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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 134 KB, 600x531, 1340510666678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9328676 No.9328676 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any threads or comments that you've read in here, that you just can't forget?

>> No.9328685

btw i'm a girl

>> No.9328707


>> No.9328728

Give examples

>> No.9328738

suck my cock dude

>> No.9328754
File: 368 KB, 1000x741, 0357fb2add26719530e0e2d0ddcd3e99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time someone called me a ``turbonerd'' and i cried all night. never felt so insulted in my life.

>> No.9328756

That one where some guy compared depression to a car without gas on a race or something to that effect.

>> No.9328760

that post where someone called me a fag

>> No.9328766

I remember when people calling me names on here, just because usually when someone calls me a name, I end up crying. I hate myself so much when I cry.

>> No.9328780

One time, I made a thread about this fantasy world of mine. It's not fanfiction, it's just a place I like to daydream about when I go to bed, before I fall asleep.
I was explaining the history and geography of said world because someone asked, and I had to split up my reply in 3 parts because of the shitty character limit.
when I was about to post the 3rd part, I hit refresh, and someone had quoted the first 2 parts, saying something along the lines of "holy fuck that autism" and I felt hurt

>> No.9328797

Post it now, this sound interesting. I do the same thing except it isn't an entire world.

>> No.9328789

I don't know if you are kidding but I can relate.

>> No.9328807

I wish I was, the only time I don't get upset is when someone just says something like "suck my cock dude", but even when someone calls me stupid or autistic I get upset.

>> No.9328835

I'm gonna have to re write the whole thing. This is going to take a while.

>> No.9328838

A thread between the shitposters where they just reply to each other using reaction images.

>> No.9328842

Someone recognised me from my posting style somehow. I won't forget that. I post a lot less now.

>> No.9328850

Forgot to mention but it went on longer than it should have!

>> No.9328854

How did that happen? You must have a very unique posting style but from that post it does not seem like it.

>> No.9328866

I remember a recent guy who was asking some interesting Touhou questions and planned on ding something with them. Then I started recognizing him in different threads.

>> No.9328863

I got aroused like I never have before from that anon who made a post about gashing my stomach open with a knife, fucking it, and leaving me to bleed out.


>> No.9328864
File: 25 KB, 439x439, 1316623013284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody claimed Saten-san took away his "masturbation virginity."

He had never masturbated before, until he saw Saten-san on /jp/. And the pictures usually aren't even lewd! I didn't know what to say.

>> No.9328873


Ohh, it was almost exactly one year ago! About 12 hours off: >>7595566

>> No.9328868

You posted dicks before, you post hypnotism files to get people to suck dicks and you generally just make dick sucking seem to be some kind of amazing experience.

>> No.9328881

Racism actually annoys me, it's weird how on jp people are into crossdressing, have no job and absolutely no shame of leeching off their parents and the government, but they still think they are better than me somehow because of some bullshit reason that's not even under my control.

By the way I don't know if it's just me but most truNEETs come off as really adolescent and angsty? You guys don't sound like autists taking it easy at all.

>> No.9328884

I feel bad whenever I lie to you guys. I've said some pretty awful lies to make you guys like me more.

I don't feel bad about the time i lied to make anonymous feel better about themselves though. I'll treasure that moment.

>> No.9328887
File: 584 KB, 600x800, 1315488264782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous-san, there is more than one Saten-friend on /jp/. In fact there are quite a few. I am not a fan of lewd things, although the Saten-anon you are thinking of is a nice person.

>> No.9328893


We are racist because it annoys you. If it didn't annoy you, we probably wouldn't give a shit.

Stop being so affected by something over the internet.

>> No.9328894

All of you are lewd, don't deny it.

>> No.9328900

I actually like some truNEETs who really do take it easy. Some are just here to piss us off, maybe bringing us down to their levels of faggotry and despair.

I'm a simple NEET who likes taking it easy by helping out people. Hate me if you want, but I'll never leave /jp/.

>> No.9328901

I made a thread a while ago and we were all having a good time being nice and responding to each other but the janitor deleted it. It made me sad.

