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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9270877 No.9270877 [Reply] [Original]

cirno commands you to post all your copypasta right now

>> No.9270894
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>> No.9270893

Hearing the difference now isn’t the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is ‘lossy’. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA ? it’s about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don’t want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.9270903

The question of FLAC vs. MP3 should not be over the subject of sound quality, as audio quality is an inane triviality compared to more important issues.
FLAC should always be used over MP3 because FLAC is free as in freedom. The MP3 file format is a patented file format, and therefore violates your freedom: we do not and cannot fully know what MP3 may be doing as a file format, and attempting to modify it would be illegal by international law. This violates fundamental freedoms to modify programmes and files which are on our systems. To run an MP3 file format, you may need to install proprietary decoders, programmes or codecs, which should be discouraged at all costs.
FLAC is a legitimate alternative to the MP3 format, it is widely compatible with most systems and players, and if difficulty arises, one can always install free, non-proprietary programmes to play them. If you require compression, use OGG vorbis

>> No.9270908

I have a PhD in Digital Music Conservation from the University of Florida. I have to stress that the phenomenon known as "digital dust" is the real problem regarding conservation of music, and any other type of digital file. Digital files are stored in digital filing cabinets called "directories" which are prone to "digital dust" - slight bit alterations that happen now or then. Now, admittedly, in its ideal, pristine condition, a piece of musical work encoded in FLAC format contains more information than the same piece encoded in MP3, however, as the FLAC file is bigger, it accumulates, in fact, MORE digital dust than the MP3 file. Now you might say that the density of dust is the same. That would be a naive view. Since MP3 files are smaller, they can be much more easily stacked together and held in "drawers" called archive files (Zip, Rar, Lha, etc.) ; in such a configuration, their surface-to-volume ratio is minimized. Thus, they accumulate LESS digital dust and thus decay at a much slower rate than FLACs. All this is well-known in academia, alas the ignorant hordes just think that because it's bigger, it must be better.

So over the past months there's been some discussion about the merits of lossy compression and the rotational velocidensity issue. I'm an audiophile myself and posses a vast collection of uncompressed audio files, but I do want to assure the casual low-bitrate users that their music library is quite safe.

Being an audio engineer for over 21 years, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. While rotational velocidensity is indeed responsible for some deterioration of an unanchored file, there's a simple way of preventing this. Better still, there have been some reported cases of damaged files repairing themselves, although marginally so (about 1.7 percent for the .ogg format).

>> No.9270914


I already noticed that have a BIG number of people in here that hate me. Talking todays with some friends of KF forum ( I am much more active in DarkEagle and KF forum than in hongfire ) These friends explained that have a BIG number of people that have a negative feeling towards me because I wrote messages against LOLI in these foruns ( I not make it anymore in hongfire becasue I already received some "Infractions points" because of this, and I am not a idiot to keep doing it. I value my membership in hongfire, I not wanna to be banned.

I hope I not receive BAD rep points because of this and more "Infractions points" . I just wanna to share some thoughts with my friends in hongfire.

I have some few friends in hongfire that I value very much, then, If I started this discussion in KF, is unfair not bring it to my friends "of hongfire.

In the past, I worked like someone that fix PC at home of clients that call me by telefone ( nowadays I quit this job because it is so dangerous )

I liked VERY MUCH of lolicon. Very much, I was addicted to LOLI images and games.

However, I am a weak man, with a weak mind and a weak soul. Because of this, I almost fell in a "pedophilia temptation".

For some unknow reason, kids love me. Someday, I was woking several days at a house of a client fixing his PC. Everydays I was forced to go to that home. in that home was a VERY CUTE little girl of just 8 years. This girl liked me SO MUCH that she be all the time kissing me in the cheek , hugging me and sitting in my lap and her parents NOT CARE about it, they agree with this ( their have a high trust towards me )

Somedays, I was sit in the chair in front of the PC trying to recover the data of the damaged HD and the girl run at me, sat at my lap and begin to hug me and kissing me in the cheek like always...

