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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9303849 No.9303849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mayhem and Aeosynth have just been fucking 4chan X lately.

A new fork emerged. Let's help make it good.

Currently, mystery man Z is already fighting for us!

If you can, help That4chanWolf implement these nice features!


Changelog showing what he has changed from other's versions: https://github.com/that4chanwolf/4chan-x/blob/master/changelog

As of now, he just took off Mayhem's and Aeosynth's thread updating limits. He said he will maintain this to make it always an improved version.


>> No.9303881
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>sage by default on /jp/

>> No.9303884


A dream!

>> No.9303896

>open issues by zunbar
>Implying I'd use anything suggested by that faggot

>> No.9303900


Who are you quoting?

>> No.9303909

So basically you just want to turn this into the personal /jp/ 4chan-x version

>> No.9303943

I'm not supporting Z until he reveals his true identity.

>> No.9303939

I support Mystery Man Z, but until everybody is saging, I will have to bump the threads from time to time...

>> No.9303948



>> No.9303950

4chan X is shit.

>> No.9303954

Mystery Man "Z" was fighting to transform /jp/ into a place of ``fun'' since the very beginning!

He is the hero /jp/ deserves!

Support Mystery Man "Z"! Rename /jp/ to "Random Culture"! Force sage in 4chan X!

>> No.9303957

Is there a better alternative?

>> No.9303960


That's not a bad idea, now that you mention it. Go on, /jp/, make that script worthy! We always had so good ideas nobody would listen!

>> No.9303976

I'm not going to use a script forked by someone who made a commit titled "herpaderp" a day ago.

Fucking retard belongs on /v/.

>> No.9303971

Yeah, not using addons at all.

>> No.9303972

Use the default 4chan script. Or write your own if you need more ricing "features"

>> No.9303973



>> No.9303986


We are using that4chanwolf's version now. It is the most ``open'' version (no limits to thread updater, etc.) and by someone who is not Mayhem and not Aeosynth (which is always a plus). He seems to be a nice that, that4chanwolf.

His latest commit was ``remove mayhem's stupidity''

>> No.9304012
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Let's get this baby to 100% guys

>> No.9304013

Which proves the point further. That is not a goddamn changelog, it's as vague as "fixed various bugs".

>> No.9304020

Stupidity? The stupidity is having 1 second auto refresh delays. Moot explicitely asked user script developers to avoid using such small delays.

Stay greasy, skiddie.

>> No.9304024


You are an idiot.


>> No.9304029

Fucking github nigger piece of shit.
I clicked fork under the assumption that I would see a list of forks, but instead it forked the fucking project.

>> No.9304034


>redirect /jp/ to fuuka.warosu.org

It begins!

>> No.9304050


pwnd4lyfe, kiddo

>> No.9304052

No matter what bad things one may have to say about /jp/, at least we know how to use sage correctly. That is something we ought to be proud of.

>> No.9304053

Yeah, no, go back to bed that4chanskiddie.

I'd rather use aerosmith's version, which also redirects to warosu. I dont use 4chan X though.

>> No.9304056


He doesn't browse /jp/, I believe.

>> No.9304057


I take it back. It already seems pretty nice. Sorry for name calling.

>> No.9304065


Aeosynth set various limits, such as giving a minimal time for thread updater now and even making it so that it keeps increasing the time, depending on responses. As an option, that would be good, but forcing on us? That's disrespectful

>> No.9304070


Don't worry. I forgive you.

>> No.9304079
File: 55 KB, 1188x515, JDwmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove mayhem's stupidity
>added prefetching in, changed minimum timer amount from 5 to 2

Good job at supporting subhuman ricing script kiddies. He's probably one of the autists spending his days posting desktops on /g/.

>> No.9304091

>That's disrespectful
See picture in >>9304079
Don't ever bullshit about "respect", ``please''.

>> No.9304096


He has a trip and I've never seen his posts on Desktop threads. But I don't go to many, so whatever

>> No.9304121


I support this guy because he doesn't suck moot's cock. The latest changes in the other 4chan X branches made me uninstall immediately.

>> No.9304122

ZUN!bar uses default 4chan.