>> No.9328902

Teto-anon always cheers me up with their threads. I wish they made more.

>> No.9328915

Every time the please respond guy replies back to me. It makes me smile.

>> No.9328930

Someone told me to stop posting, and want to bite my dick off when I call him a "Baka".

I still think people should not resolve to such violence, especially towards little girls.

>> No.9328932

Oh it's you again.

>> No.9328956

Probably guessed at his name and got lucky.

>> No.9328954

This thread is really cute.

>> No.9328959

I feel like the janitor stalks me.

>> No.9328967

Why do you say so? He probably deletes so many shit threads yours come too along the way.

>> No.9328982

The only posts that really bother me... well, it's involved in all those threads about penises. Everyone all comes to the collective conclusion that only uncut penises are any good. As well, it seems like the majority of people here are uncut. And that makes me depressed, because my penis is good for nothing.

I can be on top of the world, then one post about circumcision and I'm upset for days. My penis is ugly, can barely feel anything, and wouldn't please anybody. All because my mother thought it was a good idea and she isn't even Jewish. And I can't change it, I'm stuck this way.

I look into foreskin restoration, but it can't restore perfectly. I shouldn't have manually work at restoring something for 2 years that should be there anyway.

>> No.9328990

I don't make threads but I post a lot.

>> No.9328999

Then stop shitposting.

>> No.9329002

I don't let the judgement of others affect me. Isn't that part of the reason as to why we're all shut-ins in the first place?

>> No.9329007

Thankfully, no.

>> No.9329013

I don't mind penises, cut or uncut, your penis is beautiful and it wasn't your fault at all. I would totally suck your cock to make you feel better :3

>> No.9329028

I lost the screencap at some point, but they were a couple posts imagining the early daily threads as a scruffy guy in some park bench always there to wish you to enjoy your life, as a constant presence that just disappeared at times.
It was well before they turned to spam and the boards in general got to know how much of an unstable jerk I really was.

Funny how you remember the pre-split days as enjoyable and peaceful when the truth was quite different. Anyway, it's one of those things that stuck with me for years. That and the japanese guy that could barely post in english but shared a preference for glasses girls and contributed plenty to a thread.

Sorry, just remembering old stuff nobody cares about. But it's nice to reminiscence, memories are always nice and sweet compared to the crude reality.

>> No.9329037

Don't worry about it anon. People just use the uncut vs. cut argument as a way to claim a worthless superiority over others. Think about it this way: if some people were arguing that the best crayon color is blue, and you liked the color red, would it really bother you that much? It doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

We like to throw around the word "faggot" a lot on pretty much every board on 4chan, but to me, talking about cut vs. uncut dicks really is about one step away from true faggotry.

>> No.9329052

are you that lying anon?

>> No.9329062

I don't hate you, I just hate it when it comes to NEET threads, if you post anything about how you feel depressed or lonely, you'll get called a normalfag and told to leave.

Sounds like those people have never been hikkis in reality and are just trying to seem edgy.

>> No.9329064


>> No.9329065

>Are there any threads or comments that you've read in here, that you just can't forget?

Yes, I masturbated to this comment even though it wasn't directed at me: >>9329013

>> No.9329071

That might have been me, what was the specific comment (and your comment it was replying to)?

>> No.9329096

Most of the posters claiming to be shut ins are just bullshitting. Don't let it get to you.

Think about this: The guy insulting you for being normal is likely alt tabbing over to IRC after hitting "submit" to laugh with his large assortment of friends. That's the icky part.

>> No.9329100 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 1863x213, welcome to jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9329115

It's not the end of the world if you've been circumcized, but seriously that shit needs to be illegal, and doctors who perform it should lose their medical license and be registered as sex offenders.

>> No.9329109

Keep up the good work.

>> No.9329112

That's true. I'm a NEET, but I'm never lonely but I do sometimes get depressed from time to time. It's just human nature.

And yes, 2edgy4u is the usual theme of "normalfag" spouting ``truNEETs."

It wasn't this way when I was just lurking for years.

>> No.9329117

I'm glad I made you happy.

