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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9310127 No.9310127 [Reply] [Original]

How come pedophilia is a controversial topic on /jp/?

>> No.9310132


>> No.9310134

cuz trolls saying loli = pedo

>> No.9310139

Every pedo thread = 200+ replies

It's retarded, some people can't accept that being a "lolicon" is the same thing as a pedophile

>> No.9310159
File: 471 KB, 1000x1000, 1336949508055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's say it is
so what

how come /jp/ cares about being or not being a pedo?

>> No.9310162

I will not rest until loli is culturally accepted

>> No.9310179

These are topics that shouldn't ever be talked about. Reported to the FBI and the LAW.

>> No.9310190

i wouldnt care if i was a pedo or not
but im not

we all know that hebe>pedo anyway
hebephilia all the way

>> No.9310197

They're the same damn thing.

>> No.9310202

One of reasons I had wanted to study law was so I was better armed in my crusade to legalise it. I hope anybody who works in law or politics here does the same.

>> No.9310207


pedo = 11 below

hebe = 11 - 14

>> No.9310224
File: 248 KB, 827x828, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is real; atheists are just whiny teenagers.

Uncut is objectively superior to cut, and you're all just babbies rationalizing something you had no control over.

Europe has contributed more to the world than America has, and is a far superior place to live.

Sexual liberation of women is one of the best things to have happened in the past 100 years.

The Holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.9310233

Or you could study psychology, realize it is objectively wrong and dangerous, then base laws around that? If you go into law just to legalize something you don't know a whole lot about, you're an idiot.
Do you even empiricism?

>> No.9310237
File: 184 KB, 624x580, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda and I have over 300 confirmed kills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get your priorities straight, fag.

>> No.9310247

be otaku, be hikki, be on the internet
every post you make changes the world a little bit

change the Internet-change humanity
real world laws and regulations don't matter as long as they don't influence the network
by simply being yourself and pro-loli on the internet you will aid your case far far more then almost any action in RL would

>> No.9310253

It's always just one guy arguing with himself pretending to be a moralfag and a hardcore pedo and everyone else not ignoring the thread.

>> No.9310258


>> No.9310272

That makes no fucking sense, it's like getting paid for doing nothing.

>> No.9310305

you thought. you posted.
and then thosuends of lurking people read what you posted.
and thought about it.

that's fucking something.

>> No.9310364

As surprising as this may sound, many people who seek drawings of naked little girls getting fucked are in fact pedophiles.

>> No.9310380

I never understood this whole "pedophilia is a disorder" thing. It seems perfectly natural to me. I always figured most people were attracted to children but just didn't say nothing about it.

>> No.9310398


>> No.9310454

I've never been attracted to children but sucking cocks and taking it in the ass have always felt like perfectly natural ideas to me.

>> No.9310469

pedos are the worst. They're so hurting for acceptance they try to associate themselves with loli, corrupting it's pureness with their desire to rape 3DPD.

>> No.9310491

, The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.
Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.
For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).
I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.9310523


eh sorta the same.

most people keep to themselves about it, some to the point that they have convinced themselves that they are 'against it.'
isn't it natural to want the fresher variety. fresh food, fresh car, fresh fashion, fresh mood, fresh everything.
why can't the same apply for human sexual preference. why blame someone who has it.

by fresh i mean just the right age. at the age they were made to be fertile.
i'm not a pedo since i consider myself asexual for the most part. but their reasons seems reasonable, at least to me.
some people put it out to be so wrong and horrendous. several cultures consider it a natural practice and are totally chill about it.

perhaps when the community sizes up they'll reconsider. just as homosexuality was once a disorder.

>> No.9310578

>why blame someone who has it.
How is it even possible to not understand the reasoning behind it at this point? We've been over it thoroughly many, many times.

>> No.9310607

We're animals, other animals don't wait until they're 18 years old to get it on. Weird right?

>> No.9310641

It's wonderful when people compare western civilization to third world "developing cultures" and animals.

