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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9327484 No.9327484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you seeking help for your pedophilia, /jp/?

>> No.9327497

What if I actively enjoy it?

>> No.9327492

What is there to help?

>> No.9327508

Can I get money for it?

>> No.9327505

Because I want to feel special and different.

>> No.9327503

Why don't you do something about your shitposting?

>> No.9327506

I don't need help to download doujins ``thank'' you.

>> No.9327522 [DELETED] 
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inb4 another big pedo argument

>> No.9327523

Nobody wants to help pedophiles, they just want to castrate them and throw them in prison while arrangements can be made to execute them.

Admitting you're a pedophile to anyone potentially capable of helping you is a sure way to get thrown out of their office.

>> No.9327519

epic quotes meme dude, i lol'd :D

>> No.9327529
File: 105 KB, 937x522, rustle face 392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off normal. If I want to masturbate to illegal traced child pornography then it's my own business.

>> No.9327536

Do mods on /a/ still ban you for posting KnJ?

>> No.9327537

Why should I?

>> No.9327540

I think you're confusing /a/ with SA.

>> No.9327542

Is pedophilia considered a sickness?

>> No.9327549


A perversion for sure

>> No.9327543

It's a mental illness.

>> No.9327547

Technically it's a form of demonic possession.

>> No.9327551
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>> No.9327554

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.
Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.
For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).
I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.9327555

>219 posts and 44 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.9327560

There'll be way less image than that.

>> No.9327563

i don't understand why people don't want to accept that they are pedophiles, drawings or not you are still looking at children in a perverted way, i am a proud pedophile who likes both by the way

>> No.9327569
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stupid kyou get lost
whole night ruined

>> No.9327579

Fuck off back to SA.

>> No.9327581

Because I am a hebephile not a pedophile. Don't group me in with you sick fucks.

>> No.9327589

Last time I checked you get banned for trolling a serious KnJ thread it since they treat it as an anime and not an abomination. There's probably still a nazi mod/janitor out there though.

>> No.9327592

All normals are hebephiles they are just way too afraid to admit it.

>> No.9327596

Please, not this discussion again.

This is an honest appeal to all.

>> No.9327602

These discussions have popped up for another 200 replies every so often for at least four years now, in /a/ and /jp/.

You cannot stop it.

>> No.9327610

Why are americans so damn obsessed with pedophiles? It's disgusting.

>> No.9327633

Pedophilia is taboo to the point to where any confidentially agreements could be thrown out like a prenup and can potintually make things worse

>> No.9327647
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a simple question

>> No.9327648

Pedophilia isn't a disorder.

>> No.9327659
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>> No.9327671

this guys seems pretty rustled

>> No.9327696

you mad

>> No.9327695

Pedophiles just want kids to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.9327709

To all pedophiles of /Jp/: Annoyed/depressed about being pedsecuted?, here's something to think about; most of the people in the world, i.e. your family, the guy walking down the street, your workmates HATE what you are. They'd happily kill a pedophile if they thought they could get away with it, maybe torture too. Bearing this in mind, do they deserve any better than you? - they have declared themselves by default as your adversaries - why not take the fight to them?
Here is a useful strategy - identify those around you who the above description fits - the ones who, on hearing of a child porn possessor, say stuff like "I hope he gets the broom-handle and razor treatment in jail". THEY ARE YOUR ENEMIES. Destroy them. Not all at once but in little ways, spread rumours, piss in their coffee, sugar their gas -- ANYTHING you can GET AWAY WITH. fight the antis

>> No.9327711


Yes it is.

>> No.9327712

Nice post, faggot.

>> No.9327719

Am I still pedo if I would rather fuck teenagers and adults who only look like little girls? My attraction to little undeveloped bodies is purely physical. The subject doesn't have to be an actual child

>> No.9327722
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>> No.9327730


>> No.9327735


>> No.9327744

Stop lying or I'll shoot my dick so far down your asshole that it will come out of your mouth.

>> No.9327769

Yeah, that's right.
You're nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You're nothing but a mere nothingness ultimatum!

>> No.9327781

But that would be like asking "am I still straight if I hate women? I just like fucking their bodies"

I would like to fuck an adult that looks like a child too. I don't think they really exist and people who say they do are just normals who think they're pedophiles but are just ephebophiles

>> No.9327787
File: 23 KB, 320x249, hahaha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't think they really exist

>> No.9327814

whats with the crab

>> No.9327820
File: 36 KB, 768x576, boner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I notice a loli who's old enough to have a driver's license, job, and/or high school ID

>> No.9327843

You could get yourself a little girl.

>> No.9327842
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>> No.9327847

How do you do that?

>> No.9327862

That's what i like to call DICKFACE.

>> No.9327865

>The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary,
It really rides to a large part on the lengthy trials and psychological checkups which can traumatize even the healthiest child.
Of course, there are also rapists that harm children through acts of rape.

