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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 412x248, 1313979434791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9335992 No.9335992 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys play any games other than Touhou?

>> No.9336004
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I'm ready to be disappointed as hell by Dead Space 3.

>> No.9336005

I read Visual Novels. I play SNES games once in a while. I play my Wii too. My PS3 broke so I can't really play it. I don't know many good japanese games for PC.

>> No.9336010


>> No.9336014


What makes you say that?


>> No.9336019
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diablo 3

>> No.9336022

I play some Cowwa Doody and shootan gaems

I have a racing wheel for Gran Turismo and Initial D

I used to be pretty good at DDR but I can't find machines anywhere anymore

>> No.9336024

I'm waiting for Resident Evil 6

>> No.9336028

Does your wheel work for the PC? You should try out some racing sims for the PC.

>> No.9336030

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>> No.9336038


What's wrong with you Anon? Why are you putting someone else down because they like a game that you don't like?

>> No.9336039

My video game and VN backlogs are each larger than most /jp/ers' combined backlogs but I spend too much time here to do anything about it.

>> No.9336050

jrpgs and srpgs and mmorpgs and mmos and some web based games and doujin games and also porn games

>> No.9336048

Are you me? I'll never finish this

>> No.9336054

Which gaea? DIS gaea!

>> No.9336060

In his defence, Diablo 3 is a massive disappointment and huge piece of shit that may even, thankfully, get Blizzard in trouble for federal crimes.

>> No.9336063
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Diablo 3

I don't think it's better than 2 but I want to beat Inferno Hardcore before I can move on

>> No.9336065

Your entitlement is showing.

>> No.9336066

Maybe. Have you only completed about a fifth of your games, a tenth or less including roms?

>> No.9336067

Yes, I certainly am entitled to a quality product for my money.

>> No.9336072


>federal crimes

I knew this shit was coming and thankfuly, I didn't buy it, but really? Just get Torchlight II

>> No.9336079

They are using the real money auction house to commit wire fraud.

>> No.9336074

I don't even play Touhou
Too hard

>> No.9336075

Probably even less. I lost track after a certain point

>> No.9336077
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Dumb/Dumb Too: Heck on Earth
Company of An Heroes
Dawn of Resource Too
In Da Hunt

>> No.9336081
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>torchlight 2


>> No.9336082

You're assuming anyone here plays Touhou. Wrong.

/jp/ is now populated in more than 90% by immigrants from /a/ and /v/. The former don't play the games because they're only in it for fap material, the latter don't play the games because, well, they're from /v/, it should be self-explanatory.

>> No.9336090

Not everyone came here for Touhou after the split. Stop being a baby.

>> No.9336088

I'll never understand why people play that shitty game. It really is just completely terrible.

Why even play the game when you can just buy the best gear of the RMAH? There's no incentives to do anything unless you're one of those kids who's spending his summer farming gear for less than minimum wage.

>> No.9336089

But I play Touhou. Do you play it?

>> No.9336091

Sorry that no one else has your autismal powerlevel to play shumps all day everyday

>> No.9336094

I wouldn't go as far as to say that. I've not been here for so long, and I've abandoned /a/ some years ago, wandering through board to see if I could find a good place to settle, and found /jp/. I've played all of the Touhou games, and I've read more than 20 VNs. I'm not trying to feel proud about that, though. I'm just saying that there are people that actually dedicated themselves to the common /jp/ hobbies and that can actually discuss about them with /jp/. And they aren't a small minority. Not at least 10%.

>> No.9336092

See >>9336079

>> No.9336098


If we post enough cock threads, /a/ and /v/ will go away.

>> No.9336102

/v/ loves cocks, dude

>> No.9336103

Me too, I was just making generous estimates. Good luck on your end.

>> No.9336104

Hardcore mode doesn't have RMAH.

>> No.9336109

You too. I might try to make some progress on something, but I don't know what. And because I can't decide on what, my backlog gets bigger, so it's probably just wishful thinking.

>> No.9336129

Video Games don't feel fun for me anymore, specially the newer ones.
It's like engaging on a semi-automatic mode for no real reason.
I just watch the parts that I think might be interesting on youtube.

>> No.9336594
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Starcraft 2

>> No.9336619

Yeah I just started playing maplestory again

>> No.9336636

Solitaire, with some calm music in the background

I can do that all day

>> No.9336639

You must be smart

>> No.9336649

not really, I just enjoy taking it easy.

>> No.9336647


>> No.9336651

Am I the only one who liked HL2 Deathmatch?

