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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9315544 No.9315544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. Japan
Rape of Nanking, unit 731, shit-ton of other war crimes since the beginning of the 20th century.
People who started WW2, war-criminals, killers. You still cannot freely use swastika even though it had nothing to do with horrors of nazism before.
3. Canada
Big, irrelevant country. Though it helped Brits out in WW2.
Oppresses its own people, shows no value for human life. Totalitarian state which worships a man who killed more of his people than Jews in USSR.
5. France
Collaborators during WW2, but whatever. Paristan is a nice city. I'll maybe move there when I decide to convert.
EU, huh? Who gives shit.
9.South Africa
10.South Korea
Yeah, ok.
As expected of the media villain
Not low enough.
13.North Korea
People even give shit about this country, really?
What did Pakistan do to you? Are the people who were voting fucking retarded?
Country destroyed by the Western powers, people who were helpless in a face of Western Imperialism. They tried to fight for their country, but lost(an expected outcome). Why are they hated? What did they do to your country?

What the HELL is wrong with this World? Why are people so controlled by media?

>> No.9315549

Because Murdoch controls the spice

>> No.9315556
File: 14 KB, 250x250, kusosure_stema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9315558

Sorry, missed UK.
Bombing of Dresden, killed many innocent German people.

>> No.9315559

Lol South Korea.

Everyone hate this country.
Oh, wait. Country?

>> No.9315560

where's the US

>> No.9315564


>> No.9315567


shit-ton of other war crimes since the beginning of the middle of the 20th century. Attack people who can prove no challange for their military strength.

>> No.9315568

The fact that Pakistan and Iran are below North Korea says all about where this survey was taken.

>> No.9315571

Why's South Korea below China?

>> No.9315576

What defines positive or negative change?

>> No.9315579

Hey faggot think about the generation. Our generation didn't do shit.

You are the one bringing up the past. Our generation wasn't involved. How the fuck are they supposed to feel? Sure they feel ashamed but they're not going to cry about it forever.

Just because they don't have to be sorry cunts every fucking day of their life doesn't mean they are ashamed/sorry of whats happened. They know what happened.

Let em be happy. You were not even involved in the countries hard times. Every country done fucked up shit. Some resolved it and moved on.

>Welcome to 2012 asshole. Our generation didn't do shit.

>> No.9315590

USA didn't do shit? What about Middle East and Yugoslavia?
China doesn't brainwash it's own people?
Japan admited its crimes?

Germany is fine though. But it's sad to see how they became a nation of apologists.

>> No.9315598

Tell that to my grandpa, you axis sack of shit.

>> No.9315601

>Jews in USSR.
Merican OUT!

>> No.9315603


Blame the military at least. The citizens didn't do shit. The soldiers were forced to do what they were told. This leads back to the military leaders. Blame them.

>> No.9315604

>Merican OUT!
Sure is a jewbolshevik here.

>> No.9315605

>mfw no matter what anyone says about the U.S we are all still posting on an American image board.

>> No.9315610

American citizens are innocent. There are good people in America. Blame it's military leaders.

>> No.9315613

>Oppresses its own people, shows no value for human life. Totalitarian state which worships a man who killed more of his people than Jews in USSR.

Very few people actually worship Mao, especially outside of the country areas. They'd just rather not acknowledge how badly he ran the country into the ground through both the GLF and the CR.

If anything people in China worship Deng, because he brought the country back from becoming a North Korea.

The human rights abuses are true though. Uncivilized country officials and Beijing too busy turning a quick corrupt buck means the people suffer.

>> No.9315616

Who still believe Rape of Nanking was true?

Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake.(1/2)

Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake.(2/2)

>> No.9315618

But your grandpa is dead. What now nerd?

>> No.9315625

Stop falling for bad trolling.

>> No.9315623

sup jap.
I see two nukes weren't enough

>> No.9315630

I'm surprised South Africa isn't lower considering the Apartheid shit. For fucks sake, it didn't even end until like the 90s I think.

>> No.9315636

KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012

>> No.9315632
File: 17 KB, 303x293, 1325165450506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup jap

That shitty video is not proof. You are not off the hook.

>> No.9315634

lol tell that to all the chinks your japboys killed

>> No.9315645

What? That wasn't in South Africa.

>> No.9315650

that sounds like something a JEW would say.

>> No.9315652

the chinkforce seems to be strong today

>> No.9315657

The chart is about countries, not just civilian people.

>> No.9315658
File: 95 KB, 645x851, das fühl wenn juden vergasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany STRONG
suck it Untermenschen

>> No.9315666
File: 49 KB, 400x350, 1325172504569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck u OP u forgot mexico

>> No.9315667

>South Korea just above Russia, below India
Still laughing at this. No wonder they're trying to force their shitty culture on everyone (too bad it's not working so well).

