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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9247136 No.9247136 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:

Ship 4 Block 42

PSO2 Blog (and guide!):

Translation Patch progress thread:

Guild (Team): Hotglue

>> No.9247312

Still looking for help on getting the second matter board. Storywise, I just finished the first story quest. Have ran around town for a while and can't proceed.

>> No.9247672

Nevermind. I figured it out. I always skipped cutscenes, but the cutscene after the fight with a bunch of spiders showed me that I had to one of the side paths. I always just skipped the cutscene and ran forward.

>> No.9247675
File: 357 KB, 1366x768, pso20120627_212915_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dun goofed. Also what's the third one?

>> No.9247706

It booted me out...how'd it do that?!

>> No.9248076

Anyone know the best place to farm grinders? I haven't found a reliable spot to farm them yet.

>> No.9248084
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Well now what?

>> No.9248106

What's wrong with that? Either shell out cash to reset it or just deal with it you fucking elitest. Goddamn it's just a game, stop being so fucking autismal about every small detail. I'll bet your weapon and armor are total bullshit too and you don't seem bothered by it you bitchfucker.

None of us have to sit here and listen to you bitch and moan all day long. Why don't you just fucking grow a pair and deal with it.

>> No.9248118

Please take it easy. I was merely asking for suggestions on where to go with it. I did not mean to upset you with my lack of clarification, and I apologize.

>> No.9248258

Where do I go about finding discs for a jukebox?

>> No.9248267

FUN scratch, or just buy them from player shops.

>> No.9248272


How did you reduce the def stat?

>> No.9248269

can't you feed it discs to make it evolve?

>> No.9248600

Weapons reduce defense and that's mostly what I fed it.

I don't quite get what you mean.

>> No.9248790

How does weakening bullet work? Does it just passively works or is there a skill to use? Because I checked my Rifle's skill list and there isn't anything new.

>> No.9248808

There's a skill, it loads a weakening bullet into your next normal shooting attack.

First button from the left, second option.
Third option, second tab.
Should be there.

>> No.9249060

Many thanks!

>> No.9249382
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>> No.9249388

the fuck is that even do?

>> No.9249613

Why the fuck is there so much /vg/ in HG? I don't want to hear about MLP and TF2.

>> No.9249639

Question for the ages.

>> No.9249659

MLP, really? I guess I should be thankful I've been without a guild. Fuck that.

>> No.9249937
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It only wanted to be friends.

>> No.9250185

Wow what, glad i'm not online right now then.

>> No.9250195

scary Lisa is scary

>> No.9250342

>Wow what, glad i'm not in hotglue now then.


>> No.9250344

Lisa is going to come after you.

>> No.9250353

Is there an alternative that isn't "no team"?

>> No.9250437

Report the users and I'll kick them.

>> No.9250511


Not really. They'll keep rejoining. They know what /jp/ is and they know how to navigate threads. We can only ignore it.

>> No.9250856

I can't decide between the Broom for power or the Red Processor for looks.


>> No.9251192

Any tips on beating vol dragon? I've tried three times so far with NPCs. Not even sure how I'll be able to S rank it for the desert. Longest fight was probably twenty minutes.

>> No.9251203

What class are you?

>> No.9251219


>> No.9251547

Vol Dragon? Will you could just let the npcs do everything. And by that I mean you sit back and let them deal peanut damage. If you're not being targeted, you're not being killed. That or you could just join a random party that's doing free caves. Also free map desert is a lot easier. Good luck trying to solo the drill and collect though.

>> No.9251610

Shoot the ball on his tail. When it breaks shoot the horn on his head. If you have weak bullet save it for the horn. Also never stop moving unless you're behind him and he's not moving.

>> No.9251650

I soloed the drill fine by just ignoring everything and running to the 3rd area. There's enough enemies there for the S rank.

>> No.9251697

You just fucked up.
Blocking raises the gear charge and waiting the extra JA raises the gear by 1 point. All it does is, your next PA take 1 gear charge and increases the aoe of the skill. It's pretty worthless IMO.

>> No.9251700

You could target the tail or horn weakspots, then lock on with Q to constantly hit it. I don't know if that will still make it under 20 min.

>> No.9251727

Well letting NPCs do everything while I run in circles isn't quick enough to get an S rank right? Or is there a way to command them to stick on the enemy despite how far back I go?

This is pretty much what I've been doing, so I guess I just have to keep trying until I never get hit. Bought a bunch of expensive new gear hoping it'll be easier.

Honestly I forgot lock on existed. I used TPS forever since I learned to activate it. I'll have to see how lock-on goes for this guy. Sometimes his tail wags a little and I have to shoot where it's going to be instead of using lock-on.

>> No.9251771

I don't think speed matters for an S rank, just if you killed enough enemies along the way and if you haven't been incapacitated. Still, it might be best if you got other people to help.

>> No.9251800

I think there's a 20min time limit to do Koffee's quest that unlocks the desert. But yeah I'll try it one more time, and then get people together if I lose again.

