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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 267 KB, 1300x782, moonrunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9273874 No.9273874 [Reply] [Original]

Newgame from KISS just came out. Some Nukage were you get some control over the customization. Its kinda cool. Going to post character when the full game finishes.

>> No.9273969

Holy shit, you can give her arm pit hair.

>> No.9273972

can you customize men?

>> No.9274081

I dont thnk you can see the guy at all.

>> No.9274141


>> No.9274376

Not really related, but does anyone remember that sex-education game where you had a teacher teach you about sex and stuff?

I believe it was released not too long before that sex-diary thing.

>> No.9274827
File: 299 KB, 1296x777, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm. 2D character creation.

>> No.9275002

How about screenshots of the actual game?

>> No.9275021

I have not gotten to the game yet. Playing with the character creator. Go download it if you want content.

>> No.9275033

Fine, jerk. That's the last time I'll ever post in one of your threads.

>> No.9275083

Sorry, but this character creator is highly arousing. Its not often you get to customize a character from a VN style game.

>> No.9275104
File: 79 KB, 458x491, AyaBird2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So about that "download" thing...

Help a brotha out yo.

>> No.9275120


>> No.9275129

Usual sources have links.

>> No.9275131

check the usual places.


>> No.9275172
File: 273 KB, 1257x718, work on progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do a brown girl. What color should I make the eyes?

>> No.9275175


>> No.9275187

what colors are avaiable?
she doesn't look particulary brown, unless you mean tanning bed brown and not nigga brown.

>> No.9275189

Not white. Fuck that looks creepy.

>> No.9275212
File: 60 KB, 640x480, amarie_gelade ar_tonelico_ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a tanning bed brown nigga
Being a hikki does that

>> No.9275209

I said brown, not black. And full colors available. Its a pallet and sliders.

>> No.9275230

I think Blue clashes with the brown. and that includes Raspberry. I may just go with brown.

>> No.9275232

Can i get a link or a name?

>> No.9275241

>Its not often you get to customize a character from a VN style game.
You haven't played other games by KISS, like Custom Raid?

>> No.9275249

I played 3dcm but none before that. For a variety of reasons I dont go out of my way to play over games unless there is a damn good reason.

>> No.9275297
File: 285 KB, 1244x714, red wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, after careful consideration, decided red wine was the correct color. Not sure if dark enough, but im happy with it.

>> No.9275307

Gotta say, the character creation does look pretty damn groovy. Tempting...

>> No.9275317

Its pretty neat when you get to the actual game and she is all "custom".

>> No.9275339
File: 285 KB, 1272x724, wire frames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played around with the color sliders for the glasses and got this rather metallic look. I think this is just right for her.

>> No.9275342

so can you fug?

>> No.9275348

so I just clicked /jp/ instead of /k/. I am intrigued. What is this and where can I get it?

>> No.9275352
File: 90 KB, 207x341, i am speaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I meant by raspberry
I don't know how to name colors

>> No.9275350

Go back to /k/

>> No.9275353

What = check the thread
where = if you dont know, im not going to tell you.

>> No.9275356

Move along, you can't kill anything in this game.

>> No.9275372

I want to kiss her.

>> No.9275844

Finally got past the character creation. Had to sort out what all the profile stuff means. I wonder if someone will translate that part.

>> No.9275859
File: 279 KB, 1274x718, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok im going for a walk.

>> No.9275970

Speaking of Kiss, how in the world are we getting the gutted CM3D mods back?

>> No.9275980

How do the CGs work?

>> No.9276109


>> No.9276418
File: 175 KB, 1278x715, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9276497
File: 201 KB, 1281x715, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh my, I made her way to cute. I dont even want to defile her.

>> No.9276503

Either take her virginity and make her your cumslut or i will.
You dont want to be NTR'd do you?

>> No.9276507

Not going to happen. Even if you manage to copy her looks, her profile is unique. The best you can do is her slut twin sister.

>> No.9276508

So they had to draw out all the accessories/etc. individually in the right positions and orientations for the ero scenes? I would assume it was a bit more difficult than just doing the CGs as single images would have been.

>> No.9276524

Yes. Thats why there are a limited number of options as opposed to a 3D game. But it does leave it open for them to add more.

>> No.9276528

Isn't that what every shitty Flash dress up game does anyway.

Shouldn't be THAT difficult.

>> No.9276531

Flash dress up games have one frame, one angle and usually 1 girl. This game has scenes.

>> No.9276540

Very cute girl! DLing now. Very excited to try it out.

>> No.9276541

Can't say I'm liking what they're trying to do for this game. They should just go back to 3D.

