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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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927910 No.927910 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you weigh, /jp/? I think it might have something to do with why you're all so ronery.

>> No.927912

I'm 5'8 and 130.

>> No.927913

134 pounds

>> No.927914

115 lbs

>> No.927917

5'11, 150 pounds.

>> No.927920

6'1 59 pounds

>> No.927921

Weeaboo diet:
1. Rice
2. Tea

My Weight: 140lbs

>> No.927922

Like 140 pounds.

>> No.927924


>> No.927927


>> No.927929

lol, /jp/ is composed entirely of Americans

>> No.927931

5' 10" - 160 lbs.

Sage for /fit/.

>> No.927932


>> No.927933

145 lbs

>> No.927936

You're dead.

>> No.927940

100 pounds. But I'm fucking short.

>> No.927942

How much do you /b/, Anonymous? I think it might have something to do with why you're so retarded.

>> No.927944


thank god, atleast someone here doesn't live in the 19th century

>> No.927950

Lol pounds fuck off to America.

>> No.927951

5'0, roughly 1 billion pounds.

>> No.927953

I'm undead, thank you very much.

>> No.927956

135 lb.

Then again, I didn't come here for touhou.

>> No.927972

280 lbs

>> No.927982

6 foot something
About 210-220 range. Could probably afford to lose 15 of those pounds.

>> No.928000

I'm ZUN-level underweight.

But why is this topic here?

>> No.928019


180-190lb range.

I was a really fat kid though.

>> No.928027


you are all pig disgusting

>> No.928031

Under sixty kilos last time I checked

>> No.928050

5'6" and 140 lb. My figure is so feminine, almost...

Trap like.

>> No.928066

About 1,85m

>> No.928069

52KG oh god I'm fat

>> No.928075

Ha ha ha ha ha Kilos haah ahh hahaha Pounds. Silly people, I measure weight in boulders.

>> No.928085


>> No.928086

What the fuck is this, a space-unit that comes from aliens?

>> No.928090

9.3 stones.

>> No.928091

I lol'd.

>> No.928092

1 boulder high, 2 boulders wide.

>> No.928112


>> No.928141

154lbs or 70kg
I'm 6ft tall

Big, for an Asian.

>> No.928149

at least you're not pig disgusting

>> No.928150

You might be tall, but you're still Chinese.

>> No.928162

6'5" - 196 cm
250 lbs - 113 kg
Huge anon is huge. On the bright side nobody cuts me off or gets in my way when walking around campus.

>> No.928186

260 lb

I have ability to run faster than a cop on donuts.

>> No.928193
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>> No.928197

140 pounds

>> No.928205

cops can also run you down driving.

179cm 53kg

>> No.928208

6'2, 260 lbs. I can't run for shit, but I like lifting weights. (Only free weights, though. I hate machines with a passion. Don't know why.) Last I checked, I could squat 600 lbs for ten reps.

Of course, there was that one time where I forgot to lock the weights on the bar. Everything came tumbling down onto my feet. Not a fun month afterwards.

>> No.928212

1.75 metres tall weighing in at 70 kg.

>> No.928226
File: 46 KB, 607x408, Yun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be /fit/ Anonymous! ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ

>> No.928224

Holy shit, whats your bmi?

>> No.928417

1.79 m
64 Kg

>> No.928420

200lbs. not an ounce higher

>> No.928429

>>I could squat 600 lbs for ten reps.
Then why aren't you a competing powerlifter instead of a fatass who surfs 4chan all day.

>> No.928431

welcome to the 19th century.

>> No.928438


Probably because 600 lbs is nothing.

>> No.928442

16~17 I forgot

>> No.928456

87 kg 1,85m

>> No.928457

5'2", 130lbs
I'm not fat even though I eat for two, my metabolism is crazy fast. I'm scared of it crashing when I hit 30 ;_;

>> No.928460

Bullshit. If he can pump out 600 for 10 he should definitely be able to 1RM 750+. Depending on his age this is a pretty solid fucking squat.

