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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9255908 No.9255908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what up jp?

I wandered over here from k... tell me about yourselves

you're really into anime with girls in it?


no troll, just want to understand

>> No.9255914
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Get out subhuman

>> No.9255915

Back in my day, /k/ was for /k/atanas.

Is that still a thing over there? I don't want 4chan to have been completely de-wapanesed by normals ;_;

>> No.9255926

/a/ is anime. /jp/ is for VNs, Touhou, doujin games, LNs, crossdressing, otaku stuff, etc. Yes, we like it. Just like you guys are proud of liking guns, we are proud of liking our shit.

>> No.9255927

Anime loli girls with guns is often hot.

>> No.9255932

We are heterosexual and therefore we like watching cute girls. It's so simple even a rednec/k/ should be able to understand.

>> No.9255933


sorry bro, your fears have happened
k is becoming more and more antiweaboo by the day (good thing IMO)

katana threads are heavily saged

>> No.9255937

Old meme is old.

>> No.9255944


fair enough... but here is my question:

what the fuck is there to like about these little cartoon girls running around with their big eyes/smiles and shouting moonspeak to one another

also I see a bunch of threads about how withdrawn and hikki most of you are... is that a joke or is that part of this lifestlye you guys love?

>> No.9255948

What the fuck is there to like about a hunk of metal that shoots other chunks of metal at people with the intent of killing them? See I can make stupid generalizations too

>> No.9255950

what the fuck is there to like about big metal death tubes used to overcompensate for your microscopic penis?

>> No.9255952


/jp/ has a thing for aircraft,armored vehicles,railway guns etc aswell

>> No.9255956

Some of us are like that, but others are in college or work. You can't really say for real that all of us are hikis and everything, because anyone can be lying, but it's a general consensus that a considerable amount of us is a hiki or a NEET.
Now for liking little girls, I can't really explain. I just find it entertaining. Other /jp/ers might be able to explain you better how it works.

>> No.9255963

Heres a nerd condescending people for having different hobbies but is feigning being respectful and tolerant so no one can call him out on being a faggot while he chuckles behind his monitor laughing at all the "losers" watching "anime girls"

Holy shit normals are fucking awful

>> No.9255969

/a/ is for anime, how many times do I have to keep telling you until you understand

>> No.9255973

I fucking love Prussia,Imperial Germany and National Socialist Germany.

>> No.9255975


most of us haven't left our house in years.

we shit on the floor/bags and piss in bottles so we don't have to interact with our parents.

we don't really watch anime.

>> No.9255992

It's some aesthetic taste we have, perhaps some scholar somewhere should study it. (Maybe some have?)
In other words, the same reason you like guns. There is no clearly defined reason why a person is drawn to anime girls.

>> No.9255995

no one here is a NEET or a hiki, in fact we all are rich businessman, our annual income is over $100.000, we fuck our hot wives twice per day and we can bang every girl you can imagine.

But we are just pretending we are NEETs losers, this board is a big joke.

>> No.9255997


>> No.9256008
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Best Germany

>> No.9256014
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Here, have some /jp/ shit, with some /k/ shit on it. Hope you like it.

>> No.9256015


ok I'm sorry I do not mean to judge... please don't take it that way

it is just that I have tried to watch/read some of the things that are posted here and it just gives me a headache... hence the thread

I just don't see how one could be so infatuated with this type of anime that it could lead them to the NEET hiki lifestyle... I thought I had to be missing something and wanted to ask you guys

it is hard to put it into words I suppose but:

why are these little girls so appealing (no I am not trying to say you guys are pedos)?

I have watched other type of anime but it was all very basic (akira, ninja scroll, GITS, princess mononoke, etc...) and I loved it.

when I try to watch this stuff I just lose interest within five minutes

are you just in love with the characters or what?
anything I should check out that would better explain the genre and style of what you guys are into?

>> No.9256016

OP here

Sorry I was such a huge faggot, ill leave now and never return.

>> No.9256030
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>> No.9256035


Why is this so hard to understand for people? If you don't like something, that's fine, it's not for you. Some people like something, and others don't. If you want something to understand, then understand that different people have different tastes.

>> No.9256038

What exactly did OP do? Why does everyone get their panties in a bunch when someone from another board comes by for a kind visit?

>> No.9256044

Shut up OP

>> No.9256047


We do not watch anime. This has been repeated many times.

>> No.9256051

Why don't you go post your shit on /a/ instead? They'll love you

>> No.9256052

I have a tiny penis. Will buying a gun make me feel better?

