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9331032 No.9331032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you know? Korean has no word for "Honesty"

>> No.9331038


btw i'm a girl.

>> No.9331041

I'm also black fyi

>> No.9331054


Hi black person



see what I did there?

>> No.9331057

I'm so aroused for all the sudden.

>> No.9331058

a language with a word for telling the truth means its speakers are habitual liars...

>> No.9331063

There is no word for "thanks" in Dothraki

>> No.9331066


A language with no honesty leaves a nation with no ethics or morality. On of sheer racism and one born of extreme greed and jewism

>> No.9331068

you mad?

>> No.9331069

Isn't that strange, neither does the Hebrew language.

>> No.9331074

LOL wh are u sayin

>> No.9331076

Why do japs hate koreans? I mean I understand why Koreans don't like Japanese, the japs raped them all in WW2 literally.

>> No.9331081

East Asians tend to dislike one another.

>> No.9331084

when two nations have a history of mutual conflict....but I don't suppose Americans could understand that.

>> No.9331083


Because after all the apologies, after all the money, sympathy, memorials, all the business allowances, sharing of technology and exports, treaties and cultural exchange, cost of living and scholarship benefits. The Koreans still treat and villainize the Japanese as monsters.

It's almost like jews invoking nazis every day no matter what germany does.

>> No.9331088

u forgot ur trip kimchi

>> No.9331091

That's the joke LOL. Hate sows hate in both ways. Even some of the most retarded weaboos like to hop in Japanese anti-korea group. Of course most of them are trolls thankfully.

>> No.9331098

it does, they use "truth" also in the meaning "honesty"


>> No.9331100


sensationalist comments are sensationalist

>> No.9331106

>when two nations have a history of mutual conflict...
Then what? England and France have been in war for 600 years pretty much non-stop and they are now buddies.

>> No.9331107

LOL u even study history? we have a long history with those english shit n0ob jackass also who save the world from nazis?? who brought liberty to this world?? nerd btw we also save them twice (: ww1 ww2 #swag #americanpride #pearlhabourneverforget

>> No.9331109


Remember the Shoah before criticizing Yahweh's chosen people, goyim. We have suffered enough at your hands.

>> No.9331114

>It's almost like jews invoking nazis every day no matter what germany does.

Israel and Germany are close allies and trading partners.

>> No.9331125


I guess you're Israeli, no racism. But do people there talk about Nazis all the time?

Because the Jews in America, which are different, I understand. talk about Nazis all the time. And still compare everything Germany does to Hitler

>> No.9331126

But they also were allies many times in history
I'm talking about ever-lasting conflicts, such as

>> No.9331127

Did you know? /jp/ has no good threads.

>> No.9331132



Allies maybe, they still don't like eachother

>> No.9331143

Wrong color OP, also you missed.

>> No.9331142

Suffering and projecting calamities are embedded in to Kike DNA. They need to feel oppressed, it's part of their identity.

>> No.9331151
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Nobody is projecting any calamity or suffering, the holocaust actually did happen, stormfriend. Do people milk it? Sure. The same way black people still blame all of their problems on whites and slavery.

>> No.9331153
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>> No.9331158
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>> No.9331159


Everyone knows the Holocaust happened, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is claimed to be. There were labor camps, people died. But there was no mass extinction of the entire race. Same milking happens with Blacks, and with Koreans. Sympath = Money

>> No.9331161

fun fact : black people spent their days hunting each others to sell the captured one to the white bois.

>> No.9331167
File: 128 KB, 460x621, holocaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But there was no mass extinction of the entire race.


>> No.9331168

America, can you keep your black hurr slavery shit out of England please, idiots over here seem to think English people have fucked them over when black people have been pretty much fine over here for ages. Control your liberals.

>> No.9331171


>> No.9331174

They do project it. That documentary showing the Steven Spielberg fraudulent account of the holocaust, and some bitch Kike was interviewed and insisted that she had to eat and shit out diamonds every few days for several years and how she escaped the gas chambers (that were simultaneous 22nd century advanced furnaces and bone smashing machines and soap factories) and how there are claw marks all over buildings that don't exist any more, etc. Oh, those poor SUFFERING GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, all those weird lamps made from skin of Jews! Don't forget that shrunken voodoo head that was used to brainwash liberated Kikes that was somehow an experimented-on CHOSEN ONE!