>> No.928467

5'10" 180lbs

Of course I've lost about 30-40lbs since the beginning of the year.

>> No.928468

I weigh less during a full eclips at noon.

>> No.928471

218 5'8"

>> No.928472

174cm 61kg. At least I'm not fat.

>> No.928481


I'm 18, but I only lift recreationally. I do it (or, rather, did it) to kill time in my PE classes. I'm sure if I applied myself, I could go higher with it, but, quite frankly, I don't care enough to do so. I'd rather go to college, get an education, and work my way up the ladder of an SE than become a professional weightlifter.

>> No.928482

Ok fatty.

>> No.928486

6'3 170

>> No.928495

100 lbs - 5' 0"

>> No.928517

1m82 80 kilos.

>> No.928520

Powerlifters are fatasses. With a lot of muscle underneath too.

>> No.928522

This thread made me want to do pushups and abs.

>> No.928527

It won't do anything for you.

>> No.928529

I wish to be the sybilla.

>> No.928530

You're fucking 18? Do you full squat? If so then holy shit you are wasting shittons of potential.

>> No.928532

It's >>928481 again.

I should mention that I can't do this on a regular basis. We only had weightlifting once a week, with two days of book work, one day of cardio, and one free day per week. The weightlifting day was on Thursday, and I would usually be in pain for the rest of Thursday and Friday, usually my lower back. We once, for some reason, had two weightlifting days in a row, and I tried doing it again. My legs gave out from under me, and my spine felt like overcooked noodles. I just did it for the rush, and for the fact that it is probably the only non-bookwork thing I could beat all of the other students at.

>> No.928533

I just like doing those.
I'm not fat anyway.

>> No.928534

5'8", 160 lbs.

I used to be underweight, but through college I've survived mostly on fast food and beer. So now I look like an mpreg.

>> No.928539

5'11", ~200 lbs.

I used to be around 245 lbs, but I lost quite a bit once I got a job.

>> No.928540


No, I did box squats, although whenever I did do full squats, it was usually just a bit lower than my box. Also, for whatever potential I may have in weightlifting, it's mainly genetic in the first place, and secondly, it's surpassed by my academics, but that's a discussion for another topic. I also enjoy the latter more.

>> No.928541

I play football on afternoons.
Shit's great to keep you fit.

>> No.928555

177 cm, 59-60 kg; I'm pretty slim and good locking.

>> No.928563

192 cm and around 85 kg.

>> No.928583


>> No.928624


>> No.928628


>> No.928835

So? I don't see any problems.

>> No.928849

165cm 52kg

>> No.928868

181 cm, 92 KG. Well, i should loose some weight.

>> No.928872

175cm, 68kg. Guess I'm fine. Could lose some weight, though.

>> No.928877

5'10", 195 pounds

>> No.928941

6'2 210

>> No.929237

76kg, 184cm

>> No.929250

161cm 82kg ;_;

>> No.929251

171cm. 58kg.

>> No.929254

58 kg, 178 cms

>> No.929257

163cm, 49kg

>> No.929258

175 cm, 77kg/5'9", 175 lb

>> No.929267

22 years old

5'7 or 170cm

140-something i think

>> No.929278

77kg, 182cm

>> No.929322


>> No.929342

5"10 113lbs

>> No.929354

113 pounds.

>> No.929361

5'8" 123lbs, i forget what that is in metric.

>> No.929370

6'2" - 185 lbs

>> No.929375

butthurt eurotrash offended by foreign measurement systems
Is a little multiplication or typing "X pounds in kilograms" into Google too fucking much for you?

>> No.929382

203cm, 79kg.

>> No.929386


>> No.929387

190cm, 70kg.

>> No.929398



It's muscle.

>> No.929399

But... this isn't related to /jp/... This isn't related to /jp/ at all!

>> No.929405

6'2", 170

>> No.929407

It is if the question involves /jp/.

>> No.929408

6'2" 155lbs

I'm a fucking handrail

>> No.929417

lol no its not idort

>> No.929422

125 lb

>> No.929472


>> No.930546


>> No.930559

5'10, 230
Am I fucked?