>> No.9329122

Capping posts and putting "Welcome to /board/" caption is /a/b/v/ behavior.

>> No.9329119
File: 100 KB, 650x414, hoopdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyways, first, image related.
>Hey /jp/, question about vaginas.

>Would water hurt it at all?
>Like throw off the ph balance or something?

Those are the most memorable.

>> No.9329123 [DELETED] 

I'm obviously happy too.

>> No.9329130

I'm happy that you're happy because you made me happy.

>> No.9329131

I'm simply doing my job of letting the other boards know what this place is like.

>> No.9329144
File: 46 KB, 1863x213, JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware of the origins, sorry for the mishap.

Is this better?

>> No.9329149

Just imagine your own cute little femboy in a maid outfit with his cute butt showing out from under his dress, your maid willing to do whatever master wishes.

>> No.9329151

I'm happy that your happy for making anon happy because that made me happy

>> No.9329154

Someone will say it's shit but I thought it was funny.

>> No.9329156

post it you nigger

>> No.9329167

I don't like this word.

>> No.9329170
File: 56 KB, 1863x312, JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original guy, but I thought I would add >>9329065 since it helps drive the point home.

>> No.9329175

I do it too. But not that detailed. Generally I change my world every time I'm going to sleep.

>> No.9329176
File: 257 KB, 600x800, 05660f72cd1eb91a5492d3d46876ca46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, femboi is much better.

>> No.9329195

Do you guys remember Pygma-chan's last post on /jp/? Her words are forever etched in my mind... "All I wanted was to contribute to a community I really care about"... Pygma-chan, I miss her so much.

>> No.9329202

I assume suicide or "left 4chan forever"?

>> No.9329258
File: 390 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dont hit on me silly boys XD

>> No.9329265

Quit 4chan to get pregnant with half-breed babies.

>> No.9329267

Oh fuck. Sorry I got distracted. Anyway my world is currently going through an ice age, so there's not much to say. The northern and southern regions slowly became inhabitable over the last few centuries and the people moved to cities in or near the equator. Needless to say, they were not ready for such a large influx of immigrants, so shanty towns have appeared outside the city walls, and more recently, tent cities, making food harder to come by and causing a lot of tension. My fantasies usually involve brown immigrant girls sleeping in the alleys and coming out into the streets to beg for shelter and or food. Sometimes, if they're cute and young enough, their families will sell them in the market (Slavery is not illegal yet, but frowned upon by intellectuals. It will probably be outlawed soon) nobles and members of government will buy them and raise them as their maids in secret. I'd post more but I have to go bed

>> No.9329285

autismal as fuck

>> No.9329293
File: 132 KB, 540x720, the antiburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true? I like juicy stories.

>> No.9329295

Ok I'll wait too see your thread around 12 am 4chan time.

>> No.9329301

No! Pygma-chan is a virgin... D-don't let others tell you otherwise...

>> No.9329302

Someone should pick you up and make a game about your ever evolving world. Or you could write a book about it, I'd read it.

>> No.9329322

Autism 2 DA MAX!

>> No.9329323

``do you understand that words have the power to hurt people
i dont think you do
im not just text and pictures
theres a real person typing this and that person feels sad because of what you said
i hope some day you realise that''

>> No.9329324
File: 49 KB, 450x450, 1340427132927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mod or janitor once followed me from board to board telling me I was bad at video games and calling me mean names.
My feelings are still a little hurt.

>> No.9329337

I would like to add that I'd pick it up if you find an interesting story to go with the setting.
The error of many beginner writer is to focus on world building and forgetting to tell an actual story with good characterization.

For example, you can write a story focused on a girl from a middle class family that has suddenly fell into hard times and is now forced into the same alleys, getting to know the brown girls she has ignored for years. The driving conflict being to infiltrate through the Noble house that destroyed her family life and find out the truth of what caused half the planet to become uninhabitable

>> No.9329363

You know what, I've had a great idea for my huge fantasy world I've been working on for about 5 years. But since it's too long I doubt anyone from /jp/ would be patient enough to read it.

