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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9360500 No.9360500 [Reply] [Original]

How do Japanese NEETs find happiness when almost every drug is illegal over there and the only escape they have is weak liquor?

You can't even get feel good pills from Japanese doctors since they're all illegal.

>> No.9360506


>> No.9360507

Not all NEETs need drugs to deal with their problems

>> No.9360512

Drugs are for losers!

>> No.9360513

That's why I have never thought about even visiting Japan. No more growing marijuana in my closet, no more growing poppies in my garden for my opium tea, no more adderall from the pharmacy. What is the point of living without these things?

>> No.9360527

They don't. They're notoriously more depressed than western NEETs.

>> No.9360533

I don't know about them, but for me I use laughs and sometimes alcohol.
I'm used to laugh at nearly anything.

>> No.9360539
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Who cares if the liquor is weak? Just drink more of it.

>> No.9360545

no amount of japanese liquor can satisfy a finn or a slav.

>> No.9360549

Aren't ADHD pills legal in Japan? I thought the Japanese loved that stuff. With their ridiculous work ethic and obsession with getting good grades I had assumed that heavy drug use was pretty much common place so they could pull all nighters.

>> No.9360550

My suicide and being even more of a loser than non Japanese NEETs. How do NEETs get money for drugs anyways?

>> No.9360554

>drug thread!
'kay, so these are okay by the management if they don't actually have anything constructive in them?

So let's put something constructive in it, yay.

>Ether makes alcohol go farther, so you need to drink less for the same effect. Less liquor, less acetaldehyde, less hangover.

>And rum is supposedly one of the distilled liquors that can chew on your leg when it wears off, same with scotch and similar "whisky" craptastica since they put swampwater and piss in it. Use flavored american vodka or water down everclear yourself if you can get it.

>> No.9360557


>> No.9360565


>> No.9360586

i don't think so, at least amphetamines itself. but you'd have to google it.

>> No.9360595


Drugs are actually very cheap. I'm about as broke of a NEET as you could possibly get and I'm overflowing with more drugs than I need.

Marijuana is easy enough to grow. Just order a pack of seeds from a UK seedbank site, get some lamps, grow it in your house.

Opium is even easier and growing it is actually legal. Just go to Walmart or something like that, buy some poppies, grow a bunch of them in your garden, and just read a guide on how to cut them and extract the opium so you can make some tea. Pretty much a little cup of morphine.

>> No.9360625

Opium is even easier and growing it is actually legal. Just go to Walmart or something like that, buy some poppies, grow a bunch of them in your garden, and just read a guide on how to cut them and extract the opium so you can make some tea. Pretty much a little cup of morphine.
I may have to try this.

>> No.9360626


Alternatively, if you live with your parents and they have decent health insurance then fake a bad cough, go to the doctor, get some promethazine-codeine cough syrup.

If you want an upper instead of downer, something to give you a little rocket fuel and perk up your mood, then complain about ADHD symptoms and few minutes later you should have adderall or something that will make you feel good.

>> No.9360659


Be sure to research it before you make your tea. It's simple, but I've read about a few people who overdosed since they didn't even bother to read about how to prepare the tea.


>> No.9360685
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I've never understood why drug use isn't more common in /jp/.

No one here gives a shit about being socially acceptable since we're all shut-ins and I can't imagine health is a big concern when half the board is talking about suicide and the other half never gets any sunlight.

>> No.9360768

because buying drugs is hard when you have no friends and buying online can be expensive as fuck.

Even then that leaves alcohol, which i'm sure a fair amount of /jp/ uses but can still be expensive for nicer stuff. Research chems, which are often barely tested, sketchy or illegal depending on country and prescription drugs which requires /jp/ leaving the house and faking to another person to get...

>> No.9360793
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You mean anti-depressants are illegal over there? Wow, that's rough. I'd assume if that's the case then they deal with it in a similar way that I do and just masturbate and aimlessly browse the internet and play games in an attempt to find something that brings them enjoyment but failing inevitably day after day. I'm sure if I could get a hold of some drugs I'd be a real addict but its rather difficult when you have no friends.

>> No.9360797

depending on where you live, you might not even need to go to a doctor. for example in Polan codeine is OTC, and in tablets. for once it feels good to be slav.

>> No.9360802

There's always family if need be. Siblings can be great for that.
Some people also use social networking shitsites as tools to gain ``friends'', also known as ``acquaintances for business purposes''. Kind of like MMOs, clans, and their markets, really.

>> No.9360812

america=pill gobblin psychos

>> No.9360818

Drugs in Japan are the same as anywhere else. Easy to get if you know where to look.

>> No.9360824

he meant prescription drugs.

>> No.9360847

He must have, no one can be this ignorant and be on /jp/

>> No.9360891


Keep at it, sheeple like you exist for a reason.

>> No.9360945


Anti-depressants have always seemed like an oxymoron to me.

Is there a single anti-depressant on the market that actually makes you feel less depressed? SSRIs and all of those pretty much just exchange sadness for complete apathy. I'd rather feel sad than be on anti-depressants.

>> No.9360951

I'd take apathy over depression any day.

>> No.9360965

Complete apathy and no libido makes for a boring life

>> No.9360984

There's a huge gap in drug use in Japan. It's actually kind of strange if you look at it.