>> No.930563


>> No.930565


>> No.930571

Around 5'10''~
295 lbs


>> No.930580

184cm, 73kg

All you amerifags with your pounds and inches and stuff-
Move along to the 21st century, leave the fucking imperial system.

>> No.930590

148 lbs

>> No.930592

175cm and 135-140lbs

We, in Canada use both.

>> No.930600

Common thing to all the overweight fatasses over here:
They're all americans.
How suprising.

About measurment systems-
Yeah, the imperial system is soooooooo awesome
That's why america can go hang with sierra-leon, Burma, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates, while the rest of the world advanced over to the metric system.
Fucking american idiots.

>> No.930603

5'8" or 5'9"
110 lbs or so.

>> No.930606

Hyphens do not work that way.

>> No.930623


sagefag is saging

>> No.930625

5'8" and 130lbs (172cm and 59kg)

>> No.930626

How retarded do you have to be to RAGE over what measurement system a country uses?

>> No.930632

Grammerfags are the only thing that is worst from moralfags.

>> No.930639

How about you go back to /v/.

>> No.930640

>How retarded do you have to be to RAGE over what measurement system a country uses?
Take your pick:
A. Emotionally Imbalanced.
B. Highly Nationalistic (a form of Emotional Imbalance)

>> No.930645

Bunch of goddamn retards.......
I bet it's even the same fag over and over again
Sagebomb this thread to hell. It needs it.

>> No.930646

184 cm, 81 kg.

But till I reached 18, I was never above 70(had to follow a certain diet too).

>> No.930650

Thread attracts too many retards. Low power level fags are actually able to comment in it, due to it being non-Touhou/porn game/hardcore geek stuff

Thread reported

>> No.930651

How is >>930639 a retard? Unless you're >>930632 ...

>> No.930664
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>> No.930813

"I am an idiot, I despise principles and intelligence, LEGION FOR THE LULZ" that's what the term moralfag implies.
You just fell for the oldest one in the book.

>> No.930949

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.931614

voted B or C

>> No.931637

114 lbs with a height of 5,9.

>> No.931640


>> No.931680


Fuck fast metabolism. How the fuck do you guys keep your weight?

>> No.931688

Working out (I flipflop between cardio and strength training). Tae Kwon Do. Breakdancing. And fast metabolism.

>> No.931708

183cm, 69kg.

>> No.931728

do you think i can lose weight if play DDR til i drop every day

>> No.931731

That doesn't stop you from losing weight.

You just have to eat more calories than you burn. Working out just gives your body reason to use the nutrients you're taking to add muscle mass.

>> No.931735

Take it to /fit/ please

>> No.931754



I have trouble gaining weight.

>> No.931777

I had you covered about 6 months ago.

196cm and ~148kg or roughly 325 pounds for the backwards people on the board.

Now I'm down to ~98kg (215lb) from eating bugger all. SAGGY TITS FOR THE WIN!

>> No.931779
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>> No.931783

5'10" 220 lbs.

Then again, I'm on the football team.

>> No.931786


normalfag detected

>> No.931787

No one here is a normal-friend. They're just pretending.

Sage for /fit/.

>> No.931790
File: 18 KB, 300x309, 1214960036689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Americans don't play football.

>> No.931796

you effort looks almost futile
let me help

>> No.931804

football football or american guys tackling football

>> No.931807

6'0" - 200lbs or 183cm 91kg for metricfags.

Pretty muscular build but I could probably stand to lose about 10 lbs in the gut.

>> No.931823

116 kilos, about 225 pounds
I lost 6 kilos just by walking to college and back, but managed to gain it all back.

I need to go out more, perhaps see some real women.

>> No.931832

6ft 1 inch


I'm kinda pudgy

>> No.931839


>> No.931875

Shut up, it's true to most of us weeaboos. Overweight, delusioned, and socially awkward.

And I love all of this.