>> No.9310694


no matter the civilization, humans are still animals. and how is 'developing cultures' even an argument?
we're talking about the very basic nature of an intelligent being. civilizations are out of the equation.


let me guess. is it because it is 'harmful' and will 'damage' the child. is that what the tv told you?
why is pedophilia automatically 'harmful'? why is the act of sex so 'damaging'?
it doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.9310720

kids are disgusting

but marisa is pretty..i like marissa

>> No.9310915

le rustled primate face xD

>> No.9310926

Because years ago /b/ did raids and when they raided they couldnt help but be /b/ and had to tell everyone who they were and where they were from.

Now 4chan is mainstream and guttertrash infest it.

Its ok though, thats many more minds for me to open up to pedophilia.

>> No.9310959

Well, I wouldn't have worded it like you did. Being civilized is very much about controlling natural urges in order to build something long-lasting. Naturality is usually used as an argument when there is no actual data to present or it can't be presented due to political reasons. I do believe that pedophilia can work well in suitable conditions but there is a lot of information to be gathered and spread. What the gay rights movement has done is very impressive considering that religious fundamentalism is still strong in the USA.

>> No.9310971

I think if you actively seek out only loli material, then you're probably a pedophile (not definitively but probably), and using the loli material just because that's the best you can get under most laws.

But if you're just also a lolicon, (seeking it out occasionally but liking other things) then that's okay, so long as you don't have any desires toward 3D little girls.

3D is pig disgusting anyways so why would you?? If you really do then you're scum for liking 3DPD...

Also I don't believe that children can consent because I was a fucking idiot when I was younger and did a lot of stupid stuff. The age of consent is a bit too high in a lot of places though, 14-15 age range should do it in most cases.

>> No.9311011

A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked by his soft feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act ; should I go to prison for it?

Perhaps I am spared because this photo isn't "disgusting", but "disgusting" is a subjective matter; we must not imprison people merely because someone feels disgusted. I find the sight of wounds disgusting; fortunately surgeons do not. Maybe there is someone who considers it disgusting for a parrot to have sex with a human. Or for a dolphin or tiger to have sex with a human. So what? Others feel that all sex is disgusting.

>> No.9311012

btw im a girl

>> No.9311016


That's a terrible baseless assumption

If you only seek out playing FPS games, then you're a would-be murderer who is doing the best he can under most laws

>> No.9311017
File: 59 KB, 1180x790, IMG_0925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9311018


名稱,GNU與Linux。 Linux本來自己不是一個電腦操作系統,而是GNU系統的一個部分。有個GNU corelibs,系統中心程序和重要係統組件,它才成為一個全面電腦操作系統,根





一部分而以。 Linux只是系統內核,系統中給其他程序分配電腦資源的程序。這個系統內核是

統以內的景況才能有作用。 Linux常常根GNU操作系統結合使用,基本上全系統就是GNU加上Linux,因而GNU/Linux

>> No.9311027


>> No.9311034

Pedophilia = the sexual attraction to children.
Murder = the act of killing another human with intent.

If you seek out lewd pictures of children--even fictionalized idealizations--then yeah, you're a pedophile.
If you'd argued the case for "child molestation", maybe I'd agree. Though sex seems to be a more driving force than murder. It'd be interesting to see a comparison between violent video games and murder, and child pornography and molestation.

>> No.9311054

Because of ``ironic'' shitposting.

>> No.9311056

lolicon means pedophile. This isn't even debatable.

>> No.9311058

I think there's a certain limit to it though...like there's quite a few people who are lolicon-only and can separate fiction from reality.

I don't really think I'd consider those people pedophiles, but then you'd have to go on a case-by-case basis, and even then, there's nothing really wrong with being a pedophile if you don't have any intent to act on the urges...

>> No.9311063

But even acting on them is not that bad. The problem is the psychologists and shit that swing by if anybody finds out.

>> No.9311076

>there's quite a few people who are lolicon-only and can separate fiction from reality.
>there's nothing really wrong with being a pedophile if you don't have any intent to act on the urges...

I agree completely with both these statements. Some people prefer 2D to 3D, /jp/ is evidence of that. And plenty of people only like 2D lolicon artwork and scoff at the prospect of looking at 3D children.

