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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 222 KB, 556x647, 1214078710736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9301379 No.9301379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9301383
File: 27 KB, 394x700, 1 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this ironic?

>> No.9301384

Please stop..

>> No.9301388


>> No.9301406

needs more content

>> No.9301410

I tried posting on Reddit seriously when all that cloudflare shit was going on with 4chan.

Never again.

>> No.9301413

how do I make a new thread on there..?

>> No.9301421

I don't understand all of the irrational Reddit hate. I looked and it actually has a pretty good average post quality.

Do you just hate it because everyone else does, and you don't want to be ridiculed?

>> No.9301428

Only the first person can post an image? What a shitty site.

>> No.9301444

it really depends on where you post. some subreddits are better then the others. the smaller ones tend to be pretty good, but most mainstream ones are filled with retards. oh and pretty much everyone on reddit is a normalfag, which i guess is a dealbreaker for people here.

>> No.9301445
File: 432 KB, 708x1000, 1341428286085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

Here's a picture.

>> No.9301447


Just /jp/ trying to be "ANOMNYOUZ IS LEGION" to cope with being forever-nerds.

Theoretically if /jp/ moved to Reddit we could have a /jp/ without shitposters.

>> No.9301457

Except the upvote system and forced usernames kind of ruins it.

>> No.9301454

>Theoretically if /jp/ moved to Reddit we could have a /jp/ without shitposters.

Judging by the state of their jp board I doubt it.

>> No.9301455

The site is fine (if a little poorly laid-out) and there are good and bad subreddits, like any sizeable forum. In fact, in terms of sheer number of "boards" with their own isolated communities, it reminds me of 2channel.

The problem is that the site is completely antithetical to 4chan. We're all about anonymity and "it's what you say, not who you are". Content comes first. Reddit, on the other hand, REWARDS you for being an attention whore, or reposting something five years old that you didn't make. And when people do make original content, it's awful. A site as large as Reddit, and their only regular output is *le derpina friendzoned me, FFFUUUUU. Occasionally you get zany "slice-of-life" stuff that hits the front page: "My sister says she isn't a hipster..." followed by a picture of his hipster sister. Or "My friend asked me to photoshop his picture, so I did this" followed by a picture of his friend photoshopped out of the image. The sort of one-off jokes that would get one or two "lol"-type replies on /b/, and they're Reddit's cream of the crop for days.

>> No.9301460
File: 1.20 MB, 1170x2632, 1334254525886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le reddit is a pretty cool place xD

>> No.9301464

Okay anon, you go on ahead and we'll all follow later.

>> No.9301468
File: 39 KB, 1000x1000, 1340203047587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /jp/ without shitposters

>> No.9301473

>you are doing that too much. try again in 9 minutes.

What the fucking fuck man.

No even capital y.

>> No.9301477
File: 97 KB, 277x315, Naga11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9301482

Le sand nigger face

>> No.9301492
File: 183 KB, 717x880, reddit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9301498

You TOLD him, home xD

>> No.9301502

How the hell do I get a flair?

>> No.9301507

Iku knows.

>> No.9301508

You can post moar when you get moar karma.

>> No.9301510

What you're name? What flair do you want?

>> No.9301520

Did I do it right...? Can't find my submission...!

>> No.9301544

didn't noko did you bitch?

>> No.9301563

im xXneetmaster420Xx pls upvote my comment

>> No.9301568

Tell me when their "jaypee" makes authentic autistic memes

>> No.9301592
File: 2 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post on ALL the RREDOTEs :D

>> No.9301624

Hottest post on all of Reddit right now:

What a great community.

>> No.9301625

Jumped from 4 to 25 GOODJOB OP

>> No.9301637


FUCK the frontpage, you go to /r/jaepae, not for the other shit like fuu comics or whatever.

>> No.9301649

This anon speaks the truth.

The comments (on the worse subreddits) are basically just well-written youtube comments too.

>> No.9301653

Why can I only view 10 threads? I know for a fact there are more than that.

