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9353277 No.9353277 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a pill or something that kills you with no pain?

>> No.9353285

manthefuckup tablet

>> No.9353289

ice burn

>> No.9353304
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>> No.9353308

it is metallic and moves really quick. depending where you take it you may not feel pain.

that is to say, you should join the army and let someone else have your life if you can't be bothered using it.

>> No.9353311

How hard is it to just go out and buy a gun?

>> No.9353319

If you can acquire morphine in pill form and have no tolerance to opioids... I doubt you can get them though

>> No.9353321

Lead aspirin. Seriously, bullets do not hurt at first, so if you shoot yourself in the heart you will die almost instantly and painlessly.

Alternatively, sleeping pills do not hurt. They put you to sleep, after all. So just take a lot of those.

>> No.9353323

it's hard if you can't buy it without a license

>> No.9353330

How do you even get a license?

>> No.9353333

I doubt getting one is that hard. But I guess it would depend on your country, and state if you're in the U.S.

>> No.9353337
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>> No.9353345

Oh yeah, depending on where you live in the US you can get a gun really fucking easy. Otherwise it can take a few days, and only if you are not a convicted felon or have mental issues, those could cause problems in legally obtaining them.

>> No.9353346

you don't, you need a good reason

>> No.9353352

Electrocution is a good way to do it. It's free and you only feel a jolt of pain if it's done right. You can even have an open casket if anyone cares that you're dead

>> No.9353357

I hate pussies like this. If you are going to kill yourself at least make it painful to make up for all pain that others would feel. Leave a note, testimony behind. Life really is too cheap today. Goddamn it.

>> No.9353359

it's pretty hard in most of EU.

>> No.9353367

Death is meaningless, except to the dreams that are not you. They could use the misery, though.

>> No.9353375

You should go in a bad neighborhood and try to save people being harassed. If they kill you, then goal achieved. If not, then you'll still be considered a hero and maybe then life wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.9353415

nobody is that stupid to kill you, they just beat you

>> No.9353416

suicide bag. google it

>> No.9353429

poor neet can't afford suicide bag ;_;

>> No.9353424

Well at least you will have stood up for someone. But there really are some people stupid enough.

>> No.9353425
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>bleeding to death as your heart continues for minutes to try and pump blood despite a gaping hole in it
>instantly and painlessly

>> No.9353426

This or dignitas if you have the money

>> No.9353434

Eat batteries

>> No.9353438

yeah, jesus that would be a painful and suffocating minute before you slowly die

go with cyanide, or if you got money, do the helium gas mask or something

>> No.9353440

I couldn't kill myself. I don't know how people can accept a solution that you can never reverse or do anything after it ever again. I would rather live and have choices. I mean at least I would have the internet for a while.

>> No.9353446

once you're dead you won't feel regret.
gensokyo here i come

>> No.9353448

Why do you care if it hurts anyways? You're going to fucking die, it doesn't matter

>> No.9353449

I don't think that is true for everyone. That is why we have so many haunted places.

>> No.9353451

Its called depression.

>> No.9353454

stab a nigger. receive bullets

>> No.9353467

What do you guy think about jumping from a bridge, In my country it is very difficult to get a gun and guess what they ask yo to have a job first

>> No.9353477

I tried the aspirin method; woke up next night with a terrible belly pain

What if he decides to torture you and raep you to death?

>> No.9353479

Apple seeds contain cyanide. Buy them in bulk from farmers or on ebay, put them in a blender, and drink up.

>> No.9353488


Dignitas wouldn't kill a 20-30 year old who isn't dying of anything.

>> No.9353497

Surely it's not that easy.

>> No.9353510

Into water? That is a scary fall and even then you will probably hit a bunch of rocks, break bones, and then drown.

>> No.9353563

Old-fashioned sleeping pills featuring barbiturates, but that's why they don't sell those anymore. Well, that and they were addictive and sometimes gave people a fatal version of sleep apnea.

Worked better when combined with alcohol and/or ether.

>> No.9353578
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Using a gun is an extremely disrespectful way of going out. Someone will have to clean your brains up, and you can sometimes survive it if your retarded.