>I don't really think I'd consider those people pedophiles

This bit, I disagree with. I like women, I'm a heterosexual. But I have zero sexual interest in three-dimensional women existing in the real world. It's double standards to say this doesn't apply for pedophiles. And even if you say it's just a fetish, very few people on /d/ would deny they are pregnant fetishists or feet fetishists on the grounds that they're only attracted to 2D pregnant woman, or 2D feet. Hell, I have fetishes that only exist in 2D. But I'm happy to say I'm an X fetishist. If you're a child fetishist, you're a pedophile, through-and-through. And I think there's nothing wrong with that. Even if you like 3D children and collect lewd images of them. It's when you start manipulating real-life kids that it becomes a problem.

>> No.9311108

Could somebody post links to worthwhile studies? I don't think I've ever read about something that could be considered as consensual sex with kids.

>> No.9311124

To this day I have never seen anyone do a study about this, but I would love to read one as well. Doubt it will happen for obvious reasons, and can only go off of ``small scale'' stuff such as personal experiences and interacting with such individuals. And, of course, common sense.

>> No.9311147

In order to make a real unbiased study it would have to be long term, 10 years+ and would require complete isolation. Societies influence would have to be taken out, because society does most of the damage.

>> No.9311142


is sex even held sacred at this point in mankind evolution
why is 'acting on urges' so wrong if only to pursue a consensual sexual relationship?
i hope by urge you don't meant rape or abuse because that is a whole different psycopathic thing

>children can't consent

so the child hypothetically ends up regretting that decision 5 years after
how is it supposed to affect one's everyday life

the problem is media making it out to be a horrible, butt-devastating experience and make you feel ashamed of it
when in fact it still is the same act everyone does - only done a few years earlier

>> No.9311160

Get out of /jp/ Joshisa/Womyn Power

>> No.9311164

>Societies influence would have to be taken out, because society does most of the damage.
Wouldn't that defeat the point, though?

Unless you just mean no psychiatrist/guilt-tripping, which would be interesting.

>> No.9311167

Yes. And it is a controversial subject so nobody will want you to do it, because they are afraid of it. Best bet is some privately funded anon.

>> No.9311173

I just have a problem with people who use loli to refer to 2D only both the source of this word and the Japanese definition do NOT differentiate between fictional children and living children.YOU like little girls whether they are fictional or not so you are a pedo whether you like it or not!That said I have no problem with pedophiles and believe that this is a silly issue to begin with.

>> No.9311204

Pedophilia is defined as being sexually attracted to pre-pubescent girls. Not having sexual pictures of pre-pubescent girls.

It may seem like I'm arguing semantics, but it's relevant to the discussion at hand. If you're not attracted to pre-pubescent girls, you're not a pedophile. If despite not being attracted to pre-pubescent girls you seek out drawn pictures of pre-pubescent girls, one can only speculate as to the reason for that, but you are then as a matter of course not a pedophile.

It could be argued that this scenario does not exist, that it does not happen, but I know of people for whom it applies - and besides that, there are far stranger sexualities than the attraction to pre-pubescent girls exclusively when they are drawn in manga-style. Like becoming aroused at having slimy creatures such as snails crawling over your body - that does exist, BTW.

The term for said attraction has become known here as "lolicon", so as to distinguish it from pedophilia. It should be noted that neither pedophilia not lolicon should be considered morally wrong, just the same as homosexuality shouldn't, simply because it is not a choice. You don't choose to become a pedophile.


>> No.9311211

1/3 of /jp/ want to fuck little girls
1/3 of /jp/ want to be little girls
1/3 of /jp/ adore and cherish little girls and would valiantly protect their innocence at any cost.

>> No.9311221



You do choose to rape little girls, and you do choose to download sexualized pictures of girls and thereby perhaps indirectly contribute to their abuse and if not still hurting them by being in possession of sexualized pictures of them they did not agree to.

Lolicon considers their sexuality to harm nobody since it's all fiction. It can be argued that most lolicon are pedophiles, but it cannot be argued that being what we here refer to as lolicon always means you are a pedophile, nor can it be argued that lolicon are doing anything wrong.

And neither can it be argued that pedophilia per se is wrong, though the acts that it causes generally are.

I am of the belief that loli pornography in drawn form can be helpful in helping pedophiles manage their sexuality and decrease sexual frustration, so I certainly don't see a problem with it.