>> No.9301656

I still can't see my submission...! halp

>> No.9301661

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of /jp/. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field this imageboard covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your imageboard, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's log and classify all the threads contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9301671

Reddit should have an option to remove downvote/upvote buttons on a subreddit you created.

>> No.9301676

Heh, it's in the spam filter.

>> No.9301690

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of /jp/. This photo has addled interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field this imageboard covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your imageboard, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's log and classify all the threads contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9301723
File: 145 KB, 1918x905, le4chanXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical concerned Retard. Your web is shit because:

A) You stole all the KEWL MEEMZ from 4chan and do shitty traces(thievery) of every known artist, popular media and 4chan. I couldn't give less of a shit about meemz, but you're not cool either, you're worse. Forum-like web full of fucking annoying and unfunny fads, and it keeps expanding, creating new shitty sections.

Check pic out. It has a link to 4chan itself, so it's a gateway to people like you. It's full of normal people trying to fit in everywere and people worse than the average /b/tard nowadays. Just to mention examples, go to one of the first boards listed, or just look at this shitty board some faget just created. You also stole /news/ and I have to see your face and trademark in every fucking product that you take interest in.

The only good section is the trading ones, where you go scam a bunch of Steam games or whatever to Reddit because they're retarded and like to be scammed.

B) It has ranking systems and user preferences worse than moot and co. I actually went to get a Diablo 3 Beta key from all their contests a while ago and they literally only ran rigged contests for Retards. I won one there because I literally stepped over everyone else in Quiz and already tried to "befriend" the manager of that contest, who was the one taking questions in private. There is absolutely no honor nor privacy in these rankings.

C) You suck balls. ANONEEMOUS IS LEGIUN argument and samefagging isn't going to save you today. Privacy & Anonymity > Public shitty web.

Also, reported for trying to incite a shitstorm and advertising. Enjoy your shitty 4chan gold forum, hope you'll never be able to come back here.

>> No.9301730

i like this reddit

>> No.9301735

are you frustrated?

>> No.9301739


But 4chan steals memes and nomenclature too. "That feel" started on Krautchan. "Moe" is from 2ch.

>> No.9301753


You keep using that word.

Also, 4chan is a forum.
We use memes.
Deal with it.

>> No.9301757

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of /jp/. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field this imageboard covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your imageboard, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's log and classify all the threads contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

Please appreciate our present construct.

>> No.9301759

That feel didn't started from Krautchan.

Now fuck off.

>> No.9301771


"That feel" started on Krautchan.

>> No.9301775

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of /jp/. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field this imageboard covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your imageboard, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's log and classify all the threads contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

Please appreciate our pleasant construct.

>> No.9301781

Yes it did.

It was actually originally spammed on /jp/ first. I remember it was by that /g/ tripfag who started the inane comments meme (Mr Vile? Mr Grey?).

>> No.9301782

It was from some Polish chan that Wojak visited.

Now, fuck off before you shame yourself more.

>> No.9301785

This whole discussion is pointless.
4chan and reddit simply do not mix.
Memes have nothing to do with it.

>> No.9301786

It started on a polish imageboard

>> No.9301788


"That feel" started on Krautchan.

I have just as much evidence as you do.

>> No.9301792

No, I started it on an Iranian chan with three of my best buddies.

You fuck off too.

>> No.9301793

Please don't do this.

You guys claim to hate /v/ but now you're acting just like them.

>> No.9301804

Nice "damage control", Reddit.

>> No.9301806

But combining the phrase `that feel' with warm_face.jpg was forced on Krautchan.

>> No.9301805

Why do you fags keep coming here trying to get us to go over to your shitty site? If it's so fucking great then stay there.

>> No.9301816

I meant reddit is full of attention whoring and kids. Sorry for coming across as pro-reddit.

>> No.9301817

>You guys
Get the fuck out.

>> No.9301824

Sounds like 4chan and tripfags amongst other dark stuff, alright. Except Reddit is still worse.