Not stereotyping you guys, this is a serious question.

>> No.9256057
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>> No.9256059


other boards contain normals

>> No.9256066


no shit dude, I understand OPINIONS

I don't think you understand I am ASKING you to explain why you like something so much

if you asked me why I am such a /k/unt I can give you many reasons... you haven't even attempted to answer my question you just jumped straight to "IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I LIKE THEN LEAVE ME ALONE!"

>> No.9256076

Stop pretending.

>> No.9256077

You're mean.

>> No.9256082

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about
I think you're mistaking us for /a/

>> No.9256093


Why I like Touhou:

It's cute
I like the costumes
I like the music
I can easily project my human qualities into the characters so it's more engaging and I care more about the characters
It helps me escape the terrible reality where I am useless and Ill probably kill myself when my parents kick the can.

>> No.9256097



The only thing I do is shitpost and daydream.

>> No.9256104

Basically, if you have to ask, you won't get it. So just give up and go back to your board, and quit pretending that you're trying to be understanding when you're just being a condescending faggot.

>> No.9256109

╔═══════════( ´_ゝ`)═══════════╗

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful /k/ommando ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~who don't need no thread bumps~ ~ ~
╚═══════════( ´_ゝ`)═══════════╝

>> No.9256131

Be positive!

>> No.9256132


thank you for at least one relevant post

this does help me understand the appeal

>> No.9256127

I get the impression you may not even have a good grasp of what /jp/ is about. The main focus is in Touhou and other shmups as well as visual novels.

However, if you want an answer, I like slice of life shows because they are relaxing. You get people doing things that are relateable, but exaggerated for entertainment. Out of curiosity, what little girl shows have you tried that you find so terrible?

>> No.9256137

/jp/ pretty much discusses all games /v/ does not

>> No.9256145

OP, can you please get out
You're coming off as a huge retard

>> No.9256152


yes you are correct, I really don't get what JP is about

touhou is the world of the shooter games with all the little girls right?

is it solely the games for touhou?

what are shmups?

I do know about visual novels

I understand what you say about slice of life shows being relaxing... very true when I think about it

I tried watching a few episodes of squid girl... thought it kind of sucked... does that count?

>> No.9256154

Why do some people like .45acp over 9mm?

>> No.9256158


OK, and why don't they discuss these games?

are these the hentai type games? or rape games?

>sorry I'm coming off as a retard

>> No.9256162

/jp/ is so autistic jesus christ.


>> No.9256164

I think I finally understand the appeal of cocks, thank you jp I'm gonna go find a cock to suck

>> No.9256172

shmups are shootan games, like Raiden.

>> No.9256183

Jt´s not 1990 anymore people don´t associate Raiden with Seibu´s shooting series but with that gaylord from MGS

>> No.9256184

/v/ is either too autistic or not autistic enough to discuss shoot em ups and some RPGs.

>> No.9256176


they are in love with the history of the .45 cartridge/in love with the history of the 1911 (main reason)

it is a very effective round to this day

it is a larger grain bullet vs 9mm and some people like that idea

>> No.9256180

Only Touhou and CAVE games are related.

Mods agreed.

>> No.9256191

>Only Touhou and CAVE games are related.
>Mods agreed.
More like mods are too stupid too know about anyother

>> No.9256193

Please don't sage.

>> No.9256227



I guess I have a better understanding about this board

however the infatuation with the girls still eludes me to be honest

>> No.9256242
File: 418 KB, 740x2000, 1caa5b6074410f9b37bb79f637625abd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Otomedius would you fuck?

>> No.9256259


is that a 2hu?

>> No.9256270


fuck you dude

if any of you want to come to by /k/ feel free, I'll be there to politely answer any weapon related questions

>> No.9256275

What are the differences between 9mm and .45ACP for home defense?

>> No.9256290


how does raymoo shoot bullets from her orbs?

>> No.9256292
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, senkonoronde-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Senko Ronde would you fuck?

>> No.9256293



but honestly not much.... so long as you are using JHP you won't risk slicing through multiple walls and hitting your loved ones

>> No.9256298

What does 0/10 mean?

What are the notable differences between 5.56 and 7.62 at ranges of 100m 200m and 300m respectively?

>> No.9256301
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A shmup is a shoot 'em up such as Raiden or Donpachi. Touhou is included in this category. Many people here enjoy the actual game, but it has also spawned an enormous secondary following that generated pictures, music, and other things. This is most likely due to the human like characters being more personal (little girls and a few hags) compared to the typical spaceship.