So terrible, so evil, so inhumane *sheds crocodile tear* T_T

>> No.9331177
File: 38 KB, 363x380, typical antisemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331183


>England didn't conduct slavery

Haha, okay. sure whatever

>> No.9331186
File: 13 KB, 240x324, japan jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regardless of the semantic vagueness of tonya's (that's the name of the poster who started this thread, is it not?) question, I must say that I do not think penises in Japan are perceptably smaller than they are elsewhere in the world. If anything, Japanese men seem to have a tendency toward very thick and hard erections, whereas (Western) Europeans seem to have a tendency toward long, dangly, flabby erections. There may be some groups of Caucasoid men who have the same tendency as Japanese toward "thick and hard" as opposed to "long and soft"; I have heard from some sources that >>>Jewish men<<< may be of a similar tendency as the Japanese.



Japanese are jewish

Ten Lost Tribes of Israel in Japan? Biblical Japanese Festivals?

>> No.9331185

The fact that you're still around spouting this yehud propoganda proves him correct, though.

>> No.9331189


>state objective fact without melodrama or exaggeration
> immediately swing it to the most extreme possibly for propagandist effect.

>> No.9331205
File: 83 KB, 520x419, holocaust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claimed that the holocaust did not involve the mass extinction of the jews. I'm simply proving him wrong.

Here I have actual pictures of the events to back up my claim, and all he has are infographics from stormfront.com. If you want to see what actual propaganda is, take a look at some of the stuff Hitler said during WW2.

>> No.9331212

>Regardless of the semantic vagueness of tonya's (that's the name of the poster who started this thread, is it not?) question, I must say that I do not think penises in Japan are perceptably smaller than they are elsewhere in the world. If anything, Japanese men seem to have a tendency toward very thick and hard erections, whereas (Western) Europeans seem to have a tendency toward long, dangly, flabby erections. There may be some groups of Caucasoid men who have the same tendency as Japanese toward "thick and hard" as opposed to "long and soft"; I have heard from some sources that >>>Jewish men<<< may be of a similar tendency as the Japanese.

Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.9331213


Get outta here with that bullshit

>> No.9331217


I said a lot of people died, Jews made it seem like the Nazis were trying to hunt down and wipe every Jew from earth off the planet. In general, they were only attempting to exterminate those who were jew or gypsy that diluted Germany, or fucked them over (Poles) in WW1. Was it fucking horrible? duh. But shit is blown way out of proportion. I've never even been to Stormfront, I personally take a very moderate atheist view of the situation. And Germany has been making amends for 50 years.

>> No.9331218
File: 47 KB, 480x335, holocaust3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331223

It's funny how jews exterminated jews and yet germans were forced to pay money.
Just like USSR, nazi germany was controlled by jews and suppled by them. many of hitler friends who were also nazi commanders were jews who became true aryans.

>> No.9331227

Your claim is wrong.
Many Koreans raped Japanese woman at the time of WWII.

>> No.9331228
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Are all anti-semites this delusional?

>> No.9331226


>> No.9331225

>the mass extinction of the jews.
>I'm simply proving him wrong.
Before trying to get ahead of yourself, why not go and find the definitions of the words that you are using. Specifically you need to understand the word EXTINCTION.

What has showing bodies of dead thieves have to do with a holocaust? They died of disease because of allied bombing. No orders were ever given to kill Jews. Try harder, dumbass.

Meaning: To be burned whole

Those bodies aren't burned. They are not part of any holocaust.

>> No.9331232

Could you imagine how the world would be if we had MORE Jews? The Holocaust worked out. Just like slavery. If blacks weren't taken from Africa they would all have beaten each other to death with clubs, so it was beneficial to them.

>> No.9331235

There's no word for "something that costs money" in English. Except non-free, but that's just a negation of another word.

>> No.9331237

Yeah but not to us

>> No.9331240


Holocaust is a cooler sounding word than Massacre. Too bad, you can't even use this word anymore because it's co-opted by extremists.

>> No.9331243

"something that costs money" is words for something that costs money you mongoloid.

>> No.9331246
File: 69 KB, 331x252, 1325126163277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 185 Jews and people of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2011, and constituting 36% of all US recipients2 during the same period.3 In the research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and Physiology/Medicine, the corresponding world and US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. Among women laureates in the four research fields, the Jewish percentages (world and US) are 38% and 50%, respectively. Of organizations awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 25% were founded principally by Jews or by people of half-Jewish descent. (Jews currently make up approximately 0.2% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.