>> No.9336661

Or autistic. No, they are not the same thing.

>> No.9336678


>> No.9336679

I liked how full retard it was.

>> No.9336724

In a good way, right? Right??

>> No.9336732

You got it the other way around, Diablo3 is the chinese counterfeit version; Tochlight2 is the true Diablo2 successor.

>> No.9336737
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>> No.9336738

This isn't /v/

>> No.9336750
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>> No.9336766

>Friends to LAN with.
You lost me.

>> No.9336769

wow, that is way too much.

>> No.9336775

I recently (about 8 months ago) ventured outside of Touhou and doujin games and played Skyrimjob. It was a horrible experience and I went back to Touhou and doujin games after a few days. Never venturing outside again. Also, I have been playing Pokemon White 2 lately but I find it pretty bad. I prefer playing my objectively bad doujin games, and the occasional VN if it keeps my interest long enough.

>> No.9336779
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>> No.9336788

Have you seriously never played any other games? That's bizarre.

>> No.9336819

I have, actually. I used to play CoD4 competitively, but stopped several years ago after losing interest and getting into Touhou. Since then, the first Western game I played was Skyrim. And when I was a kid with a PS1, I used to play a lot of Crash Bandicoot, Twisted Metal and Pokemon. There was a time where I played GTA games, too, but that is all ages ago.

>> No.9336824
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>> No.9336829
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>> No.9336843

Yeah, I was not good at CSS, CoD2 and any other real FPS, so I just played in some CoD4 CEVO tourneys and then stopped abruptly.

>> No.9336899

I used to be really into Counter-Strike ever since 1.5 came out. Then I got fairly involved with the CS hacking community. I even learned a bit of C++ in order to cut/paste and debug my own custom compiles.

I wasted so much of my life on that one, single game, but for some reason, I miss it. I miss being so passionate and involved in something.

>> No.9336960

>not using the CS:source model

>> No.9337031
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I remember playing 1.5. I play 1.6 now, no longer in any leagues though. Instead I only play fun maps. Something about them comes off as hilarious to me. Either the scale, the vehicle physics, or just the idea of the maps. For some reason I usually laugh until I start crying and it hurts.

Another thing that makes me laugh is playing a bunch of my own laughs via HLSS/HLDJ. No idea why this game is so funny to me.

>> No.9337039

DoD:S and TF2 I guess

>> No.9337074
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I quit CSS, someone was really mean to me on it last week, and I guess I was wasting too much time on it anyway. I haven't been playing anything since then, just watching let's plays instead.

>> No.9337098
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Team Fortress 2.

Been playing it since 2009, and I'm still in love with it.

>> No.9337101

I play Crash Bandicoot 2.

>> No.9337108

How are you supposed to win with that metal shield over the brain?

>> No.9337113

3 is better.

>> No.9337122

I can't agree with you there.

>> No.9337118

1 is better.

>> No.9337120

I still play final fantasy games. I'll show myself out.

>> No.9337124

>Do you guys play any games other than Touhou?

Yes, however I never discuss them here as this is not /v/.

>> No.9337128

Currently waiting for Guild Wars 2 and PlanetSide 2 to come out.

>> No.9337132

Crash 1 would be great if dying didn't prevent you from getting a gem.

>> No.9337134

street fighter and tokyo xtreme racer

>> No.9337144

Don't worry, we like Touhou, but we also like to talk about whatever here, so don't feel afraid to talk about your other favourite video games?

>> No.9337140

League of Legends chewed up my life.

It hasn't spat it out yet.

I should put a big banner on the wall. QUIT LEAGUE.

>> No.9337142


>> No.9337146

It really shouldn't be encouraged.

>> No.9337148

Team Fortress

A shame I'm so awful at it. I really try to be good (I've use comp training mods and the like) but I just stay awful.

>> No.9337155

Levels that suck in 2: None.
Levels that suck in 3: 2 5 8 12 14 17 18 22 24 26 28 30 31

>> No.9337162

Half Life 3

>> No.9337174
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How come? I play League of Legends too and I'm having fun

>> No.9337179
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I play Japanese PS3 rpgs and doujin/free games.

I can't even remember the last time I played a Western made game for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.9337210

Nooblord fucking elo-whore!

>> No.9337213

1 is better.

>> No.9337217

Endless Space. Not bad. Combat is kinda lame. Any other good recent 4x titles?

>> No.9337224

That's some next generation stuff right there.