>> No.9270915

The procedure is, although effective, rather unorthodox. Rotational velocidensity, as known only affects compressed files, i.e. files who's anchoring has been damaged during compression procedures. Simply mounting your hard disk upside down enables centripetal forces to cancel out the rotational ruptures in the disk. As I said, unorthodox, and mainstream manufactures will not approve as it hurts sales (less rotational velocidensity damage means a slighter chance of disk failure.)

I'd still go with uncompressed .wav myself, but there's nothing wrong with compressed formats like flac or mp3 when you treat your hardware right.

>> No.9270918

automatically I begin to touch and to caress her ass, for 01 secounds, for below of her clothes. When I noticed that I was doing, I jumped from the chair ! This just happended for 01 second, but, I become SO DISTURBED that I say to her NEVER to to this kind of thing again and I never again returned to that house. And I quit that job and I never again worked at house of clients.

This happened, maybe, 4 or 5 years ago,I not remember very well, and since than I never touched other kid and I never had any other contact with any kind of LOLI related thing. I deleted all my LOLI data and destroyed all my DVDs backups with this kind of content.

If you are a strong minded man, you can enjoy LOLI things without worry, but, If you is like me, a weak minded man, that bring to the real life the things that you do in a game, is better for your own sake to be FAR AWAY form these things that can bring temptation to you.

I am a sick damn bastard, because of this I hate LOLI, because it bring out my worse side. I have so much fear of LOLI things that you cannot imagine.

Then, for people like me, LOLI IS REALLY VERY DANGEROUS !

I am sorry to disappoint so much my friends at hongfire, I know that before you know it, maybe, some of my friends at hongfire will be not my friends anymore.

The things that I wrote is not a lie. unfortunately is true

I will delete this text imediately If I notice If some people begin to offend me in a "exaggerated way".

>> No.9270924

I'd just like to interject for a m0ment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.9270936
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>> No.9270946
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You know, at one point, I actually agreed with this. It's so sad that I can no longer say the same for current /jp/.

>> No.9270949

well, my great aunt's (sister of my grandmother) family in Beijing bought a wife for their retarded (literally) and handicapped (frankeinstein lurch) son from a family of poor, distant relatives living in the country

as far as I know there wasn't actual kidnapping involved since the girl felt obligated to obey her parents' order.

she was (still is) a quite pretty (buxomy) average uneducated peasant girl, he was (still is) not only retarded and ugly, but also mean.

the retard beat her a on daily basis, with the full knowledge and benediction of my great aunt and uncle (the four of them lived in the same flat). my familly and my great aunt's family aren't on speaking term anymore since this time when i overturned a potful of hot rice porridge on the retard's head, after having witnessed him _biting_ the girl when I was on hols at their place. the green-blue-yellow bruising from that bite on her shoulder was roughly the size of a regular air mail envelope, with open, oozing sores where the retard's teeth had pierced the skin. she had many more bruises of the like on other parts of her body.

the two of them lasted about 20 years, and had one son (not retarded), until she eloped 5 years ago with my second uncle (brother of my mother) - yet another bone of contention between my family and theirs. they have now one son aged 3.

to conclude this charming story, i will add that i'm selfishly relieved by the fact that she has abandoned her first son to my grand aunt's family when she left since it mean that I won't have to see the kid ever again. and that is because the single action i'm the most ashamed of myself for to this day is when, at age 13, I masturbated the kid's penis, then aged 9, in the shower to see what would happen.

>> No.9270954
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>> No.9270958

I helped Mayhem add obfuscated botnet code to recent versions of 4chan X and advised him to pull it from github lest he gets discovered and reported. The botnet is appended to the code at compile-time; it's built into our fork of the Coffeescript compiler. It's very basic right now but eventually we're gonna make it into a powerful, decentralized p2p network that DDoSes sites specified by our future clients. The C&C is a hidden Github repo; orders are routed via the updates mechanism (just setting a few variables). Since the last few revisions we've gotten a couple prospective clients (we advertise on IRC and on blackhat SEO forums) and we're going to start actually making money for the next few days. Mayhem will deny this to the best of his ability, for obvious reasons - or maybe try to make it look like he's trolling all of you - but I seriously encourage you to stop updating 4chan X if you ever notice your connection getting slow/have bandwidth restrictions. See, the botnet is opt-out that way.