>> No.9311230

Those numbers are inaccurate. There is some overlap in those categories.

I am not capable of arguing the morality of my actions, but I will say on the whole it does not do anywhere near the harm that it is accused of, or even results from some instances of such actions.

>> No.9311231

I want to be protected by little girls.

>> No.9311235

No that would be the entire point. Is it society or the sex. People blame the sex, that it inherently is bad and causes disorders rather than blame the real problem, them selves.

>> No.9311271

>when in fact it still is the same act everyone does - only done a few years earlier
Well, I would still say that an adult has much influence over a kid. Kids who are legally old enough to screw older people are also legally old enough to do whatever they want, or at least very close to it. They can leave the situation. Relationships between people of inequal economic and social status are prone to abuse and usage.

>> No.9311295

Children can't really consent. They're not at the same psychological level as most adults, at least not in the vast majority of cases. They haven't undergone the brain development for critical thinking skills and the ability to consent.

So in a sense, it's like you're taking advantage of someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Now, there are a few rare exceptions of children that do realize what they're doing, but that's not the majority at all, and there's no way to tell if that's the case or not...

>> No.9311298


and then fuq them

>> No.9311314


(cont. further)

On the issue of sex with minors...

This is a difficult topic, ingrained with societal norms that obstruct the true facts, so it's difficult to discuss, but I think there is some merit to the view that people, at a certain stage of maturity, may not be entirely capable of handling sex.

The true debate should be about when you have matured to the point of being ready for it, but unfortunately since this is highly individual it would be impossible to do anything but approximate it if you're using it for law-making purposes.

Some countries put the age of consent at the same age as when you reach adulthood, usually 18. Others have it at something lower, like 15 or 16. Some discriminate between men and women in this regard.

On a scientific level, though, it should be generally agreed that a human being becomes ready for sex sometime during the puberty. That's not to say sexuality is not a part of a human before puberty - in fact, touching your genitals can give pleasure from a very early age, which is one part of sexuality. But puberty is the point in our lives when our bodies begin to prepare for mating and thus creating offspring, and when we start to take an interest in such things.

Indeed, there is a condition known as "hebephilia" in which one is attracted to girls (or boys) in the early pubescent stages.

Marrying girls in these ages was very common in older days, and indeed still is in many parts of the world. It is then considered the norm, that a girl whom has entered puberty can have sex and marry.

Perhaps the easiest indicator is the same as the one that is applied in the animal kingdom - menstruation.

>> No.9311313

Sex is not nearly as big a deal as our society makes it out to be.

>> No.9311336

While this is true (in some ways), it's still morally a gray line, at best, to have sex with someone who doesn't really realize what they're doing and is prone to abuse, regardless of how well you treat them.

I do agree that pedophiles are shit on way too much by the ignorant majority, though.

>> No.9311339
File: 46 KB, 492x322, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause its more complicated than just under 16 = Pedophile

a good example would be the Vietnamese model Lê Hoàng Bảo Trân

I doubt there is a man who doesn't think she is hot, but she is just 13 years old.

We have laws that protect the children, the laws are maybe not perfect for every case , but its better than to have nothing.

For myself a pedophile is a person who abuses children who don't even understand what sex is or what consequences sex can bring (pregnancy/disease).Most of the pedophiles are very weak man with a very low self respect who are afraid of adult women.Children cant judge them and they feels far superior over them.

and inbefore some idiots start talking shit " But the Romans fucked young girls" they did it cause the average person didn't even live as long as we do now and they needed many children who will take care of the parents later and work on the fields, also it was very common that baby's die in the first few weeks after they get born , so finding a healthy young women was the only way for a guy to have enough children before he gets old.

>> No.9311343

> You do choose to rape little girls, and you do choose to download sexualized pictures of girls and thereby perhaps indirectly contribute to their abuse and if not still hurting them by being in possession of sexualized pictures of them they did not agree to.

This doesn't make any sense. No one has any way of knowing what I've downloaded except me. The world from anyone else's perspective is exactly the same. It doesn't make sense that I'm contributing to anything by doing this.

>> No.9311345

Any such relationship is prone to abuse. Children actually get shafted constantly in that regard.

