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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9350991 No.9350991 [Reply] [Original]

Should I give in to temptation, /jp/?

>> No.9351012

wut game

>> No.9351020
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>> No.9351040

Dark Priestess awww yeah

>> No.9351046

You can join the forces of darkness in this game?!
suddenly I want to play it...

>> No.9351051


>> No.9351075

I just made job level 40 yesterday.

Good thing I picked the female sprites this time. Female assassin is pretty fappable.

>> No.9351080

Don't you have a wife?

>> No.9351087

i never played RO, in wich server are you?

>> No.9351088

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9351110

Probably just a quest for an item, like Bapho horns.

>> No.9351111

I can't play with generated female characters without feeling weird. its stronger than me.

>> No.9351138

I think it's part of the priest jobchange quest.
Withstand the temptation, become a priest.

If you pick the wrong answer you obviously fail and get ported back to the beginning to redo the whole thing

>> No.9351148

why are you still playing this game?

>> No.9351156
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>> No.9351172

...so, how do I download the classic client?

>> No.9351187

Just patch the normal client, and then check your RO folder.
Classic client should be there.

>> No.9351192

No little boys in this game, I guess

>> No.9351194
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, screenClassic001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno dude. But it's pretty fun (better than Diablo 3).

The classic one.

>> No.9351201

This piece of shit is not better than Diablo 3, you might think this if you are a weeaboo though.

>> No.9351214


Just about anything is better than Diablo 3, NERD.

>> No.9351247

I was wondering why that sin in TF was so autistic

>> No.9351251

Is it true that is free to play now?

>> No.9351267

Yeah d00d I just started grinding there. That STORM KNIGHT guy killed me like 3 times.

Gonna go somewhere else whenever I hit 60 though.

>> No.9351300

as big of a D2 fan i am, even i accept that everything is better than D3

>> No.9351340

now i want to play link?

>> No.9351349

I really wanted to play this, but the iRO servers lag too much for me orz

>> No.9351479

the fuck. I can't finalize account.

>> No.9351488

Same ;_;

>> No.9351542

Someone 99'd on classic already.
I wonder what tactic they used.
Bot? account share? exploit?
Or just good old fashioned no life grinding while spending all their autism bucks on exp boosters?

>> No.9351597
File: 81 KB, 540x391, ribbons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats because you're naked.

Put some headgear on

Ribbons or anything

>> No.9351618

Well it was a wizard, so all of the above plus more than one person playing the character I guess. Then they probably had people mobbing monsters but not sharing EXP.

>> No.9351650

I can't into 1/1/1 servers

>> No.9351703

Give me a ribbon, Anon.

>> No.9351751

Is it true you have to pay real money to get second job?

>> No.9351792

I've never even heard of that, although I also don't care about iRO's other servers at all. It's not on Classic, at least..

>> No.9351798

Is it too late for me to get into RO?

>> No.9351811

It's never to late

>> No.9351827

Too late.

>> No.9351841

Thanks guys, I'm gonig to go buy world of warcraft instead then

>> No.9351850

I meant TERA, sorry.

>> No.9351942
File: 75 KB, 800x600, screenFenrir027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its never too late.

I myself started just recently last 2004 and I still enjoyed it.

>> No.9354036

Didn't need it. But if you want to get that other shop stuff, then just use an isolation program (like Sandboxie) to abuse the warp portal points things.

Most of the shop items are useless though. At least for thief/assassin.

>> No.9354099

I believe you needed to buy some cash item to job change into your 3rd class when they were released, but I don't know if they stopped with that silliness. I doubt it.

>> No.9354137

you know, that's the one thing that lacks most of the MMORPGs today, you just don't have the freedom to choose which side you want to be, the good guys or bad guys.

>> No.9354187

Oh okay I'm downloading it now.

>> No.9354204

Is the guild up yet? I've been hunting Requiems for the past week or so, but I've yet to find an emperium.

>> No.9354225
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No one on /jp/ has found one yet.

>> No.9354223

There was a Gensokyo guild but the anon that started it quit and gave up his account. I haven't been online since then so I don't know if it's still up or if anyone made another guild.

>> No.9354239

I'm a bit lost, is this the right link?


or are you guys playing on a private server?

>> No.9354263

I was never very big on MMOs /jp/. How is it?

>> No.9354312

It's the right one.

>> No.9354904

Tell me if you need help Anon. I'll tank stuff for you.

I'm also on steam and such.

>> No.9354942

Where did you grind around level 30?