>> No.9252005
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I made a thing.

>> No.9252021
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>> No.9252227

>>>/vg/ please

>> No.9252785

/vg/ pls go

>> No.9252796

server still down?

>> No.9252883

Yeah, 18 more hours to go.

>> No.9255690

Server back when?

>> No.9255702

18 more hours to go.

>> No.9255725

1am EST

>> No.9256721
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Sega wants all of my money.

>> No.9256741

>Not Infinity

Shit threads.
Also, why the fuck is this on /jp/?

>> No.9256816

Japanese MMO in Japanese released only in Japan, also little girls.

>> No.9256840

+/jp/'s autism makes /jp/ want to disassociate with /vg/

>> No.9257301
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sasuga, /jp/

>> No.9257490

This kills the rappy.

>> No.9257939

So wait.. The photon part of the weapon is the cutting edge, right?

That scythe.

>> No.9257977

suck my photon, dude

>> No.9258176
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It's almost time.

>> No.9258210

Yes, it's almost time for me to go to sleep! Fuck this timing.

>> No.9258216

Servers are up.

>> No.9258235


>> No.9258242
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Lisa protocols activate

Welcome home

>> No.9258466
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I can quit any time, I swear

>> No.9258469

I need an invite to the guild. I derped around in the setting and apparently left a couple days ago which would explain why it was so quiet. names Paper and I'll be dancing my heart out in the lobby

>> No.9258492

Is there a real purpose for the lightning ball? does rather poorly damage wise

>> No.9258609
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Why is the desert so great?

>> No.9258623

why is /vg/ still on at this hour

>> No.9258689

Makes other lightning spells do more dmg.

>> No.9258701

summer xDDDD

>> No.9258709


No, seriously, I'm tired of seeing >internal quoting

I can understand people acting like retards here, but in their everyday lives too?

>> No.9258759

The best place to level from 25-30 is to get the 2 quests from franka that have you get 15 things from Suparudans(the 4 legged mechs) and the quest to get 15 things from Suparugans(the four legged mechs with cannons on top). Go to the first desert mission and find the code attack/eliminate where you have to 6 Suparudans, it's usually right near the start. Then run and find the code attack/eliminate where you have to kill 4 Suparugans. Now travel between the two repeating the codes. Enjoy getting easy code exp(around 400-600) and easy quest exp(around 5k).

This is outside of the city quest of course.

>> No.9259095

When I make a party, can I get people while waiting in the lobby or camp ship so the timer won't start?

>> No.9259109


>> No.9260021

I just completed the first matter board. How do you get the second?

>> No.9260125
File: 133 KB, 941x98, 1340933577514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh mags are more complicated than I thought. I didn't realize they changed form every 5 levels if you had met certain requirements. And I definitely did not realize that there were more than 4 photon bursts.

>> No.9260139
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>Not Infinity
>Pay2win MMO

>> No.9260146

They change form every 5 levels? I heard that in PSO mags have unique forms based off specific stats, is that what you mean?

>> No.9260256


How do you get the alternate attacks on your photon burst?

>> No.9260298

What class do you recommend for a first timer?

The classic HUmar?

>> No.9260306

Yeah every 5 levels if they have a higher different stat they change form. If I had known about this, I'd have built mine more balanced at first and once I got a certain skill for a mag, I'd switch it up.

>> No.9260396

Wait, so let me get this straight. The mag takes it's form, and so it skill that you use to summon it from it's stats every 5 levels? And they carry over?

So if I did something like:

5 levels S-ATK
10 levels R-ATK
15 levels T-ATK
20 levels Ability
25 levels S-DEF
30 levels R-DEF
35 levels T-DEF
I'd end up with 7 different skills for the mag?

Wouldn't that scatter your stats all across the board tho? Would make the bonuses you get from a mag kind of "meh" ish.
And where is the 8th skill from?

>> No.9260405

Actually more like 8th 9th 10th 11th and 12th skill.

>> No.9261532
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I really need the point of strike. Do I risk it and hope for an extra stat gain or play it safe?

>> No.9261646

Use a monomate, I think.

>> No.9261791

I've found that you have to get 2 degrees away from 4chan for the greentexting to stop. One of the online communities I visit is made up mostly of 4channers and on our site, people often >implying and all that, but if we're all playing a game, nobody does it. I have noticed this trend several times, actually.

>> No.9263731

What is the most efficient way to solo Vol Dragon as a ranger?
Hitting the tail it till breaks or just aim for the horn straight and ignore the tail?
The fight is taking too long for my liking.

>> No.9263784
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What is thsi? It comes up when I try to equip a weapon. Is it binding?

>> No.9263792


>> No.9263828

Ok thanks.

>> No.9264776

what do you do to dance in this game

>> No.9265041

Alt D, Ctrl Alt D, and a few others.

>> No.9265073

What's the name of that annoying Grinder guy?

>> No.9265111

Grinder guy?