>> No.9311352


>For myself a pedophile is a person who abuses children who don't even understand what sex is or what consequences sex can bring (pregnancy/disease).Most of the pedophiles are very weak man with a very low self respect who are afraid of adult women.Children cant judge them and they feels far superior over them.

I regret to inform you that you'll need to find or come up with a new term for that, as pedophilia is technically the attraction to pre-pubescent girls - not the act of having sex with them.

>> No.9311362

What do you guys think of men who happen to find every age group from child to grandma attractive?Are they pedo?

>> No.9311380


If you are attracted to pre-pubescent girls or boys, you are a pedophile. This is a fact.

>> No.9311377

>Most of the pedophiles are very weak man with a very low self respect who are afraid of adult women

Yeah, no.

>> No.9311386

Why do you still respond to him? Just hide, ignore, report.

>> No.9311388


Actually, it is not all too uncommon for pedophiles to also be attracted to adult women at the same time - and for them to suppress their urges and living a perfectly well adjusted life is not uncommon either.

>> No.9311389

>Most of the pedophiles are very weak man with a very low self respect who are afraid of adult women
While this seems to be true, I don't think you should put very much weight on it. That kind of reasoning easily becomes a slippery slope.

>> No.9311399

> and inbefore some idiots start talking shit " But the Romans fucked young girls" they did it cause the average person didn't even live as long as we do now and they needed many children who will take care of the parents later and work on the fields, also it was very common that baby's die in the first few weeks after they get born , so finding a healthy young women was the only way for a guy to have enough children before he gets old.

I hate people who declare child sex rape and then use that to defend the Romans. You're basically saying rape is okay if it's to advance the human race. They couldn't have done _anything_ to avoid constant rape?

>> No.9311406

I agree. Its I dont really support child sex but Its going to far when you start making fictional works illegal or even pictures illegal. I dont believe that downloading CP encourages rape. Im pretty sure those people would have done it anyways and been safer by not recording it. If anything CP should be legal so law enforcement can track them down faster and bring them to justice. Less pedos will rape children because they can get their fix from CP. Everyone is happy, almost everyone. There is the woman that gets butthurt when she thinks about pedos fapping to her getting raped but, they are going to anyways because there is always going to be a way to get her videos no matter how many laws they make.

It discourages progress. Just think, if they finally make sex bots, moral bigots will try to stop loli sex bots because some pedo may rape a real child. They dont look at the big picture.

>> No.9311421

But what is wrong with it?

>> No.9311426

Society. Makes people uncomfortable. Which is the worse possible thing when you live in a 1st world nation.

>> No.9311429
File: 24 KB, 300x400, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.

I didn't mean that "all" guys with no self respect are pedophiles.

Its just that some people start getting attracted to children, because kids cant fight back they cant judge them if they have a good body or if they are a good lover.

I don't think that the actually look of the girl is important for a pedophile.For such people its more important to feel power over others and feel superior, the most easy way to achieve this is to get attracted by children.

I doubt that some pedophile would have interest in girls like Lê Hoàng Bảo Trân who are young but they have the body and look of a adult women.

>> No.9311444

Society is a terrible excuse. It is lead by the mentally deficient.

>> No.9311453

Pedophiles are no different that anyone else. They come in all varieties. Would you assume that all homosexuals are neat and handsome?

>> No.9311463

Just ignore him.

>> No.9311470

Its not an excuse, its the answer to your question. Sorry if you dont like the answer, stop asking questions if you cant handle the truth.

>> No.9311479

I should think I am allowed to be dissatisfied with the subject, even if it is accurate.

>> No.9311492

I never said it was good. Most people are ignorant. They dont think about things. They just watch the news and let the media tell them what they should think. Look at this guy. >>9311429 he assumes most pedos are omegas that are afraid of women. Yet most pedohiles are married with children. He just listens to what the media tells him and shuts his brain off.

>> No.9311501

Ko/jp/ is a rampant shitposter. He has never, ever made a valid point or positively contributed to a discussion. Why anybody still responds to him instead of reporting and hiding his posts is beyond me.

>> No.9311511
File: 21 KB, 450x293, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedophiles are no different that anyone else.
I didn't say they are different.The look of a person has nothing to do if he is a pedophile or not.