>> No.9276591
File: 136 KB, 1279x715, Aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9276584 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1279x715, Aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9276606

Well, you are forced to violate one of her holes on your first date.

>> No.9276626
File: 270 KB, 1276x716, loli and some hags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are other female characters, you dont get to customize them and I don't know yet if they have routs.

>> No.9276636

dat zettai ryouki.

>> No.9276642

Funny. I'd classify your OC girl as a hag too.

>> No.9276669

This Anonymous has good tastes.

I'd take both the girl with the ponytail and the loli over your red-haired megane girl.

>> No.9276701

red-haired megane girl?

>> No.9276709

where the hell can I DL this?

>> No.9276711

Thanks, guy! Loved that since before I knew what the heck it was called.

>> No.9276712

read the thread, the usual locations.

>> No.9276717

Have you tried googling it?

>> No.9276721


Here's a tip: Never ask for DL links on /jp/. In the best case you will be ignored, worst case you will earn the scorn of everyone in the thread.

>> No.9276736

fuck me, I am retarded. apparently I was doing it wrong. got it now.

>> No.9276745

Someone post some HCGs already.

>> No.9276752

Dont request porn on a work safe board.

>> No.9276762




>> No.9276766

I had a job.

>> No.9276774

This board is worksafe in name only.

>> No.9276792
File: 178 KB, 1281x717, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this girl. This game has reminded me of how shitty the world is. Ill never get to create a perfect girl to spend my life with.

>> No.9276823


They are just trying to build in attachment before she becomes a cock slobbering NTR slut

>> No.9276835

Only if you raise her to be a cock blobbering ntr slut. I dont think you would make a good husband.

>> No.9276866

You gunna get NTR'd.

>> No.9276889

whats this mean? インラン

Google translates it as Runcorn.

>> No.9276898


>> No.9276909

that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.9276910
File: 491 KB, 922x419, medontspeakmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak moon.
Which one do I have to download for the char. creator?

>> No.9276916

Top is the patch. the other two, just grab them both. One is only a few K. the other is the game, will be around 700mgs.

>> No.9276922
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1341074741711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get shit of what you said.
What exactly do I have to do?

>> No.9276928

Not the guy, but download all three files, the bottom two are the game itself and the top one is a patch for the game. You baka.

>> No.9276932

just download all of them

>> No.9276942

You can download the full game faster than you can the demo if you are on a good line via a torrent.

>> No.9276935


The middle is the demo. It could just be my connection but its really fucking slow to download though.

>> No.9276958

In the demo I can use the customer right? Sorry I'm being such a huge idiot.

>> No.9276963

> It could just be my connection but its really fucking slow to download though.
I have 12MB connection and it is going 22KB p/s. It's not you.

>> No.9276967
File: 127 KB, 667x1080, 1340301229387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably throttle the download speed, dude

>> No.9276975

That's faster than my torrent of the game. See you guys in 25 weeks.

>> No.9276999

Yeah, the demo has most of the customizations in it. In the actual game you have to unlock them. The demo is actually pretty thorough. Its got sex, some city building and dates.

This game also comes with online play. You can download other characters. Not sure about the rest. I woudl assume you can trade girl friends with other users, like 3DCM let you do with npcs. I dont think the demo has that.

But as I said, you can download the full game faster than you can the demo. May as well just grab the game.

>> No.9277007

Where'd you find the torrent? Link?

>> No.9277010

>I woudl assume you can trade girl friends with other users

So, care to share? We won't do anything lewd. Honest!

>> No.9277012

I dont know how to do the online stuff yet. Its in Nip. Im just figuring out how to choose what lewd acts you are going to preform with her.

read the thread.

>> No.9277013

Dude, really? Have you tried googling it yet?

>> No.9277018

I see one problem with this game. This attachment that KISS always does to you when you start one of their games. I want to take it all the way with this girl and I am sure this game does not have impregnation.

>> No.9277726
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, snap0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took her virginity. I couldnt help it. I needed to fap. What should I do. I could treat it as a wet dream and go back a save and continue on with her as a virgin until the time is ripe. Or I could just go with this.

Option 1 has fewer skills but it does come with the satisfaction.

Option 2 has more skills she can learn.

What do you all think?

>> No.9277790

I haven't tried this one or KanoTsuku1 yet, but other KISS games have a few scenes altered if you keep them as a virgin. Those are the training games though, so its kind of expected that you'd experiment with a few girls and keep a few as virgins.

Maybe its just me, but I always try to keep my favorite a virgin for as long as possible, which is typically when content runs dry.

>> No.9277882

does this have gameplay like the last custom slave game or is it just an adv type game? can I make the girl degenerate into a cockslave like in other kiss games?

