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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9326452 No.9326452 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9326469

I doesn't work that way.

>> No.9326468

I hated parties because they were always the over-the-top drug/sex fests you'd imagine, or they were full of nerds shouting video game memes spaced with awkward silences where everyone sat texting on their phones. I'm no socialite, but for once I'd have much preferred some sort of middle ground.

>> No.9326477
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>> No.9326479


>> No.9326485

We should have a /jp/ meetup for real. We can all bring our computers and post on /jp/.

>> No.9326488

I'd play a fighting game with fat dog Mendoza and a black centaur as playable characters.

>> No.9326493

I've never been in a party in my life

>> No.9326498

Lol, check out this loser.

>> No.9326501

lol is that a dick

>> No.9326503

Why is that guys dick out while he's playing that game?

>> No.9326506

The bad part is that the people who DO go to meetups are naturally the more outgoing and socially "normal" posters on /jp/. You will NEVER be able to have a meetup with the type of posters you actually want to associate with.

>> No.9326520

What's a frat party?

>> No.9326521

>type of posters you actually want to associate with
you mean the self-centered and overemotional truneet willyheads?

>> No.9326517

I'd type "sage" on your computer if you'd type "sage" on mine :3c

>> No.9326531
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We don't use the W word around here.

>> No.9326542

Yes, those people.
The interesting and not annoying kind of people.

>> No.9326543

The cute shy pouty nerds with who like to talk about masturbation and touhou but have trouble breaking ice.

>> No.9326544

heh. being outgoing doesn't mean being normal. For example, me.
I'm very outgoing and talkative-being silent is awkward!
My problem is, that I am so autistic that my way of talking and my sense of humor and my manner of self-expression is so different from the "norm" that I can never find a common ground with other people

>> No.9326549

Which is why we need some incentive to get the hikikomori losers to turn up, and to talk instead of shuffling around awkwardly.

Maybe give out free Fumos to the best conversationalists.

>> No.9326557

no, you fucking idiot. they are just angsty "deep" teenager, not fun at all. Not fun for themselves, not fun for the others.

>> No.9326569

Can we not invite this guy?

>> No.9326563

GUARANTEED WAY TO GET WEEABOO INTROVERTS TO STOP BEING ASOCIAL LOSERS (tested in five different /jp/ meetups; really works!):

1. Call they're favorite 2hu a slut.


>> No.9326566
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>> No.9326578

>/jp/ meetup
>only /v/ attends

>> No.9326580
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>> No.9326609

It's the perfect way to get you to leave

>> No.9326622

isn't it nice that there's at least someone in the world who cares

>> No.9326659

I know what you mean. People often tell me I'm overexpressive and talk too fast.

>> No.9326674

People always joked about me talking too slow even though I talked at a normal pace, I believe.

>> No.9326716
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people always kept talking about how loud and shameless I am in public
then some traumatic shit happened and I became socially award angsty introvert fuck
then I learned to enjoy my lifetime and, in social interaction, I am extrovert again
except I don't hold back my autism anymore so it sometimes gets crazy...and boring since other people behave so..normally. So concerned what others will think bout them.
So naturally I withdrew from social interaction since it's not fun at all to interact with that sort of people.

>> No.9326804

get out social scum

>> No.9326813

They don't...