I am sure you can find pedophiles from good looking and rich to poor and ugly.

Anyway on the basic level. a guy/women should have sex with a child who doesn't understand the meaning of sex and the consequences it can bring

>> No.9311515

To add to that, recent studies have shows that most pedophiles are women. Yet when you hear pedo, you think of men. Men were the primary aggressors in the past and it will take decades for that steriotype to vanish.

And that makes him no different than the mass media or the poeple who eat it up.

>> No.9311518

I mean shouldn't

>> No.9311552

In fact its thanks to these stereotypes that women get away with shit like this. They divorce their husbands and take him for all he is worth. They can get away with rape, because who would believe otherwise? Justice is not blind, not today. As men are seen as always being the aggressor, before the evidence is even laid out, women get the upper hand, every time.

I wouldnt say its wrong though. Women are naturally weaker than men, on average. I would say that justice in court balances the world out. Real women to get beat by their husbands, real women do get denied jobs and whatever other feminist crap they come out with. I say its all fair in the end.

>> No.9311572
File: 36 KB, 305x450, kago ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet most pedophils are married with children
Actually that's not true , its pretty much equal the number of pedophiles who are arrested that are married and not married.

The only thing that it shows is that status has nothing to do with who is a pedophile.
Having a job and a wife doesn't make you a less pedophile than the guy who spends his whole life alone in a basement.

>> No.9311617
File: 40 KB, 499x546, 1320602770150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9311648

If I had a hot mom I wouldnt gladly get raped by her.

>> No.9311670
File: 8 KB, 269x188, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry , I don't know what you exactly want to tell me?
maybe you misslinked and you wanted to link the image to this post >>9311515 as additional information

>> No.9311681


>> No.9311697
File: 59 KB, 375x500, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand what you mean, there is nothing that I disagree on the photo or that makes me surprised.

>> No.9311722

Pedophilia ~ Love for children.

If you don't love children you should
get out of /jp/.

>> No.9311736

This statement is at complete odds with this statement.

The only logical conclusion is you are trolling. Reported.

>> No.9311746
File: 474 KB, 1600x1200, d9abd55fa4886a581da8984033e23cfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be ashamed anymore.

>> No.9311784

Ashamed of what?

>> No.9311793
File: 4 KB, 128x95, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I still don't understand what you try to do actually.

I said that the number of people who got arrested is half are married and half aren't married.

the number what i got was from this article

I never said anything about the number of women pedophiles compared to the number of man pedophiles or what job they have

So I cant exactly understand what you mean.

>> No.9311842

The physiological and psychological issues that occur in girls who had experiences with pedophiles are something I think I'll leave to the experts, of which I am not one. However, consider this: the issue is not so much the ability of a minor to consent, but rather, her ability to safely refuse sexual advances.

Regardless of the girl's level of perceived "maturity", there is still a drastically uneven power dynamic between the pedophile and the object of his desire. In real life and in anime, manga, and games alike, the loli is made to have sexual relations with someone in a position of power over them; whether that someone is merely a trusted older neighbor tasked with babysitting, or a teacher, or the loli's father or older brother, what have you, it's always someone exerting power where the loli ultimately cannot resist except possibly to run away - and sometimes, not even that is possible.

>> No.9311847


Think about the classical older brother X loli sister story. The little girl loves her brother and trusts him. He sexually desires her, and maybe the feeling is even somewhat mutual. However (putting aside the issue of whether people of such-and-such age can or cannot rightly consent to sex), for her, accepting his sexual advances means a great deal of trouble. If she were to refuse, what then? The older brother is in a position to insist that she accept, and if she does not, she may - at the very least - lose his more platonic brotherly affection on which she has relied. If he does insist - or force himself on her - and she decides that she does not want a sexual relationship after all, what happens? If she tells her parents, a teacher, the police, whoever - there's a good chance her family will be torn apart by it. If it isn't, that sends the message that she doesn't have any business (or any right of) refusing the sexual attentions of her authority figures.