You're either so straight edge that it's kind of hilarious (I remember watching an anime awhile ago which had some line where the villain 'injected' one of the characters with "a lethal amount of marijuana") or you're completely on the other side and tweaking out on meth every day. There's not really much of a middle ground filled with moderate drug users like you find in western countries.

>> No.9360990

Why is /jp/ so shitty nowadays? It's seems like one of those emo forums where there's bitching everyday about "lol i'm a hikki" or NEETing. It's starting to get tiring seeing it everyday.

Also, saying "truNEET" and joking about it doesn't hide the fact that it's almost the same as emo forums. I have nothing against being a NEET, since I'm pretty much one, but seriously.

>> No.9361009


Why settle for apathy though? There's so many drugs out there that will not only fix your depression but also make you feel extremely energized and happy or very laid back and euphoric.

>> No.9361010

I've taken dozens of different types of anti-depressant. They won't make your life less shitty and give you confidence to meet people but I found that while on a few of them, I enjoyed the little mundane things such as playing ihofsufh747hw4fhsdhfahderpdherpdehreopdherpdehrhrpderh and a derp do de.

>> No.9361014

People have discussed this every single day since day one.

You're completely delusional.
Stay in /jp/!

>> No.9361020

Because you have to know people to get drugs, and most people here are too lazy to grow their own pot, plus that requires an investment in lights, a filter, an extractor fan, and soil.

>> No.9361021

What sort of drugs are the NEET drugs of choice? I haven't taken any drugs and I've never even drank. I can get almost any drug I want though because my Uncle is a huge dealer.

>> No.9361022

But nowadays it just seems like teenage angsty emo bitching.

>> No.9361037

I liked opiates the best of all, because they make you feel really content and euphoric. The only thing you want to do is sit down and nod out.

>> No.9361033

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9361035


Discussing drugs is emo? I've always thought of it as one of the more productive things that /jp/ could think about.

Wallowing in self-pity like you see in some of those hikki truNEET threads is just pointless. It doesn't make you happier, it's just a circle jerk of sadness. At least discussing drugs is taking an active step towards making you happier.

Imagine if everyone on /jp/ was on speed. Every thread would be filled with very long and informative posts, no one would be depressed so no "I'm so sad. I want to kill myself" threads, and discussion about /jp/ related hobbies would be through the roof.

It would be amazing.

>> No.9361040

>no one would be depressed

when they started coming down they would

>> No.9361056
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>drugs is taking an active step towards making you happier.

>> No.9361061

It's better than sitting on your computer, nerd

>> No.9361064


I think it depends on your state of mind. Two types of NEETs and each type would prefer a different type of drug.

If you're bored and apathetic then you would probably go for an upper. Maybe amphetamines since that's legal and I don't really see /jp/ going to some drug dealer and buying meth or ecstasy.

If you're sad and just can't take it easy then definitely something like alcohol, marijuana, or opiates. Probably alcohol since that's easiest to obtain.

>> No.9361065

Try countering what he said rather than posting a /v/ level reaction image.

>> No.9361068

Yeah I mean that's what I totally told you people to do.

>> No.9361073

It's too hard for me to do this kind of thing. I'd like to though

I'm not sure how my parents would feel if I started growing drugs or something

>> No.9361074

Opiates are an instant feelgood pill, there's no way to have a bad time when you're on them.

>> No.9361076

Honestly I would want to try weed, but the only suggestion if you have no friends is just growing it, which is just not possible when living with parents.

>> No.9361080


Happiness is the only thing that matters in life though. Can you honestly tell me that it's better for someone to live their life hopelessly depressed until they inevitably kill themselves instead of just taking a pill, drinking, or smoking something and all of the sudden they're happy and life is great?

>> No.9361084

They play Touhou and drink their weak shit you fucking faggot. Also hardcore chain smoking. Entering an arcade is the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes.

>coming down

>> No.9361091

I do not know how to get drugs and have no experience whatsoever with them. I have not even had a sip of alcohol in my life. I want to try marijuana some day but I don't know how to get it and I likely cannot afford it. As well, I have bad luck, and I would likely be caught instantly or shot by a drug dealer or something.

I drink a lot of coffee though, generally 6-10 cups a day. If I were to do a drug I would like it to be a stimulant as well. But then there's my original problem, don't know how to get them.

If I were to spend time researching how to make drugs I'd rather spend the time doing something I actually want to accomplish. And my mother would find me creating or growing drugs and kick me out.

>> No.9361095

Depression and happiness aren't the only options out there. Me for example, I'm not sad, but that doesn't imply I'm happy. And drugs isn't the only way you could achieve happiness, if you got a good computer and internet and can't be happy you simply aren't looking enough.

>And then, he replied something edgy and called him a normal in order to look like a cool board full of fReaK people 0_o

>> No.9361106

Try guerilla growing. I used to grow out in this nasty mosquito infested swamp near a bike trail, I'd take a 5 gallon bucket and cut the bottom out, fill it about 1/6 of the way up with peat moss, then fill it the rest of the way with a nutrient rich organic soil mix. I put them on little islands and dug down until there was about an inch of water in the hole, then I put the bucket in there and pushed it down. I transplanted the seedlings out after a few weeks into the buckets, and they'd water themselves because the roots grow down into the waterlogged soil. They were very low maintenance plants, the strain was Purple Power, but any hardy mold-resistant strain works.