>> No.9270966
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April 2nd, 2042. The "Sealing Incident" occurs.

Humanity has discovered a strange world named 'Gensokyo' in an alternate dimension. After many experiments, Eastern Technologies decides to send a human into the new world. However, things don't go as planned, and people on both sides disappear in a suddenly formed new dimension...

Route Alpha -- Lead scientist Reimu Hakurei tries to find out what happened and why another dimension was formed. She also has to figure out how to separate this dimension from her own, as it is growing bigger in size, and will soon swallow our world...

Route Beta -- After a sudden crashing sound and a flash in the sky, youkai started disappearing from all over Gensokyo. The sky is growing darker, plants are slowly dying, and the world seems to grow weaker by the second. Aya Shameimaru, a local newspaper reporter, tries to find as much information as possible on this strange occurence.

Route Gamma -- Humans and youkai wake up together in a strange, new world. The world seems a perfect combination of both at first, but they soon find out that the world seems somehow...lifeless. Moreover, the protagonist cannot remember who he is, what his name is, or even whether he is human or youkai.

As the three parties separately research their sides of the incident, they discover that what happened was not just an accident, and that a much grander event is bound to happen...

>> No.9271016

This file is released by Act_yego.
This file is for trial only, please delete the file within 24 hours.
Please buy a legal copy if you like it.

>> No.9271043

I feel a holy anger rise up every time I think of bugs in my house. Whenever I see any bug thoughtlessly desecrating my domain with their filthy legs a soundless command from God envelops me and I take every measure to eradicate them. Some would be content to stop chasing a bug after it hides in a dark corner they can't reach, but I'm not so weak. My wrath washes over every corner of my house and I chase away any shadow or semblance of darkness that would dare provide refuge for those impure germ-covered crawling abominations. Sometimes I simply crush them before they get away, but few are that lucky. I use a letter opener to lance any roach I see in my room but I'm not so merciful that I'd let it end there. using an extended lighter I roast the roach and consecrate the ever living hell out of it. Afterwards I toss it outside for the ants to devour with great gnashing of teeth. If any bug shows up in my bathroom it suffers a watery death in my sink as I slowly drown and drain it for 20 minutes before picking it up and flushing it down the toilet. The most satisfying method of purification though is lysol sprayed against any roach or spider I see that is not within reach of my letter opener or toilet paper. An ecstatic pleasure overtakes me as I exterminate the dirty germ-infested punk with my hose of clean righteousness.

>> No.9271047 [DELETED] 

You open up your eyes, it's summer. The sunlight bleeding through the gaps in the newspaper you pasted over your windows is enough to make you vomit. The heat of the midday sun warms your urine bottles stacked in the corner, leaving the musky smell of piss, cum and body odor wafting around the room, the computer emits a low hum, you hope your torrents finished downloading during your slumber. Just another day for a typical /jp/ user.
Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. It's /a/ and he's come to your place to watch the latest episode of Precure with you. The odor hits him as he steps into your house and takes off his shoes, he is noticibly more concerned than normal. "/jp/...are you alright? Lately you've been...neglecting your social life, the other boards are worried about you.." he stutters as he carefully tries not to offend his sempai.
"I brought some alcohol around, I was hoping we could hang out, troll /v/ and be classy bros tonigh-" "URUSAI!" you interject, who gives a shit about this kid anyway? "I've seen more anime in a year than this natsuchu has in his entire life...and besides, I was supposed to be watching 2ch drama tonight anyway.." you say to yourself. You've offended him; his eyes well up and his lip trembles - /a/ is about to cry.
"But...we used to go to school together and talk about anime...aren't you my friend anymore?" You reach across and throw some empty bottles and your soiled shimapan at his face, he begins to bawl loudly. "Shit, now I'll have to talk to the neighbours about this", you begin to reach for one of the warm piss bottles, but /a/ is already gone and nowhere to be seen. Time to check on those torrents.