>> No.9329365

Yoshinoya greentext

>> No.9329368

The reason why I mentioned a game being made out of it is because it could be an open world and you could make your own story with your character. But obviously a book would require an actual story.

>> No.9329372

Go for it. Better to risk it and put it out there. As long as a single person reads it and enjoys it it's worth the effort.

>> No.9329381

Someone quoting the Captain-(Nazi vampire)-'s speech from Hellsing about War,in relation to Supreme Commander.

I'm waiting patiently for Supcom3,the RTS to end all RTSes

>> No.9329392

Frigg off homolord I'd read it.

>> No.9329393

Anyways, >>60227915, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.

>> No.9329399

However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>60227915, should just stick with today's special.

>> No.9329402

I actually started writing a story about it once, it focused on a tribe of seal hunters who lived in a northern island chain and their encounter with a group of explorers hired by a city state to chart the region. It takes place in a previous time era though, before the invention of steam engines. It didn't really go anywhere, it was just a masturbatory fantasy.

>> No.9329414

Pygma has a kid, and her grandma had to raise it since she was too young to do so herself, and she along with milk were Ravers, going to parties and getting high all the time.
As for the halfbreed part, I have no idea.

>> No.9329455
File: 17 KB, 298x300, CVA001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets have an al pcaino thread.

>> No.9329464

>Do NEETs and Otakus really have to decide between necessities like food and figurines/anime/general otaku shit?

>Pick one

>> No.9329494

I once got quads.
Anonymous said "sick quads brah".

>> No.9329498
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 1339181218192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread topic was lewd things you would do to reimu.

let me see if i can recollect;

I would strip her down to her undies, no more; no less. I would then scoop several heaping mounds of chocolate ice cream into her panties, making sure they're cooling off her ladyparts.

Then I would get behind her and put a big scoop of the ice cream in one hand, then reach around her chest with that hand and smother it into her delicious armpit. With my other hand I would stick into her panties and smear it all over her ladyparts.

Ideally she would be squirming and such because of how cold it all is, but I would be restraining her from behind while assuming the aforementioned position.

Oh, and I would gnaw on her ear during the whole fiasco.

>> No.9329506

Sick double 94's dude.

>> No.9329612
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Where the hell do you guys get this from?

>> No.9329692

I'm really glad you chose to honor my request for so long, milk, but why are you back here? I'm tired of telling you to leave all the time; it makes me feel like a bully.

>> No.9329747
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People stalk you and report back to /jp/

>> No.9329755
File: 186 KB, 600x922, zero-out-of-ten wouldnotfug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want milk to leave.

>> No.9329777
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>> No.9329796

please dont bully our Queen!

>> No.9329812


And she's not ``our'' queen, so shut up about it, ``please!!''

>> No.9329830
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>> No.9329849
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This isn't me, but this. Seriously, this is one of the reason I don't post with my trip anymore.
All this fake forced drama is just getting annoying.

>> No.9329870

Why are all the girls on jp who dant stay anon ugly as fuck?

>> No.9329878

I'm familiar with that situation. Guess it's good enough to know you're still around even if hiding as just another anonymous.

I just go sad when I notice known posters leaving the board.

>> No.9329898
File: 8 KB, 126x254, glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like juicy stories

>> No.9329932

>this is one of the reason I don't post with my trip anymore.

Yet you're posting with your trip responding to drama stuff.

>> No.9329944


>> No.9329946

The trip comes on when people start talking about her.

Did I say "her"? I obviously meant "me."

>> No.9329958

All of sparky's posts. I even have dreams about him. The weird part is that I can never remember what he looks like or what his voice sounds like, and nothing he says really indicates that it must be sparky, yet I just know it's supposed to be him. I can feel it, you know? He usually asks strange questions about my relationship with my family, my behavior towards society, and my outlook on existence as a whole, though he never states his own opinion on these things.

I'm starting to think that, in my dreams, sparky is somehow some sort of deity who's trying to tell me something.

>> No.9329975

That's because my original goal was to find out where these stories came from.
I'm not necessarily trying to get anyone to stop, because I know it'd be a waste of time to try, but is this just shit that someone's making up in their free time, or do people actually believe this?