>> No.9304131


That's idiot. If I wanted to save 4chan bandwidth that I wouldn't load images then. That's good, right? I could also not load any themes or anything. Or even better, I wouldn't even come here!
I will only use this site if I have the nice features I want.

>> No.9304149

There's a limit between using and abusing. What moot asks for is not abusing his servers.

Where does your self-entitlement come from?

>> No.9304159


I want to be ABLE to abuse. If I will or not, I don't care.

>> No.9304164

>Where does your self-entitlement come from?

Where do you come from? America?

>> No.9304169


>> No.9304188

why do some people call aeosynth aerosmith
am I missing something?

>> No.9304197

> autosage on /jp/



>> No.9304201

neo jp doesn't sage

>> No.9304204

It's easier to write/read than aeosynth.

>> No.9304211

I'm actually kinda surprised

>> No.9304215


>> No.9304227
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And like I said, go back to >>>/g/ you subhuman piece of ricing scum.

>> No.9304218

Yeah, we've noticed that. There are also those guys who use nokosage and unknowingly (?) discourage sage usage.

>> No.9304230

le sage :333333333

>> No.9304233

moot hates us, I don't see why I should care about him.

>> No.9304234


>> No.9304236


If everybody sages all threads will still up for longer, and if someone has something very important to post we will know, since he won't be saging.
Sage is not an offense.

>> No.9304237

changed refresh timer to 1
fuck you moot

>> No.9304248

Why can't we get a mod?


This guy should get a 1 month ban for being retarded. He thinks acting stupid is funny or something, and he also thinks people don't know he's samefagging.

>> No.9304244

Sage is for yourself. If you want to sage, you sage. Nokosage? Then nokosage. Stop believing that sage is some sort of ``mark of VIPPERness''

>> No.9304254

Do you think anybody cares, besides autists like you?

>> No.9304259

leee mods plz ban dis guy he's not joiiinning in on le jp culture >>>>>>>>..:(((((((((((((((

>> No.9304266

mod only comes here when he feels like it. Ironic shitposting retards like him ruined the board.

>> No.9304267

Saging is also a way of showing humility. We are humble folk and that's how it should remain.

>> No.9304270


Shit is shit. Even if you "don't care" it still stinks.

>> No.9304281
File: 4 KB, 322x208, 1356057220056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 0 1 2
>Still using 4chan X

>> No.9304273
File: 181 KB, 850x1224, 1339845347408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>insinuating it's me and not Anon pretending to be me

I don't even use any 4chan addons.

>> No.9304279

Don't try to pretend that /jp/ is not bad enough to have multiple idiots ironically shitposting in the same thread.

>> No.9304304

And humility works as anything else. If you want to show humility, then do so. If you don't, nobody should force you to do so.

>> No.9304297

who u quot m8

>> No.9304309



>> No.9304316


It saddens me. It wasn't like this in the past, and better moderation could fix this.

Look at teamliquid. The average thread is a college level analysis or something with 1000 words.

>> No.9304339

Aaaaaaand that's it. Nobody will ever take your bitching seriously anymore. Good thing you are Anoynmou

>> No.9304349

People acting like they aren't eight could fix this as well.
And I agree with you, but that example is so bad that I honestly think you are trolling.

>> No.9304350


Your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.9304363

I don't know about that one, man. I've seen people reply to arguments with "I'm right, okay? Stop trying to logic your way around it!"

>> No.9304383
File: 2 KB, 250x208, 1341529970782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for this so it looks correct

>> No.9304386

Wow I just love installing 4chan X versions only to discover that my extensive filter list is useless since the scripts never fucking work and all the shit threads avoid my filter entirely.

The only one that ever worked was 4chan Z, and I had it twice and it worked perfectly twice.

4chan X, I've tried using at least 4 times and it either doesn't show up to customize on its first visit to 4chan, or the filter is completely broken.

>> No.9304399

>extensive filter list

>> No.9304401


You can to re-add your filter if you install a different fork.

>> No.9304408

Only greasy nerds and desktop ricers need more than what 4chan's native script offers.

>> No.9304427

I like to nokosage cause i know it makes you nreds mad.

