other Doujin bullet hell games.

Behold, /jp/, your gods.

>> No.937523

well id help them out with translating stuff, no problem. Preferably a game that I think would be fun

>> No.937531

They're faggots. We should get some other group to do it.

>> No.937545

Ok, they took how long to try and edit a almost fully translated game and still fail?

I think I'll be enjoying my translated muv-luv when I'm in my 30's (and before someone asks, 19).

>> No.937661

Please don't put NDT and TLWiki in the same bucket.
While they share the same channel, most of TLWiki's staff was not part of the team that worked on Kanon, whatever issues you may have with them are not issues you're going to have with TLWiki. Kanon is a private project maintained by a couple of the NDT staff, while TLWiki is a public, open project maintained by many volunteers.

>> No.937707

...and suddenly I like you guys again.

>> No.937724

played this game only for the opening song by jam project

>> No.938072

I don't even go to the irc, but I work as a translator on the wiki.

>> No.938470

Good luck trying to find someone to hack the game.
Seriously, translation should not be that hard. I did fine just with an online dictionary. But hacking will be hell I tell you. Also don't really want to scare you but the picture editing of the "hud" will need a very dedicated guy
Your best bet should be /m/ I guess

>> No.938481
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>> No.939534

Oh, I'd say translating the muvluv series is hard enough. Alternative's extracted script is 2170 A4 pages at a size 10 font, Muvluv something similar, and then there's the fandisks though arguably they're relatively short.

As for extracting scripts, there's a program that extracts the script files (and CG) from Alternative just fine. No doubt you could modify it a bit to get it to work with the original Muvluv as well (source code is included), I'm not good enough at programming for that. http://www.geocities.jp/hiko_bae/alterdec.html

>> No.939596

There actually is a way to extract them? Wish I knew back when I wanted to translate it.

>> No.939616


Yes, and it has been out for ages. Remember people, google does not hurt you. That's the first result from マブラヴ・オルタネイティブ 抽出 so finding it wouldn't exactly have been hard if you had bothered looking.

>> No.939635

What the fuck's up your ass?

>> No.939672

But in all fairness, we have yet to see a completed project from TLWiki, so who knows if they really are more reliable than NDT?

>> No.939713

Fandisks of MuvLuv (Supplement and Altered Fable) is full of minigames and the sheer amount of editing work needed on the pictures is enough to scare any volunteering human

Just Extra, Unlimited hell many will be happy even with Alternative only

>> No.941505

That is because projects only started having actual translations worked on them within the past 9 months.

And their translators are mostly really slow.