I thought Ika was pretty good, but not my favorite. Sometimes people just like different things. It is pretty difficult to understand other people's motivation or even to describe your own, so I'd prefer not to worry about it. Just enjoy your guns, and I will enjoy games/anime about refined ladies doing refined things.

>> No.9256310
File: 124 KB, 900x623, 675888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Raiden Fighters would you fuck?

>> No.9256332

>however the infatuation with the girls still eludes me to be honest
That's because you're gay. It's okay, though, that's also a perfectly acceptable lifestyle in today's world.

>> No.9256336

fellow /k/omrade here, but i also browse /jp/ a lot and watch a lot of anime and play VNs, a lot of the shows you are talking about such as Ika musume or Madoka are amusing and some people watch it because they enjoy the story. Not me, Ika was funny, but i didnt really like Madoka, some other good anime is Toradora. Anyway /jp/ is more focused on VNs or Visual Novels which can be fun and interesting, some good VNs are Utawarerumono, Fate/Stay Night, Steins;Gate and a few others which have a good story and occasional adult elements.

Excuse me if this can be hard to read, english is not my first language.

>> No.9256338

is place to discuss dolls of cartoon girls and eloquent use of pantyhose in fapping

but now only toho and random

>> No.9256341


thank you, well said
a question though: how do you explain the amount of NEETs and hikkis on this board? it seems like jp is full of them... does this have something to do with liking this particular genre?


notable differences?

100m - none really, 7.62 is a heavier grain bullet and will be able to go through barriers easier

200m - none really, 7.62 heavier

300m - none really, 7.62 being heavier will begin to lose velocity faster than the 5.56

but really to answer your question we would need to know type of round and what it is being fired from (ex: length of barrel)

also, 7.62x39 is more or less being replaced by 5.45x39

>it's fucking k in here, I love it

>> No.9256352
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Which Alien Vs Predator would you fight?

>> No.9256359

Who is your favorite touhou?

>> No.9256361


thank you, your english is great

can I ask you what did you find funny about squid girl?

I tried watching it and couldn't get past two or three episodes

>mfw watching ika musumune :|

>> No.9256362

I was hoping that you'd be more comprehensive with your answers, mentioning tumbling effects, and such.

>> No.9256367
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>> No.9256368

>not liking ika musume
Go fuq yourself

>> No.9256375
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>> No.9256382


sorry dude, like I said I would really have to know what round/bullet was being used and what type of weapon/barrel it is being fired from

also, I am not big into ballistics and MOA and range and all that other shit like some /k/unts are so I really can't give you a god tier answer

>> No.9256386

i doubt OP knows much about touhou, my favorite Touhous are Sanae and Meiling, but i do not know much about the others or the story behind them as i disliked touhou games except the first on PC-98, i hated how they changed gameplay.

Not sure what was funny exactly, i guess i just liked some of the puns and gener jokes. But i found anime such as Soro No Otoshimono, and Rosario + Vampire or Kanokon to be much more amusing.

>> No.9256388

>tacticool airshit
Try some real weapons, a.k.a. Russian/Chinese weapons. Germans are allowed but no American toy shit.

>> No.9256402

I don't know about any of that shit, but Sakuya with a gun is pretty hot if you ask me.

>> No.9256410

Tumbling and such Varies with the round being used, such as 5.56 m855 will tumble or fragment whereas M43 7.62x39 wont. But M67 7.62x39 will tumble and is overall the best re-design of the 7.62x39 round overall IMO.

>> No.9256407

Neet and hikkis are simply otaku culture taken to the extreame. An otaku is someone who takes there hobby beyond a socially acceptable level. To do so to the point where you have become completely isolated and dedicated to your hobby is quite a feat. It shows that you have cast away any lower pleasures and distractions that could stand between you and true happiness. Plus, you have to admit that the idea of never working and just taking it easy every day sounds nice. Unfortunately, this isn't possible for most people, but it doesn't stop of from pretending like we are living the dream.

>> No.9256430

I come here because I'm too poor to buy a graphics card or a console and I like 2D girls.

>> No.9256427

Bolt action rifles or semi-auto? Which method would you have sex with?

>> No.9256428


thanks, I totally get what you are saying

here is my question - why does it seem that there are a lot of NEETs/hikkis around JP.

I know you can become obsessed and withdrawn with nearly any hobby, but it just seems like the things JP likes has a shit ton!

is this because of the subject matter being hard to understand? (infatuation with young girls as characters)

or am I completely off base?

tl;dr - why are there so many NEETs/hikkis around JP related hobbies and not the other boards?

