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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9268748 No.9268748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the iRO - Classic server still /jp/ related or has that ship already sailed?

>> No.9268752

why you play such old game op

>> No.9268773 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 464x450, desugirl cantbeHELLped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my brother were going to play it but it was lagging like HELL... I think we will wait a bit until all the gringos go to bed so we can start our grinding...

>> No.9268778

I don't know where you live, but on the west coast it's running smoothly for me.

>> No.9268822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9268827

don't be shy brazil is a nice country sunny and beach

>> No.9268828 [DELETED] 

didn't mean to bump it

hiding the thread to avoid malicious comments about my country...!

>> No.9268834

Obligatory "HUEHUEHUEHUE".

How can you people play with 1x rates?

>> No.9268836

South or Southeast? (Any other place is shitty, sorry)

>> No.9268837

I love Brazil.

>> No.9268840

I'm from Sweden on a shitty 8/8 connection and it lags like balls. Quite the disappointment seeing that I haven't played the game in 7 years, and I wanted to relive all those fond memories of being a female priest sucking cock for zeny.

>> No.9268842 [DELETED] 

Whellp... Guess there's no avoiding it...

My brother gets all hyped up for these kinds of things... Because it's harder to get items and level up making the sense of accomplishment when you 0wn higher...!

HELL naw dude, here in south BR land it's cold all the time...

>> No.9268843

hey i have an idea since you're in brasil you could leave your house and go to the beach and bang some grils

>> No.9268847 [DELETED] 

Curitiba é o meu país.

>> No.9268857

It's funny because there are no beaches on where I live, and it's very cold everyday, specially on winter. Not only that but americans apparently think that most of the population is comprised by black people, but it's exactly the opposite, specially on the south.

>> No.9268858
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Kill yourself.

>> No.9268861

ur the one dats emo

>> No.9268862 [DELETED] 

South Brazil brofist
Let the gringos laugh all they want, they will never know how good it is down here

>> No.9268882

Not him but I'm from Recife.

Fuck you.

>> No.9268915

northeast Brazil is best Brazil

>> No.9268939

ITT /jp/ is the br

>> No.9269493

/jp/ guild yet?

>> No.9270416

I..I.. should probably stick to renewal.

It's better for autistic nerds like me because you don't need actual friends, just join random TI parties and be another face in the crowd.

>> No.9270899

>>Run setup.exe
>>"Check this for Voodoo 3 users"

Gets me every time.

Don't you need like an emperium thing to make a guild?

>> No.9270961

Farming an Emperium shouldn't be difficult with help from /jp/ anons.

>> No.9270980

Yeah but how to find them.

Is there a /jp/ hangout spot?

>> No.9270998

i don't think there is. Are you in game? What's your nick?

>> No.9270997

Orc zombies, requiems, and shiny plants drop emps at a low rate.
GTB drops them a high rate, but you'll need to be pretty high lv to kill it

>> No.9271001

Grind orcs.

>> No.9271018

Fuck you /jp/, stop tempting me with RO again and again, I have so many offline things to try out, I can't be stuck in this again. and its laggy as hell on your american servers

>> No.9271022

I mean how to find the /jp/ers. But I do remember like grinding orc dungeon for emperium before.

It's "zunbaru" but I just made a character right now.

>> No.9271088

/jp/ orc dungeon party?

>> No.9271103

Minerals(?), also drop them.
I don't know, I would take responsabilities organizing shit, but... actually I don't want to go back to RO even if I remember as one of my favorites games of all times. Also 1x rates scares me a lot. I'm used to 10x rates, and I left playing it because my language pirate servers are shit nowadays. Almost everyone is a faglord who can't play without using extern programs helping them to be superhumans, because it's impossible to detect with you mind, to heal you with potions just before dying and attack at the same time battling an MVP or other players.
Anyone knows if in the official servers those programs works? I know they are all ban fuel on them, but things like RO m**** (the potions one) are undetectable. The only good program I know is the one that controls the Homunculus AI, because without that program the homunculus is raging faggot, who atacks and pull MVPs, but doesn't start killing things like butterflies when you want to kill them for the teleport card.