>> No.9315669

Not chink. It just amazes me how japs can be such hypocrites. We should've nuked the entire Honshu or left you for Soviets.

>> No.9315688

Maybe Chinese soldiers shouldn't have disguised as civilians in an attempt to escape.

>> No.9315697

Women, old people and children must've been conscripted too, right?

>> No.9315708

If your the samefag saging for every post you sound retarded.

>Go to school and become educated so I don't have to argue with your dumb ass

>> No.9315710

Actually the soldiers at Nanjing were all shitty conscripts from the countryside, who decided to rout before the Japs even arrived.

>> No.9315714

>who are you quoting?

>> No.9315715

You don't make any sense.

>> No.9315721

suck my cock dude

>> No.9315724
File: 64 KB, 550x733, 1324982963755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9315728

Italian here, I love to see Japan and Germany at the top (but i wonder why there is no Italy at all in the list) and OP is either a troll or a superficial retard

Plus this>>9315579

he took the pic from /int/

>> No.9315730

German here. Maybe if italians could fire a gun straight and not just run to us for help, we wouldn't be arguing about this shit.

Ever thought of that?

>> No.9315734

weebs arrive lel

>> No.9315740

God, japs are so disgusting, just looks at their 2ch threads.

>> No.9315741

because Italy is corrupt and their cars are shitty.

>> No.9315742

japs are subhuman, more news at 11

>> No.9315748

Germany is way too high considering it's a censorship state like Australia.
Japan is probably in the correct spot.
How is South Korea worse than Nigger-land?
Brazil should be higher, their government is in fact very sane.
USA should be just under Russia.
China is too high.

Top 3: Japan, Canada, Brazil.

Bottom 3: Isreal, Pakistan, Iran.

>> No.9315749

tralslate it weaboos

>> No.9315750

translate it weeaboos

>> No.9315751

>God, americans are so disgusting, just looks at their /int/ and /b/ threads.
>God europeans are so disgusting, just looks at their /int/ and /b/ threads.
fuck off

>> No.9315756

Australia has censorship?

We're not the country with SOPA.

>> No.9315765 [DELETED] 

>Implying censorshit isn't a good thing

germany should be #1
japan should be way down, because people in japan are robots.
USA should be higher, because land of freeeedom
Brazil still has a too high crime rage
>israel bottom3
no, Israel is the America of sandniggerland

>> No.9315758
File: 205 KB, 400x300, Eagle American Flag next poster sma11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we've gotta slap a little dirty jap!

>> No.9315761





>> No.9315768

Yes, it's the top 3 most censored country in world.
I already said USA is like the bottom 5.

>> No.9315770

nobody is implying anything and that makes you a faggot
who are you quoting?

>> No.9315771

They don't though.

The average Australian is better off then the average American. The poor Australians are much better off.

>> No.9315774



please learn how to post here

>> No.9315775

You mean controlled by Jews? That's an accurate statement, hence why bottom 3.

>> No.9315780


That was never true.
Trust the media to ever get their shit right

>> No.9315778

>The average Australian is better off then the average American. The poor Australians are much better off.
lol no
2 United States 31,111
5 Australia 26,915

>> No.9315783

I wouldn't call Ferrari "shitty", mister, but opinions are opinions

>> No.9315788

Massively inflated by the rich. America has more rich people then Australia.

Plus Australians have access to free healthcare and a minimum wage.

>> No.9315791

>but opinions are opinions
What he said was a fact, not opinion.

>> No.9315795

>Massively inflated by the rich. America has more rich people then Australia.


Go look up what median means and then kill yourself.

>> No.9315796

Who cares about 2011, America invented internet

That's the most positive thing created in the last 50 years

>> No.9315800

Can you please stop posting here and go back to the board to came from?

>> No.9315799


>> No.9315801

How much money you make defines how well off you are in terms of living standards and government care.

Yep, sounds legit

>> No.9315803

Australia is a censorship state, it doesn't have an "adult" rating in video games so everything that qualifies as it is banned. They have a three strikes policy too.

>> No.9315810

Household income does not translate all that well to quality of life. Look up better indicia and come back, nerdlords.

>> No.9315805

You are the dumbest person on /jp/ right now, feel honored.