>> No.9277900

does anyone know if cm3d got any more updates? I think the last one I remember added another voice.

>> No.9277920

Shit man, these models look fantastic!

They don't look like your standard freaky 3d modeling. They look like 2d art and that's saying a lot.

>> No.9277932

Are you ironic shitposting or just retarded.

>> No.9277934

>KISS makes a 3D eroge game where you customize your character
>makes a new eroge with customization feature but in 2D version

serious fail I see here, this new games looks awful

>> No.9277946

you sperglords know their previous games were all 2d right? the 3d one was probably just an experiment.

>> No.9278001

For most people in japland "pc gaming" is the same as "mmos and eroge" so they don't tend to have too powerful computers.

>> No.9278036

MMOs can be graphically intensive too.
It's more like eroge companies don't have budgets or graphic engines to pull off anything worth a damn, and 2D always end up being more detailed and better looking anyway.

>> No.9278329

>aherp shit game don't have super kool grafics

Wow. Full plebian. It's shit brained CoD kiddies like you that are ruining video game industries everywhere, including eroge. Just look at Illusion. The meat of VNs and VN likes is the story itself. If you're not reading then uninstall it.

>> No.9278351

Yeah you don't play it for the sex at all.

>> No.9278374

Eroge VN. You also read it. Otherwise why spend time on a couple of CGs?

>> No.9278381

Please stop posting.

>> No.9278400

Why? Am I upsetting you?

Has anyone managed to "finish" the game or does it just go on a loop. After a while events just end and no new ones appear. Theres a "end" event, but that doesn't seem to open anything.

>> No.9278674

apparently you're supposed to keep levelling your city and unlock more shit.

>> No.9278717
File: 1.05 MB, 1283x774, browngirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my first try.

>> No.9279022

>>9276910 here.
I just finished the download from last night. That's the slowest I've ever downloaded.

Protip: If you don't speak moon, don't waste your connection like that, if you just wanna have fun with the customer and don't wanna play at all because of this, it's still gonna be worth it, the customer is absolutely brilliant.
To be honest, I would pay two grand to some translators and have this done as soon as possible. There might be better ones but I just can't help it, I got a special something for this one.

>> No.9279051

more skills is always better. you had a wet dream. everything is fine.

>> No.9279180

Downloading the patch, then I'll start playing.
btw does anyone know if it's possible to change the size of the window?

>> No.9279194

Don't get you hopes up about a translation. It's a shame none of KISS' games got a full translation...

>> No.9279270

Yes please

I've never played one of these games before, how do they work? Do you have to create your own characters or can I just be lazy and download other peoples'?

>> No.9279567

Are the earlier Custom Reidos worth playing or should I jump straight into the latest one?

>> No.9279893

They're all awesome in my opinion, though CR4 is a tower-defense game so it might not be your cup of tea.

>> No.9279914

So far has only two people managed to get this game? I have seen characters from only two people, post your hoes bros.

>> No.9279973

It's downloading at 3 kbs for me. This is going to take a while.

>> No.9279975
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, snap0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9279981

The torrent is? I was getting 1.2 mgs.

>> No.9279984

I seem to recall that 2hu from a long long time ago, something to do with bombs and transgendered killer maids.

>> No.9279992

Torrent for you lazy fucks.


It should be easy enough to figure out the first part of the url.

>> No.9280005

2mb faggot here, demo downloading at 65kbps. I started the download at 8:34a.m and it's at 65% by now (12:12)

>> No.9280006

I was getting 300kbs until this morning, when it reached 60% it dropped to less than 10kbs. I'm patient so I don't care.

>> No.9280021

I use DD, I don't know why.
Oh well like we are going to do anything anyways, a large download is nothing.

>> No.9280028

So what does xx2_plg009.zip add?

It's the one with the swimsuit girl on the kiss page.

>> No.9280035

A swimswuit.

>> No.9280042
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a UI translation coming out or is HF too busy sucking Illusion cock?

I don't feel like playing until one comes out.

>> No.9280056

How the fuck are you guys still downloading the torrent? The one from TT was done in like an hour and I have a shitty 10mbps connection.

>> No.9280074

>hongfire thread
>last page
>prostitution events

Oh god...I wonder if that's optional. I don't want to spend time making a cute character only to have her sold out to some fat men or american military guys with drugs.

>> No.9280083

Almost everything is optional.

>> No.9280136
File: 346 KB, 1278x718, xx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there NTR events in this game? Or at least the ability to train her into a slut that fucks other guys. I haven't played any of KISS's other games so I don't know what content they usually have. I played a little last night but I stopped shortly after you take her out on a date some places for the first time.

