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933616 No.933616 [Reply] [Original]

So, after crying like a little faggot and realizing how great a game this was, I got my mom to play planetarian. We finished it over 3 days, clocking in about an hour for each day.

What. the. flying. fuck.

No tears were fucking shred. She said that she felt sorry for the robot. Sorry? BUT I AIN'T SEE NO TEARS. So, are women unaffected by visual novels because the protagonist is a male and she can't fall in love with a cute little moe robot like we do or was it because of her age? She's 55. Anyway, I'll be starting on Ever17 soon. Which route should I go?

>> No.933618

Tell your mom I hate her.

>> No.933620


shed*. my bad

>> No.933622

Your mother is a witch.

>> No.933623

Your mom has simply experienced things that make Reverie look like a little pile of puke. It's weaksauce to her.

>> No.933629

Don't show her Ever17. She'd need to do all 4 routes and then Cocos to get anything out of it, and that's a huge timesink for something fairly mediocre.

>> No.933630


Uh, rectifying, not saying Cocos route is mediocre, but the others are.

>> No.933632
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It's best to trust the taste of old-friends. "With age comes experience."

Like Grumpy Ojisan here. Owns JoJo on laserdisc, gave Simoun four stars, and said the Fate/stay Night anime sucked ass.

>> No.933635

Because amazingly, some people don't actually cry when faced with sad situations.

I didn't cry when I played Planetarian, but it was sad. Just because someone doesn't physically express their emotions doesn't mean they aren't there.

>> No.933636

OP here. You know the scene where Reverie continuously asks the Junker whether he needs tools while he's working? My mom said she was a little annoying. normalfags know nothing about my moe~

>> No.933640
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>> No.933639


Well she was annoying.

>> No.933642


She went to watch the news after the last scene. Didn't even bother to stay for after the credits.
What do you make of that?

>> No.933644

I didn't cry too, actually I didn't really feel sad.
Different people react to different thing, honestly I really don't see what is so sad about Planetarian myself.

>> No.933649


Oh great another "moe" argument.

I'm terribly sorry I don't find ditzy, pestering and generally retarded characters likable.

OH BUT IT'S BECAUSE THEY CARE. Why is that supposed to make it less annoying? They'd take your feelings into consideration if they did.

>> No.933654


I don't make anything of it because I don't fucking judge people in a silly manner.

If your mother says she felt sad for the robot, she felt sad for her. Just because she doesn't feel the need to bawww her eyes out and then go discuss it on an imageboard with other people doesn't take that away.


>> No.933655


Reverie's a robot.

>> No.933657

Dude. OP's just trolling. Just go along with it. Faggot.

>> No.933658


Your point being?

You can explain WHY it's there, but it doesn't make it less annoying.

>> No.933662


Yeah. A dead one.

>> No.933659
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>> No.933663
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>> No.933666



>> No.933668
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>> No.933672

Make her read Narcissu.
It actually has an interesting message, a very compelling heroine who doesn't try to be moe and more importantly it never feel corny or forced.

>> No.933674

Get her to read something with incest between a mother and a son. See how she reacts.

>> No.933675


I told her what Narcissu is about and she asked why I was reading all these sad stuff. I didn't know how to respond so I didn't bother bringing it up anymore

>> No.933676


>make her

No, no, no.

You do not fucking make your parents do anything. Maybe he could go ask her, and maybe try to get her interested, but you'd have to be one huge faggot to try to FORCE your fucking mother to do something like that.

>> No.933679

So how do you rape your mother then?

>> No.933680

Your mother is an ordinary human being who feels empathy for actual creatures and not fictional characters.

>> No.933683


well, I guess what you said is true. its so hard to understand people ;_;

>> No.933686

Can't you just watch Marimite/Simoun with your mom? Old people love those shows.

>> No.933690


You're failing hard for not knowing how to respond to that.

People enjoy sad things because they are more powerfully moving than most other things that invoke sensations. Even "happy" things require downs to gain a truly good uplift.

I take great pleasure in reading, listening, playing, watching, etc any form of material that can move me, because art is all about conveying emotion to the person on the recieving end. Feeling things, and our emotions, are what make our lives memorable and let us differentiate between what we like and don't like.

tl;dr, because feeling things is good, and sad feelings are the most powerful.

>> No.933694


whoops, forgot my tripcode.

>> No.933695

You make no sense whatsoever.

>> No.933699

lol. Clever.