>> No.9329966


Hello sparky.

>> No.9329973


I have no idea. For all we know there might be lots of cute girls on /jp/, but all we can see are ugly girls, because they're the only ones retarded enough to post themselves on here.

>> No.9329974

>literally a gay ugly homo
Yeah, I can't see what he may be trying to say

>> No.9330020
File: 275 KB, 750x1000, Hearto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many threads and comments that i can no longer forget, some made me a little sad and others made me very happy!
Comments such as the nice anon who told me he liked me will forever be warming heart~

Or the threads when posting Saten-san had to be done in binary code during the AoC rule.
I kinda miss Kuroko-spammers threads a little.

>> No.9330022

Pretty sure it starts as one person making shit up that's very loosely grounded in reality, then reposting it ad nauseam until others start repeating it too, because they find it amusing or want to fit in or whatever.

Just look at the Anonymous Jones or Ken-sama mythos for less hateful variations on this.

>> No.9330114

Some of these posts make me feel warm inside.

>> No.9330160

I remember that. I didn't get aroused and just felt really squeamish as I read through it though.

>> No.9330273

The anti-Finnish threads make me feel really unwelcome. If I post a fumo or a battllestation photo, I make sure there are no recognizable Finnish items around.

>> No.9330549
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1339045223825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub human filth.

You are worst than niggers, leave.

>> No.9330561

Why do you hate black people?

>> No.9330570
File: 92 KB, 403x415, typical finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your little girls really look like this?

>> No.9330579
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>> No.9330580

When I say niggers I'm generally referring to poor ignorant people. Not just blacks.

The Finns aren't ignorant and stupid just really annoying.

>> No.9330590


>> No.9330586

Wait what, did I miss the memo, has the word changed meaning now?

>> No.9330605

jesus fuck she looks just like my little sister
probably an obnoxious bitch too

>> No.9330608

how about this niggers, white trash etc.

Does this help put your autistic mind at ease?

>> No.9330612

i hope you hug your little sister from time to time because she is very cute

>> No.9330616

this recent thread


where i found other oregonians, one who lives fairly close.

wonder if they still go on here.

>> No.9330617

she may be "cute" but she never ever shuts the fuck up

>> No.9330619

I've pretty much forgotten everything about /jp/, I used to have favourite posts/threads I'd look up and laugh at, but I've forgotten them.

>> No.9330621

Sudo is from south america??????

Is he still white??

>> No.9330632

A white nigger is much more of a nigger than an educated black gentleman is.

>> No.9330643

What IRC?

>> No.9330637

As a black man, I never understood this logic.

It really should be black trash

no need to use the word nigger

>> No.9330641

Wrong, the nigger is 10 times more of a nigger than a white person can ever be.

>> No.9330647

Because you can only use nigger logic.

>> No.9330656

The one where every /jp/ poster who is not you circlejerks and laughs about how stupid your posts are and how you fall for everything.

>> No.9330664

No black people around here so we just call white trash niggers.

>> No.9330676

i don't really remember anything besides common memes and copypasta. the only thing that comes to my mind was when Hong announced he leaves /jp/.

though i remember lots of my own posts, at least the ones that are embarassingly bad. i want to forget.

>> No.9330682

Nothing is burned so strongly into my memory that I can't forget them, but I can recall a whole lot from various places.

>> No.9330689

Sion and Jones go on a picnic ft. shrimp Mima

>> No.9330693

autismal as fuck

>> No.9330707

I remember the times I helped out Anon.

>> No.9330725
File: 521 KB, 800x923, 1339224099828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those times too, thank you.

>> No.9330763

Yes there are. A few years ago I started saving them all and I now have a sizable collection of quotes and good posts by anon, as well as some of the better takes on common kopipe.
I'm not posting them here because I don't think the current population of this board deserves to read them.

>> No.9330766


Anytime my friend.

>> No.9330768

I wonder if any of my posts are saved.

>> No.9330775

N-not that I want to see them either, meanyface! Hmph!