I also hope there's some way to get tanlines and tattoos like in the demo/character creator.

>> No.9280150

Yes you can turn her in to a slut and share her with other guys.

>> No.9280189
File: 124 KB, 388x489, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, downloading.

>> No.9280214 [DELETED] 

20 minutes of download remaining, oh god imma explode into muffins xDDDD

>> No.9280458

Yeah I think ill leave her a virgin for a while. I like her to much to cut to the chase. I want to have a long and pure relationship with her.

>> No.9280647
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, snap0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone ever gets in to the game can you tell me what this is? Its the male uniform but looks like he is trying to hide some tits. Im calling him a poorly disguised trap.

>> No.9280677

This game is really cute, the voice acting is really nice. The sweet personality has a rather soothing voice. The art is great but I have seen some stupid shit. Like when she moves in to kiss you on the street, they just expand the basic sprite. If they were planning to do that, they should have made the default spite a downscaled version. Most companies have started doing this now that machines can handle it the size.

>> No.9280880

Can't speak or read moon at all, so I have no idea what the first menu box that pops up after clicking the new game button says. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a name, but is that for the girl or for the person you play as?

>> No.9280887

I think its the person you are playing as. Thats how it was in the last game.

>> No.9280893

I takes that back, It is the person you are playing as.

>> No.9280907

Cool, thanks. I assume that the next name box is for the town, seeing as how it makes you select a town and all...

>> No.9280911

Yes, you name your town. I chose the small town. Never cared much for cities. Ive always lived in a small town.

>> No.9280916

And come to think of it, I wish i gave it a better name. Just called it Small T, didnt know English characters were going to work. Never undid it, now im suck with it.

>> No.9280958
File: 1.03 MB, 1290x777, sdfkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...Is this an option for armpit hair?

>> No.9281026

Yes, but I am offended at you posting nudes.

>> No.9281101

I'm offended that you're offended.

>> No.9281221

>Ill never get to create a perfect girl to spend my life with.
yeah you will. just try this tulpa thing.

>> No.9281361

that's the true spirit of open source. share your stuff with everyone for free and let them mess with it.

open source girlfriend

>> No.9281453

is this really too hard to play without knowing moonlanguage? I just want to mess with the city builder and character creator. does ith and atlas work?

>> No.9281470

>city builder
What is this?

Also, 1,4 kB/s general. How can 417 seeds give me this speed?

>> No.9281495

yes it does work. Depending on what you are after. Sure it would be nice knowing the story but I find it rather pleasant listening to her talk to me. Its hard at first knowing how to get around with the features but after a little practice and the japanese wiki you ill get the hang of it. The HF thread has links to stuff.

>> No.9281501

I wish I knew. It took me like nearly a day to download it.

>> No.9281508

And here is the wiki. http://wiki.livedoor.jp/xxkano2/

Im using google to translate it with the raw window open next to it.

I was getting 300k, then it jumped to my maximum bandwidth. All total, took about 4 hours.

>> No.9281530

Which torrent were you using? There is like 4 there.

>> No.9281538

The oldest torrent. The first one uploaded.

>> No.9281571


>> No.9281594


>> No.9281687

here's a hint. starts with n, ends with an a, is in europe but the game can be only found on the non-censored, nsfw side.

>> No.9281718

I've been downloading and installing eroge to the brim. This one better be worth it.

>> No.9281723

N, A. North America, FUCK YEAH!

>> No.9281731

Sounds like a waste of good Eroge. I suggest you take a break, stop fapping for a few hours. Maby go outiside and talk a walk.

>> No.9281757

but what if a comet falls from the sky and crashes into his skull? what if a stray dog attacks him? what if an ufo abducts him and rams probes up his ass? what if he catches the new deadly zombie virus that god sent down on america as punishment for their sinful pride?

>> No.9281779

Walk at night and watch out for comets.

Kill the fucking dog, break his neck.

Sounds like fun, I would assume that the UFO was full of lolis, because an advanced civilization would have learned the benefits of being lolis.

Better catching the zombie virus than being zombie food. You would for once be at the top of the food chain.

>> No.9281793

The underarm hair was done rather nicely. I find it highly erotic. One more thing that only works good in 2D.

>> No.9281817

on their site if you go to Special they have a bunch of characters

how do you download these?

>> No.9281869

I think those are custom ikons in the flavor of each site they link to. Which is mostly shops.

>> No.9281898

I wanted to fuck some Nobunaga

>> No.9281903

So, try to duplicate her.

>> No.9281996

There doesn't seem to be an option for a threesome with your custom girl and one of the story heroines. That sucks.