>> No.9304472

You probably just don't know how to write the lines properly.

>> No.9304479

You're all being very disrespectful. Moot pays his own money for your bandwidth, and you put SAGE in all your posts. It's like flushing money down the toilet. The least you could do is keep the threads bumped so he gives us his money's worth.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.9304489


If everyone used sage, threads would still alive for more time.

>> No.9304503

Image preloading is reasonable to hate. Autoupdating not so much.
I'd like 2 values, one for selected tab at 10 seconds, and one for background tabs at 1 minute. Not some scaling piece of shit for both.

>> No.9304518

I agree unironically.

What do you need addons for anyways? Thread watcher? WOW I can just open up the thread in another tab. Quick reply? Yeah I REALLY need to reply to these gay nerd threads QUICKLY as if my life depended on it.

>> No.9304527

I have image preload on at all times and my thread updater is set to 3 seconds. Are you frustrated yet you stupid little shit?

>> No.9304533


>> No.9304534


Don't kid yourself. Moot makes enough to fund 20-30 adults from J-List and ads alone.

>> No.9304538

Moot pays for my internet? That's mighty grand of him but he really shouldn't because it's a one sided love that's bound to crash.

>> No.9304549

So, you guys also don't block the ads, do you? But not doing it would cause moot problems!

>> No.9304573

Why would you block 4chan ads? They're so out of the way.

>> No.9304603


Not him, but your question doesn't make any sense. A non-idiot blocks all ads.

>> No.9304640

If moot actually cared, he'd improve fetching new posts, so they wouldn't need to update the entirety of the page.
4chan has been pretty much frozen in time, feature-wise, and forcing features lead to server strain.

moot, if you're reading this, instead of bargaining with userscript creators, make the site more usable.

>> No.9304659


An API so that 4chan X could check if there are new posts and only then update, that only post, is very simple

>> No.9304676
File: 14 KB, 213x277, melonsmirk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using scripts and not the OFFICIAL CHROME EXTENSION

>> No.9304679

I think it already works like this (or at least I'm fairly sure it did before the html change) which is the funny/sad/retarded part about this.

>> No.9304685



>> No.9304687

Email him about it. An "if you're reading this" post won't do anything.
No. Right now, 4chan X checks last modified headers, and if they've changed then it loads the entire page and parses out new posts. That's mootlet's fault.

>> No.9304694
File: 30 KB, 263x366, siondude0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9304717

ITT: post your filters, I'm rebuilding my /jp/ filter.

/who are you quoting/i
/who u qt/i
/worst touhou/i
/worst 2hu/i

Give me some more ideas for the filter.

>> No.9304726

Something like IMAP idle for 4chan would be nice.

>> No.9304730


I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, because you're obviously being ironic in that the filter doesn't work that way, but you're not very funny.

>> No.9304735

I know that, but I also know that a hundred people have e-mailed him already, being more well-spoken and with better technical knowledge and with brilliant advice - to no avail.

>> No.9304736

The filter does work that way. Are you trying to be reverse ironic or something? Please explain.

Oh, that reminds me:

/please respond/i

>> No.9304740


You don't filter the name field and the comment field together like that. It would have to be in separate lists.

>> No.9304750

He said specifically post fields. As in only filtering the people who post saying those names. It makes sense.

>> No.9304752

Should I retype my post for you, and add in separate sections, to make it more easily understandable?

I don't mind or anything.

>> No.9304755


Who are you quoting?

>> No.9304775


It's clear now, but it wasn't clear before. You shouldn't format it like that because if one were to copy and paste that it wouldn't work as intended.

If you're interested in my filter I posted it yesterday in this thread http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S9291960

>> No.9304785

I cannot for life filter anything. I would be missing things!

>> No.9304791

I know your situation.
I, myself, use Youtube Comment Snob, and I can't help but unhide them sometimes.

>> No.9304796

I can't either, but it's not because of missing things. It would inhibit my ability to ignore things that make it through, and that's just sad.

>> No.9304802


I do not think it is sad.

