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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9283689 No.9283689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is best friend club!
Everyone is friend at /jp/!

>> No.9284479
File: 37 KB, 225x350, 78070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284489

Everyone on /jp/ hates everyone on /jp/. It is as it should be. Take your secret clubs elewhere.

>> No.9284487

I wish I had friends irl


>> No.9284493

JP is suffering

>> No.9284505

/jp/ - My Friends are Here

>> No.9284506

I am about to lose 4 fun years of my life

>> No.9284510
File: 82 KB, 480x540, 1331928332179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284569

JP is dead, killed by a shitty mod and his IRC army

>> No.9284579


>> No.9284592
File: 222 KB, 1233x1200, kuroyukihime-senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that I found it rude and took personal offense to the Janitor's gesture in deleting my Kuroyukihime appreciation thread.

I love her.

>> No.9284609

Everyone in /jp/ are tsundere towards each other. Deep inside, I believe they are kind persons.

>> No.9284631

Your post warmed my heart, thank you.

>> No.9284648
File: 52 KB, 446x369, suckmycocdude2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd love my cock more

>> No.9287864

my only friend

>> No.9287868

Yes, except the janitor. If was kind he wouldn't delete our threads. Fuck him

>> No.9287876


they are trying to kill the board

i don't even know if emailing moot would do any good

>> No.9287891

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9287894


How rude. But, yes, that is their intention. They've said as much. They know they can't shape this into what they want because of the people who come here, so they've settled for killing it.

>> No.9287902
File: 146 KB, 1484x1200, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when the janitor deletes my rule breaking threads and posts. He is obviously a malicious person with no interest in his job of enforcing board rules.

>> No.9287910


according to Warosu, many of the posts deleted weren't actually rulebreaking, and anyway, he's enforcing the rules badly.

Nice try, Janitor Internet Defense Force.

>> No.9287938

>NSJ general
>I used to make farts with my foreskin
>Fumo thread 404'd
>Why are the majority of shitposters from Western Europe?
Five most recent ones on Warosu.

>> No.9287944

It's funny and sad. A circlejerk of 10 guys in IRC trying to turn this board into their own thing, and the sad part is the moderation here gave them power. Of course, people who take it easy like us normal /jp/sies wouldn't participate in that faggotry, that's why we're powerless now. Fuck you NSJ and friends. If we "shitposters" weren't here, this board would be as dead as /bun/ and you know it. You're not going to convince us to follow your rules and be your little npcs populating your fantasy imageboard.

>> No.9287947

Oh, sorry, that foreskin thread is still here.

>> No.9287966

Why the fuck are you crying so much? ALL the deleted threads were absolutely horrible shitposts.

Are you retarded?

>> No.9287970

If this Janitor Internet Defense Force really exists they'd be the ones posting those threads to make the janitor look good, since they get posted whenever a decent thread gets deleted.

>> No.9287973

Janitor needs a threadban.

>> No.9287978

>they'd be the ones posting those threads to make the janitor look good

in what way is this not what is going on

>> No.9287990

I had this dream in the middle of the day. I had the same dream twice.

I'm at some kind of venue. An award ceremony is taking place. The audience is cheering. I show up in a limousine as if I'm some kind of celebrity. Tough bodyguards stand beside me, and I walk down the red carpet ignoring the screaming fans. Maybe I won a big award... Thanks, everyone. Suddenly, the cheering turns to roaring. There are stairs at the end of the carpet, and I see a rope hanging from above. The bodyguards turn into prison guards. They're walking right beside me. The red carpet turns into liquid, and I realize it's actually the blood of the prisoner who was executed before me. The announcer turns into a priest. He looks into my eyes with compassion and says, "God is waiting for you. There's nothing to be scared about." What the heck did I do?

I had this dream in the middle of the day. I had the same dream twice.

>> No.9288008

/jp/ made me tired.
physically, I mean.
I'm gonna throw another mail to moot tomorrow

>> No.9288070
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>> No.9291359 [DELETED] 

Thanks dude.

>> No.9291392


No, no I would not.

>> No.9291406

you do realize that makes you sound mega-paranoid, right?

and seriously, people are whining about shitposts being deleted? WELL I NEVER.

>> No.9291433
File: 172 KB, 768x1024, Picture 413x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested to see what sort of reception we'd get on /toy/, but this appears to be a deeper problem than just one thread that politely sages itself to page 10, and I don't know if us leaving would solve it. It'd be just one less thread generating OC.

>> No.9291444

Fumo-guy, I feel like fumos are /jp/ related, and I would like to believe that your threads get deleted or 404'd because of other shitposters. Please tell me I'm right.

>> No.9291532
File: 636 KB, 245x171, charm uguu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im glad i have you guys as my friends ^_^

>> No.9291587

whodafuq dis tripper is?
New, right? I've seen a tripper posting with beiber images but idk if it's the same one since we have so many new ones lately.

>> No.9291597
File: 45 KB, 313x390, Justin-Bieber1_bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...there's more beliebers on /jp/?

>> No.9291611

No, he means you.

>> No.9291623

Why are you still fucking here.

>> No.9291630

Don't bully biebers fangirl-chan!

>> No.9291626
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1318881626096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh... okay

because my ban expired?

>> No.9291636

He's ironic and isn't retarded like you.

>> No.9291641
File: 96 KB, 500x583, justin-bieber-slushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can call me fran if you want :3

>> No.9291643

She makes kawaii touhou pictures, leave her alone!

>> No.9291647

I actually do love you guys

>> No.9291654


Stay banned and go back to /cgl/.

>> No.9291660

I still have my Kogasa she drew for me, that's why I can't ever get too angry with her.

>> No.9291667

Oh good, I'm not alone in the beiber-dislike and tumblr-image-dump not-/jp/ related bullshit. Glad to make your acquaintance, sir.

>> No.9291682
File: 473 KB, 500x632, tumblr_m4noncWeVA1qgcnqdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a party pooper buddy
theres a new janitor on cgl so its all shit right now and im banned from my own chan soooo

aww i didnt think they were good enough to save
now im all happy you did though c:

>> No.9291697

They're cute enough for me to save, I have the marisa one as well. I don't really mind you, I'd prefer less bieber images but that's your gimmick and I can't make you stop it.

>> No.9291703

>Fuck you NSJ and friends. If we "shitposters" weren't here, this board would be as dead as /bun/ and you know it.
Yeah, I really don't know what we'd do if people didn't post pictures of their penises and retarded Finnish misspellings every day. It would be like living in an abandoned graveyard.

>> No.9291709
File: 687 KB, 245x196, those damn glass doors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i figure no one is ever going to like me anyway, so ill just do what i love

>> No.9291713


This place has the same problem, your point? Try /soc/ then.

>> No.9291725
File: 171 KB, 250x112, tumblr_m3ry34LliL1rpl2zyo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like posting pictures of myself, so i dont think I'd fit in
and i think i like your meido better than jimmy
he deletes on topic stuff too

>> No.9291746

You're not terrible looking for a 3D, you'd be fine if you didn't have Satori arms.

>> No.9291754
File: 32 KB, 500x398, tumblr_m2fmfefRsu1rotauho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha thanks
but its seriously not my arms that are short, its my torso is fucking long