>> No.9361107


It can be a little boring after awhile though. I'm the kind of person that is rarely sad and I'm mostly just bored so opiates fix the boredom and make me feel good, but then I just nod off or lay around smiling.

It's great, but sometimes I love that feeling of just being really stimulated. Bouncing off the walls, everything I do feels so interesting and immersive, talking so fast I sound like Sherlock Holmes, etc.


Feeling and talking like this is one of the best things in the world.

>> No.9361112

>if you got a good computer and internet and can't be happy you simply aren't looking enough.

this nigga

>> No.9361116

Silkroad was made for NEETs.

>> No.9361127

I very rarely even leave my house and there's no areas remotely like there where I live so even if I did it'd be impossible.

>> No.9361135

kill your parents

>> No.9361139

>Doing drugs.
I thought this was a board filled with useless NEETs that were clever but lazy. Turns out it actually is filled with autism.

>> No.9361147

Make a facebook, go to weed/bongs/legalize it/drugs are cool page/ect, find dealers who deliver. Never have to leave your house.

or Silkroad

>> No.9361143
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>> No.9361145

Homu killed her parents.

>> No.9361148

How is it possible to even ship some drugs via mail? Surely it's a recipe to getting caught?

>> No.9361150
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>> No.9361153

I'm sure those dealers would be happy to deliver to someone on a freshly made facebook with no friends who decided to like a bunch of weed related stuff, that sounds perfectly legit and not like a trap at all.

>> No.9361159


>And drugs isn't the only way you could achieve happiness

That's true, but it's the easiest way. With a good computer and internet you can be happy enough, but most of the time I find that I just feel content. It's not a bad feeling, but it's not necessarily good either.

Drugs are great for people who are unhappy, but they're also great for people who are happy. I see them as enhancements really.

Look at ADHD medicine, it's a great example of this. If you have ADHD and your doctor puts you on stimulants then you sort of just level out at normal and you feel like a regular person. If you don't have ADHD and you take this same medicine though, it won't have any unpleasant effects on you, but your mind will be operating at an almost superhuman speed, far past whatever the ADHD person or the normal person feels.

In this way drugs are actually best to use when you're already fairly happy because it enhances you to a level of happiness that is unattainable without drugs.

>> No.9361183

Drugs are illegal everywhere.

>> No.9361192

this is my drug

>> No.9361194

Why would they need drugs to be happy when they have all the 2D to enjoy?

And they have strong liquor.

>> No.9361199

>'injected' one of the characters with "a lethal amount of marijuana"
title. now.
or at least some descriptions so i can find it.

>> No.9361227
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So /b/ last night I smoked weed for the first time and I think I came close to an fatal overdose. I'm only 17 and it was my first time trying it. My friend said I was unconscious for almost 12 hours and he was shitting bricks.

Any other people here overdosed on weed before? How do you know when to stop?

>> No.9361229

Happiness is Illegal

>> No.9361234

The only ones they may actually be interested are the sellers.
And if you aren't from USA there is pretty much nothing to worry about.

>> No.9361236

Not needing drugs to -be- happy, but using drugs to -increase- happiness

>> No.9361242

Your personal experiences do not apply to everyone. Don't be that type of faggot.

>> No.9361261
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I can't remember the last time I wasn't on some sort of drug. It's pretty great, I got something for every possible situation.

Got a few containers where I grow mushrooms for when I'm feeling adventurous and want to go on a journey inside my mind. I have some poppies growing outside for when I want to lay back and take it easy. Growing some marijuana inside the house for when I want to take it easy, but I don't really want to go to sleep either. That's great for watching anime or sometimes playing games. I got an indefinite prescription for benzos and adderall so the benzos are great when I need to be in an anxious situation but I don't want to be so laid back that I'm stumbling when I walk and grinning like a retard. Small dose of adderall for whenever I want to do something other than take drugs since then I can easily have enough focus to learn Japanese or tackle any project that I can think of. Large dose of adderall when I want to listen to music and strut around the house like John Travolta.

All bases are covered. Feels great.

>> No.9361258

Increasing happiness would be against the wishes of "them" if the masses were to suddenly become happy (or even happier for those they haven't stepped on enough to depress them) then the amount of health issues stemming from depression and medical issues caused from frequent stress/worry would decrease. The money taken in by the healthcare and insurance racket would surely take a hit and they wouldn't want that.

>> No.9361260
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>> No.9361282

Nigga thats called getting really high. Lethal overdose my ass, lol

>> No.9361284


>> No.9361290
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>> No.9361294

My brother gave me one of those ecstasy tablets once because he said he was sick of me looking so sad all the time.

It was interesting. For some reason it made me want to listen to touhou music and dance in my room. I did that for a whole seven hours straight. I never knew that I could move like that.

>> No.9361296

But...how much marijuana? That statement makes no sense

>> No.9361300


That's why it's funny. Japan doesn't really understand marijuana at all. Japan's opinion of marijuana is similar to an American's opinion of meth. Completely inaccurate and based off hilariously stupid propaganda posters.