>> No.931881


>> No.931908

5'8" and 185 lbs

>> No.931927


>> No.933064

75kg/190cm or roughly 165 lbs/6'3"

>> No.933070

180, 6ft.

>> No.933074
File: 24 KB, 300x500, 1214977238016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's you fags. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.933079

We're all azn?


>> No.933076

You in a dress now!

>> No.933083

Go back to bed, Arc.

>> No.933087

inorite ಠ_ಠ

>> No.933093


That's actually pretty good. Thanks.

Saving this.

>> No.933095
File: 10 KB, 214x328, 1214977503214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now come here and give me some anal, you know you want to.

>> No.933098

145 lbs.

>> No.933394

Fuck, i'm skinny as hell, better than be a fatass.

I weigh something about 65kg.

>> No.933394,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.933394,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wow dude, you're like 25 now. How did your life dreams turn out? :)

>> No.933394,3 [INTERNAL] 

If he followed them he probably hasn't been associated with 4chan in years. That's how I assume most of the late 80s-born posters who were hardcore 4chan users around 2006-2008 have turned out, considering 4chan is and has been dominated by 16-22-year-olds.

>> No.933394,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's kind of depressing that someone 18 years old back then is now 24/25. It would be great if he actually replied.

>> No.933394,5 [INTERNAL] 

>5' 10" - 160 lbs. 
LMAO zunnie fucking fag manlet

>> No.933394,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.933394,7 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 5'11

>> No.933394,8 [INTERNAL] 

all my dreams failed because of my anxiety and now i am a loser neet sitting at home thinking about killing myself.

>> No.933394,9 [INTERNAL] 

Brahmacharya - The Celibate Student:

This is a period of formal education. It lasts until the age of 25,

Grihastha - The Married Family Man:

This period begins when a man gets married, and undertakes the responsibility for earning a living and supporting his family. At this stage, Hinduism supports the pursuit of wealth (artha) as a necessity, and indulgence in sexual pleasure (kama), under certain defined social and cosmic norms. This ashrama lasts until around the age of 50...

Vanaprastha - The Hermit in Retreat:

This stage of a man begins when his duty as a householder comes to an end: He has become a grandfather, his children are grown up...


At this stage, a man is supposed to be totally devoted to God...

He just got into the 2nd stage.

>> No.933394,10 [INTERNAL] 


oh but it's not like any of you here would get married haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


>> No.933394,11 [INTERNAL] 

le चिंग चोंग hokey religion

>> No.933394,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.933394,13 [INTERNAL] 

5' 9" 130 lbs

>> No.933394,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are there seriously manlets on the w?

>> No.933394,15 [INTERNAL] 

5'7 140

>> No.933394,16 [INTERNAL] 

I'm Mexican

>> No.933394,17 [INTERNAL] 

A manlet and a shitskin, god damn I'm sorry.

>> No.933394,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.933394,19 [INTERNAL] 

5'11 master race :)

>> No.933394,20 [INTERNAL] 

About 86 lbs

No one is a bigger manlet than me.

>> No.933394,21 [INTERNAL] 

Stop projecting, he's probably rich as fuck and finishing his PhD right now

Look at you though lol

>> No.933394,22 [INTERNAL] 

I'm 6'2 and 182 lb. Literally perfect.

>> No.933394,23 [INTERNAL] 

That's freak territory

>> No.933394,24 [INTERNAL] 

I'm 6'3 and 135 lbs. True perfection.....

>> No.933394,25 [INTERNAL] 

>rich as fuck
>finishing PhD at 25

>> No.933394,26 [INTERNAL] 

How's the weather up there?

>> No.933394,27 [INTERNAL] 

How is it freak?

>> No.933394,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.933394,29 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when ronery threads were otaku culture?

>> No.933394,30 [INTERNAL] 

Shit are you a girl FUCK go out with me you sound cute and dainty enough for someone of even my stature to overpower

>> No.933394,31 [INTERNAL] 

185cm 75kg

>> No.933394,32 [INTERNAL] 

171cm 50kg