>> No.9304835

I just made my fork for me. I just added back in the features I wanted, which was prefetching. I linked it in a /g/ thread complaining about 4chan-x saying that they could just change it, and some people liked it. They asked me to add in some features, and I liked them, so I added them in.

I'm sorry I didn't need to dive into XPath for changing some simple shit.

>> No.9304843


Thank you for everuthing

>> No.9304849


Oh, and the fake zunbar gave an interesting idea:

>On [4chan X Settings], Rice tab, add the option to select what archiver you want to use on each available board that has more than 1 archiver. Warosu-Foolz, Installgentoo-rebeccablackTech, etc.

>> No.9304898

You could probably simply select good commits from Mayhem and Aeosynth to keep yours updated, and one time or the other, add some nice features yourself. I will be certainly using your version from now on.
Also, are you a regular ``awesum jaypee truNEET poster'' ?

>> No.9304927

I'm not a regular, and I don't really plan on becoming one.

>> No.9304926

Will you update your 4chan X installation page? (http://that4chanwolf.github.com/4chan-x/))

You could probably make it different and unique. And even beautiful, if possible.

>> No.9304934

I'd take simple over beautiful.

>> No.9304939


You don't know what you are missing! (but it's not too much, there are many kids here lately)

>> No.9304969

If you want anything vectored for your installation page, you can check >>>/w/1379784

Even though /w/ is a horrible place, that thread is quite good.

PS: my prefetch image looks off.

>> No.9304983


Mine too. I was using this before
http://joe.cm/4chanImagePreloading.user.js but it breaks spoilers.

>> No.9305170

Enjoy your shitty amerifat manure shack while I live in Versailles.

>> No.9305253

le jp culture

>> No.9305463
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>> No.9305469

It's an ugly mess of padding anyways. Custom made styles are always best.

>> No.9305546


>> No.9305565


If you are asking if I am seaweed, then no.
If you are asking if seaweed wrote that, then yes

>> No.9305590

>If you are asking if seaweed wrote that, then yes
Okay. This confirms that ricers are all retards.

>> No.9305597


Then he is not a ricer, because that post makes lots of sense

>> No.9305605

No it doesn't. Nobody cares about his JSON bullshit. Nobody cares about 1 second auto refreshers. And in fact, compared to the total population of 4chan, nobody gives a shit about user scripting ricers.

>> No.9305622

good taste zunby

>> No.9305808


On the picture or on not using scripts?

>> No.9305827


>> No.9305889


Well, the image is good. That's all I can say

>> No.9306276

That4chanWolf's for is the new /jp/ standard now, then? Autosage, redirects to warosu, no limits...

>> No.9306285


Looks like

>> No.9306298

Keep up the good forcing.

And have fun with your forced sage (all 3 of you)

>> No.9306411

Thank you

>> No.9306425

Forgot my sage

>> No.9306422

Why did Aeo comply with the moothem about refresh limit when they already Jewed him out of other features.

>> No.9306434

how is this version better than aerosmith's?

>> No.9306452

It isn't.
Just some skiddie trying to get attention.

>> No.9306460


Better than Aeosynth because:

No thread updater limit
Autosage on /jp/
Listen to your ideas so he can implement them

Better than Mayhem because:

Redirects to warosu
Has image prefetching
No thread updater limit
Autosage on /jp/
Listen to your ideas so he can implement them

>> No.9306462

>Currently, mystery man Z is already fighting for us!

What about Grandmaster Flash?

>> No.9306465

Why on earth would you need to update a thread more than every 5 seconds?

>> No.9306470


I want to be able to read responses as fast as possible! I fucking love responses!

>> No.9306495

I don't care so much about that, but I'd rather it not increase the wait time so much for background tabs. Seriously, 10 minutes for slow threads like on /jp/?

>> No.9306532

so, it's pretty much pointless unless you're an autist?

>> No.9306535


Unless you praise those functions.

>> No.9306556

both of those functions are pointless

>> No.9306557


In your opinion

>> No.9306560

Browsing this site is pointless.

>> No.9306565

Our lives are pointless too. I don't end it because of that. I enjoy doing other pointless things. Posting here, playing touhou, reading VNs. Only because it's pointless doesn't mean it isn't good.