>> No.9361303

But if drugs are the alleged key to happiness, why are communities like /jp/ (whose denizens are pretty heavy into drugs) filled with so much rage and misery?

>> No.9361304

Sounds like America's opinion on marijuana as well.

>> No.9361309

That must be a bitch to not fuck up while on stage.

>> No.9361315

Kara? but he didn't say anything about it actually being marijuana. disppointing.
though the whole drug thing there was still kinda silly.

>> No.9361317


>whose denizens are pretty heavy into drugs

Probably taking the wrong drugs. Seems like the most common drug of choice on /jp/ is just alcohol. I always just get angry when I'm drunk, not sure what the appeal is.

>> No.9361321

Americans tend to think that marijuana is a miracle cure for all of life's problems. I'm not seeing the similarities.

Insecure potheads might bring up propaganda that was used three decades ago, but a single look at any teen or young adult peer group is enough to tell you that nobody gives a fuck anymore.

>> No.9361331

I see more posts about hallucinogens and weed than alcohol.

>> No.9361343

Why do people like drugs that make you sleepy? I had an operation awhile ago and the doctor gave me a prescription for oxycodone and I felt good, but I kept falling asleep. I was basically glued to a chair for three days, drifting in and out of consciousness.

If I wanted to take a drug then I would like a drug that makes me feel happy but still keeps me conscious.

>> No.9361360

that sounds AWESOME.

>> No.9361405

I tried cocaine for the first time this week (My boss is a big cokehead). It made me feel really happy and energetic, but I can't afford to be buying such an expensive drug all the time.

>> No.9361408

What drug increases imagination powers?

I want to be able to talk to hallucinations and live inside of an imaginary world in my mind. I don't want bleeding walls and strange colors though, just hallucinations. Essentially friendly schizophrenia.

>> No.9361418

Hey, consider yourself lucky
All I got was hydrocodone for my surgery, and it barely helped

>> No.9361429

You're looking for hallucinogens. There's no guarantee that they won't go into Silent Hill mode on you, though. If you have lots of worry and doubt in your mind it's much more likely to go bad.

>> No.9361439


Just get a weaker stimulant like amphetamines. It's not as potent as coke, but it lasts longer and you can get it prescribed. Honestly, I didn't really like cocaine that much when I tried it. Fucked up my nose and I felt like I had a stuffy nose for awhile, had to do a line every 45 minutes to maintain the effect, and the high made me a little paranoid and jumpy.

>> No.9361443

order research chems off the internet

>> No.9361456

often being sold as plant food

>> No.9361458

Try mescaline, you'll get that and more for a weekend

>> No.9361474

Out of any drug, mildly alcoholic drinks like beer are the safest. Weed can make you forgetful and meth destroys people. Hallucinogenics are good for those rare spiritual life experiences. Just my opinion.

>> No.9361490

Just because something is legal does not make it safe. Keep telling yourself that so you will feel better about being a drunk who will die of liver cancer.

>> No.9361492


Be careful with hallucinogenic drugs. It's a good idea to ease into them if you don't have any experience.

My sister who is really into drugs convinced me to smoke a pipe that she had as some sort of practical joke. Turns out it was DMT and I was so unprepared. One minute everything was normal and then the next minute I don't even know what's happening. It's like I'm in a whole different dimension and I was so fucking terrified, I felt like I was shot into space in a rocket and suspended thousands of miles in the air and all I could see were these crystalline formations that looked like mountains that constantly exploded and then rebuilt themselves. I can't even properly explain it because it was so unlike anything I have ever experienced.

It was fucking horrifying and even though it only lasted about 15 minutes there was some time distortion effect to the drug and I felt like I was in there for hours. I cried when I finally got out.

>> No.9361494

I really like coke, but it just isn't worth the cost.

My favorite drugs are dissociatives. MXE, cough syrup, ketamine. Haven't tried PCP yet. I'd recommend dissociatives to all you depressed hikkis. Helps you live in a dream world for a while, relatively cheap. Its like living without the pain of living and only taking in a confusing but enjoyable stream I lost my train of thought

>> No.9361504

You sound like a pussy.

>> No.9361505



Aren't dissociatives drugs things like guzzling down a bottle of robitussin? I've never tried a dissociative before, but I heard that you just see shit like gigantic spiders crawling all over you. Turned me off from ever trying it.

>> No.9361512

Asspained elitist pothead detected. Can't handle someone having a different opinion than yourself?

>> No.9361514

You're thinking of DXM, the sought after component in robitussin gels

>> No.9361515

Not even the guy but talking about which thing is the safest isn't opinions.

>> No.9361517

I thought we were all pure little girls on Japan.

Pure little girls or drug fiends. Which is it, /jp/?!

>> No.9361520
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I've never done illegal drugs, or drank alcohol in my life.

All I believe will happen is subsequent pain and sorrow, really. Maybe i should try and find out

>> No.9361522


>guzzling down a bottle of robitussin?

That's a deliriant. Shittiest type of drugs on the planet. All you feel is fear and panic.

>> No.9361525

i did DXM a few months ago

it felt pretty great

>> No.9361526

Why can't one be a pure little girl who happens to enjoy drugs?