>> No.9337250

No, it's Path of Excile

>> No.9337268

you have also pets in diablo 3, servers are stable now (because alott of people stopped playing) and there is more than 11 hours of gameplay.

I have diablo 3 but I hate it that there is no offline play, because blizzard throught to have the best anti piracy system.

>> No.9337288
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im playing minecraft, osu, tribes and league of legends when im home. When im at work im playing touhou when they is no work.

I also downloaded some horror survival games that I still have to check out.

>> No.9337294

Been playing RA2 since 2003, but I play on/off now and gotten pretty bad at it since I take it too easy now.

>> No.9337303
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>> No.9337309
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>more than 11 hours of gameplay


GoS has 50x the gameplay time and only on the first playthrough. And it's only a doujin game.

>> No.9337315

Apples and Oranges. Even though both have fake longevity

>> No.9337327

GoS is also a lot more fun than diablo 3.

>> No.9337344
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you know what else is fun *unzips*

>> No.9337363

Phantasy Star Online 2, Mount and Blade:Warband and Vampire the Masuqerade:Bloodlines because it's the only thing left in my steam library that I haven't played.

>> No.9337376

Visual novels, League of Legends and Touhou.

>> No.9337379
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please no

>> No.9337417


What happened to the GoS threads anyway? They were doing quite well... And I actually got good help in them.

>> No.9337421

Everyone "finished" the game.

>> No.9337431
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Diablo 3 just

>> No.9337433

Of course,mainly on console

>> No.9337436

BF3 and Skyrim.

>> No.9337443

Still? How are you not bored of it already? I thought everyone with half a brain quit a month ago.

>> No.9337455
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I was going to make another thread but I think this one will do.

Please help me name my mmo character! He's going to be a sword guy.

>> No.9337460
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more friends joined so its fun always on skype with them while we play the game.
I am boosting them trough inferno and I started to sell some items that I don't need and I am surprised I made over 250$ from them.

>> No.9337461

Sword guy sounds good

>> No.9337464


>> No.9337468

I've been playing mostly NES ROMs lately, pretty much solely because I'm writing hex editing guides for GameFAQs. Aside from that, I play other classic consoles too, and have dipped into some of the Japanese PC consoles since getting 2hu 1 ~ 5 to work.

>> No.9337492

Crimson Butterfly remake on the wii. Has delicious british voice acting.

>> No.9337525

I play Skyrim now that there is a Reimu mod.

>> No.9337537


>> No.9337555

im gonna look for that one

>> No.9337576

Character limit?

I've got a name generator for this type of thing. Give me the limit and I'll generate names for you.

>> No.9337578


>> No.9337596

I don't really play video games. I do analyze them, though. Once there's nothing left to figure out, I stop playing them.

The only way I entertain myself with video games for an extended period is by continuously modding them myself.

I played Oblivion for years even though I hated the game just because I modded the fuck out of it.

Here are the first 15 it generated:


>> No.9337602
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>> No.9337610
File: 59 KB, 1011x381, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the namegen, not me. Pic related.

Even if it is working as I intended it to.

>> No.9337633
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Yeah, actually. Path of Exile because my computer is too shitty to play D3(which I hear isn't that great anyways). Also play Yugimans online on Dueling Network. Occasionally I play Call of Pripyat with the Misery mod, but it lags sometimes which puts me off from playing much.

>> No.9337637

Found a copy of Mega Man X2 at a used game store the other day, so I've been playing that. Been playing a lot of Mega Man in general, mostly X4 and Legends 2.

>> No.9337639

Warcraft 3:TFT and used to play DotA until it became a hipe.
Starcraft I & II.
CS 1.6 less and less
Dorf fort

Also old games from time to time when nostalgia hits.

>> No.9337642

name generators are most of the time crap, I prefer to make my own names, because I don't wanna have names like xXTerMiNat0RXx

>> No.9337677
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Does /jp/ like Arma/DayZ?

>> No.9337688

I want this. Where do I acquire?

>> No.9337690

DayZ looks fun, but you have to pay for it and I can barely afford food. Is it like S.T.A.L.K.E.R?

>> No.9337691

Outside of Pokemon, Tetris and Realm of the Mad God? Not really.

>> No.9337695

It's like Crawl Along The Ground In Tall Grass While You Starve To Death In The Cold Rain With Zombies And Bandits All Out To Kill You: The Game!

>> No.9337700


>> No.9337704

That's kind-of the entire point of the thing. It's meant as a joke.

I could adapt it to something serious, but then I also agree with precisely what you said.