>> No.9265210

So, when in july do you think the patch is coming out?

>> No.9265213


>> No.9265333

Why do you hurt me?

>> No.9266013

why do you hurt yourself? most of us know how to read hiragana/katakana, and it's not like they use excessive kanji.

Maybe you should actually try to play the game?

>> No.9267550
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Two 9* pieces of armor.
No guns higher than 4*


>> No.9267941

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.9267984
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>> No.9268255

And the worst part of 9* armor is that you need such a stupidly high amount of S. Def usually that you won't get even by 40.

>> No.9268261

How do I stop sucking at force? The dragon takes forever to kill compared to my hunter.

>> No.9268329

Lock on to a weak point and spam grants? Not sure if that does more than spamming ice spells, but you do get to break weak points.

>> No.9268481

You get to use grants already? Back in my day you could not afford to use grants or megid and reserved them for Falz only. And even then you second guess weather you should sue them or not.

Is the level cap the same as the CBT? Or can you guys start leveling up to 200 again?

>> No.9268551

Freeze the feet, then >>9268329

One of the npcs gives you the disc for it. Cap right now is 30. You really should just play it.

>> No.9268553

I think this crazy piece I got requires something like 130 more than I have, and levels tend to give 4-9 pdef, so I definately won't be hitting that by 40 unless the bonus points increase.

>> No.9270120
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ふふふ うふふふ

>> No.9270355

Any other fashion conscious folks should be sure to make a second account so you can sell yourself custom colored costumes. You won't be able to do it once the beta ends due to the shop restriction.

>> No.9270413
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I wonder what we missed out on.

>> No.9270437

I thought you need premium to sell. How will another account give that?

>> No.9270530

You can't buy anything yet so everyone has temporary premium or something. Still can't do anything that requires AC though.

>> No.9271119

Where's the best place to level from 20-25?

Farming the rappy map on hard mode or

some desert missions? which ones?

>> No.9272233

You mean you can sell your original outfit to someone else? This sounds like something I need to take advantage of.

>> No.9272838

I do that too, but I mainly meant selling them to yourself.

>> No.9273013

Is it possible to sell to certain account without going through the market?
I meant someone could snipe the costume while you are reloging.

>> No.9274285

Sell it to your main for a somewhat high price, then sell a monomate to your alt for the same price to get the meseta back.

>> No.9275141
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Useless crap as far as the eye can see!

>> No.9275149 [DELETED] 



>> No.9275357

looks like some heavy bursting occured.

>> No.9276426

couldn't stop looking at the meseta everywhere

>> No.9279548

july 4th is the the patch level cap is raised tundra is added and a crap ton of other stuff.

>> No.9279853
File: 70 KB, 520x286, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell is this?

>> No.9279886

a question mark

>> No.9280813

> Credit Cards: (VISA、MasterCard、JCB、American Express)

Yeaaah. Looks like us foreigners will be able to buy AC.

>> No.9280872

An unidentified weapon. Take it to the girl at the purple counter in the shop area.

>> No.9280990

I guess I had better sell all my shit before I lose shop access.

>> No.9282736

Damn 20k. Are they all 9* or something?

>> No.9282940

It's already down? I hadn't transferred all my costume money over yet since someone said it was ending at 11pm est.

Fuck me.

>> No.9282965
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Good bye room. You will not particularly be missed that much.

>> No.9283040

Would you look at all that mag ranged attack.

>> No.9283559

Is OBT already about to shut down?

>> No.9283624

It's already over. AC buying goes live at 11pm PST.
Servers come back up, presumably fully patched, at 10pm PST tomorrow, Tuesday, July 3rd.

>> No.9283893

>Guild (Team): Hotglue
Why? Why does this guild need to be in every game i try to enjoy?

>> No.9283924

Why? Why do you care, or think we do?

>> No.9284075

Because it's been the name of the /jp/ guild's since 2008. Even if there's no resemblance.

>> No.9284347
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>> No.9284444

Damn, didn't realize this morning would be the last time I'd be playing OBT. Oh well, see you guys next time.

>> No.9284604
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OBT you will be missed.

>> No.9284657

Patch is up guys, if you didn't notice the tweet.

>> No.9284695

What's going on? The server got shut down?

Does this have anything to do with SEGA cutting down on staff?

>> No.9284699

They just shut it down because the full game is going live tomorrow.

>> No.9284710

Ah, that stands for Online BeTa.
I'm an idiot

>> No.9284722
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>Why? Why do you care

Probably because it's terrible.

>> No.9284726
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Indeed you are, it stands for Open Beta Testing

>> No.9284743

Don't feel bad, everybody hates Kritzinger.

>> No.9284874

Hmm, I wonder why the premium set goes for 1300 AC but they only let you buy AC in 500, 1000, 3000 + increments.
Would be easier to have a 1500 or a 2000 AC purchase so you wouldn't have to buy AC twice or spend double what you intend to buy for the 3k one.