>> No.9256436

Semi auto probably, always best to give them multiple orgasms, but Bolt actions are tempting too as i do have a thing for MILFs

>> No.9256461


I'm a hikki because I was constantly rejected socially and I avoid society. I hate normals because they succumb to group think and are dumb as shit because of it.

>> No.9256456

I liken them to manual driving vs. automatic for a car enthusiast. The trade-off of accuracy for shot succession is worth it for efficiency but it's still lame.

>> No.9256457

Being a NEET and/or hikki doesn't mean you're obsessed with awful waifu fanservice anime and little girls.

>> No.9256467

really theres not much difference for it to even matter anymore, modern semi autos are just as accurate, the only real advantage bolt actions have is weight sometimes, reliability and cost.

>> No.9256472


how were you constantly rejected by society?

>> No.9256475
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Which Raizing All Star would you fuck?

>> No.9256478


I understand that... my question is why do I find the most of amount of NEETs/hikkis on this board as opposed to others?

>> No.9256479

Oh, specifically for anime related things, it is because it is seen as a status symbol. Why is that? I don't really know. Perhaps we are the only ones who can see the world clearly to understand that there are more important things than slaving away all day and trying to get sex.

Or it could just be because people tend to look down on us so we reject them. It isn't easy to build up a nice figure/doll collection when you have to worry about the social consequences if other people were to find them. Rather than facing those consequences, it is easier to just avoid them completely.

>> No.9256483
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dude , I am fine with that you don't like to socialize with others but calling people dumb because they try to be social is not retarded its only pathetic....

step up from that high horse and stop looking you are above others

>> No.9256484

a lot of your answer is that this board pretty much panders to NEETs and hikkimori, due to touhou and visual novels which are less common than /v/ and /vg/ VNs and require a more dedicated fanbase

>> No.9256486

Because we're worthless pieces of shit who don't wanna commit or lives to society.

>> No.9256487

Do people at /k/ use some sort of fleshlight that's shaped like a gun, with the dick having to be inserted in the barrel? If not, would you if it was available? I'm genuinely curious.

Please respond.

>> No.9256492

Go back to your box.

>> No.9256489

welcome back

>> No.9256491

who are you replying to, that is something i have never said and i am not OP

>> No.9256500

Because this is the NEET/hikki board. The title is inaccurate.

It's like asking why you'll find a bunch of homos on /hm/.

>> No.9256493
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sorry was not for the trip guy , was for this guy

>> No.9256494

Why why why why why wai

>> No.9256499


>Or it could just be because people tend to look down on us so we reject them. It isn't easy to build up a nice figure/doll collection when you have to worry about the social consequences if other people were to find them. Rather than facing those consequences, it is easier to just avoid them completely.

this is my theory as to why so many hikkis are around here... I think the subject matter of their passion is to strange for people (japanese little girl cartoons) so they become NEETs and say "fuck society"

>> No.9256501 [SPOILER] 
File: 785 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20120601_225737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but this is kind of related, pic is from when i got my new onahole and new sks stock in the mail same day

probably NSFW

>> No.9256507

Nice armchair psychoanalysis there, OP. You totally got us figured out.

>> No.9256515

Yeah man, it's all because of one hobby.

>> No.9256511

That's part of it. Part of it is also probably that we would be useless sacks of shit either way, and use our hobbies as a means of escapism. I know that's the case for me.

>> No.9256523


Pretentious faggot.

Fucking normals holy shit.

>> No.9256534


you mad?

enlighten me then... jesus dude relax

>> No.9256530

No. People who desperately long to be normal, but can't because they're too autistic are known as falseNEETs. The truNEETs are above that.

>> No.9256531

that is certainly part of it, i would be useless to society but i have no motivation and feel apathy in general towards society. part of why i like hobbies is escapism and its entertaining and something i enjoy doing.

>> No.9256533


not saying I figured out the world... just my theory, and it's why I am posting here trying to figure it out..

honestly, I just wanted a straight forward answer about why these little girls are so appealing so I could finally stop wondering about it... kind of like when someone explains the concept behind a music album and when you re-listen to it you love it, that is what I was hoping for to be honest


agreed, obviously if you become hikki/NEET you are an escapist with severe mental problems, especially if you are supported by someone other than yourself

>> No.9256552
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Which TOAPLAN would you fuck?

>> No.9256553
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using " you mad" made you look now like the most retarded person on /jp/

>> No.9256557

OP, we don't watch anime here.