The uneven power dynamic in a relationship is something to be avoided even in consenting adult relationships (employers and employees, for instance). Why should it be any different for pedophiles? Why does the traditional stigma attached to their condition need to be changed, given the inherent nature of this gross imbalance of power and ability to refuse? Why should the fact that they have been scorned in the past make them deserving of sympathy today?

>> No.9311856
File: 108 KB, 1366x768, 1340085844674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I have failed, gotta tell my past self not to make this thread
since it turned into one of the very discussions it was supposed to prevent

>> No.9311876

Because people who are into loli and/or shota are sensitive and many of them give in to trolls too easily. I don't think anyone on /jp/ is actually stupid enough to believe that masturbating to fictional 2D children should be illegal. I don't think most normals outside of the U.S. are even that stupid.

>> No.9311887

Thats because some people have been brainwashed so well by the jews/government/feminists

>> No.9311902

>outside the US

Your post is highly ironic, especially how its parts of Europe and Australia that has made loli illegal..

>> No.9311912

King of /jp/ is a well-known shitposter. There was nothing you could have done.

>> No.9311922

>objectively wrong
They see me trolling...

>> No.9311927

I'm talking more about the general population instead of the government. Many U.S. citizens feel that anyone who is perverted is a monster who should be thrown behind bars or killed.

>> No.9311940

The people in those countries elected the officials that made it illegal. So, your entire point of view is still ironic.

>> No.9311977

So the media and the internet would have you believe. In actual fact, it just depends on the perversion.

Likes shemales/futanari? Generally, the suggestion is to not bring the topic up, and if someone does so anyway, they're clearly incapable of adjusting their taste in topics to the social atmosphere they're in, so people leave them to be alone with their fantasies.
Bondage and such? Same thing.
Incest? That one's taboo for a lot of reasons, and there are actual laws on the books about it, so yes, people do get jailed over this one... if they actually -commit- incest. Talking about it in a positive light is just likely to get them ostracized.

I doubt you'd actually find a place in America where people genuinely do believe that anything other than vanilla sex within marriage for procreational purposes is grounds for jail time or whatever. If you do, they're definitely the exception, not the rule.

>> No.9312000

I encourage incest whenever the topic comes up. I have not been ostracized.

About 6 months ago a friend of mine was talking about a friend of his that wanted to move in with his father and date his half sister. I told him he should go for it, if shes cute.

>> No.9312036
File: 16 KB, 431x360, 1303221858060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still w8ing that you show me you exactly where I did shit post in this thread.
Voicing my opinions that in some way is against your opinion or believe isn't in anyway trolling, it just shows that you have a very big lack of any social interaction with humans (even for the internet standard )and I would actually advice you to talk with someone about it.
For now all I can see now is some autistic fat fuck that is mad on me and trying way too hard to act cool :3

Ps.My face at watching your posts

>> No.9312044

reported for trolling.

>> No.9312357

Everything you say is wrong. This isn't even debatable.

>> No.9312371

You may have an argument while saying Loli != pedophile. Lolicon directly translates to pedophile.

>> No.9312943

good question

>> No.9313335

Fuck those who thinks sexual drive of 2D drawn fictional characters are equals to a real sexual desires to a real person. I have live in this reality world for more than 20 years and never once had a mentality to do sexual harassment over a real person. Not even a single fetish in doing sexual act over real life minor caught my interest.Those who have this kind of perception in labeling 2D loli fetish people as pedophiles know nothing about psychology because are socially inept towards modern society. Before you start claiming that this 2D fetish is a deviant that correlates into pedophilia, then I suggest you do some research on comparing the statistics of sex crime rates between Japan and other modern countries.

Please read this.. This is the prove that Japan have the lowest sex crime through out all these years.

>> No.9313351

Its nothing new. We dont make things illegal to fix a problem. We make it illegal so we feel better about our selves.

>> No.9313352

>116 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Fucking travesty.

>117 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.9313372


>> No.9313375


>> No.9313381

Uncut is actually better though, don't make us look bad.

>> No.9313390


>> No.9313424

The thing is that, these fundamentalist did not fix anything at all.

>> No.9313473

Insecure paedophiles like attacking other people's sexuality because they cannot accept their own sexuality. Pedophobes are just like homophobes.

>> No.9313595

But they feel good about it.

>> No.9314046