>> No.9271105

i don't know how to get to orc dungeon. helpu me

>> No.9271160

You can teleport from Geffen, or walk there. I think Orc Dungeon is located 1 south, 4 west of Prontera, at gef_fild10.

>> No.9271251

Is there a death penalty? And how about teleport services?

>> No.9271290

3% death penalty.
Teleport to most places, but is quite expensive for newbies

>> No.9271309

What class to I play that doesn't die then?

>> No.9271329
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>> No.9271331

If you can afford a few KP for the rudra bow, then go hunter.
Seriously OP right now.

>> No.9271509


At least on Brazil's official server, these things were considerably rare. Except for the one who made you see people in hide, that was fucking everywhere.

Not that BR scum is smart enough to use that shit anyway.

>> No.9271513


Make a thief, don't dare to go anywhere with mobs that surpass your dodge, bang you're done

>> No.9271594

Well, I'm talking about hispanics servers. I'm from Spain.
They really aren't Spanish servers, so I usually frequented servers in Mexico or Southamerican countries.
I didn't know about the hide shit, thanks to god I didn't ever suffered that. But I suffered No_delay and the autopotion one. No_delay was strictly banned in all the servers I played, but even so the people used it for farming and killing MVPs in 10 seconds. No delay does whatever it says, no delay to skills it was really broken but the only way to know if someone is doing it is: If he spams a skill who has a noticeable delay even with the best equipment and buffs you have.

>> No.9271634

Are you guys really going to play on this server?
I don't think I have enough patience to play it for a long time... b-but... I want to have fun with you guys...


>> No.9271635

>Hispanic servers
No, dude. You don't do that. Though I know you know that now.
I bet you also watch series with SPA subs.

>> No.9271790

>Are you guys really going to play on this server?

Already are, a few of us at least.
We should have a guild soon, hopefully.

>> No.9271839

Shit, why am I downloading this. Here we go.

>> No.9271861

For those of you now starting out, beware the bugged mobs in training grounds.
Basically everything gives shit exp except spores.
So just go to 3rd level of training ground and gang them with 10 other novies.
KSing is accepted there, it's actually beneficial

>> No.9271867

Just noticed that, but thanks anyway. Is it good for me to continue in the training grounds even after I hit lv10/10?

>> No.9271880

Depends on your future class. Mages and acolytes would need joblevel lot more than basic.

>> No.9271895

Just do the quests, you'll get to level 10 easily

>> No.9271902


>> No.9271908

Why don't you guys just play on a low rate private server? 1x is a shit

>> No.9271935

Why don't you just suck my cock, dude?

>> No.9271938

So hostile.

>> No.9271942

Nothing hostile about the sucking of a nice cock

>> No.9272303

I'm about to become an archer. Any /jp/ers in Payon?

>> No.9272375

/jp/ has much time to waste. It hopes low rates will weed out normalfags

>> No.9272588

I long ago came to terms with the fact that although there are plenty of things I enjoy alone, RO is not one of them. Especially at low rates. Do we have a group established?

>> No.9272595

I can't play before it's too laggy to be enjoyable.

Enjoy your game guys.

>> No.9272603

Every time I try to create a character, it disconnects me from the server. This is day 3 of this bullshit. I want to play, but I'm about to be like fug you RO get off my computer

>> No.9272607

Not yet.
And I agree, solo'n sucks.
I've been killing ants because anything stronger eats me alive.

>> No.9272633

That sux, but don't give up, we need more /jp/sies

Have you made sure you're using the classic client, and patched both classic and renewal client?
Failing that, try complaining on the official forums.

>> No.9272641

Go into your RO folder and use the ClassicRO.exe launcher. Make a shortcut for it if you need to.

>> No.9272648


oh wait...ok, I'll try that.

>> No.9272760

OK, so I did this and when I select the settings, it just brings up the settings menu OVER AND OVER AND OVER until I have to restart my computer to make it go away.

It says when I start up that it is patched and ready to go, but that's obviously not true...what do I do?

>> No.9272771

Assuming you're on Win7 or that other version run Settings once as an admin, choose your shit and try again. If that doesn't work I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.9272811

That worked like a charm. Thank you!