The world would be objectively better if there were more jews, seeing as how we are the most intelligent race.

>> No.9331248

Nazi Germany had about 150 thousand jews in its army. Many of whom were also commanding officers.
For example:

>> No.9331254

That feel when your grand-grand granddad were probably jewish.
Feels masterrace man

>> No.9331249

trading partners =/= friendship

>> No.9331252




>> No.9331256

More like most conniving.

>> No.9331257
File: 54 KB, 256x352, 1316262939953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemistry (32 prize winners, 20% of world total, 29% of US total)
Economics (28 prize winners, 41% of world total, 53% of US total)
Literature (13 prize winners, 12% of world total, 27% of US total)
Peace (9 prize winners, 9% of world total, 10% of US total)4
Physics (49 prize winners, 26% of world total, 37% of US total)
Physiology or Medicine (54 prize winners, 27% of world total, 40% of US total)

Does this upset you, stormfag?

>> No.9331258


>> No.9331259


>Claims Jews are the chosen people
>Thinks god actually exists
>Believes in the same Muslim belief of conversion or death
>Wonders why the world doesn't like him
>Claims it's because of anti-semitism

>> No.9331262
File: 26 KB, 385x430, Kikes project suffering on to themselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331263


>> No.9331265

in my language(spanish) we don't have that word either could you tell us in which language there is

>> No.9331267

>Implying the nobel prize means jackshit

>> No.9331268

I didn't claim any of that, champ. I'm simply informing you that jews are objectively the most intelligent race.

Nice greentext by the way. I'm sure you'd have a great time over in /v/

>> No.9331272

Jews giving prizes to Jews, what else is new?

>> No.9331277


>objectively the most intelligent race

I agree but I also think they are largely an entitled, manipulative people with a victim complex.

>> No.9331276

they are also filthy pigs with no morals who would do anything for money, also the nobel prize is a popularity contest controlled by leftists that is why they never gave Borges the literature prize even though he deserved it

>> No.9331283


>> No.9331279


Except in terms of actual statistics, Israel, supposedly the purest Jewish race, would be the highest scoring race in any subject. But they arn't. They arn't even close. I wouldn't say that Jews tend to throw bones to Jews but. There is no god, there is no chosen people. The Torah is just as flawed as the Bible and Jews are a race of this earth with a highly inflated sense of self worth. Coupled with a massive inferiority complex. And if this was not the case, there would be not as much anti-semitism as there is. But based on what I can see. I'm not surprised they exist.

>> No.9331281

It's also why Obama got the Nobel peace prize while he continues to bomb people via drones.

>> No.9331290
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It's funny because the shitposter is not even Jewish.

>> No.9331294


It's funny because there is no such thing, it's just an elaborate troll for thousands of years created by OP. The real jew is that faggot who wouldn't buy my game at Gamestop

>> No.9331296

That explains why all Japanese have big noses and no foreskin, anyone who disagrees is clearly a disinfo agent.

>> No.9331297

I don't think half of the jewish internet defense force are actually jews.

>> No.9331301
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1341424063290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half jewish. I'm studying economics.

>> No.9331304

>studying economics

Why are you even here?

>> No.9331305
File: 66 KB, 500x417, 1339091109369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying money
That's too obvious, but still a funny joke.

>> No.9331307


>going into money
>s-stop being racist!

>> No.9331308

To scream racist stormfag at anybody implying that jews are not the people chosen by god

>> No.9331314

Which God? The false shitposting jealous baby God who wants non-Jews to be murdered because he's too weak to do it himself?

>> No.9331310

go back to reddit faggot you are even worse than kikes

>> No.9331312
File: 101 KB, 1440x810, 1341423710520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reddit picture.

>> No.9331313


epic ironic picture and greentexting brah

>> No.9331316

>>>/pol/ faggot

>> No.9331318
File: 2.86 MB, 2000x2985, 1341743601383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you strawmanning so hard? I have never once mentioned god, that's just one of your pre-arranged arguments.

>> No.9331323

but you are claiming that jews are superior to any other race

>> No.9331329

uhhh... he's actually right. It's not the nordics or slavs who control this world - it's jews.