>> No.9361538

They said very bluntly- "Just my opinion". Drugs can be harmful in many different ways, and there are a shitload of variables (ie: dosage) that come into play. I don't think any drug is "the safest" in every way.

>> No.9361543
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The purest little girls enjoy drugs.

What does every slut have in common? They aren't on drugs. If they were on drugs then they would be too occupied to be a slut.

If you find your happiness in pills then you don't need to find your happiness in PENISES.

>> No.9361542

I'm too scared of using drugs and trying to obtain drugs.

>> No.9361550

I've long since lost touch with people that could hook me up and I'm too ignorant/lazy to figure out silk road so I just booze every now and again.

>> No.9361572

I've seen it mentioned several times here, so I will ask: what is "silk road"?

>> No.9361576

> but it's the easiest way.
>not money

>> No.9361589

TOR site where you can buy drugs.


>> No.9361590

Some sort of underground drug dealing website.
I think you access it through tor

>> No.9361588


It's a site on the deep web. Anonymous drug buying, can order any drug and they ship it right to you.

>> No.9361596


>> No.9361609

I live a shitty life out of luck, or let's just say a not happy one.
I still wouldn't do drugs. I have always believed that they are from extremely pathetic people who cannot manage to bring the happiness to them instead of going to the happiness.

Look at this guy. I mean, is this really /jp/? Are we filled with fucking retards like this one? God, I seriously overestimated the IQ of this board.

I hope this is just underage summerfags playing big cock on anonymous boards.

>> No.9361615

Not a pothead, I don't do any drugs. I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.9361620


>who cannot manage to bring the happiness to them instead of going to the happiness.

What does this even mean? Happiness is happiness. It doesn't make a difference if it "comes to you" or if you "go to it"

>> No.9361628

That you are such an useless garbage that you can't craft your own happiness.
What is this with this thread anyway? This isn't a conversation I would have on /jp/. This seems like goddamn /b/.

>> No.9361631

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>> No.9361636

I was hoping no one would do that, honestly. It's a news/info aggregation site, which is perfect for that type of thing. You don't need to deal with the community for it.
I'm disappointed in you.

>> No.9361644
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>> No.9361645

If you need drugs to be happy then you done fucked up.

>> No.9361647

>craft your own happiness
Isn't that exactly what drug users are doing?

Why are you so mad, anyway? /jp/ is full of worthless sacks of shit; this should not be news to you.

>> No.9361655

>but- but you can use it for information!
You can also use a dog's vagina for fucking. But you don't do that, right?
"Dignity", look it up pal.

>> No.9361662

I'm scared /jp/, I'm on silkroad and I want to grab some bitcoins for my order, but how do I know it'll arrive without the police at my door? ;_; I'm so close to happiness but I'm afraid.

>> No.9361663

I'm open to trying marijuana, only ingesting though because smoking is nasty. It's too much trouble to obtain for me at the moment, so maybe when it becomes legal and easily available like alcohol I'll try it.

>> No.9361664

I can't tell if you're serious or not, if you are, you really need to learn to take it easy.

>> No.9361666

>You can also use a dog's vagina for fucking. But you don't do that, right?
Well, not the vagina. My dog's male.

>> No.9361668


>That you are such an useless garbage that you can't craft your own happiness.

Craft your own happiness? It's like you're just spewing catch phrases from a self-help book. How do you craft happiness?

Everyone reaches for things outside of themselves to bring them happiness, whether that's buying a new object that they like or injecting themselves with something. It doesn't make much of a difference what you do as long as the end result is happiness because that's all that ever matters.

Why is drug use anymore pathetic than buying a video game or a new car? They all make you happy to varying degrees. You're not crafting happiness here, you're finding an external source that brings you happiness. Unless you're some zen master that just sits in one place all day and finds inner peace then you're just as dependent on objects for your happiness as a drug user.

>> No.9361685

Ain't happening. Every day prison entrepreneurs are lobbying more money than your entire lineage made in this era to get as many laws to get people in jail as possible.

>> No.9361687


>but how do I know it'll arrive without the police at my door?

Find a high rated seller with good reviews. They vacuum seal the drugs and put them in coffee cans and all sorts of bizarre things to make them slip through the mail without incident. Even if they do catch it in the mail though, it's not your problem. The risk is entirely on the seller because they can't prove that you ordered the package, but they can track the person who sent it and charge them for distribution if they cared enough.

>> No.9361731

escaping temporarily from what's bothering you =/= happiness.

The elation you feel from those chemicals running through your head won't remedy much of anything.. Don't you feel worse once the rush's gone? I don't give a flying fuck about what you put into your bodies but hasn't it occurred to any of you that the habitual drug use is only prolonging the unwanted situation you're in? And don't give any of the bullshit you've been spouting in this thread up till now.

>> No.9361735

Okay, I think I'm going to try ordering some in a few minutes, 28g grams of cannabis from this seller who pretty much has 120 5/5 reviews. I'm quite scared though, I hope I can live to tell the tale of my story with you guys.

>> No.9361744

>almost every drug is illegal
Ginseng is pretty legal.