>> No.9282110

I dont know. Could be, there are routs in the game. If you have dove in to the game files then you have spoiled it self your self. Better not spoil it for others.

There is, at least, 4p you can do in the online mode. I think that opens up after you beat the game.

>> No.9282146

What are the minimum requirements for installing this?
I got a computer from 2005 and I'm not pretty sure it will run.

>> No.9282153

Its entirely 2D. It does use a graphics engine to take care of custom colors but thats all it does. Should run on your computer if it can do 720p.

>> No.9282158

It can't even do 480p man.
The only VNs it's ever run (because the small as shit HDD hasn't let me get more) are Wanko and Higurashi. Non-playable for poorfags?

>> No.9282159

So is this basically just a fancier Kano? I still have that game installed.

>> No.9282168

I guess not. If you want customisation, you can try some of the earlier KISS games.

>> No.9282173

Nah... I think it will fossilize if I try to put another VN in it... or YouTube video.

>> No.9282192

2005 isnt that long ago. Unless it was old even for a 2005. I managed to get WoW to run on a voodoo 3. I suggest upgradeing. Go donate blood for a month, that would get you enough money to build a really cheap system that can run all the modern stuff. Ill show you.

>> No.9282240

do you have like a 486?

>> No.9282257


155MB RAM (I don't know how it ended up in that sum).
2.46GHz, in it's golden days, now I'm sure it can develop 0.60GHz at it's best.
15" box monitor.
No third-party graphic cards.
Overheats every 3 hours.
Short-circuited once, some cables are kinda burned with electric tape on them.
Doesn't have fans, they were stolen by a Colombian "technician", and that includes heatsink (currently with old from a 2001 computer).
Windows XP, and if we don't run it on Safe Mode, it will freeze when you open any page.

>> No.9282269

Do you live under a rock or something? Fuck, you can buy a computer ten times better than that at walmart fot 200.

>> No.9282283

My thoughts exactly. Seriously, get a new computer or you'll put everything on fire someday.

>> No.9282289


341 dollars. Can knock off 70 if your case and PSU can take the hardware.

Thats like a month and a half of blood plasma donations.

>> No.9282286

There's the problem.

>> No.9282290

I'm sure you can buy off a cheaper one from someone that'll work better than yours.

>> No.9282299

Well the good thing is that I have a 2MB connection (irrelevant).

There's the problem.

>> No.9282303

Get autism bucks

>> No.9282309

My country sucks and does not give autism bucks. Besides, electromagnetic resonance to see if I'm autistic, right?

>> No.9282360
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, cute loli and some hags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres all the females other than the girl you create. The previous screen was missing one.

>> No.9282371

The loli has to have the most obnoxious voice I have ever heard in a japanese production.

>> No.9282434
File: 173 KB, 1286x766, RR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me all night to download but yeah, finally created a character. Anyone know what the circled thing means? It changes the amount of points.

>> No.9282458

If it's anything like CM3D's, it changes the girls bio.

Are they supposed to bleed when you first fuck them? Because I clicked the button until I got a high number (240), and when I fucked her, no blood was shed. Then I ended up fucking the teacher with some other dude.

>> No.9282502

That was is her purity state. Virgin, Vaginal Virginity, Anal Virginity, Experience with both holes. Check the wiki for the exact moon runes.

>> No.9282504

Sexual experience. Yours is a slut.

>> No.9282506

Only if they are virgins.

>> No.9282527
File: 938 KB, 1280x720, snap0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mind telling me what this error msg says? Is google it but, cant select it.

>> No.9282539

Wait I think I get it now. That costs 250 points of what I am assuming is her stamina, She only has 170.

>> No.9282536

10/10 wud fuk

>> No.9283246

my fucking dick

>> No.9283315

Kiss is about the only company that makes games I actually want to take my time with. Everyone else I just rush to see the sex scenes.

>> No.9283817

It says right when you meet him first time that he is a dude. I haven't played much, but if there are no other male sprites in the game, then my guess would be they just got lazy and used a female sprite and made it look like a boy in a boy uniform.

>> No.9283834

As per the definition of a reverse trap, she would say she is a he.

>> No.9283843

No, the protag says when you first meet him, that he has entered the bath with him lots of times when they were kids, so he fully knows that he is indeed a boy.

>> No.9283849

Perhaps the reverse trap had screen glow and convenient bath bubble technology.

>> No.9284298

Just creating my girl here, and I am actually a little surprised by the lack of options. There is only one body type, not that many hair types, only two skin tan types, essentially only two types of underwear, etc. Custom Raid 4 and V had more options I remember. Maybe they make up for it with lots of ero scenes.

