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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9309278 No.9309278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being a girl must be horrible, /jp/

>> No.9309292

Is it wrong if that picture just gave me a boner?

>> No.9309295
File: 135 KB, 780x717, 1341133657308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yume nikki dont

>> No.9309304



>> No.9309300

You tell me. At least i look pretty.

>> No.9309297

ya i hate it ugh

>> No.9309310

What things would you do to that squid?

>> No.9309368
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you don't want to know

>> No.9309374

Come on. It's moetron. She wouldn't do anything bad.

>> No.9309383

My balls sting for a second when I see or hear about anything related to periods or child birth. Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.9309436


It makes me a bit queasy. No ballpain though.

>> No.9309696

Thanks op I feel sick now

>> No.9309711


>> No.9309717

I think that menstruation is disgusting, but despite that I still want to fuck girls sometimes, for some reasons.

>> No.9309719

Being a guy is worse.
Why do I have a dick ;_;

>> No.9309722

So I can suck it

>> No.9309725

Dick is cool thing to have. You can push things with it and stuff.

>> No.9309735

Being female is a privilege.

I think we can all agree on this.

>> No.9309749

A cute /jp/er will ever suck my dick ;_;

>> No.9309762

Why does he have to be cute?

>> No.9309767

The few downsides of being a woman are nothing because you get a free ride on life.

>> No.9309771

People who consume/create/traffic in women are shitbags who shouldn't be allowed around people.

>> No.9309775


>being inferior to men in every way except sluttiness
>having no usefulness except having a vagina
>chest tumors weighing on your back

Yeah, no

>> No.9309776
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only if you look nice, but if your ugly.... eat a twinky and learn math cause life is gonna be hard for you.

>> No.9309789


Only if you're pretty, which is like 1 in 1000, and have half a brain that can use it to your advantage, 1 in 1,000,000. Not so good odds

>> No.9309806

tokiko isnt a girl dude

>> No.9309810
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Oh and men are better with makeup than women.

>> No.9309811

Even ugly women get free rides, it just takes a little bit longer to get on for them, they still have a hole so someone will stay take them.

>> No.9309826

>but if your ugly.... eat a twinky and learn math cause life is gonna be hard for you.
This is actually very good advice for young people.

>> No.9309827


That's like accepting the bare minimum to get by in life. You can have a much better life being on fucking welfare or getting autism bux. Wishing to be an ugly woman to "get a free ride" is like wishing to be an amoeba at the bottom of the sea floor.

>> No.9309833

>Only if you're pretty, which is like 1 in 1000
Ah nah, there are way more pretty women than men, both genders agree.

Women rate men down on surveys. Also being a good looking male with good genes for building muscles is also life on easy mode, just in a different way.

>> No.9309841

You really think so? I'm afraid you're absolutely wrong.


>> No.9309854

I wish I could get pregnant.

>> No.9309858


>being a good looking male with good genes for building muscles is also life on easy mode

And how exactly is that going to pay your fucking rent? Are you retarded?

>> No.9309870

Good looking people do better on job interviews, are naturally more charismatic and confident.

>> No.9309893
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Women are pretty but, up to a point. Once they show their true colors (waking up in the morning & seeing her without her makeup or finding out how she really acts;bitch/whore etc...)

>> No.9309903

good looks don't fix demotivation, laziness, bad character traits like that which are utterly detrimental in the job world.
I Know ;_;

>> No.9309918


And that by no means is absolute or that less attractive people can't learn or learn to fake it. You can say they're more confident on average, but it's stupid to it's "life on easy mode".

Also, it's been found that although women will rate men less attractive on average, they will also settle for less. While men rate women higher, they also tend to have higher standards. Get your facts straight and try not to conveniently post only shit that agrees with your delusional argument.

>> No.9309930


I-Is that true for Miku!?

>> No.9309940

this is why tsundere is best. It's the true colors we love in them. Too bad 3D tsundere is always inferior to 2D

>> No.9309944

Its the same for men too they are nice to you when they first start to like you (want to get into your pants) then after a while they get tired of you (even if they stay with you) and become mean/distant.I am not saying girls are.perfect but neither are men.

>> No.9309947

>not having to poop

gee it sure is horrible being a girl

>> No.9309948

You just did the exact thing I said, women considers themselves better looking and will "settle" while men are realistic and can only dream about being with a good looking girl.

Not that any of this matters to me, but all throughout my life I've realized good looking people took the center of attention while an average guy like me only got angry looks and harsh words. I compare great looking men to a good looking girl, they can get away with a lot of shit average people normally don't.

>> No.9309949
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miku is perfect

2d women are perfect

unless the artist's change the way she acts or looks

>> No.9309952

>learn to fake it
You can't learn to fake looks!

Don't redirect me to /fa/ please.

>> No.9309992
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>Can't fake looks
You are low level

>> No.9310003

It's not just confidence, what I meant was something more subtle like two hardworking people do an interview for the same position, with the exact same curriculum.
Even if the employer is a heterosexual guy, we tends to overrate good looking people due to halo effect.

While if you're ugly it's expected you're also incompetent, just human nature and such.

>> No.9310004

You get a free ride in life if you have a vague. Simple as that.

>> No.9310011
File: 1.88 MB, 1405x1077, 1333854383155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at this picture


looks can be changed with the power of makeup

>> No.9310020

That's not the power of makeup, that's the power of photoshop. All that makeup could do you see in picture 3.

>> No.9310018

*If you are pretty

I hate stupid people who think that even uglies get the benefits of being a beautiful woman who knows how to use her body to get what she wants.

>> No.9310044

Ever heard of makeup and seduction? You don't have to possess natural beauty as there are plenty of other ways to make up for it. Hell, even a butterface with a goddess body can get away with things. As I've said, as long as you have a vague you're fine.

>> No.9310045

Am I the only one who cares very little about female grooming and menstruation? It's odd how much emphasis everybody seems to put on irrelevant things: facial bone structure, makeup, body hair, etc. Who cares? Body and mind make attractiveness. Superficial details are extremely easy to deal with - a glamorous lazy dick-seeker bitch attitude is not.

>> No.9310050


Derp. Somehow the quoting disappeared for a fucking unknown reason.

>> No.9310053

menstruation=excuse to be a horrible person.

There are pills for getting rid of periods entirely, but guess what, women didn't approve of them.

>> No.9310109

A shy mathematician with an athletic hobby would actually make me go for it like HELL. Money, fashion sense, social networks - who gives a shit?

>> No.9310119


>with the exact same curriculum.

Which is more or less impossible outside of a controlled environment. And the original point still stands, it's fucking RETARDED to say life is easy just because you are good looking.

>> No.9310153


It may be or not, but still the fact is those good-looking ones has certainly a BIG advantage to those uglier-lookings.

Would you pick up a homeless girl if she didn't catch you eye?

>> No.9310176

It certainly is much easier. I looked like a fucking swamp monster (fat, severe acne, glasses, ugly clothes because of poor white trash parents) as a teenager and never had anything to do with girls. I was bullied and looked at with pity while others developed social skills and lived.

>> No.9310412


I'm curious at your current state now. Mind telling us a bit?

>> No.9310636

bump for interest

>> No.9310718

Somehow I doubt much has changed.

>> No.9310743

/jp/ and studying 24/7. Thank god universities around here only care about exam performance.