>> No.9361811


>escaping temporarily from what's bothering you =/= happiness.

Video games, television, eating, movies, anime, manga, eroge, reading novels, etc. Is there a single form of entertainment that isn't some type of escapism?

The vast majority of the world attains their happiness by escaping the problems that bother them, whether that's depression, anxiety, a job they hate, or a life that they find boring.

Everyone is dependent on escapism. Escaping your problems is a way to make you happy and if you do decide to deal with your problem then there will always be another one right behind it because that's just how life works. You can never fix all of your problems in life, you can only learn to find ways to cope with them. Life is challenging and tough, everybody needs an escape from it sometimes. Some forms of escapism are things that everyone uses (watching TV) and other forms of escapism like drug use are frowned upon, but ultimately it's the same thing.

Also, you're mixing up drug use with drug binging. I take some type of drug every single day and I don't get comedowns and I don't feel like shit when it's over because I'm not binging on extremely high doses. You take enough to make you feel good, you have a nice day, and then you go to sleep. Same as everyone else, except I don't feel unhappiness because the drugs perk up my mood. If you're not abusing your drugs then you're not going to get some hellish crash.

>> No.9361818
File: 37 KB, 250x250, 1336719195991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have to wait for the money to get into this bitcoins site, then I can get the bitcoins and get working on buying the drugs, hold me /jp/ ;_;

>> No.9361822
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I feel bad for them.
They can't own any guns or even swords unless it's a family heirloom.

>> No.9361826

I fucking love escapism.

>> No.9361836
File: 129 KB, 800x720, byakuren comforting_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There there, Anon. It'll all be okay

Unless it isn't. Then you're FUCKED!

>> No.9361846
File: 79 KB, 368x427, 1341478925541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool gun. I really want a revolver more than anything though. Too bad I can't purchase a gun at all in my country.

>> No.9361853
File: 77 KB, 278x373, blank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That slice when you want to grow poppies but you still live with your parents.

>> No.9361854


Don't worry, it's nothing to be scared about. These people make their living off selling drugs. If they fuck up an order then they lose their reputation and on a site like silkroad your reputation is what brings in sales.

They take every precaution they can to make sure that your package will arrive undetected and safely.

What drug are you ordering anyway?

>> No.9361864

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9361869

Damn right

>> No.9361872


Why don't you just grow poppies? Just grab some flowers and grow those along side it so it looks like you're not just growing poppies. It's not illegal and most people won't think twice if they see some poppies in a garden. It's not like you're growing weed in your backyard.

>> No.9361883

My mother already gardens/she's not stupid. If her 23 year old son suddenly wants to start growing plants, she'll know what's up.

>> No.9361885

I suppose, but what happens if I'm the one the police go after and they want to I don't know, crack down on trying to get people to buy. And I was going to get some cannabis.

>> No.9361900


Can you explain to her that you just want to grow poppies so that you can make some tea? I live with my parents as well and I explained to my mother that I wanted to grow some poppies so that I could make opium tea and she was fine with it. A lot of parents are more understanding about these things than you might expect.

>> No.9361892

>she's not stupid
You might be adopted, then.

>> No.9361901


I guess Japanese have to suffer being intelligent and not brainless coked up faggots begging on the street for weed money.

>> No.9361903
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>> No.9361926


It won't happen. Weed is such a small time drug. The cost of some sort of operation to crack down on you wouldn't be worth the effort or money. If anything they would only be interested in cracking down on the seller.

To ease your mind though, just order some marijuana cookies. There's plenty on silkroad, they're very potent, you don't have to smoke it, and it doesn't have a strong odor so there's no chance of it being detected in the mail.

>> No.9361945


What's with the autism?

The spoilers are there because the spoiled text directly contrasts with the spirit of the unspoiled text. This creates a small effect of surprise and juxtaposition in the reader, enhancing the intended effect that would otherwise be lost were the text plain to see

Of course, now I'm just doing it to piss you off

>> No.9361939


>Dogs can't sniff down to minute traces of marijuana

This is what retarded potheads actually think.

>> No.9361940
File: 200 KB, 1536x1152, 1339298558738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that. The right to bear arms is something I strongly believe in.

My condolences to gun otaku worldwide that will never hold their dream gun in their arms. There is truly nothing like it.

I think guns are especially important to the weaker NEET and hikki denizens of /jp/. Many of us could make easy targets. Having a weapon to properly protect yourself from harm that even the weakest of us could use can help you take it easier at night and make your solitary lives more comfortable.

>> No.9361943


ebin thread finn bro :p

>> No.9361962


>The USPS has the means or the willingness to bust out a drug dog for literally every single solitary package that passes through their hands, which they would have to do so to catch a properly disguised package of cookies since there is nothing to give them probable cause to warrant searching the mail so extensively

Stop being dumb, dumb guy

>> No.9361959


Do you seriously believe that there are sniffer dogs in every post office just sniffing through the millions upon millions of packages that go through every single day?

The post office is not some omniscient force of crime fighters. They do not give a shit about this. Unless you just take a ton of weed, don't even seal it at all, and then throw it in a box so that the whole building smells like pot then your package will just go right on through the mail like the other millions of packages that went through before it.