>> No.9284302

There's only one body type? Good to know, I guess I won't bother downloading this.

>> No.9284321

There are 3 types of underwear. You have not unlocked them all yet. Theres standard, the string hip tie ones and a skimpy par that only work with a certain panty hose.

Also the game has only just came out. Their previous games already had expansions.

>> No.9284328

is anyone here a bad enough dude to make a walkthrough for illiterates? what do the check boxes on the profile page do? how does planning your date work? it seems like you have to pick a location for day and night, but I can't tell what the different places do.

how did you get the buttons translated?

I think you can unlock more options by playing the game. at least that's usually how it works and I'm pretty sure I heard mention of a maid outfit and a swimsuit.

>> No.9284345

Guy at HF translated some of them.


The check boxes are there for the random feature. Decheck them to eliminate them from the random action.

Your dates show you new activities. The pink ones are ero, the blue ones are wholesome family fun. Its been stated that if your girl is a virgin the ero date events wont force her to lose it. However she can get a part time job later one of which is prostitution, and those can take it away.

If you want to know what the locations are, use the wiki already posted in this thread. They are listed there.

>> No.9284351

Btw, just copy the files as is from that in to the main directory.

>> No.9284367

Kinda sucks that I managed to make the girl of my dreams for my first character. It was completely unintentional. I cant share any of the intimate pictures of her. Even though I would like to.

>> No.9284396

what is cr5 like? I played crf a while ago and it was pretty good. is it required to whore your bitch out or can you keep her all for yourself?

>> No.9284397

>Also the game has only just came out. Their previous games already had expansions.
Custom Raid V came with 2 body types right off the bat, and more types of hair styles and stuff. The game also wasn't that great, which is why I'm hoping this one will be better.

>> No.9284433

Never played it. But Im enjoying the hell out of this game. I dont even know wahts going on, yet ive listened to every scene.

I would have liked a loli body but really, the jailbait body they have is excellent. I would give up loli for this girl.

>> No.9284445

>796 MB
>2 hours left

Fuck you too, you slimy Japs.

>> No.9284463 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1199x898, flanfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9284521
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, snap0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful. They added more than one color of silk stockings. Demo only had pink. Final has black, white and pink.

>> No.9284558

As long as I am able to give her virginity up to another dude, I will be happy.

>> No.9284717

You really did a good job, anon. She's quite adorable.

>> No.9284734

Thanks. I am very glad I played around with the character creation before I jumped headlong in to the game. It feels really special this time.

>> No.9284811

so according to some guy on hongfire your girl can still be a slut even if you set her to no sex experience. what do the runes for pure virgin look like so I know what to look for in the profile description?

>> No.9284822

Look at the wiki. Theres a lot of shit in there but the wiki covers it. Should be on the profile page. You will just have to keep cycling though until you get the options you want.

>> No.9284832

But once you get the virgin status, should be easy to get the other things you want since you can turn turn off most of the stuff from being randomized. 100 will always be a virgin.

>> No.9284853

the jp wiki or did someone make an english one?

apparently even if the status says virgin the description can still mention experience other than getting her holes plugged. I only know the runes for virgin so I'm asking what to look for in the description.

>> No.9284880

whats the point, they look the same on every screenshot.

>> No.9284881

As stated in the wiki that has been linked to in this thread. Anything over 120 is guaranteed slut. With the virgin tag that means she has not had a dick in her but shes probably been tasted before. 100 is the only guaranteed fully fledged pure girl. Just dont accept anything that is not 100. If you go for the perfect girl stat, keep rolling until you land a 100. This will take a while. I only saw that stat fall once but it was on a 240. I settled for the second best for a 100. Which is much closer to perfect in my opinion.

>> No.9284922

Use Translation Aggregator and save yourself and others the trouble. The character profile will describe her state, experience and appearance. You can make her a pure angel or the town bicycle and play as you see fit.

>> No.9284939

Yeah but whos going to want to try reading menu text in TA? May as well just use the wiki and compared moonrunes.

>> No.9284953

Not exactly. The last (or pre last if you have a rare trait) sentence of the profile says if she has experience or is pure.

>> No.9284968

Well if you're that lazy just wisit the japanese wiki. Most of the info is there.

>> No.9284982

Yes exactly. 100 is always going to be pure. 120 has a chance of not being pure, 160 is guaranteed to have had experience with one of her holes.

100 is the only pure girl who has never been even been seen naked. That number is her experience. Anything over 100 is experience. Experience = not pure.

>> No.9285022

You got that right but backwards. Experience is reflected in the score. And don't forget the weird rare traits that don't add any experience but add points.