However, I could suggest you some visual novels, if you'd like.

>> No.9256560

>Because this is the NEET/hikki board.
>I've been here for two weeks! I run this place!

>> No.9256561

I think you've overstayed your welcome.

>> No.9256566


Outzone cyborg guy.

>> No.9256567
File: 257 KB, 800x594, k7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they shoudl draw more touhous with guns

>> No.9256573


would love the suggestions

please explain what you mean as to not watching anime?

everything on this board is drawn in the anime style or has influences...

ika musumune is not considered anime?
are you just being super anal about the terms you use to describe JP?

>> No.9256577


Not the guy you responded to, but ill give you my own personal story, since you are incredibly dense and are so normal you could probably shit out text messages.

I'm 21 and I am unemployed. i can't find work, the job market is incredibly hostile to someone like me who has never worked a day in their life. I have apathetic parents and an abusive brother. I've experienced depression for a good portion of my life and I was a social recluse. I hate normal people because they turn into dumbasses and dangerous people due to how group dynamics can change a personality.

Tried to kill myself once, then pussed out. I am heavily involved into Touhou because it's something I can enjoy individually while at the same time use Touhou to create social interactions and situations to alleviate my isolation in my head.

I have no future prospects and when my parents die ill very much likely commit suicide because I cannot find any means to provide for myself.

I half assed this story because I hate people like you. You ask all the wrong questions and you don't actually care about who we are and what we do. You just want to justify your own beliefs and life model by comparing your own to ours while you feel superior.

Go away.

>> No.9256578
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Which UnderDefeat would you fuck?

>> No.9256580
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>> No.9256586

There is no such thing as anime style.

>> No.9256591

Anime is cartoons. That's what /a/ is for. /jp/ has anime threads, but they're not actually board-related despite what ZUN!bar would have you believe.

Visual novels are /jp/ territory, and have a similarly Japanese art style, but they are not animated. They're text-heavy (usually pornographic) adventure games.

>> No.9256594

I bet you he doesn't even know that his board letter is taken from this first letter of the Japanese word meaning "weapon"

>> No.9256603


>> No.9256605
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, StrikeFreedom Gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Gundam would you fuck?

>> No.9256607


how was your brother abusive?
have you ever tried looking for work when you were younger?

>I half assed this story because I hate people like you. You ask all the wrong questions and you don't actually care about who we are and what we do. You just want to justify your own beliefs and life model by comparing your own to ours while you feel superior.

I guess you're right... I don't really care about you, but I am genuinely curious and intrigued about your hobbies and lifestlye

I do feel horrible that you were raised in a non loving abusive family... I personally wasn't but I cannot imagine how hard life must have been growing up

>> No.9256617


Shut up. I already blogged enough and you should already understand the gist of NEETdom. I'm not spoon feeding you anymore

>> No.9256618


I guess it would be more accurate to say that we use anime as a "sub" practice, and to assume its something we're foremost interested in, you'd be wrong.

We don't openly talk or have discussions about anime in this board, in most cases. Thats what /a/ is for. We're mostly for visual novels, Otaku lifestyles, and Touhou.

As for visual novels...I'm trying to think of one that will make you understand why /jp/ loves little girls, but to be honest the only one I've read like that is "Wanko To Kurasou" and its a bit extreme for a starting point. Lots of loli...dog...sex. Very lewd.

Tsukihime or Fate/stay night? Type moon is extremely mild with the sexual stuff, compared to most, while still having good story and action.

Its not even remotely the best, but type-moon novels make really good "babys first visual novel" material.

>> No.9256619

Light novels and VN's are closely related to anime so it can be posted here. Shouldn't we ban all the music threads since there is a board for it?

>> No.9256629
File: 162 KB, 725x1024, Shikigami no shiro 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RX78T Titan Colours


Which Shikigami No Shiro would you fuck?

>> No.9256626

Wilhelmine Muller

>> No.9256627

My story is similar, but for me it's VNs that stave off the loneliness just enough to keep me alive and leeching off of society.

>> No.9256634

/jp/ is a bunch of autistic people shitposting and talking about touhou/visual novels
Nothing more nothing less

>> No.9256649


sorry man, I only ask how your brother was abusive because I am curious as to whether your life is because of an abusive upbringing with no love... or if your shitty lifestyle is because of you being a pussy faggot

tl;dr trying to ascertain nature vs nurtre

>> No.9256653

Sounds sort of like Yume Miru Kurisu with Dog Girls, is it any good/worth downloading?
How is the english translation and are all routes translated?