>> No.9330799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9331346
File: 54 KB, 363x510, 1214157282074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't /jp/ come together and create some original content or good quality doujin shit? 2ch does it ALL the time. The Chinese do it too. Plus they translate shit into chink fast and consistent. Why can't we do that?

>> No.9331875 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 768x464, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< look at a years-old thread in the archive
< see a completely mundane post no more than 5 words in length and instantly recognize it as your own

>> No.9331878

too much bullying from other users and janitor

>> No.9331894

That flip flap belly flan flock tap tap thing.

>> No.9333511

There was this one time that some anonymous conforted another one who was ashamed of his inferior cut-dick and the other anonymous said that he would suck his dick to make him feel better.
It was gay as fuck.

>> No.9333545


Katawa Shoujo was heralded as a 4chan achievement when the people who actually finished it were not from 4chan anymore, but Reddit, or Tumblr, or DA. In short, it died many, many times until they got rid of all the 4channers from the team. And stopped making threads for it all together.

Just ask yourself if you really want /jp/ working on anything. If I theoretically had money, and I was paying people here at /jp/ for work they would still troll and attempt to destroy it. Because 4chan lacks the ability to create anymore.

>> No.9333560

I'd suck your dick to make you feel better any time, anonymous.

>> No.9333578

It's not inferior to me, I'm that anon and all dicks are beautiful, he wasn't his fault that his parents are idiots and while there may be some facts, to me and in my opinion, his dick isn't inferior at all and I would love it.

>> No.9333580

I think we can still create something. Actually, I have something in mind, and I know a few people that could help me. Don't forget about "Rita Please respond" too.

>> No.9333618


You wouldn't be able to release it on /jp/ or anywhere on 4chan. Even if it was suposedly good. People would cap the threads with spam just to get rid of them. They purposefully destroy any attempt for /jp/ to create anything. Just look at the OC threads, they chase away any artist at all that draws above stick figure level.

>> No.9333628

What if it was something that would be just about /jp/? A /jp/ themed game, for /jp/ers?

>> No.9333641


Doesn't matter, the moment you try to build support for it, your ass is gone. There's a reason it is not done. And you'd think, 4chan wouldn't want to get outpaced by Reddit it terms of OC, but it's true, and sad.

>> No.9333646

Eh, I think I'll try to do it anyway. We'll see, anon.

>> No.9333647

Oh, I remember you. You usually make some kind of remark like the one you just did,

>> No.9333651

that one where every /jp/ poster who is not illegal yet, but frowned upon by intellectuals. it will probably be outlawed soon) nobles and members of government will buy them and raise them as their maids in secret. i'd post more but i post a fumo or a battllestation photo, i make sure there are quite a few. i am not a fan of lewd things, although the saten-anon you are thinking of is a tad higher. this is unbeatable.

>> No.9333776

Replied because you put effort into your post and I don't want you to feel bad for posting thoughful content that gets no feedback.

>> No.9333903
File: 740 KB, 555x675, cover-ish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear newfriends, that post was a reply to OP's question. It's a memorable post that served as a start for the biggest OC project /jp/ has ever had. Naturally, most of the project failed, but one of the projects made it to completion and was released as 'The Dandelion Girl'.

>> No.9333948

I remember that one time when I made a thread about masturbation. I just wanted to create some discussion, nothing more.
Then some rude anon made another thread, copying my posting style and changing the thread's subject to shitting instead of masturbation.

The whole situation made me really upset. I don't think I'll ever make a thread again.

>> No.9333951

Of course I know about "The Dandelion Girl", anon. Actually, the fact that this project succeded is what drives me to risk it all with this project I've been working on. I've just started reading this thread when the guy made that post about Katawa Shoujo. I know that /jp/ is suffering these days in relation to OC, and that we've been lacking a lot. This is also one of the reasons I'm really thinking of believing in the success of my ideas. Who knows, right? It's always good to see new ideas from /jp/ers.

>> No.9333954

I avoid making threads for this reason.

>> No.9333957

What is your idea, anon? I'm interested.

>> No.9333978

I know it makes you feel better, but the reason he had to post it is because your thread wasn't good enough to get a legitimate reply, but he shows your mercy and another chance.