>> No.9327869

Rapists never harm children.

>> No.9327870

Same reason why so many men are homophobes.
Because they cannot face the truth.

>> No.9327886

Aren't there special stores for that?
I think they're called Kindergarten or somesuch.

>> No.9327901

I always thought it was like this:

Let's say a child has been snapping their fingers all of their life and one day, suddenly, their parents witness them snapping their fingers and tell them to never do that ever again in a strict voice. They explain that snapping your fingers is extremely offensive and only sick fucks do it. The child, upon realizing that they had been so blissfully and idiotically unaware of the atrocities they had been committing all their life by snapping their fingers, becomes emotionally damaged.

They same story applies to statutory rape cases where the child was unaware that what they were doing was wrong.

>> No.9327915

I think we're speaking of the same thing.
Telling the children once usually does not suffice to traumatize them.
Breaking minds is a slow and labour-intensive task.

>> No.9327929

Well I didn't specify the time between the last and second to last sentences of that paragraph but yeah. I just think that the fact it's considered wrong is one of the main components of the harm done to children. Sorta like how children avoid swearwords because they are told they are bad.

>> No.9327995

Apropos traumatizing children.
I remember that one day, I think I was 7 years old, when I finally accepted my conviction that nobody really liked me, that people were only nice to me on account of the social contract.

>> No.9328039
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>social contract.
oh stop making things up

>> No.9328102
File: 11 KB, 300x397, jeanjacquesrousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk ur ass

>> No.9328090

>akrira Kogami
That little girl is HOT! I'd tottaly hit it

>> No.9328110

Didn't think of it with such terms back then.
For me it was simply obvious that people did not just treat me like trash because they were obligated to do otherwise.

>> No.9328173

Are you fucking kidding me? Ahahaha, I think I'll stay at this board a little longer.

>> No.9328202
File: 24 KB, 160x160, face_q_fagstorm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9328260

do not stay places you do not belo
this is trespassing, is illegal

>> No.9328258

hey stfu

>> No.9328295

It's a mental illness as much as homosexuality is.

>> No.9328307

This board is what I've taken a liking to call it `hilarious'. Taking generalization and self-pity to another whole different level.

He could've just
- Leave that pack and find another
- Do what that certain group do to be liked.

>> No.9328314

>pedophilia is a disorder

Actually, it's a sign of healthiness.
Evolutionary pressure makes a healthy male look for young, healthy girls to spread his seed. 12 year old girls are just that.

Don't try to tell me that fucking a fresh, peachy pussy is not appealing. And especially don't tell me that while promoting liverspot pussy.

>> No.9328329

does not matter
you are breaking law
please do not go to jail for this

>> No.9328349
File: 325 KB, 1280x720, Mitsuba-puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't try to tell me that fucking a fresh, peachy pussy is not appealing.
>fresh, peachy pussy

>> No.9328351

>- Leave that pack and find another
That'd include my family.
>- Do what that certain group do to be liked.
In theory, sure. But I was convinced that nothing I did would ever change their minds.

But you are right, this is purely self-pity and, more importantly, blogging. I'll stop with this post (only meant to add an interesting anecdote).

>> No.9328356


>> No.9328366


>> No.9328377

i don't think it plays as big of a role as you guys make it to be, though it's an improtant factor. lots of cases go unreported and they seem to suffer damage too.

>12 year old girls
it's hebephilia. pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent kids. they can't reproduce. your argument is invalid.

>> No.9328390

But they also hear how awful it is in day to day life, everyone just about does. Looking back on a lot of childhood and even up to early middle school, I'm pretty sure some of my baby sitters and older friends did some inappropriate things.

>> No.9328399

>I'm pretty sure some of my baby sitters and older friends did some inappropriate things.
Are you a girl, by the way?

>> No.9328410

Ha. No.

>> No.9328431


>> No.9328445


>> No.9328453

How can you feel special in different if we're all pedophiles? It's the normal tit and "lady" likers here that are different.

>> No.9328456

Of course it's possible to trace things without loving them. Maybe it's out of his strong sense of responsibility or something like that?

>> No.9328460

that is very rude thing to say
I'm just having a bit of fun

>> No.9328462

But he has the best cute faces ever

>> No.9328470
File: 188 KB, 358x449, akanechan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mental illness because my pseudo-science said so, don't bother me about it. It's not like I'll be able to refute your points with hard science, I'll just puke something out that's only really an argument to adultchildren in middle-class Western society.

>> No.9328504

And its good that Zorak is keeping boring-ass anime out of a decent sub-forum.

>> No.9328522

Hyperactive loli shows that pander to sexually-starved pedophiles who might alt-tab into something also at any moment are anything but ``boring''.

>> No.9328535

eh, I found it boring. ED was addicting though, I can still hum it despite only watching a single episode.