>> No.9301821
File: 38 KB, 700x525, 1324061812325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is a forum.

>> No.9301845

fuck ``off"

>> No.9301856

So just because someone started using it in 4chan that means we stole it, according to you Reddit?

I think you realize what's actually happening but since your Reddit defense force urges are at max, you're pretending like we stole everything ever again and trying to undermine and divide credits. The majority of stuff like that was propagated by fellow users of those boards and the Moe thing, specifically, can be attributed to really good moonreaders like Shii, who started using it like everyone else in 2ch.

If you don't like it, please go to your 4chan gold forum.

>> No.9301860

why do you insist on promoting reddit here? if you like reddit so much then go there and have fun don't try to convince us to go there, you know that a lot of us hate it and by making these threads you are only starting pointless discussions

>> No.9301901

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of /jp/. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field the imageboard covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your imageboard, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's log and classify all the threads contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9301927

What the fu­ck d­id you just fu­cking say about me, you little bit­ch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fu­ck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fu­cking words. You think you can get away with saying that sh­it to me over the Internet? Think again, fu­cker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fu­cking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little sh­it. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fu­cking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you godd­amn idiot. I will s­hit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fu­cking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9301946

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of Brevik's manifesto. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field the manifesto covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your manifesto, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's analysis and classify all the writings contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9301962

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of Touhou. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field the shmup covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your shmup, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's gameplay and classify all the levels contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9301971 [DELETED] 



>> No.9301981 [DELETED] 


>> No.9301990

is `` and ''
is not `` and "

>> No.9301999

>Since its creation in 2003, 4chan has grown to become the US's largest forum

don't worry its still a special TYPE of forum

at least youre not like those non-sekrit klub phpbb fags amirite

>> No.9302000

Studying a recently published picture of Prince Lennart of Sweden, I saw that he was carrying a copy of dakimakura. This photo has added interest as it is of the grandson of a famous monarch who is also a great scientist. All of which goes to prove the wide field the dakimakura covers in race, language, and social position. I might also say that when I view your dakimakura, I know that the advertisements it contains are to be relied upon as well as being an education in themselves. If some of your readers who are constantly kicking will take a year's release and classify all the sheets contained in them, they will find that everyone gets a fair share.

>> No.9302076

It's still moot telling the short and simple version and calling it a forum instead of a series of web and fully functional image BBS, AKA Imageboards, as opposed and completely different to your average Forum.

Frustrated that you can't find identity, Reddit?

>> No.9302085

It's a forum.

>> No.9302093

I hate how someone says "I don't understand why /jp/ hates reddit" which then cues about 6 people to respond "Haha yes my fellow normalfriend, the fact is there are several great subreddits such as /r/careers and /r/girlfriendpics, it's just that /jp/ has a biased view!"

It's just like when someone mentions /v/ and suddenly everyone on /jp/ is an expert on why /v/ is bad and what kind of threads on /v/ are the worst

Please stop fucking lying to me /jp/, if I'm the only one left who is loyal to /jp/ then that's okay but don't lie about it.

>> No.9302102

I post mostly on /jp/, but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally check out other places to see how they are. Stop taking it so seriously.

>> No.9302109

A bulletin board system? Like phpBB? or vBulletin?

Better tell these guys they aren't actually a forum!

>> No.9302117

But I'm loyal to the original forms of /jp/. Reddit is just that web I go to scam kids in Steam, I hate it.

You wouldn't believe how many people actually browse or used to browse both Reddit and /jp/ though, the majority of them are real retards, I've met quite a few.

>> No.9302118


I'm happy to try things to form my own opinion of them. If /jp/ says /v/ is awful, I'll lurk /v/ to see if it's the case. But that doesn't mean I don't spend 14 hours a day on /jp/.

>> No.9302122

I don't think SA runs an imageboard or a 4chan gold forum, Reddit.

>> No.9302131


No, ``checking'' other places on occasion doesn't conveniently give you an indepth knowledge of how they work. A tru/jp/sie should not be lurking around on normalfag dens.