>> No.9333993

Ah, it's better to not tell the idea right now. I don't even know if this will work. If I actually manage to find everything necessary to finish this project, it'll be a miracle.

>> No.9334018

If you put it out there, maybe people who can provide you with the resources you need will come to help you. Though, I understand why you wouldn't post about it. Personally, I keep great ideas to myself because I'm affraid people might steal them. It's not like I'd be able to help you, anyway. I can't draw, I don't know music theory and anyone can be a decent writer if they have some control over the language. Assmung you want to make a VN, that is.

>> No.9334127
File: 1.94 MB, 278x278, stopme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have just gone to the thread and posted dawson.jpg with "why is this thread so shit ty" comment.

It makes me happy to know that I prevented another anon from making stupid threads. In fact!, <mfw

>> No.9334132

If I manage to finish at least 1/3 of it, I'll tell /jp/ about it. Maybe some people willing to contribute would appear? Who knows...

>> No.9334987
File: 826 KB, 800x600, OELVN writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I keep great ideas to myself because I'm affraid people might steal them.
Everybody has ideas, your ideas are not greater than other people's, and nobody's going to steal your idea. If it were to somehow happen, the worst that could come of it would be that someone executes the idea, which would not happen if it remained solely in your head.

>anyone can be a decent writer if they have some control over the language
And this is why we have this many shitty OELVNs. Fuck you and everybody else who thinks this. Writing is more than just typing out what's in your mind.

>> No.9335025

I had the feeling that example is not what "control of the language" meant. Or I'd hope anyways.

>> No.9337685

/jp/さん, I never actually mean to offend anybody.

Anything I say is a joke because this board is about care for each NEETother.

>> No.9337694

I can't forget 'btw im a girl'

>> No.9337711

Not on /jp/. You've all been only the classiest of gentlemen.

You could cut back on all of the cock worship, though.

>> No.9337818

The very first post on /jp/.

>> No.9337849

everything of /jp/ resonates in my heart

brave on /jp/

>> No.9339983

I thought most of /jp/ didn't care about each other?

>> No.9340079

Alright, so some weeaboo bitch gets mad at me and calls me a "buugum" or some shit. I come here and post a thread about it, thinking someone might be able to tell me what it means. Instead, everyone on the board joins in and starts calling me a buugum. This event has left me scarred for life.

>> No.9340341


That sounds like the trauma of some retarded harem anime MC.

>> No.9342815

someone who says that he hates fanbase which their touhou favorites are from th09 onward because it proves that they're fucking newfags

I haven't played Touhou yet but planning on doing it someday, but seeing that comment makes me really hesitant and quite hurts me a lot, how do I supposed to play it then if you don't like it?

>> No.9342835



Oh, I get it, you're being ``ironic''. Perhaps, though, other sites are better for this. We're just a bunch of dumb otaku perverts, and such things are wasted on us. A guy like you has many more important things to do with his time.

>> No.9342838

Are you a baby?

>> No.9342839

well, you don't have to play it if you don't like it.

take it easy. I haven't played a single touhou game.

>> No.9342860

no, I'm quite intrigued to play this game and actually already have some characters that I like from the fanbase, actually some of them I know are from the newer games

now what that guy said makes me really hurt back then, I'm okay now but somehow those words still on my head and makes me hesitant

>> No.9342906

Anyone who claims they are a "NEET" is a worthless autismal fuck and needs to get a job or fucking die, honesty.

>> No.9342911

Couldn't find this comment in the archives. Maybe it was from a different board?

>> No.9342910
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1332134608690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s your subjective opinion, Anonymous.

>> No.9342915

I'm a NEET, how are you?

>> No.9342949

i remember nearly every hurtful comment

>> No.9342951
File: 59 KB, 251x413, 1340351179188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9342952

fuq u

>> No.9342953
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1336837717543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember THIS.

>> No.9342961

this picture actually hurts more than it should have

>> No.9342963

fuck u

>> No.9342967

Oh boy.