>> No.9284886

Welp, was OB that short?
I knew I was forgetting something...

>> No.9284888


>> No.9284900

How would putting an option to purchase 1500 AC or 2000 AC be any different from someone buying it twice.

It was supposed to last for another week or so, but after that 27 hour maintenance they did that REALLY stabilized the lag then decided to release early.

>> No.9284993


Sega should make up their minds already

>> No.9285006
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>> No.9285008

they will supposedly release content in small batches constantly anyway. Even in release game will stay quite tiny.

>> No.9285060

There will be Lisa clones everywhere, come the AC shop.

I'm hoping the parts are relatively rare so that the shops are filled with the other clothes that I want.

>> No.9285084

What is it saying?

>> No.9285092
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Why didn't my image upload?

>> No.9285115

It says that you should download the latest version of the launcher and restart.

>> No.9285136

Thou must download the current version of the launcher.

Just restart the launcher and it should do everything for you.

>> No.9285568



>> No.9285591
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>> No.9285602
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And tons of junk after.

>> No.9285598
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, pso20120703_032216_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSE Mayhem!

>> No.9285659

So apparently they are releasing the full game early? They supposedly fix some lag that was a constant problem in the past?

I wonder how much sooner they will the english version. Though I am sure since everyone made an account there no one is going to play the English version thus causing to game to fail and lose out on content that the japanese would get as usual.

>> No.9285725

I still don't know how PSE Burst works. It always happens when I'm playing alone and without any monsters in sight. And somehow I get dozens of extensions and ONE MOREs and I don't get shit because only one wave of monsters spawn.

But whenever I'm in a full party and we are joining full rooms for PSE Burst, it NEVER happens. Or maybe one will happen, but without any monsters spawning.

>> No.9285761
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>> No.9285789

When you kill a monster sometimes a bright pillar of light appears, these add to the PSE levels that do different things.
When the level reaches a point the burst happens, cross bursts are when more then one PSE is of the appropriate level to trigger a burst.

Enemies will spawn in waves and seem to be tied to both location and number of players in that location. So when a PSE burst happens go to a location where allot of players are gathered at a spawn point and the waves should keep coming. Staying on your own is NOT a good way to make use of a PSE burst.
If you're in a burst party/milti-area they will sometimes give a location over the regular chat on where to gather, go there.

The reason it can happen when you're playing alone with no monsters around is cause you're in a multi-area and there are other people killing stuff as well.
Large rooms where you can have several parties grinding their own specific area/portion of the room is usually the best way to trigger PSE bursts.

>> No.9285811

maybe because its not very strict. Usually it happens when you have 15 levels of photon buffs, but not always. You might get 20+ and nothing will happen. You might be blocked by rain, or vice versa, weather change will initiate PSE burst. You might be "just" about getting PSE burst, and if someone got it before, you will get cross burst as well. So I guess it was designed to be unpredictable.

>> No.9285876

Has anybody figured out what those little things that pop up at the top of the screen mean? Like the one thats a circle, you hear like radar blips and then it disappears. Then one thats a circle, just a lot of whooshing sounds. Or that one that looks like a Spectrogram and has a horrible electro-hissing noise like the infections?

>> No.9286079

usually its just different ways of showing you that photon activity is increasing/decreasing. At least thats what is written on the official documentation page. No actual details.

>> No.9286522


Because the earlier long maintenance made them implement changes that were intended for release, so they might as well as hasten the release.

Sega EU is dead, Sega US is getting heavy layoffs, I seriously doubt that there's going to be any US/Int version of PSO2 anytime soon, especially considering how it's now running a F2P model. All previous titles did cost money and the PSP titles didn't even get ported.

Besides, customer service for US versions of the games were terrible regardless so I wouldn't really bother.

>> No.9286533 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 581x386, 4511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Server open at 18 hours after...

>> No.9286541

Wat? Servers are up?!

>> No.9286621

So apparently you need a Japanese address and contact info before you can purchase AC?

>> No.9286668

You need any japanese address.

>> No.9286679

But any Credit Card is fine?

>> No.9286766

What does this mean? Something about do not register false info?

※登録された情報が虚偽の個人情報であった場合、SEGA ID登録を停止させていただく場合もございますのでご注意ください。

>> No.9286781

Then how the heck am I supposed to purchase AC...

>> No.9286775

Yeah, your ID can be suspended if you do.

>> No.9286795

Its like Sega doesn't want my money at all.
Shame, because I was really looking forward to buying a second mag, and maybe a class reset.

>> No.9286856


>Display of ships will be reversed from 1 - 10 to 10 - 1.
>Who am I quoting?


>> No.9286862

So, they want only Japanese players to have AC now?

Finding a legitimate Japanese address is easy, but wouldn't the fact that your Credit Card info is from another country be a dead giveaway? I mean, would they really suspend an account for faking an address so you could throw money at them?

>> No.9286881

Maybe they didn't think about the whole gaijin buying AC thing yet.