>> No.9315807
File: 202 KB, 453x435, 1341403810491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single thread regarding the real world always has at least one American bleeding patriotism

>> No.9315823

>People who started WW2,
>People who started WW2,
>People who started WW2,
>People who started WW2,
>People who started WW2,
>People who started WW2,

>> No.9315825

But that's not /b/, you can find pretty much same thing on any Japanese news board/site. Replies/reactions are always like "GLORIOUS HOLY JAPAN is surrounded by MONKEY EVIL CRAZY RUSCHINACOREA, we never committed any war crimes and chinese/coreans are ungrateful swines. Russia die pls."

>> No.9315829

New legislation was passed for Restricted 18+

Also ISPs don't poke their noses under privacy issues, there are little to no cases with exceptions in the case of extreme events like that one dumb shit who publicly seeded the leaked mario galaxy game a while back or something

>> No.9315830


OECD indicators for best country to live in.

1. Australia
3. USA

>> No.9315837

Are we being raided by 2ch or something? Why the fuck spams these dumb Japland vs Corea threads?

>> No.9315844

Clearly haven't been on /jp/ since its inception. Perhaps you should go back to /v/ and worship your G G G shit.

>> No.9315845

I'm sorry your ignorance about what median means makes you angry about my post.

>> No.9315854

>USA should be just under Russia
>Implying with the new election of Putin, Russia isn't becoming a totalitarian state, musing in the old days of the cold war.

By a recently passed law, only single-people protest against the government is allowed now. Another law was passed yesterday that says every NGO that receives funding from outside Russia is considered to be run by "foreign agents".

Say what you want about how shitty the US is. But Russia is by no means any better.

Greetings from central Europe.

>> No.9315850

You never did too well in math during school did you?

>> No.9315852

actually, the germans invented it
the first computer too

>> No.9315860

>Clearly haven't been on /jp/ since its inception.
There were no threads for months like these. I thought people long stopped posting nida and apolojuice because it was spammed to death.

>> No.9315868

Coreans are like herpes. They'll never go away, even if you don't see the symptoms.

>> No.9315871

/jp/ is so shitty right now that my mom told me to stop browsing it

>> No.9315872
File: 99 KB, 491x492, 1340893904001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Russia, and Putin is the best thing that happend in the past 10 years
MAkes me remember the good oly CCCP times :))))

>> No.9315874

What "Coreans" have to do with this?

>> No.9315875

That site asks you to rate the factors important to you. If you cite income as more important than others such as community, USA goes to #1.

You have to be careful what factors go into an index. For example, if you look under "community", one of the factors that goes into the country's rating is how many strangers you've helped in the last month.

Australia only has better quality of life than the US if that's equally important to the $5,000 more you'd earn per year in the US over Australia.

>> No.9315877

Are you stupid? It's obvious that he's the jap who spams this shit.

>> No.9315882

Median income is not massively inflated by the rich. It is not affected by the wealth of the rich at all.

You look like a fool to everyone by claiming otherwise. Well, as much as an anon can look foolish.

>> No.9315890

1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Find the median genius.

>> No.9315893 [DELETED] 

You're just butthurt and trying to damage control because the poll shows Japan as #1 and S-korea at the bottom of the list.

>> No.9315898
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1337346492772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice seeing people get so desperate to find something to be proud of though, right?

As though it matters at all, it won't help them achieve gensokyo

>> No.9315901

Why do you bring up South Korea out of nowhere?

>> No.9315902

You're just butthurt and trying to damage control because the poll shows Japan as #1 and S-Korea at the bottom of the list.

>> No.9315917

What makes you think that I'm kimchi?

>> No.9315918

We're talking about median income in the US. Unless you think that over 50% of the US makes the EXACT same income like your example (And thus, over 50% of the US is rich), the income of the rich does not affect the median income. That's an interesting definition of "rich". And it's also empirically false that 50% of the US has the exact same income.

>> No.9315930

Are you really that surprised that no one likes your shitty racist sex-tourism country?

>> No.9315940

>You're just butthurt and trying to damage control because the poll shows Japan as #1 and S-Korea at the bottom of the list.

Look, do you think the number of strangers you've helped in the last month matters? That index says that's equally important as the number of dollars you earn in a year. If you think strangers helped is less important than income, you get different results, as that website itself shows.

Pointing out the insane assumptions you make to get your result is not "damage control". It is proof that the index's results that were presented are untrustworthy.

>> No.9315945

You mean Korea? I'm not surprised at all that it's at the very bottom of the list, bro.

>> No.9315947

No sane person would go to Gookland. I'm talking about your shithole, jap.

>> No.9315953

>I'm talking about your shithole, jap.
Plenty of people like it pal. I.e. you who's refreshing /jp/ right now. Enjoy your denial sperglord.

>> No.9315992

>Plenty of people like it pal
this is what japanese actually think. or maybe you are from /a/?