It takes a but-load of sleeping pills to actually kill you.

Too much risk of not dying and turning into a vegetable.

The best way is to use an inert gas like helium or nitrogen (you have more of a risk of getting a kickback with helium, but you can get a deal and get balloons with it to cheer up whoever has to take care of your decomposing body). You'll need some tubing and a mask as well, and you go unconscious within 10-12 seconds IIRC and die within a few minutes.

I think its a good idea to keep it on hand just in case you need to use it in a jiffy, and it's a good motivator.

>> No.9353589

ok if I will want to kill myself I will go to a shooting range and kill myself in the bathroom

>> No.9353597

but why would you do that

>> No.9353591

>make up for all pain that others would feel.
lol, a pussy/masochist answer. a true man isn't "sensitive about others pain", that's all gay metrosexual shit.

a true man does what he feels he should do and fucks the consequences.

>> No.9353600

Woohoo, yer postan' Lain in a suicide thread, yeah

Thread fuckin' redeemed.

>> No.9353609

It bothers me when you guys talk about suicide. You shouldn't want to kill yourselves ;_;

>> No.9353619

>Using a gun is an extremely disrespectful way of going out.
yeah, once he's dead he won't care about that. it won't be his problem or responsibility anymore.

>> No.9353627
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No shit, Sherlock. That doesn't mean you should be disrespectful to the others around you enjoying their lives just because you don't want to continue yours.

>> No.9353638


>> No.9353642


>> No.9353645 [DELETED] 


>> No.9353662


>> No.9353663

Who cares?
If anything I'm pissed off that their enjoying their lives and I'm not. That gives me even more reason to make a mess.

>> No.9353667


>> No.9353675

because i'm silly

>> No.9353700

that's what makes you a beta male and unattractive to any girl, be it 2d or 3d.

if you had a tulpa, she'd friendzone you too

>> No.9353696
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theres a lot of poisonous plants you can buy from local gardening places. do some quick research and just make a salad.

>> No.9353703

Oh shit. The wikipedia article makes them sound shady as fuck, but the idea is nice, if a bit dark.

>> No.9353712

How about ODing on sleeping pills and then zipping yourself into a body bag? If the pills don't kill you won't you just suffocate?

>> No.9353741

Helium man

>> No.9353743
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for all you faggots who think the helium tank is an easy way to go you're fucking wrong.

I tried it a few months ago and its not as easy as it sounds. As soon as you start feeling dizzy you start to panic pretty bad. Mentally, suffocation is probably the hardest way to kill yourself.

>> No.9353764

It worked for every murrika celebrity who has been overdose with shit.

>> No.9353754

I've been thinking about sleeping pills + charcoal burner in an enclosed space

>> No.9353765

If you start panic then you don't really want to die

>> No.9353770
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Now I want to rewatch Paranoia Agent.

>> No.9353787

no, it doesnt work like that at all.

have you actually tried it yourself?

You don't pass out as soon as people are saying, and its not "painless" at all. being suffocated hurts a lot.

>> No.9353966

That article doesn't even start to address what's shady about suicide "organizations" and "assisted suicide."

First of all, it's medically unethical. Period. Doesn't matter if it's euthanasia or some supposed social worker telling a broke patient to check out of the hospital "against medical advice" and go die at home. "First do no harm." Period. Doctors should NEVER have damn thing to do with suicide or execution, ever. Not for the good of the patient, as who gives a damn? He's trying to kill himself or whatever. For the good of the profession. Dammit.

Second, you don't need help killing yourself unless you're half dead already, in which case you can go ahead and let the supposed social worker talk you into checking out ama with a full bottle of pain pills. Prisoners have managed it using bedsheets.

Third, these unnecessary back-alley "organizations" are like something out of a bad piece of science fiction. Soylent green and all that. Only they're not in a piece of science fiction, they're just ideologues trying to bring medicine down to the level of a kill-everything-that-comes-in animal shelter. They're seriously seriously nuts.

>> No.9354161

Why is /jp/ so fucking pathetic?