>> No.9271050

You open up your eyes, it's summer. The sunlight bleeding through the gaps in the newspaper you pasted over your windows is enough to make you vomit. The heat of the midday sun warms your urine bottles stacked in the corner, leaving the musky smell of piss, cum and body odor wafting around the room, the computer emits a low hum, you hope your torrents finished downloading during your slumber. Just another day for a typical /jp/ user.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. It's /a/ and he's come to your place to watch the latest episode of Precure with you. The odor hits him as he steps into your house and takes off his shoes, he is noticibly more concerned than normal. "/jp/...are you alright? Lately you've been...neglecting your social life, the other boards are worried about you.." he stutters as he carefully tries not to offend his sempai.

"I brought some alcohol around, I was hoping we could hang out, troll /v/ and be classy bros tonigh-" "URUSAI!" you interject, who gives a shit about this kid anyway? "I've seen more anime in a year than this natsuchu has in his entire life...and besides, I was supposed to be watching 2ch drama tonight anyway.." you say to yourself. You've offended him; his eyes well up and his lip trembles - /a/ is about to cry.

"But...we used to go to school together and talk about anime...aren't you my friend anymore?" You reach across and throw some empty bottles and your soiled shimapan at his face, he begins to bawl loudly. "Shit, now I'll have to talk to the neighbours about this", you begin to reach for one of the warm piss bottles, but /a/ is already gone and nowhere to be seen. Time to check on those torrents.

>> No.9271124

for the rotational velocidensity is bound to yourself. you've been...neglecting your hard disk upside down the dirty germ-infested punk with compressed formats like on both at a idiot to your copypasta right now i'll have some reported cases of events, the ants to hear the same period still sound and files repairing themselves, although effective, rather unorthodox. rotational velocidensity damage means a couple prospective clients that house. whenever i quit this natsuchu has been some would be over gensokyo. the musky smell of you do in "drawers" called “linux”, and the country
suddenly, there's nothing wrong with the gnu which are not wanna to stop updating 4chan x if some discussion about to offend me because of music, and therefore violates your own sake to flac, you hope i overturned a human or mp3 file format, and any bug shows up and his face, he gets discovered a knock at me, sat at their surface-to-volume ratio is terrible, the most systems and vital system they can be discouraged at their filthy legs a negative feeling towards me in a game, is unfair not a potful of this, and handicapped (frankeinstein lurch) son from github lest he stutters as the procedure is, what his pc. everydays i never to school together and begin to cancel out my friends in hongfire.
i feel a sick damn bastard, because the stuff i downloaded back then, even whether he gets discovered a soundless command from the botnet is the university of hot rice porridge on daily basis, with the difference now, but rather unorthodox. rotational velocidensity is not an audio quality is already noticed that job because of her first son to cry.

>> No.9271377
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reimu commands you to continue this thread

>> No.9271541
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Nobody listens to Reimu.

>> No.9271840

I've been living with a secret

For 10 years now I've been living with a secret (or more accurately, a lie) and I've decided this situation cannot continue. I am forced to deny an integral part of myself to friends and family, if it was widely known, I would be unemployable, most women would turn away in disgust at the thought of romance, I would be unable to see many of my relatives and also be perpetually vulnerable to physical assault. I am a girl-lover - what you would call a pedophile. I am sexually attracted to girls from 5 years old (occasionally as young as 3), with the ages of about 8-9 being preferred. For what it's worth, I am attracted to adult women also. I refuse to cope with the secrets and lies that this aspect of my life requires; together with a desire to do some good for those in my situation I have made a plan for ACTION - I have identified a list of people who represent the clearest danger to child-lovers this nation; they are members of the judiciary, individual "vigilantes", particular journalists et cetera. All of the names on this list have caused terrible harm to "my people". They are the targets, I have weapons and the skill and the will to use them. I go forward with this work in the hope that others will follow - may our enemies soon know fear to moderate their hate, I do not hope to survive long once embarking on this path but do not pity me - making this decision has given me hope and purpose that a hidden life would never have provided. Farewell, and when you learn of my fate do not mourn me but rather celebrate what I am about to do.