>> No.9286905
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Some people in /vg/ said that putting sega's address and phone number will work.

>> No.9286922

Any Japanese address WORKS, it's just that the warning pops up about false info and a possible suspension.
You could get your AC and buy your items in game then one day your account is suspended. Which is why I'm wondering if SEGA would really do that..

>> No.9286933
File: 111 KB, 453x599, sanaefaceroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way this could go wrong.

>> No.9286937

"hey sega here is some money"

really now.

>> No.9286945

That's the initial thought, but this is SEGA we're talking about. SEGA and the Japanese at that.

>> No.9286962

I had to put in an address some time ago to get in alpha testing initially. Since they let me participate with fake address it didn't feel that they care enough.

>> No.9286967

What is bothering me is why they would explicitly state that false info could get you suspended. I mean that goes without saying in most MMOs, but why go out of your way to state that unless you intend to follow up on it.

I'm just hoping that was there from the days of CBT and they forgot to remove it or something now that they realize that tons of foreigners play the game and want to buy AC.

>> No.9286979

Maybe they had no way of finding out? But your Credit Card's billing address which they will see when you use it won't match up with that address.
They'd know for sure then wouldn't they, or at least have reason to look into it. If they're being serious about this that is.

>> No.9286982

>realize that tons of foreigners play the game and want to buy AC.
I know AMEX is global and all, but it feels very ironic allowing "American Express" for payment, yet banning gaijin. This means absolutely nothing either way.

>> No.9286999

not to mention they could just block foreign cards if they wanted to. this whole address thing makes no sense.

>> No.9287179

>realize that tons of foreigners play the game
I was thinking about that for a bit.
They gathered a lot of statistics during testing and even showed it up as results. There is no way they could completely miss out blocks on a certain ship bloated in population.

>> No.9287217

I know about 90% of the interrupt ranking leaderboards were english names, although that is a popular thing for the japanese too.

>> No.9287265

why not send them an email asking about it

>> No.9287418

So do I have to redownload another client or will it just patch when the game goes live

>> No.9287494

Patching is fine ever since cbt. They aren't going to make another overhaul.

>> No.9287849

And don't they have a deal with PSO world too? They wouldn't want to ban the players who came from there just because they are foreigners.

>> No.9287883 [DELETED] 

see >>9256816

>> No.9287878 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 965x344, sasasasdasasdadsasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just asking, but how PSO is /jp/ related?

>> No.9287887

Stop this shit already.

>> No.9287896 [DELETED] 

I'm not doing anything. its the mod being on drugs.

>> No.9287903 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1329302721308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you ask?
You are supposed to know it yourself, otherwise you have way less relevance to the board than this thread.

>> No.9287918 [DELETED] 


Saergimr is a #4chan person

just more proof that Janitor Internet Defense Force is real

>> No.9287926

Stop this shit too.

>> No.9288439

Sega can't take my debit card for some reason, any recommended webmoney sellers that don't charge an arm and a leg extra?

>> No.9288514

Sega is giving out to many mixed signals. They're like, "this beta is for Japanese onry", yet they do absolutely nothing to stop foreigners from playing. They could easily put in an IP block. Then they allow you to easily purchase AC with fake address, but go out of their way to make sure you put in a Japanese address and tell you your account may be suspended if it's not real information.

Can't tell if they're just trying to keep up some form of plausible deniability about something so they can just pull the plug on foreign players at any time or if they're just being assholes.

>> No.9288538

Surely they need to abide by a variety of things like demanding address and such, but putting up and maintain the block will be probably too much of a hassle and waste of resources. Its just a bunch of blocks among ten ships total anyway.

>> No.9288550

>but go out of their way to make sure you put in a Japanese address and tell you your account may be suspended if it's not real information

They probably have to do this for legal reasons. They'll gladly take your money but they don't want to get but raped by some credit company because they didn't put up a warning for cross country spending laws.

>> No.9288571
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>> No.9288584

I wonder if those belts whip the character during running.

>> No.9288720

That is a bullshit explanation. These credit card companies operate globally. And with many other businesses, provide services for buyers from anywhere in the world. There is absolutely no legal reason for what they're doing.

>> No.9288867

You'd be surprised at what some companies would do to fuck over other companies for all their monies, loopholes, not following something to the T, also credit companies and banks are notorious for this kind of shit. It's better to cover all bases than leave one open then get fucked royally.

>> No.9288986

Okay, armchair legal adviser. You tell me how it works.

>> No.9289041

why would I oppose your authority. You write Sega a letter, their staff has no apparent clue.

>> No.9289577
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They just sway in the wind iirc. I like your idea, though.

I think I'll wait for some good feedback from other people before spending any money trying to get that wedding dress...

>> No.9289769
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>> No.9289925
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Don't do it man. Never trust the gambling prize system. Someone will get it on the first try while it takes you way more.

>> No.9290857

Why is Ranger so boring?
All I do is stand around and shoot at things until they die, it's pretty repetitive and uninteresting.