>> No.9361963

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9361964

So, what's the most effective drug to motivate me and give me energy? I've been wanting to start learning Japanese for a long time but can't find the motivation. I don't even have the energy to bother reading VNs anymore, I just watch anime or browse the web all day. I've heard coke is good but the effect doesn't last long.

>> No.9361970
File: 126 KB, 500x555, 1340367738987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well actually I could buy one in my county but they really have some restrictions. Not limited to but including:

5. Provide two personal references that have known the applicant at least two years. These references
are checked and extensively questioned regarding the Applicants history and any possible predisposition to violence or criminal activity.

6. Disclose all mental health information.

>> No.9361972


Why do you even do this? You are the only person on this entire board trying to force this anti-spoiler sentiment. It is honestly a bit sad to watch. It's never going to catch on, you know

>> No.9361976

Fuck off with the spoilers.

>> No.9361980

You have been successfully brainwashed into believing that for every wedding there should be some kind of jewellery, for every Valentine's day there should be some kind of confection, for every sad episode in life there should be some kind of liquor or drugs...

Go and consume you good little free slave.

>> No.9361984

I use drugs occasionally, but not as a crutch. I enjoy the experience and like trying new things. I just took two hydros and one oxy and I feel like nothing in the world could ever bother me, but that doesn't mean I will take more immediately after they wear off. It's all about finding a middle ground, as a recreational user...but you have to be careful. It's much better to be a prude than end up a junkie, so if you choose to go that route, take precautions.

>> No.9361985
File: 36 KB, 400x350, pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget drugs, just drink pussy.

>> No.9361992

I have HIGH chances of getting schizophrenic if I smoke cannabis. Should I? That would give me an almost continuous state of happiness, wouldn't it?
But I'm afraid of never being able to stop it.
Has anyone ever done this?

>> No.9361993


Definitely amphetamines. What you're describing is basically the whole reason that they're so widely used in colleges.

Cocaine wouldn't really help you out. I've sampled most stimulants out there and you hit this point where if it's too powerful then you get an effect that's the opposite of what you originally wanted.

Take cocaine for example. You'll do a line, sit in front of your Japanese studies, and then five minutes later you'll be listening to music and dancing or walking around the room feeling great but not actually doing anything productive.

It's the less potent stimulants like adderall that are what you're looking for. I can take some adderall and within fifteen minutes I will lock on any project and burn through that like it's the most interesting thing in the world. It's why college students love it so much.

>> No.9362000

I'm ordering some Kratom off silkroad. It's a legal stimulant that you drink like coffee, and it apparently helps with anxiety, which seems pretty ideal to me, and it's super-cheap. Just need to figure out bitcoins, the system doesn't seem very easy for Canadians.

>> No.9362007


If it's a legal stimulant then why are you bothering with silkroad?

>> No.9362009


I do not think I will, good sir. I dearly hope you are not genuinely angry over my usage of them rather than my initial thought of you just trying to derail the thread with a discussion about their use, It would be very silly to say STOP THAT, STOP THAT, STOP DOING THAT and then be surprised when people begin doing it for no other reason than to annoy you. This is Internet 101 type stuff, man

>> No.9362010


Can I produce something similar at home? From a plant or something? Opium is good?

>> No.9362012

Considerably cheaper than anywhere else, and ships from within the country, so quicker.

>> No.9362018
File: 160 KB, 850x850, 1337114664446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been to a wedding, had a valentine to buy stuff for, and I usually only drink when I am happy or after a hard day's work to unwind. I never drink when I am depressed and usually lay in bed or wallow in my emotions when I am sad. If you drink to dull your emotions, you are doing it wrong.

Do you think Yuugi or Suika drink because they are depressed? No, they seem rather happy. How about ZUN himself? He too seems rather jolly.

>> No.9362023
File: 128 KB, 1200x797, 1339308940793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see how that may stop a /jp/er from arming themselves.
A shame, really.

>> No.9362030

Oh I definitely forgot to add : "for every meeting or celebration there should be some kind of liquor."
That one is definitely universal. To the point people stop questioning why it has to be liquor.

>> No.9362031


Opium will just make you euphoric and really sleepy. It's amazing, but definitely not what you want for working on projects.

What country do you live in? In the U.S it's incredibly easy to get a stimulant prescription. I definitely don't have ADHD, but I went to my family doctor, said that I had trouble focusing and I couldn't accomplish any of the things that I needed to do, and I came out with an adderall prescription 10 minutes later.

I hear it's harder to get in the UK though. As far as plant alternatives though, I'm not too sure. There might be something, but it probably isn't very potent and you'd be better off just guzzling energy drinks if you can't get some proper stimulants.

>> No.9362033

I wish I had a fumo to keep me safe at night.

>> No.9362039

Any specific amphetamines? I've seen people say a lot of good things about Adderall like you mentioned, but I've mentioned my constant lack of energy and motivation to my doctor before and he hasn't taken the hint.

>> No.9362042

>If you drink to dull your emotions, you are doing it wrong.
Obviously. Alcohol has the opposite effect for most.

>> No.9362054


I haven't left my house for almost 5 years. I order my all my food. My father died when I was young and my mother haven't talked to me for ages.

In my country it's also easy to get a prescription. But I believe you can see why going to a doctor would be troublesome.

