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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9352948 No.9352948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9352952

It matters not if you die. I will keep dreaming and nothing will change.

>> No.9352959

I got my ass bare for you. Just add your connection i'll add mine. I help you, you help me. ;)

>> No.9352963

Stream it.

>> No.9352966

please stay! we need your shitposts!

>> No.9352975

*pulls out ur dick and starts sucking it*

>> No.9352977

Kill me first, won't you?

>> No.9352978

I was thinking about killing myself as well...

>> No.9352983

You haven't sucked my cock yet.

>> No.9352986

If you actually had the balls to do it, you'd have been dead already.

Captcha: Meany, ofTime

>> No.9352991


>Captcha: Meany, ofTime

Please take this stupid shit to /b/ where it belongs.

>> No.9352994 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 853x480, 1328993385997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't OP, you are a very special person and we can have a lot of fun here on /jp/. i know calling suicide hotlines is tough, but we are all here for you.

>> No.9352998
File: 40 KB, 500x487, saten_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saten-san's ears are so tiny.

>> No.9352999

You should go out in a suicide attack on a Wall STreet banker instead. Do some good.

>> No.9353001

I have had it _UP TO HERE_ with your shitposting. Get the fuck out of this board and take that diseased slut with you. And die while you're at it, too, you fucking asshole.

>> No.9353003

They look perfectly normal to me.

>> No.9353004


>> No.9353005

Why would I stop you from the ultimate form of freedom?

>> No.9353008

>still not being a follower of Saten-sama

>> No.9353009

Get some nukes and kill as many jews as possible.
For the grater good you'll be remembered as hero.

>> No.9353010

I'll remember that next time I'm making shitposts in a shit thread.

>> No.9353011

'cause if you do so, you are a fucking coward who can't fight the reality.

Then, if you don't wanna fight for your dreams, please, die.

>> No.9353013

what a coward

we all have our shit
you think you deserve better treatment

>> No.9353014

try killing this
*whips out dick*

>> No.9353022

But Anonymous, you are a dream.

>> No.9353026

You do know its pointless as he never replies to trolls, not to mention you replied to someone else than the person you wanted to target.

typical summer cant read filenames

>> No.9353030
File: 171 KB, 637x431, 1337558651267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads would be fun if OP at least offed himself, but no; it's just good ol' 4chan "trolling".

<--- I wish we knew this in 2004

>> No.9353034

Posting Saten images than flaming yourself then deleting your post = BEST NEW MEME 2012

>> No.9353036

We are, and all of us have dreams too. We should follow them, don't you think?

>> No.9353041



>> No.9353045

would only make sense if you were "flaming" the janitor
infact any post>Reply to own post>delete>Blame janitor would work

>> No.9353046

>flanshit talking about retards and shitposting
oh the irony

>> No.9353057

Why so buttdevastated?

>> No.9353068
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>> No.9353071


No, our janitor deletes shitposts from the likes of Saten spammers. How about you make yourselves useful and help me report them instead of whining? Not reporting shitposters makes you as bad as a shitposter yourself.

Out. Now.

>> No.9353090

Is this going to be the new try-hard "Congrats on the marriage" meme

If so good luck with that. Make sure to read the global rules.

>> No.9353097

Stop shitposting or get out.

>> No.9353099

You are not following me. I am not saying you have dreams, but you are a dream.

>> No.9353103

But im not shitposting, im wishing you good luck with your new meme

>> No.9353108

Guys, we forgot about OP.

>> No.9353106

You know what you could be doing instead? Helping me report all these shitposters.

>> No.9353110

Too late.

>> No.9353111

It's easy, ban all finn IP's from 4chan, i've heard that lot has their own -chan so they'll be okay among their kind..

>> No.9353117
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