It doesn't help that most Ranger skills are just slight variation of the basic attack. Launcher rodeo is the only fun skill and it isn't very good.

>> No.9290879

It gets a little more fun when you stay in the Z-Aiming mode and look for weak points on things. Unsuprisingly, the face is the weak point on everything that doesn't have a big red spot on it.

It all just depends on how you play, I honestly can't see what fun Forces are that use cards. Thats why i'm building my force with S-ATK and boosting the uncharged and JA-increase skills. Fuck yeah melee FO, stupid OP dash everywhere.

I literally just cannot see the use of a hunter when the game is all about not being hit at all. Especially all this tanky build shit, and that one War Cry skill that draws all the monster's attention to it. I mean really, what?

>> No.9290949
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Ranger is about power tripping over Weak Shot being incredible, shooting homing sperm at multiple targets, and crawling around.

>> No.9290978
File: 527 KB, 1280x720, pso20120424_125808_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking LOVE crawling.

>> No.9290984

And when Hunters get a skill that makes then into a literal iron walls: Raises defense like mad, makes them and their target immobile while they hammer away at each other. Everyone will start complaining about how OP they are, and everyone will want one.

Seriously though, keep in mind we're still in the early stages of the game, I'd imagine content will be getting much harder soon enough and relying solely on dodge just won't cut it for most people.
I know I had no trouble with my FO in CBT but in hard mode getting hit 2-3 times meant death, so rushing into large mobs blindly was a serious nono. Getting stunned by a boss also usually meant death if it didn't kill you in one hit.

>> No.9291008
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>> No.9291009

Well of course, but getting hit as a FO is pretty much your own fault with 3 whole seconds of complete invincibility, especially if you just stay back and lob Grants at everything with a card.

I dunno it seems the tradeoff for defense to offense just isn't worth it. Sure you can take like what 5 more hits, but you're also going to be there 5 minutes longer chipping away with your pitiful damage. Maybe if blocking was more effective and more easily cancelable into.

I dunno, its just not my thing. I envy those that can enjoy the class, especially since Partisans look really cool. Although I hate all of you faggots for making things harder for me to shoot. (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, CLAW LANCE GRAB/THROW SPAM.)

>> No.9291028
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>> No.9291039
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>> No.9291041

>I literally just cannot see the use of a hunter when the game is all about not being hit at all

A good hunter doesn't get hit

>> No.9291049

It's true that getting hit is your own fault. But I do not care how OPed dodge is or how good the player is, you're gonna get hit, you just won't have any excuse for it.
And that's the reason allot of people use tails/cards, cause getting in close can be dangerous, enemies in hard mode are way more vicious and are all out for your blood.
Personally I find it impossible to attack effectively as an FO when a boss has targeted you in hard mode. Spend more time dodging then attacking. The dodge can be a liability in those cases, since there's a slight delay at the end of it before yo ucan move again.

The tradeoff for more defense may not seem worth it now, but as I said, when content gets harder it will likely become more necessary for most. Glass cannons are generally a bad idea for most games.

>> No.9291066

>enemies in hard mode are way more vicious and are all out for your blood.

The AI is identical to normal

>> No.9291077
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Strangely enough, being up inside of a boss lets you avoid a lot of attacks.

>> No.9291093

There's no reason for a hunter to take defensive skills, none of the bosses require more than default dash to evade. The only thing in the defensive trees with value in the current game is the dash attack which lets you cancel dashes into attacks.

Forces excel at dealing safe and consistent damage, rangers can weakshot for the group or do moderate damage and usually quite consistently, and hunters can push burst damage out every pore of their body. As such, your statement is entirely correct, just add "defensive" infront of "hunter". And of course, this is just relevant in the current content tiers. A hunter can survive 2 hits from any hard mode boss save for the grabs--as such, there's no reason for defense.

One possible exception to this would be if warcry and just guarding can actually hold a boss still, as this would allow team members to focus a break point with amazing speed.

>> No.9291108

I can definitely agree with this. I've only ever played FO so I don't know how the other classes do it, but being targeted just flat out sucks.
With small groups of enemies it's easy to keep track of attacks and maneuver accordingly, while charging techs and all, but with large groups or bosses, once I get targeted I'm usually doing whatever I can to get an enemy off of me which prevents me both from dealing damage and healing.
At least in the lower level areas, I find pulling out my hammerwand and doing a little hitstun helps. It seems to reset the mob's "timer," if you will, to attack you again.

>> No.9291159
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120625_213112_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how important dodging is in the game, I'm surprised there isn't a skill that let's you keep charge while dashing. At least jump dashes have almost no end recovery.

>> No.9291177

I'd drop all of my skill points for something like that. Not only would that make playing FO so much better (and probably OP) but it happens to me quite often when I'm charging and moving that I must somehow double-tap my key and it causes me to dash which destroys my charge. Maybe if they could give priority to the charge rather than the dash?