Was thinking about a seed I could order once, just plant, and then make tea or something

>> No.9362069


What has he been prescribing you? He might think it's depression or something and then you'll be getting a whole different category that's filled mostly with useless shit.

Adderall is great, I've heard good things about vyvanse, but it's all pretty similar. I hear ritalin is shit though. Too much over-stimulation, not enough euphoric motivation.

>> No.9362071

>>9362054 here

Found this:

>Amphetamine plant alternatives - Ephedra sp., Sida cordifolia, Bitter Orange, Khat, Coca, Kratom (small dose), Betal nut, Yerba mate, Guarana, Kolanut, Catuaba, Muira puama, Yohimbe (Carefull - MAOI), Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Ginkgo. Many of these can be combined for stronger effects. Very small doses of some Psychedelics can also give an Amphetamine like effect, eg: 1 psycilocybe mushroom.

>> No.9362093


Is silkroad an option? If you have the money for it then ordering adderall off of there would be pretty easy.

Alternatively though, you could get a quick fix drug for your anxiety, get all sedated, and then hop over to the doctor for your stimulant prescription. A benzo like valium or klonopin would be a good fix for anxiety but they're both pills. Opium would also be good for this as long as you take a small enough dose that you're not nodding off when you speak to the doctor.

It's pretty much impossible to feel anxious on opium. You could walk outside completely naked and feel nothing but happiness and cheer.

>> No.9362098

I actually do have depression and have been on a bunch of different meds for it, but none of them have helped at all. I have Xanax for my anxiety but that obviously doesn't help with motivation and energy.

>> No.9362103


Thank you for all the tips. I will have a look at >>9362071 before. If they have shit results or are hard to get, I will try going to the doctor or ordering from silkroad...

>> No.9362138


Stimulants are a good fix for certain types of depression. Personally I have the apathetic form of depression and stimulants were great for that. Originally stimulants were actually widely prescribed for depression since it's such an amazing fix for it, but now it's mostly just for ADHD. Comedowns probably aren't all that fun for someone who is suicidally depressed.

If you head to your doctor and try to describe symptoms that have more to do with trouble focusing and less to do with a lack of motivation then you might have more success. For example, I said things about how my mind would wander off while I was trying to read something or how I couldn't stay focused on any tasks. Mentioning how you are having trouble with your studies, even if it's a lie and you don't even go to school, is also a pretty good way to get ADHD medication.

>> No.9362231


They can't even own guns for hunting?

>> No.9362303

It makes me happy to see otaku armed, I know they are safe... I never want to see any of you hurt /jp/

>> No.9362311

Until they self destruct mentally and use them on themselves. This is a sad thing to happen.

>> No.9362348

They can own certain rifles for hunting, however it is heavily regulated. One must be well documented and certified and reports and logs of your ammo must be constantly up to date. Guns must always be stored in a locker when not in use. They essentially cannot be used for self defense.

>> No.9362395

come here to the states
we have everclear

>> No.9364028

I support you and your spoiler use

>> No.9364041

Imagination, I don't even use drugs

>> No.9364239

No such thing as ``pretty much a NEET."
Either you are or you aren't.
Fuck I am tired of having to correct this shit; please learn.

I have been prescribed codeine about three or four times since I got pneumonia back in 2006, and I don't enjoy taking it at all. Yes, it helps with your cough, but it doesn't make you feel any better. It just makes me want to sleep all the time, which I already do thanks to the muscle relaxers my doctor has me on.
Someone told me that lortab is an opiate, and I fucking hate those. I've been prescribed them after my last two surgeries and they don't help with pain in the slightest; they just make me feel all loopy and like I want to throw up. Not a fan of opiates.

This is what people who aren't depressed actually believe.
There are no magic happy pills on this planet.
If they cured depression, depressed people wouldn't buy any more drugs, so they just make us robots instead.

This is mine.

I seriously don't understand Americans who do drugs. The legal penalties are so great for drug users/sellers that I just would never, ever do a drug illegally. I don't want to be raped in prison, or even go to prison for that matter. Fuck that. I just wanna stay in my room and watch TV/play games all day. That's enough for me.
Sure, I'd like to be happier, but that involves going outside to a doctor, and I already have enough doctor's appointments and side effects from medicines as is. I don't know if I could handle it if they gave me yet another pill for something.
Having a lifetime non-terminal illness sucks donkey dick, guys...

>> No.9364684

>Yes, it helps with your cough, but it doesn't make you feel any better.
it's not surprising if you sticked to the recommended doses. you have to take pretty big amounts for it to work, and it rarely works on the first try. it does make you feel good, you just need to know how to use it.

>> No.9366972


>There are no magic happy pills on this planet.

There's lots of magical happy pills. You just get addicted to them, tolerance builds up, you get horrible withdrawals if you stop, and a variety of other not very fun things, but it's better than feeling like a robot on anti-depressants.

>> No.9366999

I picked both, you jealous?

>> No.9367016

I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't take pills etc. either

these things are not fun at all, and also, they are dangerous.
not that I have money to buy them either

>> No.9367025


>these things are not fun at all

Yes they are.

>and also, they are dangerous.

Yes they are.