>> No.9342969

you will never be female

>> No.9342971


>> No.9343012



>> No.9343033

Why do I remember all the mean things people have said, but never any of the nice things?

>> No.9343045

Low self confidence.

>> No.9343054

I like it when /jp/ gets serious time to time and people share their insightful and eloquent comments about the world and life.

>> No.9343061

Irony usually furthers the status quo because when faced with a statement that can be interpreted two or more ways, people will always choose the safest interpretation.

It is a weapon used to delegitimize and poison dissenting circles.

You have to find a way to block it.

>> No.9344556

That is only the case if the people reading the post are all familiar with the status quo. If they are not, they might come to the opposite conclusion instead.

>> No.9344665

I saw this a while back, thought it had some charm to it so I saved it. I think he would be a little let down in our current state.

Never change, /jp/. I like you guys how you are. Not because we discuss touhou, I'm just a secondary after all, not because we both piss in bottles, and certainly not because we're depressed. The way you guys hold yourselves in spite of what you are, how you know you've been dealt a pair of twos but go in with everything you've got, that is what I like about you, /jp/. I like you guys because you're cynical romantics. Cynical in the way you know the dice will land low, romantic in the way you roll it anyway.

>> No.9344840

nice words from an honest secondary

I love you

>> No.9344849

you stink

>> No.9344857

That’s really pretty.

>> No.9344860

I have no idea what that means but it sounds fucking gay.

>> No.9344863
File: 155 KB, 279x350, 1300122060640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you read through this thread and not a single one of your shitposts over the years is mentioned

I'm literally crying right now.

Fuck you, assholes.

>> No.9344867

When that Anon was talking about how he had sleep paralysis. His mom kept knocking on the door telling him to hurry and get up, and she eventually came into the room while he was butt naked, unmoving, with his eyes wide open, and she just turned around and left. Oh lord did I laugh.

>> No.9344869


We, /Jp/ as a whole, (excluding redditards and random passerbys) are all bros. No matter whether one of our comrades are shitposting or making the same generic thread daily (which are kind of the same thing, but you get the point) we all stick together. This community of Hikkis, NEETs, Newfags, nostalgiafags, TruNEETs, secondaries, tripfags, and NSJ are all one. This is one of the few sites I check routinely, not only because the content pertains to my interests, but also because I value all of your opinions. No matter how poorly written, incomprehensible, or righteously stubborn. Call me a faggot if you will, but I love /Jp/ as a whole.

>> No.9344874 [DELETED] 

Are you going for meme density or something? Jesus.

>> No.9344885

>meme density
T-That's a thing?

>> No.9344956

I've read some pretty depressing stuff on here, but also some inspiring things.

The one thing that I can't get out of my head, though, is that after being so accustomed to seeing so much "ironic" shitposting, I can't shake the thought that the majority of /jp/ might just be people pretending in order to be part of a community. I know there have always been normals here, but what if the majority of /jp/ is normal? What if they're all successful people pretending to be NEETs or hikikomori, having a sick laugh?

Where does that leave me?

>> No.9345922

What the HELL? Do you know where that is in the archive?

>> No.9346682

I'm normal
I don't know about this place being the palce for hikkis and NEETs until recently, I though this place was about discussing japanese things and Touhou, but I'm still hanging around here

>> No.9346696

>I know there have always been normals here, but what if the majority of /jp/ is normal?
Please god, no.
That would seriously destroy my faith in /jp/

>> No.9346772

Fucking normal. Don't you have a job to go to? I think also your girlfriend is feeling lonely and wants sexual intercourse.

>> No.9346838

>I'm getting fat, /jp/.

>Reads manga
>Just look at her clothes!

that music VN thread that described Shoegaze-tan

>> No.9348742

The majority of /jp/ is, and has always been normal. (I'm a normal who came here post-split, but still in 2008; I've only had a couple months of NEEThood, being in education the rest of the time.) I mean, /jp/ was originally split off from /a/ of all places. After that people have pretty much flooded in non-stop from /a/ and /v/. I'd be surprised if at any point there's been more than 15% NEETs on /jp/ (currently it's probably not even 5% anymore).