>> No.933700


You don't.

>> No.933712


i'll ponder over that. thanks

>> No.933735

I found Planetarium sad but it was a BAWfest like how most of you niggers make it out to be.

>> No.933739

I found Planetarian sad but it wasn't the BAWfest that most of you niggers made it out to be.

>> No.933753

Well, KEY often feels like it has this forced tragedy thing going on, and it's not always very convincing (though to it's credit, not too outright contrived like some of its imitators). Perhaps she just simply didn't buy into it. Also normalfags probably don't really buy into the moe~ thing much (which comes off as "annoying" in this case it seems), making it harder for them to symphathize and adore the characters. That, or it was simply too short an experience for her to have invested much emotionally into it (which is what happened to me with Planetarian - sure it's sad, but life goes on).

>> No.933764

I once showed my mom an episode of Cowboy Bebop, the Ballad of Falling Angels episode.

All she said afterward was "It's too violent."

>> No.933767


I played it in one sitting though. So that's probably a factor why I cried. It's like I'm really there with the characters but could do nothing to help

>> No.933768

w-why? why any of this thread?

>> No.933772


Because we want our parents to understand our weeaboo ways! It hurts us that they consider us weird and abnormal. We hope that somehow we can show them what's so good about this stuff. But it never works.

I raged so hard when my mom called my Rei figure a doll.

>> No.933774

I'd like to introduce this stuff to my parents so we'd have more in common. I'm so distant from my parents.

>> No.933776

This thread confuses me so much that I don't even want to troll it

>> No.933782

>a doll.
That's what it is, you pathetic gender-confused faggot.

>> No.933821

>>933772weird and abnormal
Think of what you fap to boy.

>> No.933824


Everyone has weird fetishes that they fap to, not just us weeaboos.

>> No.933829

Not everyone and you have the weirdest

>> No.933831

It didn't make me cry, hell, I didn't even feel sad.
Maybe I should re-play it.

She's a robot.

>> No.933833

>>933831She's a robot.

I bawwwed more do to this I'm an ooooooold /m/echanic

>> No.933834


that's why its sad, friend. The novel and Reverie herself constantly reminds you that she's just a robot. But I still bawwed at her death, even when she said she could just get a replacement or something. And the fact that you know it is impossible, makes you cry. Not to mention her memories scene, and when the Junker saw the stars for the first time.

>> No.933861


I don't have any overly weird fetishes. Yes, I have figures, but I don't hot glue them. I'd never do that. To me, they're works of art. I'd never defile sometime so beautiful.

>> No.933867

wow, some of you need to read what you posted again and think about how it's correlated with your life. you might realize something about yourself.

>> No.933876

That we cry over fictional robots?

>> No.933905

My first thought when I read this was about how sometimes experiencing something with somebody else changes how you experience it.

One example is that anytime I'm watching TV with a group of friends we can't help but make fun of it. Sometimes this happens with movies too, but in that case I think people often try to be more polite.

In the case of something sad, I remember watching the episode of Bubblegum Crisis where Priss is forced to kill her friend. My buddy must have been really into it because it got to him while I was a little confused. At the time I was too self conscious to shed a tear so I didn't let it effect me.

Since then I've really learned to get into things and if something is really good I easily ride waves of joy and sadness regardless of who is there.

Now, I cry at the end of Nausicaa and the Valley of Wind every single time even though I've seen it 15 times.

I need to rewatch Bubblegum Crisis, I hope that I'll be able to enjoy it as a veteran anime fan. At the time it was my first.

>> No.933942

>Nausicaa and the Valley of Wind

wait, why? the ending wasn't sad at all

>> No.933946

God I fucking hate pretentious cuntrags like you. Fucking kill yourself.

Anyway. I thought it was sad, but I never like, cried, or anything. I'm not one to cry over fiction, but planetarian was certainly sad.

>> No.933966

The silence when everybody sees what has happened. I'm moved by the fact that she gave her life to save everybody and then she is healed and everybody is happy. The little girls explaining to the old woman who can't see what is happening and her realizing the prophecy has been fulfilled. The music.

I open myself up to it every time I see it and I am always moved. I also make sure to only watch it when I'm in the mood and rarely so I do not build up a tolerance.

>> No.933991

What's the story behind this?

>> No.933995


The first time I watch that movie was during 2D animation class. The lecturer put the movie on english dub, so it was pretty...emotionless. I thought it was a good movie, although I did not get attached to any of the characters

>> No.934200


"Warriors of the Wind", right?