>> No.9355004
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Download the client, patch it, then look in the game folder for the launcher for Classic

For what class

>> No.9355101

What level are you, man teto?

I think I did Culvert? Can't remember. Even though it was a week or two ago.

Getting old blows.

>> No.9355120

Thief with shitty flee.

Thanks, I'll see how I fare once I remember how to get there.

>> No.9355201


>> No.9355296

Fuck, stop tempting me you guys. The last thing I need is to get back into RO.

>> No.9355463

culverts or the spore map down in alberta, bring curatives against poison spores


>> No.9355921


Where to level a 60 assassin? >>9351194

>> No.9356246

>stats and gear?

>> No.9357567

Back to mystcases. Or go to sandmen or desert wolves.

Mystcase and D.wolf for money and exp, sandmen for exp and chance for earth katar

>> No.9358566

Is anyone still here?

>> No.9359597


Oh cool, forgot about sand dudes. Thanks.

>> No.9359622

dunno up to what field that server has but you could do hill winds probably

>> No.9360896

Why is everyone in training grounds taking 1 dmg, while I die to everything?

>> No.9360938

just started i have no fucking idea of what to do, everything kills me.
Lv16 Thief.

>> No.9361041

Just hold on, anon!. Once I turn aco I'll come support you, and we will explore the world together.

>> No.9361140

those are fucking novice bots



>> No.9361204
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Well, I just got an emperium. Should the guild be named "Please Respond", or does anyone else have a suggestion?

>> No.9361215

Can you play RO with just the mouse? I want to play it and it looks interesting but I'm so lazy.

>> No.9361219

Can one play this game without other people? Can I rely on you guys? I don't want to talk to people.

>> No.9361226

How do you make money on Classic RO? I'm currently a piss poor level 29 Swordie.

>> No.9361231

Just go with that.

>> No.9361235

I just installed the game but it won't patch. Why do I always have problems with these things?

>> No.9361237

how many people can join?

>> No.9361246

it's been fucking years since i played RO, but if i recall, isn't guild level 1 only 10 people or something?

>> No.9361247

16 at first, 56 later.

>> No.9361266

So about that RO2...

>> No.9361268

Is it too late to play?
I want to play a game with /jp/

>> No.9361270

Sell all the crap the monsters drop. Better with a Merchant class.

>> No.9361287

>shitty rates and third job completely limited to f2ps

Yeah, no.

>> No.9361280

It's never too late with RO.

>> No.9361283

Where are you playing /jp/? Feel like playing again, RO is my most fapped game of all times probably. All those doujins, art, etc.

>> No.9361288

I might download it if I can play with /jp/. I don't like playing with people and /jp/ are the only ones I can sorta get along with anymore.

>> No.9361295

Third job is the worst thing that happened to RO

>> No.9361301
File: 161 KB, 800x600, screenClassic003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guild's up. If you want an invite, come over to Geffen, or send me a message.

>> No.9361307

Have to register to download... fuck this

>> No.9361311

Don't you need to register anyway for a login name and stuff?

>> No.9361314

They're not going to steal your credit card. Don't worry.

>> No.9361323

I thought this was f2p

>> No.9361329
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ooh yea bro

>> No.9361336

Yeah. Just pouting because all my usual names are taken.

>> No.9361338

it is
Please respond

>> No.9361337

I wish I could give a ribbon to ZUN!bar

I'm jealous.

>> No.9361345

Well in that case, I doubt I'm German enough to make deals with devils, but I guess I might try it out.

>> No.9361340

>heal pls
This is the RO I remember.

>> No.9361350

I'm totally out of touch with RO ever since they introduced third jobs. What have they added ever since?

>> No.9361352

Can anyone help with my question please?

>> No.9361365

Theoretically, you could but... you really don't want to do that.

I guess you could play an autoattack job like a crit sin or something if you're really that lazy.

>> No.9361373

Post your ign and we can thief it up, anon!

No third jobs on classic and I don't think it has rebirth either, so anything new doesn't really matter.

>> No.9361376



>> No.9361383

Can this be played with a controller?

>> No.9361390

Be more specific?

I don't know about the patcher now but back when I still played (like 8 years ago), most patcher related problems were because your hard drive was too full to download -> extract -> install the patch.

>> No.9361392

Better question. Why would you want to play this with a controller?

>> No.9361396

keyboard and mouse a shit

>> No.9361409


It keeps failing to get one of the files, and I have to start over.

>> No.9361413

All right /jp/, registered and downloading.
I just have to figure out a class that I want to play.

>> No.9361414

Sure, if you like controlling the mouse with the d-pad.