>> No.9291194

FOs also have their attack buff, use it when a boss is downed and the party is going after it's weakpoint and the cumulative damage shoots up.

>> No.9291210

It sounds nice but I wouldn't give up PP revival and Photon Flare for it.

>> No.9291240

It takes 192 points to max out all of the FO's talents, which is the most of any of the 3 current classes. Level 200 here we come~

>> No.9291245

Are there details for the skills anywhere? The skill tree emulator just has descriptions. I'm wondering what the trade off between T-ATK and HP is for Photon Flare and what changes per level of it. I've never been a fan of sacrifice skills.

>> No.9291263

The trade off for HP is constant I think but the damage boost does go up as you level it.
Some people argue that it isn't worth it, but you combined it with a rod, charged just attacks and high ability, it's pretty devastating.

>> No.9291324

I could see that being useful but I find it hard to justify splitting SP across fire (for PP Revival) and Ice (for Photon Flare) using up almost all of it at the cost of specialization.
Sure, if the level caps rise, this is less of a problem, but do you think one direction is worth more than the other now?

>> No.9291369

For now I'd go with PP revival, if only cause most enemies are weak to fire right now.
No idea what the new area enemies will be weak to tho, maybe lightning.

>> No.9291387

It's a tundra so I assume fire again.

>> No.9291393

My force is at 30 right now and I have both Photon Flare at Level 5 and a point in PP Revival.
At the moment, Photon Flare gives me +100 T-ATK while my HP gets sacrificed to 76% (or 75%, I don't remember). Each level of Photon Flare increases T-Atk by +20 while your HP is sacrificed by another 1%. At Level 1, you get +20 T-Atk while your HP is sacrificed to 80%. I'm guessing Level 10 gives +200 and 70%.
So in my opinion, it would be okay to go both directions, since you'll be able to max Photon Flare with the new cap with PP Revival too.

>> No.9291425

Thank you for the advice. From the sounds of it, your build is exactly what I was planning in the simulator (assuming you threw your last SP into Just Reversal).
Of course >>9291369 makes an excellent point about enemies being weak to fire. I guess it'll be "Focus on getting PP Revival first then move to Photon Flare eventually"
A shame too. I like the sound of Freeze Ignition, and poor Lightning gets no love.

>> No.9291559

Old block system is gone, it's replaced with channel types.

B-01 to 02 is Solo Play
03-04 is Party Play
05/06 are Chat
Next cluster are for level ranges
23+ are blank channels.

42/44 are gone.

>> No.9291562
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Bringing servers online.

>> No.9291575

There was someone going for the lightning tree to get the PP reduction cost for lightning spells so he could spam chain lightning.
That's a pretty nice idea too especially if you combine it with PP revival if you plan on charging.

>> No.9291593

People already have wedding dresses on 32, how scary.

>> No.9291601

Well doesn't really matter, most of us are already in the guild or have added people we want to keep in contact with as friends.

We can establish a new block to play on easily enough.

>> No.9291603
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10 minutes and the dresses are already popping up.

>> No.9291627
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Seems like block 32 is the new one we're using.

>> No.9291632
File: 556 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120704_011243_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oz has a quest that rewards you with 5 hunter skill points, unless my brain is being retarded and reading this wrong.

>> No.9291656

True, this is why I bothered getting Jellen shot for hard mode. I have a feeling theres going to be some boss with some retarded OHKO attack that could be avoided with Jellen.

>> No.9291686

So, if you are sitting on money and want gacha items, now is the time to get em. Wedding dresses are being put up for 500k, among others.

RIP most of my meseta.

>> No.9291740
File: 665 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120704_012533_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending some (lots of) meseta was sure easier than fooling around with depositing $65 to roll 11 gachas. Although still need a 2nd mag and perhaps a 2nd skill tree. PSO2, what did you do to me.

Also of interest is you can equip these as Cast, and it basically just force-changes your body type to HU. I guess they don't want to restrict buyers from getting their cute dresses.

>> No.9291846

I am very jealous of Spiritia's dress.

>> No.9292170
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>> No.9292201

Nooo, why do you do this to me ;_;

>> No.9292421
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1341218468424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that a DMC reference? That was a DMC reference wasnt it?

>> No.9292519

So, it's still free to play, right?

>> No.9292525


>> No.9292533

Can I still use the same download client that I previously had running for the open beta?

>> No.9292535

Is it pay2win yet?

>> No.9292541

Just has to be updated.

>> No.9292625
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1024, pso20120704_011248_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the costumes were surprisingly cheap Meseta-wise

>> No.9292815
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Barreled Rappy being launched at a Rappy being spun by a Rappy

>> No.9293263

Can you even win in a phantasy start game?

>> No.9293723

So I get into a pse burst chain in city mission. Suddenly the server kicks me and I get a 618/614 everytime I try to log-in.

>> No.9293738

PSO isn't the only Phantasy Star game, Capt. Sperglord.