>> No.9302144


You're not the /jp/ representative. We define what a 'true /jp/ user' is, fucklord.

>> No.9302157

When I say "check", I mean I go there and post long enough to form an opinion I can back up. It doesn't take years to do that.

>> No.9302164


>We define what a 'true /jp/ user' is

According to you a ``true /jp/ user'' is someone who spends his time tabbing between /jp/ and Reddit (probably Facebook too), so no thanks.

>> No.9302191

Don't get involved in witch hunts.

>> No.9302410


>> No.9302446

> Can't post pics on reddit
> Implying it isn't absolute shit tier

Fuck off.

>> No.9302463

I don't like reddit, it's confusing and I don't want a name

Can't we just seek down shitposters and kill them to improve /jp/ instead?

>> No.9302479

I find it pretty ironic that you say that. Have you noticed OP's lack of explanations or anything for this shit and the kind of people who posted in that Reddit section?

Yeah. Ignore this shit, report everywhere and move on.

>> No.9302501

You still carry the Anonymous name.
On reddit you can make a new account every time you want to post something, you don't even need an email.

>> No.9302540

90% of what they post is pics dude

its like 4chan

you see a thumbnail
you click it
full image

>> No.9302554

We call that ``pseudonymity'', and it's pretty much the opposite of anonymity.

I always laugh at tripfags who say, “I'm still anonymous because you don't know where I live or what I look like!”

>> No.9302660


Check this out instead. It's good shit.

>> No.9302675

Oh, you need an explanation? I thought it was pretty self-explanatory but here goes.

Reddit for /jp/ers. Instead of shitposters we aspire to be old /jp/ (not like most people here would know about that haha).

>> No.9302688

Trying too hard, shitposter crew. You will never get as many reactions in Reddit as in /jp/, your board is just shit.

>> No.9302691
File: 47 KB, 500x500, anime question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if youre ironic so hard that you begin to take yourselfs seriously

>> No.9302695

I knew there were a lot of them, but that number is just mind-boggling.

>> No.9302698

Nice troll.

>> No.9302720
File: 494 KB, 850x1200, c518c18eb2bee3f16189b155b67df29f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're all being ironic and not seriously posting on virginnerdit.

I don't want to have to us this crowbar. I'm lying.

>> No.9302761

bump for nice subreddit.

>> No.9302792


>> No.9302797

aare you serious!

>> No.9302814


pls no

>> No.9302815

This shit seriously sucks balls. You guys are fucking retards.

>> No.9302800


>> No.9302828

Remove it.

>> No.9302821


>> No.9302826

What could we do to improve it? Why don't you like it?

>> No.9302838

Or just stop advertising it here.

>> No.9302848


Ban shitposting. Everyone is shitposting on it because 'LOOK HOW SIMILAR WE ARE TO /jp/! LOL!'

That's shit. The only reason you would make a /jp/ subreddit would be to avoid shitposting. That's one of the only benefits of non-anonymity.

>> No.9302850

Sorry, that is not what I would consider "constructive criticism".

>> No.9302851

Why the HELL do you need a /jp/ subreddit? How about just browsing /jp/?

>> No.9302860


>> No.9302878

As said before, this is about getting /jp/ back to the oldfag standards way back from the split. Only actual otaku discussion allowed.

>> No.9302898



>> No.9302905

Uhh what? No one forces you to join.

>> No.9302908

Everything on the front page suggests otherwise. Your subreddit is shit.

>> No.9302918



>> No.9302929

lespurdolespardefun is a shitty name and you should be ashamed of it
>Oh fugg XXDDD~~!!
>That happens to me all the time
srsly gtfo

>> No.9302943

I'm ashamed of you guys.

>> No.9302947

Oh, I'm not the creator of jaepae. I just want to bring the oldfags in.

>> No.9302948
File: 49 KB, 250x250, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguing whether 4chan is a forum
>It is basically like the old text BBS only with images
shiggy diggy doo