>> No.9361420

ign is Lumian

>> No.9361434


>> No.9361446

Your face is kuso.

>> No.9361454

Typical kusoge defender answer

>> No.9361463

How classic is classic? Is it pre-Comodo classic (like when upgrading items wouldn't make you lose your items, only send them back to +0)? Or "classic" as in just before Rebirth came out? Are the 2-2s in?

>> No.9361477

10 years later, my lv96 bard still hasn't gotten 99. I will never know what it feels like to have an aura.

>> No.9361497

I'm so sorry you have to hear this, it's classic back to right before third classes were added. Which means that the game is just as shitty as ever.

You know which classic I'd go back to? Back to when there were no hunter flies in GF dungeon and Graveyard. I swear, those two moves KILLED anything that was removely fun in the game.

>> No.9361503

Want to know which classic I want to go back to? To when there were golems in fucking geffen dungeon.

>> No.9361529

Yeah, hunterflies completely destroyed geffen dungeon, but that was mostly because every single non-caster job leveled there.

Same for Churchyard and Acolytes/Priests. I do miss all the people sitting around in the middle of the map and helping each other though...

At least levelling Mages/Wizards was still really possible in Prison with either a lot of fly wings or a teleport clip.

>> No.9361554
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Most things are pre-renewal
No trans until the population are high level enough (about 3 months probably)
Mobs are on pre-amatsu (no hunterflies in GH churchyard, but brilights in underprison, i think)
Some of the newer NPC are in, like socket guy, etc.
Some of the newer cities accessible via alberta are in, but they don't have mobs so people wont go all power levelling on them (like mi gaos)

>> No.9361555


I think the server is still use pre-amatsu spawns, so now's the time to grind.

>> No.9361558

>me cura/fdp/vlw
Oh, fuck no. I should have imagined. BRs are there as well.
and yes, I can recognize them because I'm one myself. But I behave.

>> No.9361568

Mages would eventually get things like Mi Gaos and Geographers. I remember I leveled a mage from 1 to job 50 in a single day at Mi Gaos. Same thing with Archer.

But I really loved Graveyard and Geffen dungeon. I could actually go there to sell potions and other goods. Yeah, there's other spots now too, but those were the most fun to vend at. And when you got bored with your high level, you could just go there and help or just show off. I still remember seeing my very first Lord of Vermilion and thinking how awesome and amazing wizards were with their flashy spells.

>> No.9361600

I miss this game

>> No.9361617

> still

Do you mean they will change the spawns again? That's like saying, "right now is a good time to be a new player, but later it will be a bad time to be a new player". Why do that? There will theoretically always be newbies, shouldn't it always be great time to be a new player on the server?

To this day, I still don't know why they made the monster changes. I didn't see any improvement. There were no more parties after than before. Must've been a Korea-only thing that got forced on everyone else.

>> No.9361637

Remember when you could use Dead Branches in town

>> No.9361638

Prison was amazing. I remember when vertical firewalling was a really big deal and learning that made you a levelling machine.

I was the first 99 wizard on iSakray...

So many days, weeks, months, years of my life wasted on that game.

I'd do it all over again if I could go back in time.

>> No.9361648

No news of monster shuffle anytime soon.

I think they are going to rotate through the monster distribution of each episode to keep things fresh. Or I dunno

>> No.9361646

Raping noobs by summoning Baphomets was always a blast.

I can see how they stopped working in town though.

>> No.9362946

I'm not sure why you guys are fussing about monster spawns. Once we have things like thors, ID, mosc and anubis it will be easy as fuck to level new characters.

>> No.9363403

nice headgear nerd

really abusing that OP double attack

>> No.9364380

it's down?

>> No.9364387

Seems so.

>> No.9364473
File: 45 KB, 800x600, screenYmir_VIP053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in gensokyo guild but last few times I've logged on it was dead.
Plus it had normals in it, which was just plain wrong.
Is there room in /jp/ guild?

>> No.9365779


>> No.9365810
File: 128 KB, 800x900, 1334009172288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you never made it to a level where hunterflies were a non-issue you don't know SHIT about RO.

>> No.9365806

Someone add Marisa.
I'm in geffen

>> No.9368204

Since I haven't decided a class yet, do you guys usually party together? Does it follow the regular tank, healer, damage dealer?

>> No.9370218
File: 156 KB, 750x980, eb7189b484a6583c12e513193534cb7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the guild plan for WoE? Will it contend in PvP or just for casual guild chatting?

>> No.9370615

We don't have enough people to take WoE on seriously, although we could try.