>> No.9285043

Those traits are special and no one has been able to say exactly what they do. It may be sexual.

>> No.9285063

what kind of rare traits are there? I remember in the custom maid one there were ones with like 1/512 chance of getting that gave huge stat boosts.

>> No.9285073

Two that anyone is aware of. One were she has a secrete about her body and one where she has a secrete that we cant tell anyone.

>> No.9285094

The first demo characreator had two super rare ones. "Holy virgin" and "a dark past". They don't seem to have made it in the full release, though any hard clarification would be much appreciated.

>> No.9285108

There are some things that are in the game files but are disabled. Perhaps intended for an expansion or bonus. Perhaps unfinished plot scenes. Either way, KISS does like adding bonus content. I think ill be looking forward to the bonus content.

>> No.9285124

Oh! i just remembered something very weird. Those super rare traits could stack with the rare ones. That could imply new routes if KISS does anything with them.

>> No.9285179

So I have this trait about not telling anyone. Does it change anything besides the points?

>> No.9285181
File: 194 KB, 472x278, sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these girls sluts? I just mashed random until I got high points. does that mean they're whores?

also which box is first name and which is last?

>> No.9285198

read the thread, read the wiki.

>> No.9285440
File: 72 KB, 1024x768, select.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how does this shit work? I picked the third option and got some bad ending I think. before that the blonde teacher had me dp her with some other guy and sexfriendzoned my created character. did that already flag the bad end?

>> No.9285474

The last option there is 'Ending'. You use it to get whatever ending you qualify for.

>> No.9285567

what determines what ending you get? I went back and did all of the other options before picking that one and it seemed to be the same. I didn't try to read any of the text but it had the same seipa montage of her getting fucked anyway. if I want to keep her virginity should I start over and pick different choices?

>> No.9285626

The loli character is cute. She has a cute voice too.
I want her.

>> No.9285629

1.03 is out and downloading slow as fuck.

>> No.9285654

what does it fix?

>> No.9285666

your mom

>> No.9285671

well my mom has had knee pain ever since her surgery

>> No.9285683

Well I just had her give her virginity to a middle aged man in a love hotel. I am satisfied.

>> No.9285734

ok wait so does picking the ending choice on the select screen end the game completely? like you can't play that character anymore?

>> No.9285741

Just reload your latest save.

>> No.9285803

but how do you get free play mode? just by not ending the story? what are the things it prompts you if you do end it? I think one is to save your city and another is to save your clear data.

>> No.9285813

Just click on one of the options that is not ending (the bottom one) and then click ok.

>> No.9285845

eventually you stop getting new ones. do you just pick ones you already did? also how do you turn off the auto development for your city? is there a way to completely skip repeated h scenes instead of holding control?

>> No.9285901

You can reclick ones you already did and just control through them. Other acts also take you to the next day or whatever, such as sharing your town. You can move buildings and place them down yourself in city create. And by repeated H scenes do you mean when she is on the bed and you choose what to do with her? There should be a yellow box to the left when you are choosing what do to with her, switch it to on or whatever.

>> No.9286029 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 610x475, 1339503636443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was 3D. I can't fap to still images anymore.

Shit game, uninstalled.

>> No.9286040
File: 105 KB, 610x475, 1339503636443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was 3D. I can't fap to still images anymore.

Shit game, uninstalled.

>> No.9286107

is there a way to change the window resolution?

>> No.9286133

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.9286152

Can anyone who's been digging trough the game files confirm these super rare traits?

>> No.9286171

does the relationship type affect the dialogue?

>> No.9286204

I'd prefer games like this where there wasn't ero. There's a serious lack of icha icha.
I guess it's not that bad, though. I'm not that far yet, but is it literally all sex training?

>> No.9286253

Try the first game, most of the dates in there are just flirting.

>> No.9286838

fuck you

>> No.9286848

Can someone who got the patch upload it somewhere else? I'm sick of getting 503'ed.

>> No.9286868
File: 88 KB, 509x91, pdl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this?

>> No.9286912 [DELETED] 

Wait a sec, you can only learn more than 3 skills if the girl isn't a virgin?

>> No.9287104

A swimsuit.

>> No.9287125

lelcant u reed katakana
fukn h0m0noobloser

>> No.9287148

Are you trying to look smart.

>> No.9287156

水 ain't katakana

>> No.9287171

"School swimsuit date" patch download

>> No.9287219
File: 14 KB, 212x217, 1315355861005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's what it was I put フ」く

>> No.9287232

aren't katakana

>> No.9287247

Forget it

>> No.9287452

How to get the Love Hotel?