>> No.9293777
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x768, pso20120704_211618_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now, live from Phantasy mania~

>> No.9293863

So, have any of you guys actually even played pso?

>> No.9293869

Also what is the status of this game? Still OB or is it a full fledged game ready to be played by the masses?

>> No.9293871

Of course not, we're taking screenshots from /vg/.

>> No.9293874

Not pso2 I am talking about pso

>> No.9293880

What kind of question is that? Yes, most have played PSO if not the whole series.

>> No.9293885

I dont know. I get the feeling most people havent.

>> No.9293907

>lightning tree
You mean zonda?

>> No.9293939

Dammit I guess I'll give it a try. just need to make a sega account on the jp site and download the game then blindly stumble around ingame

>> No.9294081

I am downloading that sega pc downloader which is 3,348.53 MB an it is going to take 8-11 hours to download. Does it have a pause function that I could use and download the rest at a later time?

>> No.9294118


There are several guides around and client mirrors that are already patched.

Try the bumped blog.

>> No.9294511

The fact that they're updating the game and will update it frequently pleases me.

>> No.9294642 [DELETED] 

Apparently you get 「ラッピープラトゥ」(a room decoration) and a 1000 FUN ticket if you make a character in ships 6-10.
You can still claim the item codes if you made a character in those servers if you're level 15 or lower.

>> No.9294651

Apparently you can get 「ラッピープラトゥ」(a room decoration) and a 1000 FUN ticket if you make a character in ships 6-10. I wonder if that's enough of an incentive to get people to transfer to other ships.

>> No.9294656


>> No.9294671 [DELETED] 

Wait, block 42 is missing, where do you guys play now?

>> No.9295991
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Some sort of rappy ritual

>> No.9296813
File: 166 KB, 885x990, jew vacuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even make a character on a different ship without paying? Goddamn.

>> No.9297348

Make a new account.

>> No.9299212

No, the lightning path on FO skill tree.
I'm going that way for Tech JA and Uncharged Tech.

With maxed out reduction, zonde spells only cost 20PP, some 15PP.


>> No.9299309

Any suggestions on what ability I should put on my cannon? Was thinking Freeze right now, but not how good burn or poison or shock are.

>> No.9299570

I run all status effect 3's on my guns. Freeze is alright as an interrupt but don't expect it to last long, the next hit they take breaks them out of ice. However it does work on Caterdran and immobilized Vol Dragon for a long time.

Burn works mostly on Rockbear and all the darkers except Ragne and maybe Antlion, haven't tried on him. Does pretty good damage over time, but not enough to really matter against small monsters.

Poison is the unholy fucker of Caterdran. On normal mode it drains 1k health every couple seconds. Does nothing to Darkers though.

Shock works on just about everything except bosses, all it does is randomly make enemies flinch. It might save one of your melee guys from taking a hit, maybe.

>> No.9299621

Damn, 4 level III status effects on two weapons? Did you have to use AC for that?

>> No.9299679
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Nope, one of Coffee's quests gives you 3 more weapon slots. My loadout currently is

+10 Shooting II Rifle with like 43 holy element on it. The Darkerfucker.
+9 Ice 20 Freeze 3
+9 Fire 15 Burn 3
+9 Wind 15 Poison 3
+9 Lightning 27 Shock 2
And whatever launcher I can find that's pretty high r-atk. I just use it to clear mobs of stuff during protect missions, also fast travelling with rocket ride.

>> No.9299693

Also i've been switching out the Shock rifle for a slightly higher R-atk without any element, just because. I'm trying to see how much an effect element has on a weapon vs none. Its really not noticable.

Took me a while to get the element gun to drop corresponding with the status effect too. The bonus to having all these elements is whenever a PSE burst happens I can switch to another element and try to force a Cross Burst.

>> No.9299707
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Its released
I've played PSO, but not too much.
But I also find online ps games to be very similar to single player phantasy stars in atmosphere and setting.

>> No.9299711

Ohh ok I see what you meant now.

>> No.9299854
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Lisa's new event tablet is creepy cute.

>> No.9300335
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>> No.9300634 [DELETED] 


>> No.9300636
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Thats a lot.

>> No.9300642

Whose bright idea was it to cut down on blocks anyway?

>> No.9302108

Pay top dollar for quality latency.

>> No.9302119

Is this F2P?

>> No.9302124


>> No.9302152

The idea that VIPPER players are more valuable hence get 15 dedicated blocks.

>> No.9302701

What the hell is an アークスシップ? Is it a newbie ship or something?

>> No.9302704

The shop area of the ship.

>> No.9303224

What's the least grindy way to level at 23? There don't seem to be many client orders around.

>> No.9303434


>> No.9303771

That's very specific.

>> No.9304274

All of franka's, hans', and lavelle's quests can be done once every day.

>> No.9305081
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It's down for the count.

>> No.9305167
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Look Like GOKIBURI...

>> No.9305887

Another 7 hours maintenance in Japan day time, fuck.

>> No.9306424
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