>> No.934211


nope, it was the original movie. just that the english dub was quite bad

>> No.934214


The moment I saw the scene where the God Warrior was firing his lasers and heard the sound effects that accompanied it, I immediately thought of Evangelion. Anyone else?

>> No.934218


Trivia: Anno was one of the animators back then.

>> No.934224

Different people are sad in different ways. It's rather timely that this should come up, since last night I was watching the anime adaptation of Kanon with a friend (both of us female). I BAWWWWed my face off while she sat there, a blank expression on her face. Afterwards, we discussed it and she declared, "Wow, that was so sad! My heart is bleeding..."

So, yes, just because they don't react physically doesn't mean they're not moved.

>> No.934227


Anno was the key animator on that scene.

>> No.934241

"Hey mom you know how I don't have sex with women and keep all these images of little animated girls for dubious reasons? Well let me just show you this game..."

"oh I see honey, that's uh nice I guess"

>> No.934244

Basically I just don't like fans who advertise and try to convert.

>> No.934246


Yeah, I looked up the movie on wiki a day later

>> No.934259

Planetarian was sad in the same way as the sadness you feel while seeing a puppy die, in the end it's kind of shallow.

>> No.934261


oh god, girls on the internets

actually, she was the one who asked me to show her planetarian. it happened after my playthrough, she was wondering why I looked so depressed so I said I had just read a really moving story.

>> No.934276


Serious post for a second though if plantarian didn't mind-numblingly depress her she should probably serve as a example of why normal people suck and you should probably keep things to yourself.

It's not just her death, the whole reality of humanity in the story just depresses any enlightened individual.

>> No.934283


Just because she didn't cry and dissolve into hysterics doesn't mean she didn't get depressed or sad, though. Seriously, it is possible.

>> No.934289

Not really, it's far too heavy handed in Planetarian.
Something like Hotel was sadder to me.

>> No.934298


It's also possible that I'm his mom posting in disguise.

I'll put money on my theory I have numbers behind me.

>> No.934302

I didn't cry either

>> No.934303


my mom doesn't know how to use the computer lulz.

>> No.934305

Loads and loads of people didn't think Planetarian is sad. It really shouldn't bother you.

>> No.934309

>normal people suck
>any enlightened individual.
i believe i see the problem

>> No.934331


Yes I do young mister you even showed me how to post on 4chan once too when I asked why you keep laughing to yourself so much, right after you spent 3 days showing me your silly japanese video books after I made a passing comment that you look depressed.

>> No.934394


4chan mom is mad, should go to /h/ and see the animu mothercon doujins

freaking HAWT!

>> No.934408

I lol'd at this, even though I probably shouldn't have.

>> No.934418

It just means your mother isn't as much of a faggot like you.

>> No.934437

Planetarian was pretty sad. Not worth crying over, though.


>> No.934438


Thanks namefag your post combined with my mom fakeposting has made me hot and bothered for mother-son incest porn

brb checking /h/.

>> No.934455

btw op is your mom hot?

>> No.934468

I'd say 6/10

>> No.934498


This should be a hot mom thread now get the ball rolling and posts pics of your mom

>> No.934508

preferably when she is playing your VNs in her underwear hnggggggg

>> No.935102


I... I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.935133


Is not OPs mom

Not hawt enough, also not enough tears were shed while posting

>> No.936322

Your mom is a fucking bitch who must die.

>> No.937985

i actually shed phantasmal tears for Reverie because i'm a student in robotics, and know that her A.I. is Turing-complete.

also, i suck Bridget's dick.

>> No.938196

Robots cannot cry tears.
She felt sorry for the robot because she can sympathize with her.
Your mom must be a robot.

She's really just jealous that Reverie aced the Turing test that she failed back in robot high school.

>> No.938208
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Perfectly Human is now playing in your head.

>> No.938265

905 models can cry tears faggot.

>> No.938269
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>> No.939350

Her AI is turing complete?
So is Brainfuck. Your point?

>> No.939362

Her AI is Turing complete?
So is Brainfuck. Your point?

>> No.939396

Aegis is the only robot worth two shits. You need to get over this game, it's been years.

>> No.939400

>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian
>I got my mom to play planetarian


>> No.939407


You should ask your mom about your 5 missing older siblings.

Then again, maybe not.