>> No.9287474

dont take a pure girl to the love hotel.
mine just got 3p'ed

>> No.9287497

Yeah, the hotel is for prostitution.

>> No.9287546

Thanks for the heads up, I'd still like to have it for completion and stuff.
Also, some skills need something else in order to activate (displays something like needs something), does it mean she has to be devirginized in order to get them?

>> No.9287731

I feel your pain Anonymous. I hope you burned down the love hotel with all its occupants inside.

>> No.9287886

Downloading this now, the next hour can't go by fast enough.

>> No.9287941

They are almost the same
>still holds her innocence
>never done an ecchi kiss and no sexual experience

But the last sentences differ:
>holds a secret in her body
>holds a secret that she can't say to others

Are there rape victim backgrounds in this game?

>> No.9288274
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, snap0037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone really likes aquatic life....

>> No.9288403

How the fuck do I open the character creation?

>> No.9288411

Just start a game. It opens automaticly.

>> No.9288434

You'll have to go through some story parts at first, I skipped through it at first to see whether the creation will pop out at all.

Also, if anyone cares, VN works fine with ITH.

>> No.9288485
File: 1.49 MB, 1296x778, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it should appear past this right?

>> No.9288492 [DELETED] 

Sakura, how do I get to character edit?

All I'm getting is a name prompt, city selection, and then I'm in the game.

Does the character creation come after you've played through a little?

>> No.9288513

I already told you, it opens automatically. If it had not opened yet then obviously you have not gotten there yet. Learn to read.

>> No.9288521

It goes name, city, city name, character introductions, then I believe she transfers into your class or something, which brings up the maker.

>> No.9288522

I'm just making sure christ

>> No.9288621

So what does the 1.03 patch do?

Should I bother waiting until it downloads before first playing the game?

>> No.9288662

Not too difficult to be honest. It's likely multiple layers of graphics on a single character rather than just a single CG. It would take a lot of time however, yes.

>> No.9288688

>I'm too stupid too read the thread

>> No.9288691

Yeah I know, to read. I can't concentrate on typing when reading a VN

>> No.9288695

They still have to draw every single option for every scene.

>> No.9288759
File: 272 KB, 1286x766, Screenshot - 03.07.2012 , 22_23_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain what the two circled points mean? I tried changing them but didn't notice any difference, I guess it has something to do with the hair

I think I'm going to love this VN, too bad that we can't change the age

>> No.9288773

Put some clothes on you fucking primate.

>> No.9288775

Top is for armpit hair
bottom is pubic.

>> No.9288801
File: 50 KB, 334x683, Screenshot - 03.07.2012 , 22_30_11_reg001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I wanted to see her in that lewd pose, but I had to see what changes I made.


My Character. I like bows

>> No.9288804

Why do you say it like it's some secret club?

>> No.9288810

>shit taste
Figures you would like shit colored females.

>> No.9288814

Its the Lurk More Society.

>> No.9288825

Fuck you you racist piece of shit.

>> No.9288819

Why the fuck are there more pictures of brown girls in here than white girls? You fucking disappoint me.

>> No.9288827

Really cute. Can I have her virginity?

>> No.9288829

>jimmies rustled

>> No.9288831

Don't even joke about that.

>> No.9288855

I think i will create her as well, a perfect match and let her lose her virginity to strangers while i whore her out

That is my fetish.

>> No.9288883

Going to copy her exactly and fuck her. Thanks for posting template.

>> No.9288884

Shit, I actually regret posting her now. Well, please be gentle at least.

>> No.9288950

Be sure to post screenshots of the ero scenes.

>> No.9288955

So, what is this district choosing at the start for? Where you can pick between the entertainment and shooping district.

Does it actually have any impact on the plot?

>> No.9288999

Not digging the available customization options at all.

Game is obviously geared towards tumor-lovers. And the hair choices are a fucking joke.

>> No.9289009

Go back to /v/.

>> No.9289018

...where did you get THAT from.

>> No.9289021

Same shithead thats been bitching for the last hour.

>> No.9289242
File: 176 KB, 673x720, 37284620784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I come back later to this screen? It seems like I could assign some skillpoints regarding her personality or something here, but I tried clicking on"まだまだ" button and there's nothing for me to do there either.

>> No.9289277

By the way, is the osananajimi setting the only one or are there others?

Also we need a new thread.

>> No.9289398

new to /jp/ right?

fuck off normal

>> No.9289440

>taking off panties removes stockings too

>> No.9289454

Yeah, I was surprised. She'd keep them in the first kanotsuku

>> No.9289472

No. They stay on if you remove the panties first. They come off with the last option. So you can have bra and stockings or panties with stockings.