>> No.9275426

>Failed to Connect to Server.

I can finally stop and take a shit.

>> No.9275453

Hmm, can't connect. Seems like the map servers keep dying.

>> No.9275912

/jp/ guild yet?

>> No.9276031

Don't think so.

>> No.9276995

Server's on 1.5x rates now.

>> No.9277060

There's a Gensokyo guild.
I'll join that I guess, I think the leader posts here so it's pretty much /jp/ guild.

>> No.9277606

>There's a Gensokyo guild.
It's called Gensokyo or all the members named after touhous?

>> No.9277627

It's called Gensokyo. The leader is OP.

>> No.9277634

Did you end up joining it? Do you have invite powers?

>> No.9277679

Not yet. I am still waiting for a /jp/ guild at the moment.

>> No.9277684

I thought that was the /jp/ guild.

Disregard what I said, I suck cocks.

>> No.9277724

So how is everyone's progress so far? 57/41 mage here, trying to hunt for a vitata card. Maya is a bitch.

>> No.9277735

56/22 Crusader, working on farming healing item money.
>Didn't job change at 50

The one benefit of maining swordsman/thief

>> No.9277748

19/14. Being merchant is suffering.

>> No.9277769


OP Here
I made a guild, got a lucky emp drop

It's called Gensokyo, but I opened it up to other people outside of /jp/, if you're okay with that, contact me on "Youmu Konpaku" or contact "Marisa" for an invite.

>> No.9277793
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>but I opened it up to other people outside of /jp/

>> No.9277798

Join it so the others are in minority bwahaha

>> No.9277805

If /jp/ makes a /jp/ secret club then I'll ally to it, but a /jp/-only guild would be really small, and the intent for me was to make a guild that could do the high-end content as well.

Besides, "Gensokyo", is probably going to attract the kind of people who come here anyway. I know of a couple /jp/ who have already joined.

>> No.9277859


Fair enough, but I guess I'll wait first to see if a secret club appears.

>> No.9277872

Let me know if it does too, I'll get in touch with the owner and we'll ally.

>> No.9277876
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>> No.9277888

*throws ro on da FLOOR*

>> No.9277908
File: 1.08 MB, 427x600, queen cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't been seen socializing with normals.
My truNEET status that I have worked so hard on will be tarnished.

>> No.9277918

There are normals on disguise in 4chan dude.

>> No.9277923

But I'm not seen socializing with them because I'm anonymous

>> No.9278020

japanese name file makes it perfectly ok to post reactionshit on /jp/

>> No.9278360

35 merchant. which is leeched by dual clienting with my battle acolyte.

fuck that shit i am gonna level my aco to monk first

>> No.9278389

What items are you using on your battle aco?

>> No.9278413

+7 double wolverine keen mace
light sandals
quick hood
+2 brutal guard
hard silk robe
mr smile

>> No.9278429

How did you get those cards?

>> No.9278806

Shameless grinding and dedication

>> No.9278966
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someone post when the damn servers are back on

>> No.9279033
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Severs down, fap time!

>> No.9279078

I'm downloading the game client right now, though I don't know if I'll be able to stand all the grinding again. Besides, my connection has been dicks lately

>> No.9279159

Server is back up.

>> No.9279204
File: 50 KB, 228x392, 1327557335622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-This is really tempting...

>> No.9279271

D-Do you want to suck it anon?

>> No.9279348

Please respond

>> No.9279379

I do.

>> No.9279430

A-Anyone within the level 30 range?

>> No.9279510

I wanted to level a dancer and dance for /jp/ but the lag is killing it for me.

>> No.9281436

How is ep 10.4 'classic'? Even the arabic server they launched that didn't have 2nd classes was still post-Comodo mechanics. They should make a ep 1.0 server if they want to call it classic.

If they want me to nostalgia for RO it would actually need to be the old version. Hugel isn't classic, it is just basically non-renewal and with all of the good farming zones removed (like Thors).

>> No.9281544

Is there a /jp/ clan

>> No.9282099

Map servers are down again, as well as their forums. Are they running this on a toaster or something?

>> No.9282133

>OP cash items
>bug filled server
why don't we just move to a better server?