The thing uses a comma delimited text file to generate a string. All text before a comma is used in the generation. Results vary depending on what the text file contains.

>> No.9337722

It's a lot of getting mad because some nerd just shot you while you were eating a can of beans.

>> No.9337773

Nukige erryday.
Apart from that I've lately been drowning my free time on Binding of Isaac.
My little brother also invited me to play Blacklight Retribution with his friends which is tons of enjoyment for a F2P FPS. Fun coordinating attacks with two people scouting / securing flanks while one racks up the kills and acts as a shield with a fucking mecha.

>> No.9337797
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Killing Floor
And over again

Still waiting for a decent mmo and current gen emulators.

>> No.9337803

Ketsui, Dangun Feveron, Master of Orion 2 and reported.

>> No.9337826

This has to be the most retarded verb ever.

>> No.9337857


I dislike how 'gaming' has been elevated to some sort of serious activity, also people who derive their self worth from 'gaming' proficiency.
People can't be relaxed about anything and sooner or later any past time that becomes popular devolves into a pile of shit.

>> No.9337884

cosmic break


>> No.9337922
File: 351 KB, 1280x720, ng2-88m-karma-mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly play arcade games, action games, fighting games, and some LoL with my friends. I got tired of the big mainstream games last year, so I don't really play them any more. I'll probably get RE6 tho.

Pic is of the best game ever.

>> No.9337930

I hope that isn't NG3. That game was complete and utter shit.

>> No.9337957

Good until you realize how that game works. Then its pointless massacre where you find enfield right after respawn and go hunt other survivors, because theres nothing else to do there.

>> No.9337963

It's NG2 survival mode. NG3 a SHIT. A big one. A great one.

>> No.9337964

Arcade&Action Games

>> No.9337970
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I mostly end up playing that games that feel unique, or stylistic, or have a good story. Especially DS and Indie PC games, but I also use the myriad of other consoles and then emulators too at times.

Touhou is my favorite IP, but none of them are my favorite game. That's 999, then TWEWY. Genre tends not to matter overly much.

>> No.9337976

I really hate /jp/'s taste in games. Only good games most of you faggots play is 2hu games.

>> No.9337980


noone asked you're opinion nerd

>> No.9338004

Please note that most of the homos posting in this thread are /v/ emigrants. Look at how many social internet games and new blockbusters are being mentioned.

>> No.9338008 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 1680x1050, ss_g_dog_07-01-10_20-58-24_(l07_military).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl
all day, every day


>> No.9338014

Ninja Gaiden Black was the best.

>> No.9338073

>Only good games most of you faggots play is 2hu games.
Touhou is not a good game.

>> No.9338085

Oh my god! Could this be that new epic Mystery Man "Z" memetic thread?!

>> No.9338113

I'm such an addict I don't have time left over for very much else.

>> No.9338130

NG1/B has too much adventure (backtracking, puzzles, semi-open world, etc.). NG2 is pure action, with a much better scoring and combat system. Best action game ever.

>> No.9338473

Carry me~

>> No.9338829

Haven't STALKED in a while. Any new mods for SoC? CoP lags too much of my machine.

>> No.9338844

I dunno, I liked NG1 a little better than 2. I agree that NG2 is by far the better action game, probably the best i've ever played. Not just button mash to win like GoW and more variety than DmC.

>> No.9338850

Carry THIS!


>> No.9338866

The answer is "no"

>> No.9338909
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my condolences.

>> No.9338975
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It's probably this one. It's an MMD port.
I hope there will be more characters soon.

>> No.9339146


Holy fudge I'm going to buy Skyrim now.

>> No.9339156

What a coincidence OP I'm finishing DS2 on hardcore difficulty. It's bullshit.

And well,

Replay TH Extras.
Outrun 2k6
... more emulators.

>> No.9339162
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>> No.9339326

Those grannypanties fits nicely with the setting of the game. But I don't like the bra.

>> No.9339366

They're called bloomers, dad!

>> No.9342025

worst 2hus

>> No.9342054

Minecraft, PS2 games, 3DS games, and sometimes VNs.

>> No.9342084
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I play all sorts of games. Recently I am replaying Gladius. Has anyone on /jp/ played this glorious game?

>> No.9342135

Holy shit, I actually did.

That game was really fun.

>> No.9342148

Last thing I played was school days vn

>> No.9342179

Mainly DFO, sometimes mabi. I gotta remember to unsub Runescape though, the EoC will be the end of it...

>> No.9342194
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diablo 3