>> No.9256656

Full blown teenage angst.

>> No.9256660
File: 1.12 MB, 2100x1500, 2090022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Darius would you fuck?

>> No.9256663

It's a nukige. A pretty good one, but don't expect much in the way of plot.

Yes, it's fully translated.

>> No.9256661


you are so close to figuring us out. are you gonna use your new information on your next social outting to the epic bar xD?

>> No.9256669

suck my dick, dude

>> No.9256674

i have a thing for doggirls and catgirls, any other ones you could reccomend to me, also monster girl games in general are good, but i have already played MGQ Violated hero, and Galzoo.

>> No.9256676

It's a cute vn about cute humanoid dogs.
For a few hours. Then it becomes a massive orgy. Little to no plot.
10/10 lewd points would not recommend

>> No.9256680


Yandere translations has it fully translated, and yeah its actually really good.

Its one of those things that you would never tell a normal you read, but you're happy you did.

Basic plot is simple, you find a dog girl collapsed in the street "shitsux" bring her home, and shit happens.

Obviously a lot more to it, but there you go. My only word of caution is, everything is going wonderfully like 90% of the game, but in one of the routes towards the end BAM SADDEST FUCKING SHIT EVER. I cried bitchtears. I recommend you be prepared for it.

Its the first thing that made me cry in like 10 years.

>> No.9256681


thank you for your answer Z, that does clear a lot of things up

lol, a "bit extreme of a starting point", that's an understatement considering what you listed

>> No.9256679

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk sex.
Well my first gay experience happened like this:

I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.

Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.

>> No.9256685

fuck off I fucking hate fags

>> No.9256688

thx, sounds good

>> No.9256691

hey guys. wich 2hu wud you eat?

>> No.9256693

lol wtf man :D Real OP here.

Anyone want to share their first Gay Experience. Was it good? Bad? Exciting? Boring?

Mine Was in Highschool with my friend who was quite ugly (not to be rude).. Kinda forced himself on me but thats the past..Turned me off totally for awhile.. ha ha ha..

But the second time in university, which i consider to be my true first.. now that was a bloody brilliant time!

>> No.9256696

OP here going to use a trip now because of all the impersonators

>> No.9256700

fuck off fags. guess I'll have to start using a trip.

>> No.9256702

OP, my main advice to you if you truly want to understand what /jp/ is about is to lurk more and spend a lot of time reading various threads and things on jp that intetest you

>> No.9256705

Ok real OP here, I knew this was going to happen.

>> No.9256712

OP here, none of these guys are the real OP.
Using a trip for this thread

>> No.9256713

I love you /jp/

>> No.9256714

dud my sock, duck

>> No.9256706


Nice try, i'm the real OP from /k/. This guy is trying to set up a trip so he can hijack the thread.

So what do you loser faggots do anyway? watch anime girls?

>> No.9256707

why don't you all just shut up and FUCK my cock

>> No.9256708
File: 56 KB, 640x512, AW YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's do that, shall we?


>> No.9256710
File: 185 KB, 277x400, 1340338984541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw boof is a regular here

>> No.9256716


>> No.9256718
File: 248 KB, 1024x642, 1257894753054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm headed back to K... got some education with this thread.

don't kill yourselves, love you all

come to K if you ever want to talk guns

thanks for the clear answer in the end Z, and all others who responded

Phosgene thanks also

hope this pic makes you guys happy

>> No.9256724 [DELETED] 

i like dicks

>> No.9256727

I see you've learned nothing.

>> No.9256728

Yo, OP, thanks for coming here and asking these questions. I've been meaning to start a thread like this myself. I think this thread has demonstrated that /jp/ itself isn't exactly a homogenous entity, and more often than not I find myself wondering why I visit here. I'm not a huge fan of young girls doing cute things myself. Our official title is Otaku Culture, and at our core, that's basically accurate: while the janitors may quickly delete them, we do often discuss things like tabletop games and anime that may technically have their own forums, but are nonetheless inclusive in the description of what it is otaku do. The people here are just as likely to be fans of Legend of the Galactic Heroes (an epic of politics and personalities) as they are K-On or what have you. But oftentimes I come here and see little but lewd chicks doing lewd things and wonder what /jp/'s core user base really is. I think we've come a bit closer to the truth.

>> No.9256729

oh god where is janny when he could actually be useful and delete a thread that actually needs to be deleted for once

>> No.9256731

what's K?

>> No.9256733

Fuck off with your kike guns.
